
Something Just Like This

The next day, Jennie and Jisoo participated in the activities organized by their school. It was quite chaotic considering the number of students, and they met Lisa who's a year younger than them during skiing. The girl was struggling with the ski and they helped to teach her but she really had a difficult time balancing. It was unfortunate but Lisa was hilarious and the two had good laughs with her. She also had a big appetite that reminded Jennie of her friend Rose. The activities ended around 3pm and they had the rest of the day to themselves. Sadly, Lisa had already made plans with her classmates but she promised that she will join the two tomorrow. 

Jennie then had an idea and invited Jisoo to go to a nearby handcrafting place that Rose suggested over the phone when she told her about the annual school trip. Jisoo gladly obliged in which made Jennie's heart flutter.

"Annyeong haseyo~" they greeted in chorus as they entered the vintage looking shop, the sound of the wind chimes above the door echoed around the room.

The owner greeted them as well and provided their working spaces equipped with tools.

There were a few people on other working spaces, all of them were bent into making something beautiful.

Jennie and Jisoo listened and watched attentively as the owner explained and showed a demo of the basics. It looked easy on the owner's perspective but they knew that it wasn't the case. Despite that, the two felt excited to make something for themselves.

Jennie chose to make a necklace, while Jisoo chose to make rings. 

"Who are you making that for?" Jennie curiously asked when she saw Jisoo take two sets of ring makers.

"You'll see." Jisoo winked at her.

Jennie was quite worried because rings seemed intimate, she wanted to ask Jisoo for more information but she didn't have the right to. Don't think about that, you fool! Jennie scolded herself as she didn't want to spoil this little trip with Jisoo. 

She looked at Jisoo who was already focused on her workspace so she decided to do the same. She took two sets of necklace makers as she had planned beforehand to give one to Jisoo.

Enjoying the crafting, Jennie had already forgotten her worries earlier as she fixed the chains of the necklaces to the right style and length. She was still deciding on what pendants to put when Jisoo called her.

"Jennie ya~ come here, I need you to do something."

Jennie did, "What is it?"

Jisoo gestured for her to sit down beside her, "I need you to engrave these letters on this metal. I'll show you how it's done."

Jennie nodded then proceeded to watch Jisoo engrave a heart symbol, two letter Js, number 4, letter E, letter V, letter A, and another heart symbol. "Heart...JJ4EVA... Heart?"

"Yes, that's us!" Jisoo beamed excitedly.

Jennie was surprised. One moment she was worried that Jisoo was making a couple ring for someone, then one moment there she was, sitting beside Jisoo, asking her to engrave their initials on one of the couple rings that she made for her, for them. Jennie seemed to float as she was lost in her own little world again.

"Jennie ya? Can you do it?" Jisoo looked at her anxiously.

"Y-Yes. O-Of course." She heaved a deep breath. 

JJ4EVA she repeated on her mind as she tried to calm herself.

"Yah! You're trembling!" Jisoo exclaimed as she picked up the tool. "Are you sure you can do it?"

"Ye-Yes, I'm just nervous." Jennie gulped.

"Don't worry, Jendeukie. I'm here." Jisoo wrapped an arm around her waist, which didn't help Jennie at all. 

Jennie lifted her trembling hand carrying the engraving tool as she pressed it on the hot metal. She tried to take her mind off of Jisoo's hand around her. Nonetheless, she felt safe yet so vulnerable in Jisoo's arm.

Heart... J... J... 4... E... V... A.... Heart...

"Woah good job Jendeuk!" Jisoo patted her back as she placed the tool down.

"I think I messed up!" Jennie sulked, looking at the irregular path where the letters were pressed onto.

"You didn't! I like it!" Jisoo smiled, and Jennie caught the proudness in her eyes. What she did for Jisoo to be proud? She didn't know. She was just happy and relieved that Jisoo liked what she did. She smiled.

Oh how she badly wanted to say those three words.




The stars brightly lit up the night, along with the crescent moon shining across the vast grey sky. It was cold and chilly as Jennie and Jisoo linked their arms with each other, hoping to get some more warmth from each other. Their footprints left a trail as they traversed along the snow covered streets. 

The two of them decided that they wanted to take a nice and long walk after their hearty dinner at a nearby local restaurant, despite the thick snow that covered the place. Jennie thought it was romantic and Jisoo laughed and mocked her when she said that aloud.

"What do you want to do when you turn 30?" Jennie asked out of nowhere as they took a left on a quiet street lit with yellow street lamps.

"Hmmm.." Jisoo looked around. "I just want to be healthy, I guess? And I want to do well in whatever field I have chosen to do." 

Jennie nodded. "That's good. I wish you the best." With her free hand, she squeezed Jisoo's arm that was linked with her other arm.

"What about you?" Jisoo glanced at her.

"Uh--- I wish that I can be closer to happiness." Jennie soflty muttered, almost inaudible.

Jisoo was quiet for a while before saying, "I wish you happiness, Jennie-ya. You deserve it."

Jennie averted her eyes from Jisoo. She didn't know what came into her but she wanted to hug and cry on Jisoo's shoulder. She had been feeling so heavy for so long that having Jisoo by her side made those burdens go off of her shoulder one by one. She wanted to open herself up and lift them all out on Jisoo. But she couldn't.

Jisoo stopped underneath a lamp and Jennie followed suit. "Jennie ya~"

Jennie looked at Jisoo trying to hide her tears even though she was aware that her vision was badly blurred with them. 

"Don't cry Jendeuk~" Jisoo then held her left hand. She watched as Jisoo took out a ring from her pocket and slipped it on her ring finger. "There. It suits you. I was the one who engraved the letters. I'm wearing the one where you engraved the letters." Jisoo showed her left hand.

"I-It suits y-you. A-as w-well. I-It's b-beau-tiful-." Jennie said it between hiccups. She couldn't hold her tears anymore as she sobbed badly in front of Jisoo. 

"Yah stop crying Jendeuk! You look like a red mandu!" Jisoo wiped her tears before squeezing her cheeks.

Jennie let out a small laugh at Jisoo's remark and heaved a deep breath trying to stop her tears, yet they still flowed. "I-I a-also ha-have someth-thing to g-give you." She rummaged through the pocket of her coat and took out a necklace. She tiptoed as she chained them around Jisoo's neck. Their faces were only a few inches away from each other and Jennie caught a whiff of Jisoo's scent, sending chills and warmth all over her at the same time. "I'm wearing the same." Jennie let go and showed her own necklace with the letter "J" pendant.

Jisoo fumbled to look at the pendant and smiled at the similar letter that hers had. "J&J" She mumbled with a smile.

"Jisoo unnie." Jennie straightened herself and looked at Jisoo's eyes.


"You know I like you, right?"

Jisoo smiled. "I do. And you know I like you, right?"

Jennie didn't, but she nodded anyway.

She wasn't sure if Jisoo understood how she meant when she said that she liked her, and she wasn't sure how Jisoo meant when Jisoo said that she also liked her.

She didn't know, and she didn't crave for any explanation.

For now, those words were enough for Jennie.



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579 streak #1
Jendeukie and Jisoo Kim ♥️
imlivingnotknowinwtd #2
Chapter 9: When you say the best christmas gift ever well i wouldn't argue with tgat
imlivingnotknowinwtd #3
Chapter 8: I just read ut and i need new updates sorry!!??✊✊????❤❤
qazedctgb12345 #4
Chapter 8: Didn’t expect this to update but I’m happy that it did. Thanks author!
Chapter 8: Oh poor Jendeuk!

Anw, thanks for this update authornim:)
KittenThief #6
Chapter 7: Cuties! All of them!
Lmao at Jennie pulling that brave face and ended up crying!
Chapter 7: "come here, baby" I SCREAMED they're soo cuteeee
Chapter 7: ahhhh- why are they so cute? :D i love this <3
Chapter 7: Jendeuk is a scary kitten hahahah
I loved this chapter Jensoo is so cute :')
Thanks for the update :D