
The greatest love song of all time
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊
«Okay, okay, please just tell me one more time!»
  Yongsun asks her, enthusiastic about the whole thing; her eyes shine with a dazzling light, and that makes Byulyi consider the possibility that the cocktail between her best friend’s hands is not non-alcoholic at all.
They’re at the club, waiting for the performance of Hyejin at the bar counter, a drink in front of them. Yongsun wanted to know the details, all the details, how they mated and how good was the , and Byulyi told her everything, trying not to blush in the process. 
Yongsun’s favorite part, however, was another.

«Please Byul, tell me again!»
«I beat that worm up until he started crying and then I warned him to disappear from my sight as fast as he could» she says, rolling her eyes.
«MY GOD, MY GOOOD», Yongsun in that exact moment was the perfect image of an overexcited teenager in front of her favorite tv show and seriously, how can a 30-year-old woman look like this?
«And he just walked away? In silence?»

She nods, exploring with her eyes their surroundings. Wheein’s nowhere in sight.
Sure, Byulyi was expecting it. Probably, the younger girl took off from work to avoid this awkward moment and she really can’t blame her. Indeed, it's better this way for now. Honestly, Byulyi still does not know what to say to Wheein, how to justify herself. There's no good way to talk about that entire situation.
How do you mend a broken heart? Love is such a selfish affair.

«So where is he now?», Yongsun’s tone is more serious now, and it brings her back to reality.
«I hope he dug a hole in the ground and died inside as I suggested him», she shrugs, taking a sip of her beer «if he tries to appear again, I’ll beat him to death. Such elements are a disgrace to alpha everywhere»
«I’m almost envious of Hyejin, you seem so cool by now»
«You missed your chance baby, sorry», she snorts, sticking her tongue out. Yongsun laughs, giving her a chuck on the shoulder.

God, life can be really strange sometimes; once, long ago, she would probably have paid any price to hear such a thing from Yongsun and now, she is able to simply laugh on it, without feeling bad or hurt. Time can really heal the heart; Byul just hopes that will work for Wheein too. «And now, what are you going to do? You live already together, should I expect a nephew soon?»
Byul nearly chokes on her drink, totally unprepared to hear that; she gasps for air, her brain already providing her a beautiful image of Hyejin with a belly. It feels amazing and scary at the same time. She begins coughing, and Yongsun hits her on the back, laughing airily.
«Don’t die, Hyejin would never forgive me!» she jokes, tucking a lock of her chin-length hair behind her ear.
«God Yong, never do it again» she manages to say once she calmed down.
«I'm curious, can you blame me? I kind of thought you two would end up together. I’m a Hwabyul fan!»
«Do you prefer “Byulhwa”? I'm not crazy about it but…»
«Oh my god, how do you think of these things?» she asks, frankly amazed by her best friend.
«Don't be so boring, Byul! And answer the question: what do you do now?»

Byulyi leaves her empty glass on the bar and shrugs, not willing to speak about it, but it’s no hope that Yongsun will lay off on this. Still, she is unsure about what to say, about the entire topic. Things between her and Hyejin evolved fast, and not in a classic way, and sometimes it scares her. She started to wonder what it would take to impress her girlfriend, to convince her to stay forever.
«I don’t really know…We live together, and we've already had , we even mated…I don't know how to make it special…»
«Oh Byul», Yongsun’s voice is soft, almost sympathetic, «I think your relationship is already important to Hyejin. Don't think of unnecessary things, she loves you and probably she doesn’t even expect too much. She just wants you, and your greasy lines»
Byulyi can’t help but smile at Yongsun’s words, feeling a bit reassured. She feels silly because what she and Hyejin share is beautiful and special, but a lot of time has passed since her last love story, and she is afraid of ruining something. Her skills are rusty, probably.

«First of all», she says, pointing a finger at Yongsun «my pickup lines are amazing. Two, I know. I really know you are right, but…I really want to do something special for her. I thought I could buy rings, but maybe it’s too soon»
«What about a date? You two went out to dinner after you two mated?»
«Well…not really. I ordered Thai food after , it counts?»
«No, of course not! Step one, get her to dinner in a fancy restaurant, and buy her flowers»
«You know, It’s not a bad idea. I'm sure she'd like that»«Right? I’m a genius, I know it. Step two, wear something very naughty under your clothes, buy some y lingerie, for both of you. You'll thank me later! And…»
«Oh god stop stop stop, I get it I get it!» she cuts her, flustered; her cheeks are probably pink by now. Yongsun, for the first time ever, seems to have mercy and doesn’t mock her for her shyness. Or, much more likely, Yongsun is really drunk as she assumed and didn’t notice her discomfort.
«So, where are you taking Hyejin?»
«Well, don’t really know it on the spot! Yedam, maybe? It’s fancy and sophisticated, and I want to try it out for months now. My boss loves it»
«Irene told me that it’s expensive but good. They do all those special dishes with aesthetic presentations and strange names…like MasterChef, you know?»
«Oh…it could be nice…»

«Not the best idea, frankly. Hyejin loves eating, she likes having a full dish in front of her, not those mini-portions of food typical of fancy restaurants. Take her to a local restaurant, a good one, she loves gopchang, and beef in general. And beer, a ton of beer»
Byul turns her head abruptly toward the bar, to stare at the source of that voice.
Wheein has a smile on her face, and she’s wearing her black jacket, ready to leave; she's dressed too well to be there to work, probably she is even wearing heels. «You…», Byul’s voice gets all weird, but it’s too late to sound calm and relaxed «You cut your hair…» Wheein smile widens as she brushes her hair back over her right ear; she has shortened them to her jaw, and her face seems sharper, more mature and serious «Nothing gets past you, hm? Yes! It was finally time for a change, don’t you think?»
The implications of Wheein’s words are clear and obvious, and Byul just nods, tense; Wheein does not seem intent on insulting her, or Hyejin, but it’s naïve to think it's all over and done with. She must say something, anything, but Wheein saves her the hassle of talking right away, waving her hands.
«Anyway, I need to go, I have a date. My shift ended two hours ago, I lost track of time while I was getting ready. Have a good night!», and Wheein is already out of the bar.

It's an automatic reflex following her outside, even though Yongsun calls her, trying to stop her; she runs to the door, letting the music and noise of the people behind her, inside the pub; outside is silent, and dark, and desert.
The girl is standing at the bus stop, and do
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The last chapter will be out tomorrow night, probably!


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chickenbbq #1
Chapter 6: Love me forever 🥹
sadandlonely #2
Chapter 8: 🥺😭💖💖
Chapter 6: Going back here, again!
Frozen_J #4
Chapter 8: This is so good! I dont mind reading another hwabyul story 😀
kristina2233 #5
Chapter 8: я надеюсь будет продолжение, где хваса дебютирует
Thesia #6
Chapter 8: Thanks you for this awesome fic! I'm a big fan of Hwasa x Moon pairing ❤️
Boba1010 #7
Chapter 8: Such a wonderfully written story! Love it to the max! Please write more on Hwabyul!!
Chapter 8: i liked it a lot! thank you!
CaptJin777 #9
Loved this. It's not a common pairing but i swear it works. And the way you've written it makes it seem like them coming together eventually seems to make a lot of sense.