
The greatest love song of all time
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊



At first glance, Byulyi isn't the type of person who looks like an alpha, probably because of all those dumb stereotypes.
She’s calm, so poised, little interested in showing off. And besides, she is always surrounded by betas, and it’s well know that betas held together.
But unfortunately, she is an alpha, a 28-year-old alpha, unmarried and workaholic, and all of a sudden the world seems unable to handle it.

“When will you give us some grandchildren to spoil? You have to hurry up!” is her parents favorite question these days and she is in’ tired of it. On top of that, even her friends seem to have concerns about her single status and started to drag her out of the office (against her will, of course).
And so, Moon Byulyi, unpaired 28-year-old alpha, finds herself in a catchy pub, sitting next to her best friend, who keeps complaining about her fiancé, and a frozen mojito in her hands.

«Yongsun», she snorts, interrupting the pitiful babbling of her friend «What are we doing here?»
Yongsun shakes her head playfully and smiles «Isn’t it obvious? We are enjoying a lovely night»
«In a pub for teenagers? Not to mention that you can’t hold any alcohol since…forever?»
The woman blushes, exposed by her best friend’s words «It’s not! Hani comes here often, and I got interested! She said there are a lot of charming people here!».
«Uh? Your boyfriend is not enough?»
Yongsun puffs out her cheeks in anger «You brat…! I’m here to help you to meet new people and make friends, and all you can do is…!»
«Ok ok, don’t make all this fuss. I’m sorry. Anyway, I have enough friends, even with benefit, just in case you don’t know. It’s not like I’m utterly alone, ok?»
«I know» Yongsun immediately replies, «I know, but…I just want you to be happy and Byul, love can be really…amazing»
«I know. It’s just not the right time. I have a lot of work and…»
«When the “right time” will come, huh?»

Why do people worry so much about my future?

«I don’t know! Damn, it’s not like I’m on the threshold of menopause!».

Any response from Yongsun is interrupted by the lowering of the lights, and Byulyi silently thanks the diversion. She doesn’t want to talk about her sentimental life anymore, for God’s sake.
«Hey everybody, are you ready?» says a voice into the mic, receiving from the public an excited roar 
«It’s her time! Make some noise!».

Another roar, someone whistles; the girl in the front table gets up to applaud in the direction of the small stage.

«Can we go now? Or you wanna listen to some music here and, I don’t know, smokes weed later? Like very old times»
Yongsun rolls her eyes and leaps on her feet «Fine! I give up! We can…», but any other word dies on her lips when the curtain opens.
Byulyi follows her friend’s gaze and the world just…stops.

On stage, there are not some punks with guitar and leather jackets, but a black grand piano in the corner and a girl, no, a beautiful girl, in the spotlight.
She is young, probably in her early twenties, she wears a long black dress that accentuates her silhouette, shining high heels and a cascade of wavy black hair that would be the envy of any girl. Her makeup is strong, but not exaggerate, and her big lips are stained with red lipstick.
Byulyi just cannot look away: that girl is uninhibited, mesmerizing beyond comprehension.

«Oh my god, who is she? She looks like a goddess»
The waitress, come to take away the empty glasses, laughs briefly before answering «She is Hwasa, the star of this pub»
«Oh my god, she is perfect» says Yongsun, who has zero filters between brain and mouth. The waitress gives her a sympathetic smile before leaving, and just one careless sentence «And you have not heard her voice yet…»

Byulyi sits again, curious. Will her voice be as beautiful as she is?
After a few seconds, a man in a black suit comes on stage and goes straight to the piano, in the absolute silence of the crowd. There i

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The last chapter will be out tomorrow night, probably!


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chickenbbq #1
Chapter 6: Love me forever 🥹
sadandlonely #2
Chapter 8: 🥺😭💖💖
Chapter 6: Going back here, again!
Frozen_J #4
Chapter 8: This is so good! I dont mind reading another hwabyul story 😀
kristina2233 #5
Chapter 8: я надеюсь будет продолжение, где хваса дебютирует
Thesia #6
Chapter 8: Thanks you for this awesome fic! I'm a big fan of Hwasa x Moon pairing ❤️
Boba1010 #7
Chapter 8: Such a wonderfully written story! Love it to the max! Please write more on Hwabyul!!
Chapter 8: i liked it a lot! thank you!
CaptJin777 #9
Loved this. It's not a common pairing but i swear it works. And the way you've written it makes it seem like them coming together eventually seems to make a lot of sense.