Chapter 27 ~ Kim Hyuna

Night Warrior

Getting their stuff together from the apartment didn’t take long. The BAP boys didn’t have many belongings anyways and you and the girls were already half packed.

You sit in the family room on the couch as you look at the toppled table. The sliding glass door to the balcony is still slightly open as the rain continues outside. You scroll through all of the missed calls on your phone. Calls from Guk, CL, even your family. And many calls from JunHyung. You bite at your nails as you look at his caller I.D. This was the right decision. JunHyung would help you. But why did Yong Guk have to pout about it so much? You sigh to yourself when movement in front of you catches your eyes. You look up to find Guk leaning against the wall across from you with his arms folded on his chest. His eyes look hard. What happened to his soft side?

“What?” you ask him.

“Aren’t you going to call him?” he asks gruffly as he shrugs away from the wall and comes towards you.

Your heart beats strangely as he comes closer. He showered. He smells nice. He wears a thin gray shirt and jeans. When he sits next you, his weight causes you to slide into his side and his arm easily goes to rest behind you and he looks into your eyes. They’re hard, but on the inside they’re troubled.

“We don’t have to go to JunHyung.” You say softly.

“We don’t?” his voice rises slightly with surprise and happiness.


“What did you have in mind then?”

“Well… I mean I don’t know. We can find a new apartment or safe house somewhere else. Maybe… maybe if we tell my parents everything that’s happening they’ll help us out.”

“No way.” He takes his arm away from you and plays with his own fingers in front of him.


“They hate me. They’ll know I was there to betray you all. I don’t think they’ll forgive me so quickly.”

You smile slightly. “Do you think I forgave you too quickly?” you joke.

“That’s not what I meant.” He’s still serious.

“Maybe I shouldn’t forgive you yet then…” you smile to yourself as you look out the window to hide it.

You sense him looking at you. “Don’t do that.” There’s a smile in his voice now as he catches on.

“I don’t know. I can’t be so…easy. Hm… yeah you’re unforgiven.”

“Don’t say that baby.” He smiles as he scoots closer and takes your hand. You smile and yank it back as you slide down the couch.

“Nope nope, I went through a lot for you.”

“I know.” His eyes become worried and he seems to feel genuinely sad. He must not be able to joke about it at all yet.

“Maybe you should do something or give me something to make it up?” you offer with a smile.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” he asks.

“For starters, you can beg for forgiveness.” Your eyes open and you try not to laugh at yourself.

He laughs. “Alright, baby, please forgive me.” He throws out puppy eyes and scoots closer.

“Hm nope.”

He moves closer again and takes your hand, this time too firm for you to pull it out. You laugh as you lean back and almost pull him closer since he won’t let go.

“Forgive me.” He smiles as he pulls his legs up underneath him so he’s kneeling over you. He scoots closer and you laugh as you try to yank free and lean away.

“Never!” you laugh.

“Never?” he pretends to be hurt as he climbs on top of you. “Never? You can’t say no to me.”

“Psh oh! Is that so?” you laugh at him as you try to squirm out from underneath him.

Both his knees go to either side of you and trap you under him. He grabs both of your wrists and pins them above your head as he leans closer to your face.
“No? Say no to me then.”

“No.” you laugh out loud now.
“Awe you don’t mean it though.” He leans closer until he leans his forehead against yours. “Just say yes to me.”

“No.” you breathe out more seriously now as your heart beats in your ear and you feel your face blush.

“Hmm… say yes…”

Your eyes move away from his and you fight for breath. “Uh…”

He exhales in your face and you close your eyes. Then you feel his lips press lightly against your left eye lid. You gasp. “Say yes to me, darling.” he says softly. His nose slides across and his lips lightly meet your right eye lid. Then he slides down your nose and kisses the tip. “Let me hear it, baby. Say yes to me.”

You exhale. How long had you been holding your breath? Your eyes flicker open and look up into his waiting eyes. They’re soft now. Gentle. Happy. There’s no one in his eyes but you.

He smiles down at you and his grip on your hands loosen. His thumb softly traces the inside of your palm as his other hand comes down and brings a strand of hair away from your face. Then he brings it to your lips and his pointer carefully slides across your lip.

He leans closer and your foreheads meet. You feel his breath on your lips. “Tell me you will never deny me anything.” he whispers.

You manage to shake your head a little. “Never.” You croak.

He smiles and moves his lips to yours. Just barely touching. They move slowly along yours as he speaks. “Never deny me… or never tell me?” he asks.

“I’ll never deny you.” You answer and his lips move with yours. Then they gently collapse into yours.

You feel both your body and his body tense as your lips fold into each other deeper.

Then a noise fills the room. A loud annoying song plays from underneath you and your eyes pop open. You gasp as your and his lips are pulled apart. He jumps back a bit and looks down at you. You stare up uncomprehendingly for a moment before fidgeting to pull your cell phone out from underneath you. You pull it up to your face to read who’s calling and you become still as you stare at it.

Yong Guk grunts as he pushes himself off of you and sits back on the couch. “Answer him.” He says flatly.

“But… how did you know?” you look at him bewildered.

Guk shakes his head as he runs a hand through his hair and looks away.

You sit up and answer it. “Junhyung, hi.”

“Hyuna!” he exclaims. “What happened? Where are you? Why wouldn’t you answer me?”

“It’s okay, JunHyung I’m fine.”
“Well, that’s good. I feel better now, really. Not a care in the world.” When did he get so sarcastic? “But seriously, tell me. What happened?! You said someone was chasing you..?”

“Oh, yeah, ha. Uh… someone chased me up to our apartment. I had to climb out a window. Well… jump actually…” you say as your hand wanders down your leg to your sore ankle.

Guk glances over to you as you stare ahead. He sighs and slides his hand under yours. You look up to him but he won’t meet your eyes. He gently massages your ankle bone. “Uh… anyways I’m fine. That guy left and BAP and everyone are back here now.”

“Wow.” JunHyung exhales. “So… what will you now?”

“We’re actually not sure…” you reach down and put your hand over Guk’s. He glances up to you and you smile appreciatively at him.

“Not sure? Really, Hyuna?”

“Uh.. yeah..?”


“What?” you ask.

“Why don’t you just come here?”
“We don’t want to involve you JunHyung.”

“Bull . I’ll involve myself if you won’t.”

You smile. “Really we’ll be okay.”

“Listen. How did those guys know you were there? They had been watching you. And they’re watching your home. Hell, they’re probably watching you now! And if you’re hanging with that Yong Guk guy you can’t go to the police because it’s not like he has a clean record! But if you come here, you’ll add six more guys to help you all figure this out once and for all.”

“Ha yeah if we go there then they would see that too. We can’t exactly run from them as it turns out.”
“So what. Like I said, six more guys. And Guk’s BAP gang has six too right? That’s twelve against five!”

“JunHyung… really, we’ll be okay…” you try to convince yourself more than him now.

“Say okay.” Guk says gruffly.

“What?” you ask as you turn to him and cover the phone.

“Say yes to him.” Guk says again. Was this a trick? A play off Guk’s little say yes to me tangent? You stare at him blankly. “Whatever he’s saying he’s probably right. They’re probably our best shot right now. If he’s offering for us to come, say yes.”

You stare at him for a moment longer. There’s no way he can get mad at you for this later.

You pull the phone back up.

“Hyuna! Hello?!” JunHyung’s yelling on the other end.

“Yes, yes, I’m here.”

“So… what do you think?”

“JunHyung… if you’re fully aware of the situation. You really want to help. And you’re really okay with this… then yes.”

“Okay. I’m not fully aware of the situation but I expect that boyfriend of yours to fill me in. But yes we want to help. I’ll have my guys come over now. So come as soon as you can.”

“Okay see you soon.”
“Oh and JunHyung!”

“Thank you.” You smile to yourself and Guk gets off the couch. He sulks out of the room and down the hall.

You sigh as you hang up the phone. You go back to your room to tell Miryo and CL the news.


The van pulls up outside of JunHyung’s mansion. HimChan, JongUp, and YoungJae had gone to retrieve the van from its hiding place. You all had piled in and driven carefully through the city towards JunHyung’s place. Guk went though some back roads and even doubled back a couple times in case someone was following them. Guk hadn’t said so much as two words to you since you left. You feel so guilty. He must be feeling tortured for this. Hell, he was tortured for this. But he got himself into it. He was part of it for Heaven’s sake! You argue with yourself for awhile before you remind yourself that you and Guk have a stronger connection and you remember all that he’s done to make things better for you.

The gate to JunHyung’s drive way opens right as we pull up and shuts right as we enter. The house is well lit but seems quiet.

You all pile out of the van and look up at it.

“Dang.” YoungJae mumbles. “Good living.”

“I’ll say!” HimChan says louder than he should. “It’s a freaking museum!”

“Shut up and get the bags.” Guk demands as he pulls the back doors open.

You walk to him and place your hand on his forearm. He looks down at you and you smile back reassuringly. His hand covers yours and pats it back which makes you smile.

“Do I get my own room?” DaeHyun asks as he looks up from his mask as he takes his bags.

Guk smiles and shakes his head.

“Who am I sharing with?” JongUp asks as he makes his way towards the front door.

“I want to sleep with Bang hyung!” Zelo calls.

“Noooo Guk is sleeping with Hyuna now!” HimChan calls.

Your mouth drops open and you feel your face get hot. Miryo whips around and stares at you with her jaw open. CL’s eyes widen but she turns to push Miryo ahead.

“Yah!” Guk yells but can’t help chuckle a little as his arm wraps around your waist.

The BAP boys giggle to each other as they ascend the stairs.

“Yah, HimChan! Don’t say lies like that!” you yell as you pull Guk’s hand away from your waist and march up after them.

Guk walks behind you and places his hand on your lower back.

“Yah!” you scream higher pitched as you slap his hand away.

“What?” Guk’s eyes open. “I didn’t touch your !”

“Don’t touch me at all!” you say as you bolt up the steps.

He races after you and soon all the BAP boys, Miryo, CL, and you are racing up the flight of stairs to the front door. You’re all laughing until you get to the top and the big double doors open.

JunHyung stands as looks at all of you as if you had escaped from a circus, which is probably what it looked like anyways.

“Oh uhhh.” You stammer as you recollect yourself and look around.

The BAP boys have joined together and stare at him in silence. Miryo and CL’s eyes shift between you and JunHyung. Guk walks up and stands by your side.

“Did anyone follow you?” JunHyung asks.

“Probably.” Guk states flatly.

The two stare at each other for a moment before DuJun appears behind JunHyung.

“DuJun!” CL cries as she rushes forward.

She and DuJun embrace for a moment before the rest of the Beast boys come around the corner.

“Do you want me to take the van around to the back?” HyunSeung asks JunHyung.

“I’ll do it.” HimChan answers first.

“You don’t know where we want to take it.” HyunSeung answers with a nervous smile as he looks around at everyone.

“Well, as owner of the van, I should know where it’s being kept.” HimChan says back.

The two look at each other uneasily.

“Both of you take it.” JunHyung answers.

Guk’s eyes narrow at the sound of Jun telling one of his BAP boys what to do.

HyunSeung walks forward and heads down the steps. HimChan glances at Guk before following.

“I have the keys!” He calls after Hyunseung. “Yah, I’m driving, get in the passenger seat!” he whines as he heads down.

It’s quiet for another moment.

“Uh… why don’t you all come in!” YoSeob smiles as he moves JunHyung back to offer more room to enter. “Is anyone hungry? We were going to make pizza.”

The BAP boys look at each other and then to Guk before moving. He glances to them and nods.

They grab their bags and start to move in.
“Pizza sounds good.” YoungJae says and DaeHyun nods with him.

“A whole pizza?” Zelo asks.

“We can make more than one.” Dongwoon smiles.

“How about twelve?” JongUp laughs.

The Beast boys laugh along with the BAP boys as everyone piles inside. You smile to yourself and think that this could actually work out. It all seems okay. Then you look next to you at Guk to see that he and JunHyung are staring at each other again. Neither one look as happy as you. Maybe this will be more difficult than you thought.

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Chapter 34: Read this after one of my fanfic chinggu suggest it.thankss hyunabiased!!
Omo,I really like your story!!When I first read it I didn't have an account!So I just wanted to tell u this!:) oh and I'm re-reading it which is rare since I'm not a big fan of retreading things but I love your story too much not to!!:)
Hyunlover #3
Sequel please.
angelhoney #4
Chapter 34: I really like this.story. it kept me on edge and ready to read the next chapter. you are really great @ writing and I mean. it was very sweet and thrilling. thank you for writing this story bc I was grateful to read it.
HyunaBiased #5
Sequel Please!!!! Love this story!<3
hippo_guk #6
your story was greattt!!!! first story that took me so long to read (because of school) but wanting to read it more and more , idc if your white... you are awesome!!!
user555 #7
Chapter 25: could fluff at the beginning lol will continue this later.. its 6;32am ^_^ time to sleep ahhahaaha
ChuRin #8
Chapter 36: Woah really liked this story! Couldnt place the phone on the table all day ^-^/
Gonna watch out for more of your stories~
Reya_K #10
Chapter 35: Awesome fic ^^
I'm a fan of all three, Yongguk, Junhyung and GD and i'm so happy to catch them all in one fic
It was interesting and i got caught from the beginning
p.s. Poor TOP , you really had to break his nose so many times? *hugs him* he's just a huge teddy bear kekeke