The Notebook

Beneath The Mask 

When Minah woke up the next morning, her entire body ached. She groaned softly as she sat up in her bed. Wincing slightly at the purple bruises that decorated her arms, she threw her covers off and painfully moved about to get ready for the day.

She grimaced as she actually looked at her face in the mirror for the first time in several years. Minah had avoided the sight of her face, the grotesque scar that trailed down her cheek, because it was a lingering reminder of her past.

Her fingers lightly traced the scar as she stared in the mirror.

*It has been nine years since I got this scar. Nine years since I've lost not only a mother, but also a father. So...for half of my life, I've lived without a family.*

Slipping her mask back on, Minah rolled up her sleeves to look at the bruises again. It was just like that day nine years ago.

*Except they weren't bruises. They were cuts. There was blood. This is nothing compared to what happened nine years ago.*

Minah exited the bathroom and went into her room to grab her bag. Her eyes couldn't help but land on the photo again. After slinging her bag around her shoulder, she went over to the picture and picked it up.

Her gaze softened as she traced her finger by the boy's face. His wide, gummy smile seemed to make her want to smile to. It was comfortable and warming, like a smile a brother would give to his sister.

*Are you my brother, Gummy boy? I hope you are. I want to meet you.*

Suddenly, there was a tap on her window. Minah gently placed the photo back on her desk and walked over to see what had hit her window.

A small smile curled up on her lips when she saw Joon beaming at her from his window. He held up a sign that said, 'Open your window'.

Swinging her window open, Minah waited for Joon to say something. "Good morning Minah!" Joon shouted across the alley. Minah gave him a little wave in reply.

"Do you still remember when we would talk to each other through the window like this when we were kids?" Joon asked. Minah smiled wider at the memories and nodded her head. "I miss those days. But, now that we met again, we can make even more meaningful memories! I'll meet you outside your apartment!" Joon hollered.

Minah gave one last tiny wave before shutting her window and heading out of her room. In about five minutes, Minah was ready to go so she walked out of her apartment and went to meet Joon.

When she saw Joon, she smiled softly. *It's almost like a dream, seeing him in front of me like this.*

Joon turned around and saw her, a grin automatically appearing on his face. "Let's go!" He cheered as he began to walk. Minah caught up to him and trudged alongside him.

Joon did most of the talking as they walked while Minah would reply with a nod or a one-word answer. She was still a little shaky on opening up completely again, even if it her childhood friend that she was talking to.

The magic from last night had disappeared and as Minah thought back on it, she was astonished that she had even laughed yesterday.

Today, it was nine years after the incident. Nine long years of hell.

"Minah?" Joon said, staring at Minah curiously. "O-oh, sorry.." Minah mumbled. Joon smiled at her and ruffled her hair. "It's alright. But it's not safe to space out while you're walking, you could trip and get hurt." He replied.

Minah nodded and began to half-listen to Joon's rambling again.

"If it isn't the two lovebirds." A voice said. Joon and Minah heard a whistle from behind them and they turned around to find Himchan. There was a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Yah, shut up!" Joon yelled, his cheeks turning beet red. Himchan laughed freely and slung an arm around Joon's shoulder.

"You didn't tell her yet?" Himchan whispered in his ear. "I told you, it isn't like that!" Joon snapped. Himchan chuckled and shook his head, a knowing smile pasted on his face. Joon grunted in frustration and jabbed Himchan in the side with his pointer finger. Himchan yelped and soon enough, the two boys began a war with one another, taking turns jabbing the other with their finger.

*Loverbirds? Joon and I? No, we're just friends.*

"O-ow! Okay, let's stop." Himchan finally shouted in annoyance. Joon laughed a little and Himchan couldn't help but join along. "Hey, where did Minah go?" He asked, looking around. The trio had walked through the school gates a few moments ago, and while the two boys were playing around, Minah had disappeared.

"W-what? Minah! Where are you?!" Joon called out. No response. "That's weird." He mused, scratching his head in confusion.

"She probably didn't want to be seen with us again. Since we're so embarassing." Himchan chuckled. Joon still glanced around worriedly for a moment, hoping Minah would pop up, but she didn't.

Sighing, Joon decided that Minah was probably alright wherever she was. *After all, she doesn't need me to look after her all the time anymore. At least, I think she doesn't want me to anymore.*


Minah gasped in surprise when she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and begin to tug her away from Joon and Himchan. The pair was oblivious to her pleas for help.

She attempted to pry the person's hand off her wrist, clawing at their hand mercilessly. "O-ow! Stop it! I'm not going to hurt you. But, if you're seen with me then you'll definitely get some antis." A voice came from behing Minah in a hushed whisper.

The person dragged Minah behind a tree in a corner of the school that no one really went to. Placing their hands on her shoulders, the person turned her to look at their face.

Minah's eyes widened in shock when she saw the face of none other than the school's very own idol, Cheondoong. His eyebrows were furrowed in exasperation.

"W-what?" Minah blurted out. She immediately shut when she realized she had just spoken to someone she barely knew. Cheondoong seemed astonished too since his jaw had dropped and his eyes grew wide.

"Y-You spoke to me." He said in a dazed tone. *Her voice has a nice tone to it. It's light and soft, easy on the ears.*

Minah bit her lip and pulled out of his grip. She her heels and started walking away until Cheondoong grabbed her wrist again.

"Wait! I just wanted to return something to you." Cheondoong said. Minah whipped around to face him again, curious as to what in the world he could possibly have to return to her.

When he pulled out her notebook from his bag, Minah's eyes instantly widened in dismay. Quick as lightenening, she plucked the notebook out of his hands.

*Someone did have it. Don't tell me he looked through it.*

Cheondoong blinked in surprise for a second before his gaze softened. "You dropped it when we ran into each other the other day. I was going to give it back to you but you disappeared before I could get the chance." He explained.

Minah sent him a cold glare from behind her mask, sending him a clear message, 'You didn't look through it, right?'. Cheondoong gulped nervously as a chill ran up his spine.

"I'm sorry, I know that I shouldn't have but I couldn't help it. I was curious about what was in the notebook..." He mumbled in apology. "...but the pieces you wrote were all beautiful. They were amazing."

A jolt of lightenening struck Minah's heart. *He did look at them. They were meant for anyone else's eyes. Nobody is allowed to hear those pieces, but he did.*

"A-are you alright? I really am sorry. I shouldn't have gone through your notebook." Cheondoong bowed. When he looked up at Minah, he gasped.

Minah had opened the notebook and began to tear out the pages. Panicking, Cheondoong yanked the book out of Minah's grasp and held it away from her.

"What are you doing?! Why are you tearing out the pages?!" Cheondoong exclaimed. Minah stared at him emotionlessly.

*Because those compositions were special. They weren't just any old pop song that idols sing. They are my heart and soul.*

"They were amazing songs. I could have helped you and wrote some lyrics for them, then you could get famous." Cheondoong said.

Minah crumpled the paper in her hands and dropped it on the ground. *He doesn't understand. He's an idol. Not everyone wants to be famous. Not everyone is allowed to see my heart.*

"Keep the stupid notebook." Minah whispered. Her voice was quiet, but her tone was harsh. "W-what? Isn't this important to you though?" Cheondoong asked, bewildered.

Minah didn't reply and began to walk away. "Hey, stop!" Cheondoong yelled furiously. Minah froze in place, shocked by his sudden outburst.

Cheondoong stormed over to her and the notebook into her arms. "Take it. It's yours. I know it's important to you." He said. His eyes were warm anymore, than had frozen over.

"I don't need it. It's...contaminated." Minah said. Cheondoong blinked, puzzled. "Contaminated? How? Why?" He asked.

"Just talk to me. Tell me why. Why won't you open up your heart to me?" Cheondoong continued.

"Because I don't know you." Minah replied.

"Then, get to know me. I'll tell you whatever you want to know about me. Don't treat me like your enemy. Don't treat me like I'm going to hurt you. Because I'm not. I just want to know who you are." Cheondoong said.

"Shouldn't you know?" Minah asked. "What? How would I know who you are? You won't tell me." Cheondoong replied, utterly confused.

Sighing in irritation, Minah shoved the notebook into Cheondoong's hands. "Take it. If you want to know me, then listen to those songs." She said before turning around and walking away.

Clutching the notebook in his hands, Cheondoong watched Minah leave. *I don't get you Bang Minah. What are your intentions for giving me this notebook? Is it because you don't care about it anymore...or will I really be able to figure out who you are by listening to these songs?*


G.O's expression brightened when he saw Minah enter the classroom. *She looks alright. I should ask her how she's doing.*

When she took her seat beside him, G.O was at a loss for words again since he finally noticed that she was wearing the mask he had gotten her.

*Sh-she wore it! She actually wore it!*

"Good morning G.O-ssi." Minah murmured in greeting. G.O's mouth opened and closed several times as he tried to formulate words.

"I-you-morning-good- the sky is blue!" He blurted out. G.O slapped a hand over his mouth and nearly cried. *Oh my God. I'm so stupid! 'The sky is blue'? Why did I say that?!*

Minah choked back a laugh that threatened to burst out. *He's so...cute and innocent. I like him.*

"Yeah, it is." She responded. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so weird and stupid and awkward. You don't have to sit by me." G.O apologized frantically. Minah shook her head.

"It's alright." She said. G.O felt his entire body relax as he let out a breath of relief. *Man, I thought she would be weirded out by me. Or that she would laugh at me.*

Much to G.O's relief, before he could speak and make a fool of himself again, the bell rang.

*Oh well. I'm just glad she wore my mask.*


The classes flew by and Minah began to notice that people were whispering and staring at her, more than they usually did. Minah was walking to meet G.O at their lunch spot and she was beginning to get irritated by the nonstop whispering.

*Don't they do anything else besides gossiping?*

Suddenly, a hand shot out from the music room and grabbed Minah. It pulled her into the room, the door shutting with a click. Minah gasped and struggled against her 'kidnapper'.

"It's me. Cheondoong." Cheondoong whispered. Minah felt anger rising in her and she turned around, shoving Cheondoong away harshly.

"Woah, sorry." Cheondoong apologized. Minah glared at him and crossed her arms. "What do you want now?" She spat contemptuously.

"I...just want to hear you play the piano." Cheondoong said. Bewildered, Minah blinked rapidly and shook her head a little, as if she didn't believe what she had just heard.

"Why?" She asked. "Like I said, I want to get to know you. If you won't tell me by using your mouth, then use your fingers to play your story for me." Cheondoong replied.

"Please? I'm being truly sincere right now. I'm not asking you for anything else." He continued.

Minah felt her resolve breaking as she stared into Cheondoong's eyes. She could see that he wasn't lying to her. Yet, she was puzzled as to why he wanted to know about her so badly.

With a small sigh, she headed over to the piano. Cheondoong's expression brightened and he bounded over to her with her notebook in his hands.

"Here, play this one." He said.

(For the sake of the story, let's just pretend Minah wrote this piece.) 

Taking a deep breath, Minah placed her fingers on the keys and let them fly around, making beautiful notes jump off the page and dance around the room.

Cheondoong felt his breath catch in his throat as he listened to Minah play. It sounded so much different than from when he played the piece.

She could bring out the true emotions in the song, only she could let the feelings concealed on the page soar into the room and gently kiss the ears of the listener.

When Cheondoong played, the notes were just that, notes. He couldn't make this piece sound meaningful because he didn't know that story behind it. He never knew what memories or desires were hidden on the page.

It was absolutely amazing what could happen when someone put their heart and soul into doing anything. Cheondoong realized that as he listened to Minah play.

*She knows exactly what this song is about. She can show the true meaning of the song while I just flounder around with the notes.*

The piece came to an end and Minah's fingers hovered over the keys once she finished. She had felt that magical feeling again while she was playing, it happened every time.

When she played the piano, she wasn't Bang Minah anymore. She was just a girl without a care in the world. A girl without any scars. Minah loved feeling like that.

A small clap echoed in the room and Minah realized that she wasn't alone. She had completely forgotten about Cheondoong's presence. When she turned to look at him, she saw a look in his eyes that she had never seen before.

*Is it happiness? Joy? Sincerity? I don't know.*

"That was beautiful. I can't even express in words how beautiful that was. I feel like I really do know more about you now."  Cheondoong breathed. "Thank you."

"I hope that maybe we can grow closer because of this. But for now, I'll let you go like I promised. Take the notebook. I don't deserve to possess something that holds your heart in it. Maybe some day, I will though." Cheondoong said, a small smile on his face.

He went over to the door, gave Minah one last look, and left. Minah gazed after him, awed by what he had just said.

*Maybe..I had him all wrong from the start. He isn't some idol that puts up a cheerful facade all the time. He's a person who loves music wholeheartedly and he doesn't hide anything from anyone.*

Looking down at the notebook in her hands, Minah flipped it open to the first page. On the back of the cover, there was a tiny slip of paper. Curiously, Minah pulled it off and opened it.

'Since you opened your heart to me, I'll tell you something that no one else knows. My real name is Park Sanghyun. Don't tell anyone. ;)'

Minah felt a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she read the note. *Park Sanghyun. It's funny. Now I want to know more about him too.*



Thanks so much for reading! Also, I had no time to edit any grammar or spelling errors, sorry >_<

Sorry, I just really like this gif LOL XD

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sequel is posted! I hope you all enjoy it :) and please check out my new fic Ride the Wind too ^.^


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Chapter 5: The beginning and the description of every member is just so genius. i'm so happy i found a worth reading fic!!
and i'm so happy that there's a sequel!!!!!! \\\(>w<\)
sweet-suzy #2
I LOVE THIS STORY!! Oh my yonngyukkie! I love how you put in so many stars... Just dropped them in randomly!

Lovely story, amazing storyline, superb vocabulary, just truly phenomenal! Loved every bit of it!
hellopanda23 #3
Hhhhahsbsb I just started reading this. I am not done yet but :( he is gone!!! It was funny. Kind of. I didn't want him with her but I didn't want him goneeee. (don't want to spoil it for ppl who read later)
Sophiaa #4
Well done! A great story i enjoed so so much!
leficklerabbit #5
yayyyyyyyyyyyy~!! :D SEQUEL! :D I LUVE YOU AUTHOR! <3
kayytran #6
OMG! It's the end! This story was really good, I enjoyed reading it (:
ItzJaeKay #7
Ahhh it ended
Haha they are all together
But I wonder who is the guy that she will love and marry later on
leficklerabbit #8
How can I only find this fic NOW?
Subscribed... So if you have a sequel POST THE LINK!! :D