

the boy woke up with the sun gently caressing his face, it was already time to get up and prepare for school, he ate his breakfast and as usual he left the house.
as he was closing the door he noticed a figure standing outside and as he got closer the figure became familiar.
the tall raven-haired turned around, revealing his gorgeous face.
"what are you doing here?"
"i thought that maybe we could have walked together to school..."
the blonde smiled, it was so easy to smile since the other boy was around.
"of course, let's go."
they walked slowly as they enjoyed the sound of their voices mixing together, as they talked about whatever they were thinking about.
"yesterday i had a lot of fun with-"
a boy suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two as mark started staring at him.
he was tall, he had some earrings, black dark hair, intriguing narrowed eyes and a mysterious look.
"jaebeom, thank you again for yesterday."
mark now remembered where he had seen the boy, he was the one laughing and smiling with jinyoung the other day.
"it's nothing, how are you now? learned a bit about the school?"
"yes, also thanks to my friend."
jaebeom's eyes met mark's. 
"oh, i'm happy about that."
"by the way i think you two should greet each other."
the boys did as jinyoung said and shook their hands, as mark tried to avoid jaebeom's cold gaze.
"nice to meet you, i'm jaebeom."
"nice to meet you too, i'm mark."
jaebeom looked again at jinyoung and explained that he had to go now, waving goodbye to the two boys as they were left alone again.
"what do you think about him?"
mark looked at the raven-haired, surprised by the sudden question.
"i don't know, he doesn't look bad but..."
"but you don't like him, right?"
"it's just that i didn't feel comfortable with him, he also looked quite angry."
"jaebeom looks cold but deep inside he's a sweet heart, or that's what i think.
he was really polite and gentle yesterday showing me the school."
mark started staring at the ground, some blonde hair falling on his eyes.
"you're right..."
the older felt his heart suddenly becoming heavier, it was a strange feeling, like he had a burden on it.
"hey, what is it?
"oh, it's nothing."
"then just to remind you."
the raven-haired's hand gently removed mark's blonde hair covering his eyes, being now able to look at him clearly.
"i will never leave you."
and with these simple words that heavy feeling on his heart disappeared. 
"i's just that i don't like it."
"i don't like it when he's with you."
the raven-haired gently smiled as he took the older's hand in his, squeezing it tightly.
"you sound like a jealous boyfriend."
jealous? was he jealous? maybe he really was and that could also explain why he didn't like jaebeom being near jinyoung, he has never had a friend so now that he got one has he became possessive towards him?
he didn't want to become that kind of person.
"i'm sorry, i shouldn't act like this, you can obviously be friend with whoever you want."
"but i have to say that you look really cute when you're jealous."
the blonde blushed as he looked at their hands still together.
"i think that i'll go to the classroom! see you later."
and with these words the blonde left the raven-haired standing alone at the school gate as a soft smile found his way on jinyoung's lips.

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just to let you know, the next chapter will be longer ♥


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JinyoungsMark #1
Chapter 5: Aww.. Mark how obvious xD
Jaljajaja #2
Chapter 4: Having friends is a blessing
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 4: Awww..soo cute! I love their friendship here ^^
Chapter 4: I feel so so happy for Mark!! hope Jinyoung will shower him with love because he clearly deserves it
Thank you for the chapter -^-^-
JinyoungsMark #5
Chapter 3: Glad that jinyoung accompany mark ")
Chapter 3: Markeu is such a lonely person here. :((( I almost cried in this chapter. T^T
JinyoungsMark #7
Chapter 2: Wow.. Mark really had a self esteemed problem ><
Chapter 2: Awwwwewwe this is so cute..
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 1: All i can say is Markjin!! Hahaa xD
That's look good can't wait for it