
Something Just Like This

Lisa dragged them to the nearby theme park since the weather was clear and sunny. Jennie and Jisoo obliged for they didn't want to spoil their new friend's first invitation, plus they didn't plan on doing anything that day after the official school trip activities were finished. They still had half of the day to themselves.

They discovered that Lisa was actually a foreigner when they asked her to bring some friends and she said that all she had were her classmates who already had plans. Jisoo praised her for bring fluent in Korean while Jennie felt sorry for the girl. She had also experienced being the foreigner in another country and it was far from easy. She had trouble comminicating and making friends due to cultural differences. She remembered how she missed her parents, how she missed home. 

Lisa assured that she'd been doing fine despite the difficulties and that she'd be okay. Anyhow, Jennie and Jisoo made her promise to go to them whenever she needed any help. Lisa agreed with a pinky promise and the two felt relieved.

"Unnies, pose there!" Lisa yelled and motioned for them to go in front of the castle. "Hana, deul, set.." She counted before clicking the shutter of her camera.

Jennie and Jisoo did a number of cute poses together: with their hands making hearts, with their faces close, and one with Jisoo nearly kissing Jennie's cheek. 

"Unnie~ pose here!" Lisa yelled once again once they had passed through the castle. The girl's energy was so high and the two were trying to keep up.

"Yah Lalisa you've been taking photos of us in the past hour! I'm tired!" Jisoo said.

"I like it!" Lisa giggled and took a stolen shot of Jisoo.

"You wanna be a photographer?" Jennie asked.

Lisa turned to her and nodded. "I like freezing memories." She snapped a candid shot of Jennie. 

"Yah I look hideous!" Jennie covered her face.

She felt an arm around her shoulders, it was Jisoo. "You're pretty." 

That fast thumping that her heart always did came once again, and Jennie hid her face further in her hands as she felt her cheeks burn.

Lisa snapped a photo.

Freezing memories.




The three of them went on various rides. Jisoo insisted going on children's rides like the carousel while Jennie and Lisa went on the extreme rides. The two tried to convince Jisoo to go on the least extreme rides but she insisted that she couldn't and did a fake faint - showing what could happen to her. The two laughed at her antics.

They watched the sun set through the orange sky during their early dinner. The whole place was illuminated with bright and colorful string and fairy lights everywhere. The cold November breeze swept through them as they walked among the crowds which seemed to double after twilight. 

"Let's go to that horror house before leaving!" Jisoo said as they passed by the attraction.

"Hey! Let's!" Jennie said enthusiastically.

Lisa took a step backward. "Woa-woah unnies, I'm scared.. You two go alone inside.."

Jisoo skipped to Lisa, she wanted to put her arm over Lisa's shoulders but the latter was too tall. "Yah! don't be a coward!" She settled on tapping Lisa's arm instead.

"I really can't unnies. I'll just wait for you over there!" Lisa pointed a spot ten feet away and ran. 

Jisoo chuckled. "That kid." She turned to Jennie. "Are you sure you'll be okay with this?"

Jennie firmly nodded. "I have a lion heart!"

Jisoo laughed. "Let's go then!"

However, that lion heart turned into crumbs the moment they entered the horror house. Jennie's cries and screams echoed through the whole room. Jisoo's arms was aching from Jennie's tight grip, but she didn't mind.

"Jendeukie~ calm down!" Jisoo tried to shout against the mess of cries and screams.

"YAAAAA!" Jennie screamed once again after a 'ghost' appeared from a wall. 

Jisoo walked in front of Jennie and shielded the latter. "Close your eyes and hold onto me."

Jennie nodded in between cries as her trembling hands gripped Jisoo's shirt.

"Wrap your arms around me." Jisoo said calmly.

Jennie was surpised yet secretly pleased at what Jisoo said. She was still trembling but this time she wasn't sure if this was because of fear or because of her arms finding their way around Jisoo's waist. Their bodies touched as she clasped her hands together on Jisoo's stomach. She closed her eyes and she leaned her head on Jisoo's back as she savoured her warmth.

Unlike before, her heartbeat seemed to steady, slowly calming her.

Jisoo felt like home.




Jennie let Jisoo wipe her tears in between hiccups. She was a mess. Her hair was tangled everywhere, her face looked like a tomato soaked in tears, and she was sure there was a snot somewhere in her nose. She tried to hide her face but Jisoo was insistent on wiping her tears with her handkerchief. 

"There." Jisoo pinched her cheek. "I thought you had a lion heart, huh?" 

"I-I *sniff* d-didn't *sniff* t-think *sniff* i-it wa-was *sniff" THAT *sniff* s-scary *sniff*." 

Jisoo let out a laugh. "Yah! Jendeukie, stop crying!" She squeezed the crying girl's cheeks.

"Unnie!" Jennie saw Lisa running towards them. "Here's your water!"

She watched as Jisoo took the water from Lisa, removed the cap, before helping her drink. Jennie felt like a lost kid and she was touched at Jisoo's attentiveness.

"That's why I didn't want to go inside. Lots of hideous and scary tricks." Lisa shuddered.

"Poor Jendeuk~" Jisoo pouted after Jennie finished drinking. "Let's go, I'll buy you two some chicken skewers and patbingsu!"

"Yay bingsu!" Lisa skipped ahead of them.

Jennie stood there, still looking disoriented from too much crying.

Jisoo pulled her close and hugged her sideways. "Come here, baby." 

Jennie knew that Jisoo was only mocking her with that 'baby', but it was enough to make her insides squirm with rainbows and butterflies.

The horror house was so scary, but for Jennie there was nothing scarier than how Jisoo's arm around her felt like home. 



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580 streak #1
Jendeukie and Jisoo Kim ♥️
imlivingnotknowinwtd #2
Chapter 9: When you say the best christmas gift ever well i wouldn't argue with tgat
imlivingnotknowinwtd #3
Chapter 8: I just read ut and i need new updates sorry!!??✊✊????❤❤
qazedctgb12345 #4
Chapter 8: Didn’t expect this to update but I’m happy that it did. Thanks author!
Chapter 8: Oh poor Jendeuk!

Anw, thanks for this update authornim:)
KittenThief #6
Chapter 7: Cuties! All of them!
Lmao at Jennie pulling that brave face and ended up crying!
Chapter 7: "come here, baby" I SCREAMED they're soo cuteeee
Chapter 7: ahhhh- why are they so cute? :D i love this <3
Chapter 7: Jendeuk is a scary kitten hahahah
I loved this chapter Jensoo is so cute :')
Thanks for the update :D