the trip

Something Just Like This

Accepting her feelings for Jisoo opened a whole new world for Jennie. A new world bursting with colours. A new world with butterflies flying all around the clouds and over the rainbows. A new world where Jisoo's deep and tender voice serenades her. A new world where Jisoo's smile served as the sunshine, and her presence served as the light in the darkness. A new world that she only knew.

Jennie could feel her youth oozing through her veins. She felt lightheaded as she bounced with every step. She inhaled the early morning breeze as if she was a newborn who took her first breath. Her skin ached for Jisoo. Her heart thumped calmly yet stonger than before.

"Jennie ya, let's go~!" 

"Yes, Jisoo unnie!"

She ran to Jisoo.

It was the school's annual winter trip. Jennie squeezed her way through the hoard of students to run towards Jisoo who saved their seats in the bus. 

Jisoo took her backpack and placed it overhead, "Have you got everything you need?"

"Yes, Jisoo-unnie." Jennie smiled, Jisoo was always attentive.

"So what are we gonna do during this whole bus trip?" Jisoo asked, plopping down on her seat comfortably.

"Didn't you bring a book?" Jennie asked, Jisoo always loved books.

"I did, but what would you do if I read?"

Jennie suppressed a smile. She was back in her own world, and she imagined that Jisoo cared for her the way she did. "It's okay Jisoo unnie, I might just watch you reading." She said half-jokingly.

"Yah! That's creepy Jendeukie~" Jisoo laughed before getting her book out of her small sling bag. "Okay then." 

Jennie didn't even get the chance to watch Jisoo read as her motion sickness hit her half an hour after the bus started moving. She tried to hide it as she didn't want to be a bother to Jisoo, but it got more intense with every second that she spent inside that bus. Contrary to what she said earlier, she actually forgot something - her medicine for motion sickness.

"Jendeukie, are you okay?" She heard Jisoo's soft voice and felt a hand on her shoulder.

Jennie couldn't answer as she leaned on the window with her head aching so badly.

"Come here.." Jisoo lifted her head up and placed it on her shoulder. "You're experiencing motion sickness, aren't you?" 

Jennie nodded as she leaned on Jisoo's shoulder, her eyes still closed.

"Here. Take this." 

Jennie squinted at Jisoo's hand holding a small white tablet. Jisoo helped her lift her head as she took the medicine. 

"You'll feel better in a few minutes, just close your eyes for a while." Jennie followed suit as she felt Jisoo place her head on her shoulder again. "My nephews always had motion sickness during our family trips, good thing I always have that in my bag."

Jennie smiled and held Jisoo's hand on her lap. Thank you.

Jisoo seemed to understand her gesture and squeezed her hand. "You're such a baby, Jendeuk~" 




They arrived at the ski resort a little after lunch time. The snow covering the whole place made it look like a winter wonderland straight out of a fairytale. There were mid-rise cabins lining the path leading to the wide ski area. It was a sunny and cold day, just the perfect weather to enjoy the resort.

"Woah, this is such a nice place!" Jisoo exclaimed as she looked out of the balcony of their room on the top floor. Their teacher made them choose a roommate beforehand, of course Jennie and Jisoo chose each other,

Jennie followed Jisoo on the balcony and gasped at the vast and white mountaneous area where a few people had been sliding up and down. 

"We used to ski every winter when I was a child." Jennie remembered how her dad taught her to ski at an early age. She remembered being so scared to fall down, but she did anyway, yet it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. "Too bad they are too busy now." She went back inside and sprawled down on the king sized bed.

"Ugh, I feel you." Jisoo followed suit and laid down beside her. "My parents are too busy nowadays. My unnie and oppa already have their own families so..." 

Jennie listened. Despite being so close, it was the first time they both shared their personal lives with each other. "You must miss them."

"I do." Jennie heard the mellowness in Jisoo's voice.

"Yah, let's not be sad Chichoo~"

"Whoa--" Jisoo her side, facing her, and looked at her in an amused face. "What kind of nickname is that??"

Jennie did the same and faced Jisoo, "You're not the only one who's allowed to make nicknames, you know."

"Chichoo.. Hmm.."

"Do you like it?"

"I like it~"

Jennie laughed.

"Jendeukie and Chichoo.."


They laughed. Jennie's heart felt so light and warm as her own little world started to embrace her reality. 

"Do you want to go skiing now?" Jisoo asked.

"No, I'm too tired Chichoo yaaa~"

"Let's just rest!"

"I wanna take a nap," Jennie rolled on the bed. "Can I call you Chichoo? Without the unnie?"

"Do whatever you wish Jendeukie~"

Jennie rolled again on the bed, this time going closer to Jisoo.

Their faces were inches away from each other. "Okay, Chichoo~"

They laughed and they told jokes until they cried, until they got too tired that sleep slowly took over their consciousness.

Jennie dreamed of her new world. She dreamed that Jisoo took her hand as she lead her inside the world that she created. 



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577 streak #1
Jendeukie and Jisoo Kim ♥️
imlivingnotknowinwtd #2
Chapter 9: When you say the best christmas gift ever well i wouldn't argue with tgat
imlivingnotknowinwtd #3
Chapter 8: I just read ut and i need new updates sorry!!??✊✊????❤❤
qazedctgb12345 #4
Chapter 8: Didn’t expect this to update but I’m happy that it did. Thanks author!
Chapter 8: Oh poor Jendeuk!

Anw, thanks for this update authornim:)
KittenThief #6
Chapter 7: Cuties! All of them!
Lmao at Jennie pulling that brave face and ended up crying!
Chapter 7: "come here, baby" I SCREAMED they're soo cuteeee
Chapter 7: ahhhh- why are they so cute? :D i love this <3
Chapter 7: Jendeuk is a scary kitten hahahah
I loved this chapter Jensoo is so cute :')
Thanks for the update :D