Chapter 9~Kim Hyuna

Night Warrior

After Guk had left the kitchen, you couldn’t help but look to the trash out of curiosity. The paper he had tried to hide was on top. You pull it out and are surprised to see a picture of a piano in the middle of a room of windows. Light streaks in and onto the glossed shine of the piano. It’s actually quite good. Really good. You look up to see where BYG has wondered off to when Miryo comes in.
“What’s that?” she asks, taking the paper.
“Guk drew it I think.” You answer.
“HE drew THIS? Dang.” She folds it up and pockets it.
“What are you doing?!” You ask as you reach for it.
“I’m keeping it! It was MY homework! I’m using it.”
Before you can argue, BYG returns. He looks at you two with blank eyes. Those eyes. So strong.
“I’m keeping this, BYG!” Miryo exclaims as she flashed the picture and returns it to her pocket. “I need it for school.”
“What? Oh, uh… fine.” He replies. His voice is so low. So attractive.
You don’t necessarily LIKE him but he does seem capable of keeping you and Miryo safe, and that’s all that you care about.
The rest of the day passes slowly and awkwardly as you attempt to get used to BYG’s presence all the time.
“Guk,” Miryo said with heavy eyes as she walked towards the steps. “I’m going to bed now.”
“Oh, uh… alright.” He replied as he stood up from the couch.
“I’m going too.” You say as you follow her up the steps.

“Um… okay.” He says again.

He stands in the room and you feel his eyes on you as you ascend. You take Miryo to her room and sit with her while she changes and gets into bed.
“What do you think of… Guk?” you ask her.
“I like him.” She smiles but she’s tired. “Don’t you?”
“I… I don’t know. Not particularly.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know. Just something about him seems… familiar.” You don’t know why you don’t like him…
“Well, I like him. And I feel safer with him here.” Miryo says as she lies down.
“Do you?”
“Yeah. Have you seen his arms? They’re HUGE!”
You laugh. “I guess you’re right.” You kiss her forehead goodnight and leave her. Back in your own room, you struggle to fall asleep. And after you do get to bed, you’re awakened by nightmares. In the end, your heart is beating and you feel terrified. You search the shadows of your room, fearing the stranger is there again. Watching you. Waiting.
You hurry downstairs to the kitchen and sit at the table with your head in your hands. Tears fill your eyes.
“Oh, it’s you.” A sigh comes from behind. You turn to see BYG with a lamp in his hand. “I heard footsteps…” he says as he lowers his weapon.
“So you grab… a lamp?” you say quietly. Then you turn away and wipe your eyes.
“It’s all I could find.” He says as he joins you at the table.
You glance up and he’s staring at you. He seems confused. He must see the tears. You turn to the side and wipe one away that trickled down your cheek.
“Can’t sleep?” he asks.
“Huh, no.” you reply with a smile, trying to hide your emotions.
He’s quiet again. Staring at you with those eyes. You take a ragged breath and you know he wants to know why you’re upset. You can feel it.
“Last night… someone… tried to hurt me and my sister.” You whisper.
“Really?” he asks.
“Yeah. I guess… I guess it shook me up a little. Every time I close my eyes… I see HIS.”

“You saw his eyes?”
“Yeah. Just a glimpse.” You sniff back more tears. You miss JunHyung. You wish he could stay here with you instead. You want to hide in his arms.
“Hm… you don’t have to…worry. You can go to bed. Nothing will happen tonight.”
“You sound so sure.” You sniffle.
“I am sure. I’m here. Nothing will happen.”

You sigh.
“Please. Please try to go back to bed.” He urges you.

You nod and get up.
“Goodnight, BYG.” You say softly.
“Goodnight.” He returns.


The next morning you feel tired from lack of sleep the last two nights in a row. You go to your phone and see that you have a missed message. It’s from JunHyung.
“How did you sleep?” he asks.
You smile and type “Honestly, not so well.”
Then you get up and head downstairs. Miryo is chatting away about dance routines. And BYG… BYG is flipping a messy pancake on the stove. The kitchen’s a mess. He’s nodding along to Miryo’s story. It’s a funny sight. Him in an apron and covered with flower.  Baking and listening to Miryo’s endless chatter.
“Oh, good morning, Hyuna!” Miryo chimes when she sees you.
You smile tiredly and take a seat.
“How’d you sleep?” BYG asks. He seems less shy.
“Um… I slept okay.” You answer.
“Well, I for one slept incredibly at ease!” Miryo exclaims. “I think it’s because YOURE here, BYG!”
You look down in embarrassment for her but BYG doesn’t seem to care. Maybe he’s already used to Miryo’s idol worship of him.
Your phone buzzes as he flops a pancake down on your plate. His eyes zip to your phone.
It’s JunHyung. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that LTake it easy today. You will sleep better tonight.”
“How do you know?” you respond.
You turn to your pancake and smile at the sight. Your eyebrows raise as you cut into the undercooked breakfast.
“What?” BYG asks, eyes still on you.
“You cooked breakfast?” you ask with a smile.
“Well, that guy friend of yours cooked something. So I thought I’d give it a try too.” He responds as he flips another pancake only for it to fold in half. “I think I’m getting better.” He mumbles.
You laugh.
Another text from JunHyung: “Because I’ll be there in your dreams tonight to protect you.”
You smile and feel your face blush.
“Is it JunHyung?” Miryo asks after studying your face. BYG looks up at you as well.
“Maybe.” You reply but can’t hide your smile.
BYG grunts and you look up at him. As if caught he raises his eyebrows and quickly goes back to his baking. You roll your eyes at him.
“Bang Yong Guk!” you said loudly that catches both him and Miryo off guard. He misses his pancake and batter splats across his face. “I’m going to go shopping today.”
Miryo and Guk exchange glances. Then Miryo smiles and jumps up. “Oh, yes! Shopping! I’ll go change my clothes!” she races up stairs.
“Shopping?” BYG asks. “Uh… alright.”
You and Miryo are quick to get dressed. When you go back downstairs you find the kitchen clean and BYG ready to go as well. He picks up the car keys.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“I drive. Remember?” He smirks, dangling the keys in your face and then heading out the front door.
“Oh how fun!” Miryo laughs as she follows.
You groan and go out too. BYG drives while you sit in the passenger seat and Miryo is in back. BYG takes you two to the main street where all the shops are. He parks in a garage and follows you out to the street.
“So, you’re shopping too, then?” you ask him.
“Of course.” He replies firmly.
Miryo goes into any cute shop with clothes and accessories. She tries on dress after dress, modeling for you and BYG. Guk stands awkwardly with his arms crossed over his chest. He seems bored.
Then next store you decide to have a little fun too. There’s no point in shopping if you’re going to feel self conscious the whole time.
“Here try this!” you say to BYG as you place a cap on his head. He stands still and looks at you with his strong eyes. His eyebrows raise as you back away to study him.
“How’s it look?” he asks, making you smile.
“It actually looks… quite good!” you say. It’s true. Hats suit him well.
He smiles and removes the hat. He takes two quick steps and is soon right in front of you. You stand still, feeling a weird sense of fear as he reaches over your head. He places the hat on backwards on you.
“I think it looks better on you.” He says.
You laugh and make a face at him. You grab a pair of sunglasses and model them as well. He actually lets a smile come out and backs away with his hand to his mouth, studying you.
“Not bad.” He says.
You laugh and replace the accessories.
“Hyuna!” You hear Miryo yell from across the store. “Try dresses with me!”
You moan. You don’t like dresses much. You got to her anyways and let her pick you out some dresses. You try on a few with her in the dressing room as BYG waits outside.
Miryo comes back with a blue and black sequenced dress. Cut short and tighter around the chest area but flows at the bottom. You try it on and actually enjoy it. It looks nice. You laugh as you look at your converse shoes with the dress.
“Unnie, so pretty.” Miryo muses. “Come show BYG!” she squeals as she takes your hand and yanks you from the room before you can protest. BYG is looking at sunglasses with his arms crossed again when you stumble out in front of him. He turns and his eyes widen. He’s still. He stares. You’re still. You stare back.
“Well, uh… what do you think?” you ask awkwardly as you spin once so the dress flows out.
His mouth opens as if he’s going to speak and then it shuts again.
“What?” you ask. “No good?” you suddenly feel embarrassed.
“No, no.” he hesitates. “Do that again.”
“Do what again?” you ask. “Spin?”

“Yeah, that twirly thing you did.”
You obey and spin once again. “Like this?”
He’s quiet and watches you. Curiosity fills his eyes. Then he seems to come back and he nods. “I like that one.” He says simply.
“Really??” you ask, astonished.
You’d never been one for dresses.
“Are you going to buy it?” Miryo asks excitedly.
“No, I don’t think so.” You smile shyly and glace at Guk. His eyes seem lost as he stares back at you.
The rest of the day is spent walking around the shops. You all stop for lunch at a small café and then head home. Guk is generally quiet except for when Miryo chats. He begins to loosen up a bit by the end of the day though his smile is still rare.
You sigh in exhaustion as you lay back down in bed. You smile to yourself, remembering what JunHyung had said. “Because I’ll be there in your dreams tonight to protect you.” You drift off to sleep. And your dreams are better.


The next morning you awake and hurry to get ready for school. Miryo hurries alongside but rushes downstairs first. You hear her chatting away in the kitchen again. BYG must be up.
You go down to see that Guk has made breakfast yet again. This time it’s simple bagels with different things to add. You smile at the simplicity.
“Did you sleep better tonight?” BYG asks you. Miryo has full and can’t answer first this time. Good timing.
“I did actually.” You smile.
He smiles as well. “That’s good.”
You nod. You hurry through breakfast and then rush out to the car. You’re about to get into the driver’s seat when Guk squeezes in past you.
“I drive. Remember?” he says again.
“Oh. Right.” You hand him the keys and go around to the other side.

This is getting annoying.

He drives quickly and you two make it to school in time. Miryo and you walk towards the school when you hear the car door shut. You turn to see BYG following you in, his hands in his pockets. He pauses when you stop to stare at him. He turns and looks over his shoulder and then back at you.
“What?” he asks.

“Where are you going?” you ask him.

“To school.” He replies matter-of-factly.

“Obviously. But WHY?”

“It’s my job.”

Before you can continue to argue with him, you hear your name called from across the parking lot. You turn to see JunHyung walking towards you with a smile on his face. You feel better immediately.
“There you are!” JunHyung says as he gets to you. “So, how’d you sleep last night then?” he asks as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and leads you towards school.
“I actually slept better.” You laugh.

“Yeah, I have that effect on people.” JunHyung smirks.

You laugh for a second before something grips your arm and yanks you away from JunHyung. Guk stands between you two, holding his other arm out to ward of JunHyung.

“What are you DOING?!” you yell at Guk, pushing his arm away from you.
“It’s my job.” He states. Then he turns to JunHyung. “Don’t touch her again.” He practically growls.

“What’s wrong with you?” JunHyung snarls through his teeth as he takes a few steps closer to get into Guk’s face.

“You’re not going to touch her anymore.” BYG says again, stepping up to JunHyung’s challenge.
“Stop it!” you shout as you get between the boys. Your hand goes to JunHyung’s chest and you softly move him towards school. You glare at Guk before turning to JunHyung. “Just go ahead. I’ll catch up later.”

He nods and glances at Guk before leaving. Once he’s gone you turn and forcefully push both your hands into Guk’s chest, causing him to step back a couple steps. His eyes first widen with shock then grow hard with annoyance.
“Just get out of here!” you demand.

You turn to go into school but stop when you hear him behind you again. You spin around to see him with angry eyes. He stops and refuses to move.
“I said leave!” you shout again as you step closer to shove him again.

Both your hands go in front to push him but he grabs both in his hands and spins you around. Your eyes open in shock and you gasp as he grabs you from behind. Your back is up against his front as he grips both your hands in a lock around yourself. His voice in a growl in your ear.
“I’ll this for the last time. This is my job. I’ll do what I have to. And don’t push me again!”
You take a breath, heart beating. “Uh huh.” You gasp.

He releases you harshly and you stumble forward a few paces. You spin back to see that his eyes have softened a bit but are blank. He’s not going to leave.
You glare at him before marching ahead to school. He follows you to your first class but doesn’t go in with you. Instead, he waits and escorts you to each class. What about Miryo? Doesn’t she need protection too?

You catch up with CL and you’re glad that you have someone on your side. You grab her and pull her quickly into the bathroom. Guk’s pace increases and he halts outside the door as you spin back.

“What? Will you follow me here too?” you ask before slamming the door in his face.

“Hyuna,” CL starts, “Who IS that?!”

“That would be our new body guard. You would not believe what happened this weekend.” You tell her the whole story.

“Oh my god, are you serious??” she exclaims afterwards.
“Yes, I am.”
“Wow, I’m so glad you guys are okay! And a body guard! That seems smart. A little drastic I’ll admit, but smart.”

“Yeah, well I can’t get rid of him. And I have music theory with JunHyung next and Guk won’t even let me be near him.”

You two walk out of the bathroom to find BYG leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed.
“Took you long enough.” He growls.

“Little rude for a body guard isn’t he?” CL whispers.

You all walk to Music Theory and take your seats. JunHyung and the Beast boys are already there. Hara and KARA too. JunHyung’s up front, ready for his song. He smiles when he sees you and you smile back. BYG stands in the back of class.
“So, I wrote this song for a little lady.” JunHyung smirks.
You smile.
JunHyung starts the music for his song and takes the mic. The sound is good. Not completely rap. But you all of a sudden become upset with the words. “Hello BIATCH" he waves to the crowd with a smirk.  "I hate you” “I’m much better living without ya” "goodbye, goodbye" “Never ever come back to here.” This song isn’t for you. You follow JunHyung’s gaze and you find Hara. Her eyes look mad but is twisted into a knowing smirk. He wrote the song for HER? Well I guess I don’t mind since it seems pretty nasty, you decide.
The song was actually really good and he gets a good applause. CL stands to go next. JunHyung comes and takes her seat rather than sitting by the Beast boys. You’re shocked that he’s acknowledged you in front of the class like that. You feel that you’ll blush when he leans over to whisper to you.
“What did you think?” he asks.

“It was really good, JunHyung.” you whisper back.

He smiles and nods as CL begins hers. You feel comfortable sitting by JunHyung. Then, the seat next to you creaks and you turn to see BYG sitting by you, eyes forward, arms crossed. You glare at him and he turns to look at you. His eyebrow raises and then you both turn back to CL.

At the end of class you CL and JunHyung walk out together.
“Hyuna, I really can’t thank you enough.” JunHyung smiles as you stop outside of school. “I couldn’t have written a song like that and had the guts to sing it in front of everyone if it weren’t for you.” His hand reaches out and takes yours. You look down at them in shock.

“It was nothing, JunHyung.” You say quietly as you turn to CL who’s eyes are wide as well.

Before you can pull your hand free, JunHyung tugs you into him and wraps his arms around you for a hug. Your widen and you gasp.
“I’m really glad we’re friends now!” JunHyung whispers.
Your hands begin to go up to his side to hug back when a rough hand pulls your shoulder back.

Guk wrenches you out of JunHyung’s embrace.
“Ah, BYG!” you scream. He turns and throws you over his shoulder before you can do anything more. He stalks off towards the car at a brisk pace with you thrown over his shoulder like a bag of flour. “Let me down!” you demand. He shrugs his shoulder at your yell, bumping you in the air. “I said DOWN! I want DOWN!”

“Hush.” He demands as he shrugs you again.

Once at your car, he lets you down. You step back and stare at him. He looks at you and then back towards JunHyung at school. You step forward and sissy slap his chest. His eyes dart back to you. He looks at your hand and then at you.
“What was that?” you yell.

“I said NO touching.” He says flatly.

“Oh, please! Never again. Stop interfering.”
“Why?” he says quickly. “Do you LIKE that boy?”

“What?” you look at him shocked.
“Do you LIKE him?” he asks again.

“So what if I do? What’s it to you?”

“How well do you even know him? Where was he the night intruders came into your house?” BYG presses.

“Uh, he was THERE! Rescuing me!” you thunder.

“No, that was AFTER.”

“What do you mean?”
“Where was he during?” he asks.

“I don’t understand. He was in his car. He almost ran me over.” You stumble.
“Did he? Did you see him in the car?” he steps closer.

“Well… no. But I mean…”
“And then he’s just in your house afterwards?” BYG continues.
“The front door was open.”

“Or had he opened it to go along with a story?”

“NO! You are not trying to say that JunHyung was the one to break into my house!”
“It’s not impossible.” BYG says with accusing eyes.
“Yes it is! There were two other guys there too!”

“JunHyung seems to have friends.” He defends.

“NO! I mean what would be his motive? Why would he break in? And then let me stay at his house?”
“Seems pretty obvious to me. The boy likes you. Was there to get you. You fought back. So he decided to trick you into going to his house.”

“That’s so cynical.”

“Not my problem.”
“You’re right. It’s NOT your problem. Piss off!” you growl as you get into the car.

You cross your arms over your chest to pout. BYG waits outside by the car for Miryo.

The car ride starts out awkwardly quiet. Miryo looks between us.
“BYG, what did you do all day? I didn’t see you at all.” Miryo asks quietly.

“He was butting into my life.” You mumble.

“Different days I’ll watch a different one of you.” He answers.

As soon as the car stops out front, you’re up and walking quickly into the house. You go straight to your room in full pout mode. You won’t eat. You won’t talk. You won’t leave your room.  

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Chapter 34: Read this after one of my fanfic chinggu suggest it.thankss hyunabiased!!
Omo,I really like your story!!When I first read it I didn't have an account!So I just wanted to tell u this!:) oh and I'm re-reading it which is rare since I'm not a big fan of retreading things but I love your story too much not to!!:)
Hyunlover #3
Sequel please.
angelhoney #4
Chapter 34: I really like this.story. it kept me on edge and ready to read the next chapter. you are really great @ writing and I mean. it was very sweet and thrilling. thank you for writing this story bc I was grateful to read it.
HyunaBiased #5
Sequel Please!!!! Love this story!<3
hippo_guk #6
your story was greattt!!!! first story that took me so long to read (because of school) but wanting to read it more and more , idc if your white... you are awesome!!!
user555 #7
Chapter 25: could fluff at the beginning lol will continue this later.. its 6;32am ^_^ time to sleep ahhahaaha
ChuRin #8
Chapter 36: Woah really liked this story! Couldnt place the phone on the table all day ^-^/
Gonna watch out for more of your stories~
Reya_K #10
Chapter 35: Awesome fic ^^
I'm a fan of all three, Yongguk, Junhyung and GD and i'm so happy to catch them all in one fic
It was interesting and i got caught from the beginning
p.s. Poor TOP , you really had to break his nose so many times? *hugs him* he's just a huge teddy bear kekeke