You are hired!

Unexpected Love in Unexpected Places

Seung Woo 


This is getting interesting, he thought to himself. That 'ajumma' has quite an attractive personality! You cannot see her age on her face and she seems like a bubbling kid inside herself. She is definately different from the pretty, glamourous actresses and models that is in this industry. Someone who is like a first love. 

First love, he signed... that happens many many many years ago. At age of 38, is it too naive to hope that one can still find this kind of relationship?

Seung Woo shaked his head, and brush off the thought as he watched the ajumma ran towards his office.... 

"Let's see what are the candidates qualifications.... before I made a decision..." he thought 


As he said into the office, he can see 2 candidates already sitting promptly waiting for their turn. They noticed him immediately and looked at him with utmost admiration!  " Oh no! ",  he thought, "I dont need a fan club in my office. I need someone who can manage my schedules.."  

He then noticed that 'ajumma' seated in the corner, going through her 'scripts' mentally, not noticing that he has entered the office. It seems like she is the only one that is here to get a job! 


The interview starts and the candidates are called in one by one.... The first one is his fan club president! oh no! She is very familar with his schedules and able to list down his favourite cafes, food, resturants, friends, home address....... "I am not sure of keeping her as an assistant or as a stalker" , he shrugged with cold sweat and strike her off the list.


The next person has been working as assistant to another actor before. From the way she talked, you can see that she knows her stuffs... from back alleys to protecting artist secrets and datings, she is able to tell you what she knows and she really knows all the stuffs! She start talking about a so-and-so artist who is having relationship with another girl's group member... the content is sooo detailed....... "I think my personal life will be all exposed if I keep her as my assistant. I will never know when she will tell other people about my life...", he trembled and strike her off the list as well. 


The other 7 candidates did not managed to reach on time, so to make things easy, he just send them off! He is nuts about keeping schedules. If they cant keep a schedule, this is not the job for them! 


Finally the last person on the list is the Ajumma! The Ajumma knocks on the door softly and entered into the room. She was surprised to see him seated at the interviewer's table. Cautiously, she bowed and get herself seated at the chair. Her face turned red with embrassment as she recalled the talk that she had with this man in the lift just now. She looked at the name tag on the table and noted that it says Cho Seung Woo. 



" Why did you came here for this job? I can see that you have been an engineer before! Dont you feel that it is a waste of talent?" Seung Woo asked


" Well, at this stage in my life, I dont want to do things that I will regret! I want to see how to live a different life and experience different things... For me, the so-called skills that I have attained previously, is a generic skill. It is something that be applied, like for your case, if you need a planner, I can confidently say that I can do this job without any problem. Of course, other soft skills and network, I will need some time to pick up. But if you hire me, I am glad to say that my life skills and my age will make a difference as compared to the younger people that you are looking at! ",  Mei Ling speaks with ease.  


Seung Woo looked at her, and ponder for a moment. His group of friends are artists, people who dream and sometimes, with their heads in the air. It is very refreshing to hear someone who has her feet on the floor and knows her strength and capability. 


"OK! Can you start work straight away?" Seung Woo asked

"Yes I can! Do I report to work 1st thing tomorrow morning? " Mei Ling was surprised and excited and yet she try her best to contain her happiness.... 

"No! We will leave the office now. You will start straight away!" Seung Woo said

"Now? ok! I am fine! I can start today! I can start now!" , Mei Ling feeling giddy headed and confused as she stands up and follow Seung Woo to the activitiy room where his schedules are being listed! 

"The next appointment is 11am at  Myeong Dong... Get ready my stuffs and load them onto the car! " Seung Woo pointed to a black bag and some boxes packed in the corner of the room! 


Mei Ling looked at the schedule board and take a picture with it!  She mentally remember the next few appointments as she loaded up the boxes on the trunk of the car. "The last appointment is at 11pm! Wow! What a tight schedule! I wonder which fool do planning like this! There is no time for toilet breaks too! Nope! I will definately do something about this planning tomorrow onwards!" She shaked her head!   


Inside the car, Seung Woo looked with admiration at Mei Ling as she mumbled to herself and packed the items into the sequence of his schedules.

"She is a total gem, not taken off by the sheer amount of work.  I think I have done a good job in selecting her!" he beamed with pride!


"Mr Seung Woo, we are ready! We have exactly 40 minutes to reach the next schedule. We can catch a quick bite along the way! You better not missed your meals! I will help you get a subway sandwich so that you can eat it in the car!" Mei Ling looked into the rear mirror, taking a quick glance at Seung Woo. He nodded and closed his eyes, as she drove off to the next location! 


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This is my first time writing a fanfic based on incredibly talented, handsome, y Cho Seung Woo! Hope to get some constructive feedbacks from all of you and let me know if you have any ideas on how to proceed the story! Thanks!


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When i found your story, i felt myself so lucky, cause i love him and don't expect anyone wrote about him in there! Thx a lot and if you were here yet, please continue! ˆ-ˆ