Chapter 7~Yong JunHyung

Night Warrior

She fell asleep quickly in his arms. Her breathing was finally stable and slow. Her body was warm and her skin was soft. She moaned in her sleep occasionally.
JunHyung didn’t understand how feelings for a girl could have developed so quickly. He thought back to when he saw her in the club. She had stood and stared at Miryo with her hands on her hips. JunHyung’s mouth twitches into a smile at the memory.
Hyuna was a cute girl. Quiet, but had a stronger personality. He’d seen it before. She had never really paid much attention to him, and that confused him. He always got attention from girls.
Hara had been his latest girlfriend… mistake. She was pretty and cute. He fell for her quickly but then grew detached as he came to know her. She gave him a lot of what he wanted, but she gave that to other guys as well. She went from giving him strength to tearing him down as she told him what to do.
Yes, he’d learned to hate her. He couldn’t deny that he felt something inside him when he looked at her, but he hated that fact as well. Stupid girl.
Hyuna moved under his arms and he watched her face as opened and her eyes squeezed shut. She must be dreaming. He wondered what she was dreaming of. Was she safe there?
He never wanted her to leave his arms, but he knew she’d had a rough couple days. JunHyung rose carefully and picked her up again. She sighed as her arms wrapped around his neck and her face buried under his chin. He smiled and carried her back to the room. He placed her in bed and she unfolded. She looked so cute in his clothes. He covered her up and crept back to the hall. He looked back once more and quietly shut the door.
Yes, he thought, I like this girl.


The next morning JunHyung woke up around eight and got out of bed quickly. This was strange for him since he usually slept till noon on a Saturday. He made his way down the hall and peeked into the girls’ room. Both were still sleeping. He quickly straightened himself up in the bathroom and then ran downstairs.
He stopped in the kitchen and looked around. How do you make breakfast?
He pulled out pots and pans, eggs, bacon, milk, toast, and plates and began to experiment. He was busy for a half hour longer when he heard feet on the stairs. He looked up to see Hyuna walking down. She looked tired. Her body wasn’t straight and her eyes didn’t seem open. She yawned and brought her hand to . His sweatshirt was too long and her hands were covered. He smiled at her cute image.

She paused in the entrance to the kitchen and looked around. She smiled.
“I thought I smelled something good.” She smiled and took seat at the bar.
JunHyung laughed. “Glad to hear that it smells alright! I can’t promise anything about the taste, though.” He jokes as he puts eggs with toast and bacon on a plate and sets it in front of her. He begins to pour her some milk.
“I’m sure it’s very good.” She says as she takes a bite of the toast.
JunHyung smiles again. He’s happy that she’s happy.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks as he slides the milk to her.
“Yes, I slept all right. Miryo’s a cuddler, though.”
So are you. JunHyung thinks.
Just then, Miryo comes bounding down the steps. She seems to have slept well at least.
“Good morning, everyone!” she exclaims as she sits by Hyuna. “Oh, looks good!”
She reaches over and takes a strip of bacon from Hyuna’s plate. JunHyung’s not sure why this sort of upsets him, but Hyuna seems fine with it. Still, he quickly prepares Miryo her own plate and then places another bacon strip onto Hyuna’s. She’s looking down but he catches her smile.
“Is it good?” JunHyung asks her.
“It’s delicious!” Miryo squeals.

“Yes, it is very good.” Hyuna smiles.

JunHyung smiles and watches Hyuna eat as he nibbles on his own food. They finish quickly.
“Let’s go change, Miryo.” Hyuna says. “We should leave soon. Father texted me this morning saying they were home. They’re installing a security system. And there’s something else that father wants to show us.”
Miryo nods as she fits in another bite of toast. “Okay, unnie!” she races up the stairs.
Hyuna smiles and gets up with both their plates and begins walking towards the sink.
“I’ll get them.” JunHyung offers as he intercepts her and takes them.
“Thank you. It really was quite good.” She smiles.
“I’m glad. Did you know that this is my first time ever making breakfast for someone?” he asks.
“Really? You’re a natural.”

JunHyung takes the compliment straight to the heart and he looks at her eyes. She has beautiful eyes. Beautiful skin. Beautiful hair. Beautiful figure.
“I’ll go get ready.” Hyuna says as she turns to go upstairs.
“I’ll drive you home.” He replies.

The girls are quick in getting ready and they leave together. Miryo chats in the back seat about how the house is going to seem scary even with a security system.
“JunHyung,” she says, “Maybe you should stay with us at our house tonight.”
“Miryo!” Hyuna exclaims with a glare back to her.
“What?” JunHyung asks, pretending to be offended. “You don’t want me to stay?”
“Well, no it’s not that… err… what I meant was that, uh, you don’t NEED to stay. We’ll be okay.” She fumbles over her words and that makes him smirk to himself.

He pulls up to their house and notices other cars in the driveway. A van from a security agency is there and another nicer car- her parents.
He gets out and opens the door for the girls as the front door of the house opens. A man in a business suit and a woman in a black and white dress stand in the entrance.
“Hyuna! Miryo!” the woman exclaims with open arms.
“Mother!” Miryo chimes as she rushes into her arms.
Hyuna holds back a while before walking up the stairs. She greets her mother. Her father stares in JunHyung’s direction and then steps aside, revealing another guy. This guy is tall and seems fit. He wears a nice suit as well but his hair is dyed red and shaved around the bottom. Who is that?
JunHyung decides to investigate for himself and joins the family at the top of the stairs.
“Father,” Hyuna is saying as she notices the red haired guy as well, “Who is this?”
“Hyuna, Miryo, I’d like you two to meet Mr. Bang Yong Guk.” Her father says with his hand outstretched to show the man. “He’s with the security team. I’ve hired him to be a sort of body guard. He knows how to work the security system. He’ll be accompanying you ladies to and from school and all. He’s to stay here at the house in the guest room as well.”

What is this?! JunHyung shouts in his head. This man is just allowed to LIVE with them?

“Mr. Bang comes with excellent recommendations and references.” President Kim continues with a glance at JunHyung. “And, you are…?”
“Oh, father, this is Yong JunHyung.” Hyuna introduces.
JunHyung bows. “Nice to meet you, President Kim.” He says politely.
“JunHyung is the one that helped us last night. We stayed at his house last night… in the guest room!” she continues.
“Ah, well then I believe I should thank you.” President Kim says with a slight bow. “I’m incredibly grateful that you were here to rid my home of thieves last night, Mr. Yong.”

“I really didn’t do much, sir.” JunHyung answers, glancing at Yong Guk.

Guk looks at him with hard, unfeeling eyes. He has a sense of intimidation and anger about him. JunHyung doesn’t like him.
“He made us breakfast!” Miryo smiles.

JunHyung feels embarrassed and looks away.
“Is that so? Well, sir, I thank you.” President Kim dismisses him.
JunHyung nods and turns to Hyuna. She’s already looking at him.

“Thank you.” She says. “I’ll walk you out.”
She follows him to the car. He glances back at her to see that she’s pulled her cell phone out from her pocket. He opens his door and turns quickly, grabbing her phone.
“I’ll put my number in here.” He says quickly. “Call or text me if you need anything.”
“Oh, all right. Thank you.” She answers as he hands her the phone back.

He nods and gets in, feeling his good mood ruined by Bang Yong Guk. He steals one more glance at the man from the rearview mirror as he pulls out.
No. I don’t like him.

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Chapter 34: Read this after one of my fanfic chinggu suggest it.thankss hyunabiased!!
Omo,I really like your story!!When I first read it I didn't have an account!So I just wanted to tell u this!:) oh and I'm re-reading it which is rare since I'm not a big fan of retreading things but I love your story too much not to!!:)
Hyunlover #3
Sequel please.
angelhoney #4
Chapter 34: I really like this.story. it kept me on edge and ready to read the next chapter. you are really great @ writing and I mean. it was very sweet and thrilling. thank you for writing this story bc I was grateful to read it.
HyunaBiased #5
Sequel Please!!!! Love this story!<3
hippo_guk #6
your story was greattt!!!! first story that took me so long to read (because of school) but wanting to read it more and more , idc if your white... you are awesome!!!
user555 #7
Chapter 25: could fluff at the beginning lol will continue this later.. its 6;32am ^_^ time to sleep ahhahaaha
ChuRin #8
Chapter 36: Woah really liked this story! Couldnt place the phone on the table all day ^-^/
Gonna watch out for more of your stories~
Reya_K #10
Chapter 35: Awesome fic ^^
I'm a fan of all three, Yongguk, Junhyung and GD and i'm so happy to catch them all in one fic
It was interesting and i got caught from the beginning
p.s. Poor TOP , you really had to break his nose so many times? *hugs him* he's just a huge teddy bear kekeke