When they first met

Unexpected Love in Unexpected Places

May Ling 

Ring..... Ring..... Ring...... MayLing rubbed her eyes and picked up her vibrating phone..... "hello.....who's this?" ...."Yes... I am May Ling...... yes... yes... TODAY? .... what time? .... morning? 10am? .... I will be there! Thank you! Yes! I have the address.... thank you!" 

What's this? May Ling thought! I have been called for an interview at this hour??? oh my gosh.... I only have 1 hour before the interview ....  Why last minute? Are they testing my crisis management skills? Luckily the interview building is only 20 minutes away by subway! 

May Ling quickly snapped out of bed, get out the clothes that are presentable for the interview and got dressed and makeup in 15 minutes sharp! It helps when you are an engineer who are straight to the point and knows what you want. With a chuckle, she take one last look at herself in the mirror. Satisfied, she step out of the house to the interview place....  


Seung Woo 

Seung Woo is sitting at the office looking through the list of candidates that had apply for the position! He is having his Monday blues... and was bored of having to do such a mindless thing first thing in the morning. It cant be helped, since he has to go for his rehersals for the play and attend a movie red carpet in the evening. This shall be the test, he thought. As he is always boomed with unexpected 'crisis', this assistant better had to be on the ball to cope with this as well! This will be the 1st test that he will give to them.

He called each of the 10 candidates one by one over the phone, and chuckled at their reactions when he told them to be at the office in 1 hours time! Too bad, if you are late, you will be out! There is one candidate which catches his eye. It is a old lady, who has totally no experience in this line (She is above 40s) . All the other candidates are in their twenties.... from the very brief conversation with her, she seems like the prompt and no-nonsense type of person... but can she handle this industry? 


May Ling arrived at the interview building exactly 22 minutes before the scheduled time without beating a sweat... the only problem, she had not had her breakfast. She saw a cafe at the building and thought that she could get a sandwich before the interview. Among the arrays of food, she saw her favourite English carrot cake! With the royal cheese topping and a cup of english breakfast tea, this is the ultimate breakfast for her to start the day. Happily, she walked towards the cashier to place her order..... 

Seung Woo came to the cafe to get his favourite Cafe Latte to start his day... He saw a slim, tall women, looking at the cakes passonately.... Her long hair is being tied together loosely in a pony tail... she was dressed in a simple white blouse with a knee length A line skirt. Her choice of shoe is flat court shoes and she had a tidy shoulder bag where she pull out her wallet from. Everything about her is neat and efficient. 

Suddenly, it crosses Seung Woo's mind that he had saw her before. It is just less than 1 hour ago where he had called her and looked at her photo. 

He is amazed by her efficiency as he recalled vaguely that she sound as if she had just wake up when she picked up his call! 

He looked at his watch again... it is only 9.45am... he make a mental note of her and proceed to join the queue after her. 



May Ling carried her prized breakfast and bring it to the nearest table and chomped down the food happily. Unfortunately, the cake was too dry, perhaps it had been left there since yesterday. She almost chocked on the food.  Seung Woo saw it happen with some concern! He was about  to walk over to help, when he saw that her taking slips of the tea to wash down the cake. May Ling shaked her head in dispproval, at the quality of the food. She mumbled something under her breath and took a sharp glaze at the array of cakes at the counter. Seemingly she frown and nodded as though telling herself, that this is the last time she is getting any food from this place.

Seung Woo is amazed by this sight, as though it is a live comedy performance in front of him. This Ajumma is seeming in a world of her own. She is as entertaining as any of the plays that he had acted out, if not, more realistic and fun. At 9.55am, she stood up and walked confidently to the receptionist to prepare her for the meeting....

All this while, Seung Woo was sitting in his corner slipping his latte and smiling to himself... 

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This is my first time writing a fanfic based on incredibly talented, handsome, y Cho Seung Woo! Hope to get some constructive feedbacks from all of you and let me know if you have any ideas on how to proceed the story! Thanks!


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When i found your story, i felt myself so lucky, cause i love him and don't expect anyone wrote about him in there! Thx a lot and if you were here yet, please continue! ˆ-ˆ