Valentine's Day is About Getting Attention

Mission: What is Valentine's Day?


42th day of the 2012th year of the solar candlener, known as the 11th of February.

Well if you remember my entry from the 8th of this wonderful moth, you’ll recall that I stated that, and I quote; “I had to stop thinking so much about that crazy fan and Jongup.” Well, good news is, I really don’t care about that one fan girl anymore; she’s just one of many fangirls out there that supports us and is just a little crazy by pairing people of the band up together. Bad news is I have not been able to keep Jongup out of my mind.

Now it’s not like I did that on purpose, in fact I was trying to act like nothing happened and everything was fine.

But something did happen and I wasn’t bad per say, but I wasn’t totally fine either.

And now because of that that; is the result of it.

When I got back from my spontaneous walk, I came back to B.A.P’s headquarters only to find out that nothing really was happening except for Jongup going to bed early. At the time I paid no mind to it. However, I can honestly say I have not seen Jongup since I snapped at him a few days ago. And I’m worried about him.

Like really worried.

According to Commander Himchan, Jongup is doing fine, and is just feeling a little sick. But that’s only second hand information, the commander is the only one who seen him since the 8th.

“Just let him rest, he’s been working himself too hard it seems lately,” Himchan said smiling softly before going back to his plans. It irritated me because I wasn’t allowed to check up on the other. According to the commander of our team, it was under Jongup’s request that we were kept out, however I didn’t buy that bull. Jongup was not the type to enjoy being shut in with little to no attention.

“Think you and Zelo can go out and get some stuff for me at the store Daehyun?” Himchan asked, not bothering to look up from his work. “We’re running low on milk and eggs, plus Jongup needs some medicine.”

“Uh, sure,” I mumbled staring at my leader to see if there was anything else I should know. Like what kind of medicine to buy for the younger male. After five minutes of not being acknowledged by the other; I gave up and sighed before looking for Zelo.

“Oi, Zelo,” I called looking into the living room where I saw Bang-hyung and Zelo yelling at the T.V excitedly over some stupid war movie again.

Moving his head smoothly and robotically, he asked, “Yes hyung?”

“We need to go to the store now,” I mumbled behind my mask.

“Do I have to?” he complained in a monotone voice, which made the phrase lose its effect.

“Yes you do.”

“Fine,” Zelo sighed before standing up and walking over to me, “See you later Yonggook-hyung!”

“Hurry up!” I hissed dragging the robot out of the apartment.

“Why are you so grumpy today? Not that you’re ever really happy, but what’s the occasion today hyung?” the robot rambled irritating me to no end.

“Just shut up and walk,” I grumbled letting go of the younger wanting to just get the supplies we need and get back so I can be left alone.

“How about I roll?” He asked as he glided past me. I had to blink a few times before I realized he was riding on his board with wheels, sailing down the street with ease.

“Yah! Wait up!” I yelled having to quicken my pace to catch up. It didn’t help that my legs are not the longest, and I had to break into a mini-run to catch up with the other.


“We need these!” Zelo declared as he added a bag of cherry tomatoes into my little basket of groceries. “And these!” he said as he added other useless stuff into the basket.

“No,” I said flatly emptying the basket of his useless things as fast as the other was putting them in.

“Yes,” He augured adding the discarded items back into the basket.

“Do not test me right now idiot robot,” I threatened glaring at the younger, my jaw clenched under my black mask.

“Fine,” Zelo sighed giving up, “But can we at least have the cherry tomatoes? Please?”

I stopped and looked at the robot, debating if I should relent and give in for the request. I really was not in the mood to be generous at all, however a small part of me knew that I was being a bit too snappy at the other for no good reason.

Sighing I gave into the request, “Sure, just don’t get anything else. Alright?”

“Ne!” Zelo cheered putting the cherry tomatoes back into the basket.  I gave a small twitch of a smile, not that the other could see it, before I finished my little mission from the Commander without further problems. Afterwards Zelo and I walked back to headquarters, taking a longer more scenic route.

Looking down at the bottle of ibuprofen in my free hand, the other was holding the small amount of groceries we got, I found myself thinking of Jongup again. I didn’t know what exactly to get the younger male, seeing that I wasn’t told what was exactly wrong with him. And I really didn’t like being in the dark about these types of things. Well that and I was worried about the other’s health and well being. But that isn’t an important detail.

“I wonder what wrong with Jongup…” I found myself mumbling to myself, low so no one could really hear me.

“Jongup is fine, he’s just a bit upset, that’s all,” Zelo answered my question; I had forgotten that he was a robot, and he probably had better hearing than most.

“Why is he upset?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Because of-“ there was a pause before blinked a few times and finished with his annoying phrase, “… Sorry shutdown,” Zelo spoke in a mechanical voice before flopping down.

“Yah!” I said kicking his , hoping it would wake him back up again. The contents of the bag swishing around making noise and threatened to break the plastic bag.
“Reboot,” He spoke suddenly standing straight up again. “Charging… 1%... 2%...3%...” all the while he said this he was doing this odd dance that was attracting unwanted attention from people passing by us. Hiding my face behind my mask and hand, I sighed at my luck of being stuck out here in public with this robot idiot.

When I became brave enough to see what was going on I saw the young robot rolling down and up the grassy hill in the park we were passing.

 “He’s defected,” I stated shaking my head before walking away from the scene.

“Hyung wait up!” the voice of Zelo called out after I had left. He caught me quickly due to his freakishly unnatural long legs.

“I plan on leaving you again if you ever do that again around me in public,” I said not bothering to give the other a glance of acknowledgement.

“Okay then,” he sighed. I thought that was a signal of him finally ceasing his weirdness on this little trip. However, it was really only starting. “Hyung… Have you figure out what Valentine’s Day is yet?”

“How did you know I was doing that?” I asked surprised that anyone knew of my secrete personal mission.

“Everyone knows you are, Himchan, Yongguk, and Youngjae were all talking about it the other day.” I guess that did make sense, it wasn’t like I tried to keep this one as secretive as my other mission to collect data about the members of B.A.P. “Besides, I wanted to tell you what I think of it!”

Deciding to entertain Zelo’s crazy childish game, I said, “You did? What did you find out?”

“That Valentine’s Day is about getting attention!”

“Huh?” I was at a complete lost on how this robot that this random answer.

“You know, like doing something crazy and sweet for your significant other, or make a scene out in public!” he explained rolling around me on his skateboard. “Like how they do it in those war movies!”

I took a good long look at Zelo, thinking about what he said and was he was doing. And only two sentences came to mind really.

“You’re crazy. Stop hanging around Youngguk-hyung so much,” I said before opening the door of our HQ and walking inside.

“No thanks, I only listen to Youngguk!” the younger declared walking in after me. “We’re back from shopping!”

There was a small wave of mumbles and murmurs, acknowledging our presence. However I didn’t pay much mind to it as I walked to the counter and unloaded our groceries. Once I finished unpacking I heard a door creak open. Looking up I saw messy blond hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed in a few days, a oversized grey hoodie, and lose sweatpants all clothing Jongup at the moment.

“Jongup!” I greeted surprised.

“Oh!” Jongup said shocked as well before back tracking his way into his room. “Sorry didn’t know you were here hyung…”

“Wait Jongup,” I said walking quickly over to the other before he could shut his door again. “Why are you avoiding me.”

Lowering his head, Jongup pouted with dim eyes, answering my question, “Hyung said he wanted to be alone away from me, so I’m letting him be alone.”

When did I tell him that?

Wait, was it on the 8th when I said…

Dose he really think that?

“Aish, I just needed some time alone then, I don’t want you hiding yourself from me,” I sighed ruffling his blond hair.

“Really?” the younger asked looking up with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“Ne you silly, besides I wasn’t mad at you or anything,” I said laughing, before catching a whiff of Jongup’s odor. “I might be if you don’t take a shower soon though.”

“Oh, I should do that then!” Jongup laughed awkwardly before giving me a quick hug. “I’ll talk to you once I’m done!” he declared before rushing to the bathroom.  

Sighing and shaking my head I watched the cute boy run off, I smiled behind my mask, a fairly good sized one not one of my half-assed ones. I thought that maybe having to deal with Zelo for the afternoon was worth it if I could restore my bond with Jongup.

I quickly shook my head once this idea entered, I was only happy because Jongup was like a little brother to me. Not any other deeper feelings or reasons that I may or may have not had. Turning back around to find something else to do I thought that just maybe I wouldn’t put Zelo’s name to my list of people who I will have revenge against. However, he did embarrass me in pubic today. I suppose, I should get him back for that at least. Wouldn’t want to make him feel left out or anything.

And for the record, I’m still trying to figure out how getting attention is related to Valentine’s Day. So I’m just going to infer that this holiday is NOT about getting attention or anything else random the robot can come up with.


A/N: Okay I know it’s lame and stuff, but I’m like half asleep right now so I’m sorry. And I’m sorry I wasn’t able to finish this fic on V-day, so I’m just gonna continue on and do what I want on here. I do plan on finishing this by the end of the month, if not sooner. I mean I don’t have that may more chapters left to write about so yeah… I’m dead tired right now and typing with my eyes closed so I can “cat nap,” but I need real sleep, so NIIIIIGHT~! <3

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Bwahahahhahahah, this was just too cute and funny and I was just screaming and smiling when reading such a story!!:D thumbs up cuz it was that goooooooood!!!^____^
loved it!!!!:3 lol at the end, the governess of B124AP224, bwahahahahah!!:3
CUTEST. FIC. EVER. <3<3<3<3<3
i'm only able to 'awwww!' at this fic. *w* so sweet :3 *squealinglikeyongguk* :D :3 looking forward to read finding freedom ^3^
ThxWanderer #4
My gosh Daejong, you make me want to find my meaning of Valentine's Day !
woow i could feel it truly this is cool and warm
i wanna find out to what valentine mean .... i wish
this is ssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! please make more!! i love this pairing.jdfskfnhjdksfhjdsbfbsdsbjdsbfhdf
too sweet. read it all in one sitting. this definitely made my chemistry class so exciting. i was so bored and decided to read and here it is..... TOO GIDDY!!
what an amazing fic!
forever loving Yongguk and his erted mind. LOLOL
DAEJONG. why are they so perfect for each other?! <3
That was amazing! I loved every single bit of it & like I said before, it was just AMAZING. Hehe, Daejong is the cutest ~
wysidgaf #9
this is just pure lovely. omg, you make me fly with daejonggggg~ fluffy daejong is da best! and i love daehyun pov! kkk