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About Us..
On the side of the road, there stands a little red mailbox proud of it's gleaming color. Along its side are stuck two little postage stamps from long ago by who isn't important. Rather, the three stood together and waited by the side of the dirt road for any mail that would get past that way. 
001. We accept all confessions but no names will be mentioned in it. 002. If we feel it deemed inappropriate or unfit for posting, we will not post the content. 
003. Please keep the comments civil, this is no bashing or hateful place. We reserve the right to close comments if it gets too bad.
004. We're only here to deliver the mail, we won't be giving any comments.
005. We reserve the right to block users if we feel them to be unable to follow our rules.
006. If you read a confession that you believe to be about you and are uncomfortable with it being up, PM us and we will review and take down if it is about you.
007. There are two stamps monitoring this account. We go by 'Abe Lincon' and 'Long Live the Queen' we would like to keep our anonymity so please respect us and our wishes. 
008. We have lives too so there will be times when we go on hiatus or if we feel like the mail seems to be getting too overwhelming aka toxic, we will go on hiatus until everything cools off.
009. Forever's a long time, so think carefully about what you decide to send.
How to Join.
001. Meet our requirements & rules 
002. Submit an ask.fm
003. Wait to receive the mail!~
004. Forever's a long time.


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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: people need to realize that aff is a place where we come to live out our "dreams" through writing.
out of here, we have a life. it's also obvious that a lot of the users left (mainly the popular ones) left
after the toxicity of the applyfic community (constant drama and beef) while others finally let go of kpop/aff/applyfics/etc.
that's why it isn't as active as before. also what lxvevirus stated. people arent chained here to stay forever.
(lol my comment is a mess)
14 streak #2
Chapter 6: People have a life outside of aff and it’s possible they totally forgot they were writing a fic.
420-kms #3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: i actually understand cube's decision; i wouldn't kick them out of the company, but a punishment is a definite. at least for hyuna, it is. dating isn't a crime and i'm happy for the two of them; i also smh at stupid, deluded fangirls. what i couldn't stand was what hyuna did: basically acting over her authority and publicizing the relationship without consulting the company. again, dating isn't wrong, but it will bring backlash, unfortunately so. she didn't think her actions through, she just acted upon her own logic. in her defense, she was probably trying to come clean with all the hiding. even so, it was a stupid decision. and to cube, it might seem like she was ting over their authority ( which i pray isn't the case ). so in this case, hyuna acted rashly and so did cube, and in the end, the scapegoat was edawn, the one at the bottom of the food chain.
Chapter 1: AHAHA AGREE! cube. Hyuna, sue them and take the winnings to make your own company & sign pentagon—
14 streak #5
Chapter 1: YEAH CUBE