Valentine's Day is About !

Mission: What is Valentine's Day?


February 5th of the year 2012 in Earthing’s Time.

I was still on my personal mission to figure out what Valentine ’s Day was. I became more and more curious when I started to see fan letters starting to be piled up in a corner of our recording studio. Decorated with lace, glitter and sometimes chocolate as well. Two things went through my mind when I saw them. One, how the hell did the female Earthlings figure out our location? And two, what was so special about Valentine’s Day?

“Ohhh! Belgium chocolate!” our military man, Youngguk laughed stuffing the said chocolates into his mouth. I took a moment to stare at the older man as he ate the sugary treats loudly, judging him silently inside. He seemed to notice my stare, because he turned to me holding the chocolates close to his chest. “Yah! You want some? Too bad! They’re mine! You na what I say? They’re mine!” he said in a very broken and accented English noisily. 

“No comment,” I sighed before pulling my mask down on one of those rare occasion to get some chocolate that wasn’t hyung’s precious Belgium chocolate. Putting my mask back in place, I walked out of the room away from my hyung.

“Yah? What’s with you?” Yongguk asked following me, much to my irritation.

“You wouldn’t understand hyung,” I sighed wondering if I should go ask the brains of B.A.P about Valentine’s Day.

“Is someone having some troubles with the ladies?” my hyung teased getting in my face. Hooking an arm around my shoulders, I instantly leaned away, not enjoying the physical contact as he added, “If it is, I can help you there. Come on!”

I tried to pulls away, however since he was stronger, he managed to pull me to the living room and set me down on the couch. I sighed as I knew what the next words would be in my hyung’s loud mouth.

“The answer is in war movies!” Yongguk said excitedly turning on one of the said war movies sitting beside me.

Rolling my eyes I leaned back knowing I wouldn’t be able to get out of this situation.

“How so?” I asked rhetorically hating my life at the current moment in time.

“Because! It just is! The action and explosions and the death!” he said all too excitedly. I wondered about his mental state of mind sometimes, cross that out, a lot of times. He sat by me and pointed at a scene where there were military men running around like crazy people with guns, some of them were on fire and others had lost one or more limbs.

“This is so stupid… I wasn’t even having ‘some troubles with the ladies,” I sighed leaning my head back on the couch, looking up at the pale tan ceiling that had some cracks in them.

“Really?” Youngguk asked looking at me, “What’s bugging you then kiddo?”

“This… Valentine’s Day thing the Earthlings celebrate,” I answered honestly looking at my hyung.

“Oh Valentine’s Day! Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” the military man laughed patting my back harshly. “I can help you there too!”

“How? By showing me more war movies?” I questioned raising an eyebrow.

“You should give them a chance, they can teach you very important lessons! But I have something else that could help you too,” Youngguk said before pausing the movie and getting up to get something.

I had a fleeing thought that maybe I should just leave and not bother with Youngguk anymore than I’ve already had. However, before I could, he came back with a magazine book with girls on the cover and lines that formed an image of “NC-”.

Hyung sat beside me once again with a devilish smirk and handed me the book. “You seem like the type to be lonely on Valentine’s Day, so have fun with this and cheer up!”

I stared at the front cover for a moment, where I saw girls in suggestive positions and I felt my eye twitch in annoyance.

“Valentine’s Day is the day for , and since you’re obviously not gonna get any, you can look at that,” he added only kindling my aggravation.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. However that didn’t work out so well so instead I rolled up the dirty magazine and continuously smacked my elder with it. “Try to keep it PG-13 here please! You have no idea who could be around here!”

“Yah! Take a joke will you?” Youngguk laughed not being affected at all by my blows, damn him and is working out. “Besides, who else is gonna see this?”

“Aish!” I yelled, my voice raising the highest since I arrived on this blue planet.

“Hyungs? Something wrong?” an innocent voice asked as the owner of that voice walked into the room.

“Jongup!” both that erted idiot and I spoke in union, however in completely different tones.

“Yup that’s me!” he said simple mindedly with a smile.

Realizing that I was holding a very mature book that should not be seen by the other’s eyes, I quickly tried to hide it hoping he wouldn’t notice it.

“What do you have there Daehyun-hyung?” he asked tilting his head to watch me. This brat is getting on my nerves again, and I’m actually trying to do him a favor!

“Nothing,” I said quickly trying to walk out of the room without the younger to see what I had.

“He has a very good book, you should read it too Jongup!” Yongguk spoke causing me to turn and glare at the older man.

“Oh, what is it? What’s it about?” Jongup asked wide eyed wanting to see the book I had.

 The military man was about to open his loud troublesome mouth, before I stuffed the magazine in it. “It’s not a good book, trust me.”

“But Youngguk-hyung said…”

“Just ignore what he said, and I’ll take you out for ice cream or whatever if you just drop the subject okay?” I said in a rush hoping that the other would listen to what I said.

Jongup blinked for a moment before smiling and nodding. “Okay hyung!” He then proceeded to tug my arm to get me to walk with him out of B.A.P’s headquarters. “You also have to get me a gift since my birthday is tomorrow too!”

Wait, his birthday was tomorrow?

“Un-huh,” was my lame response as I walked/dragged out of the place and into the streets of the Korean City. Jongup was acting like a little kid, walking around and pointing at random crap as we headed to the ice cream shop, while I was simply thinking about the fact that it would be Jongup’s Birthday in less than 24 earthling hours. It kinda bugged me that I didn’t even know, or simply forgotten about this little tidbit until now.

“Strange,” I mumbled to myself looking over at Jongup who was smiling and opening the door for me to enter the ice cream shop. Awkwardly smiling behind my mask, I entered the shop and pulled out my wallet. “Get whatever you want Jongup-ah,” I said in a completely-non-affectionate-caring-or-what-ever-else-a-crazy-fangirl-could-put-in-here kinda way.

“Really?” the said male asked bright eyed looking up at me, to which I silently nodded eyesmiling at the younger. “Thank you!” he said hugging my arm before ordering half the ice cream store.

My wallet has never been so empty.

And as I watch Jongup eat away my money in the form of ice cream I curse Yongguk’s existence and add him onto my revenge list along with Commander Himchan. If it wasn’t him and his stupid magazine I would never had been flat broke watching his annoying simple minded guy stuff his face like a glutton eating all my saving. I’m very tempted to add Jongup to that list as well.

Speaking of which, whoever believes that Valentine’s Day is about , are complete imbeciles like Bang Yongguk. And that is NOT a good thing!


A/N: I dunno if I should put this as rated M or not, cuz it's not really that bad... but it does have cussing and stuff so... if you think it does please tell me! 

Anyways, thank you all for reading/commenting/sub-ing to my fic! I know the last chapter was horrible spelling wise and grammar wise. I'll try to clean it up! maybe.. possibly? idk... I just hope you enjoy my little random fic~!


(even though it's still the 5th over here) 



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Bwahahahhahahah, this was just too cute and funny and I was just screaming and smiling when reading such a story!!:D thumbs up cuz it was that goooooooood!!!^____^
loved it!!!!:3 lol at the end, the governess of B124AP224, bwahahahahah!!:3
CUTEST. FIC. EVER. <3<3<3<3<3
i'm only able to 'awwww!' at this fic. *w* so sweet :3 *squealinglikeyongguk* :D :3 looking forward to read finding freedom ^3^
ThxWanderer #4
My gosh Daejong, you make me want to find my meaning of Valentine's Day !
woow i could feel it truly this is cool and warm
i wanna find out to what valentine mean .... i wish
this is ssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! please make more!! i love this pairing.jdfskfnhjdksfhjdsbfbsdsbjdsbfhdf
too sweet. read it all in one sitting. this definitely made my chemistry class so exciting. i was so bored and decided to read and here it is..... TOO GIDDY!!
what an amazing fic!
forever loving Yongguk and his erted mind. LOLOL
DAEJONG. why are they so perfect for each other?! <3
That was amazing! I loved every single bit of it & like I said before, it was just AMAZING. Hehe, Daejong is the cutest ~
wysidgaf #9
this is just pure lovely. omg, you make me fly with daejonggggg~ fluffy daejong is da best! and i love daehyun pov! kkk