To: H

to the boys i've loved before

I like the light in your eyes when you talk about your interests and what made you smile.

I like your warmth and the security I felt with you.

I like how you are responsible, family oriented, hard working and cared for the people around you.

I like your humour, becaused it matched mine.

I like yoour touch.

I like you sharing with me your stories, who you are as a person, and whom you aspire to be.

But soon I realised. 

I am not what you need.

You are stronger without me. 

I am dead weight.

But I didn't care.


I began to dislike your coldness.

How temperamental you got.

How easily you switched between hot and cold.

I dislike how I was the one mostly starting conversations.

I dislike your nonchalant wats.

I dislike how you made me feel.

I dislike how you got me down.

Maybe this was it.

It was just my wishful thinking.

We were never meant to be.

I see it now.

Crystal clear. 

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