Chapter 2

Such a Cliche

Note: proofread? Checked.

The two CEO stays silent, too overwhelmed to response. After a few minutes of silent, Chairman Kim finally had enough. “What do you say? It will not only strengthen our relationship in business but also our relationship as a family”

“I’m sorry but I’m afraid I don’t understand what you are implying Chairman Kim. Can you please tell me more about this marriage? Who is getting married?” Kris Wu genuinely looks confuse.

“Kris, sweetie, your father and I would like you to marry Kim Junmyeon. You would do that for me right? Also, Zitao needs another parent” Madam Wu spoke slowly to her son. She caresses her son’s bicep, smiling softly at her only son as in to convince him.

Kris stares wide eyes at his mother when he realise with whom he get partnered with. He swallows a lump in his throat before turning his head to the other CEO aka his suppose partner. Suho Kim doesn’t seem like he bothered at all with the arrangement.

Kris’ hands become sweaty, he suddenly feels cold and his vision turns blurry. Desperation clears in his eyes. Suho looks up when he feels a pair of eyes boring into his soul. He feels sorry when CEO of Wu Corp stares into spaces. He knows the other CEO must be really shock with the news.

Suho decide to help the poor guy out by asking a question. “I’m sorry but I don’t think this would be necessary. Both company are doing so well by itself. There’s no need for such action to be taken. Also, the company had great relationship with each other as we do have projects together” Suho take a quick glance at the other guy and was pleased that the man already snaps out of his zone.

“I agree with Mr Suho Kim. We both work well as business partner. To this day, our projects never disappoint in term of feedback from clients, customers and most importantly profits. I can tell you for a fact that our newest project in China progress in a steady pace. Therefore, this arrangement would not be necessary if your intention is based on improving the company’s relationship with each other” Kris tries very hard to keep his professionalism in and deliver his small speech. He is not ready to settle down let alone marrying another guy just for business purpose.

“I understand that but what about your personal life? I do know for a fact that both of you are very capable of bringing the company to its full potential. As a mother, Madam Kim and I are very concern about your life as a human. You are not robots. You need physical and emotional support. I’m sorry if this get personal Yifan, but mama and baba are not getting any younger. I saw your struggles. You need a partner that can be at par with you. And I believe Suho can be a great support for you” Madam Wu speaks with so much emotional. She’s a great mother. She only wants the best for her son and if marrying him with another man is the only way than she’s willing to give that to him. It’s actually a bonus Suho Kim is tiny and cute in his own way. She kind of adore the small guy.

“…I’m sorry mother but your sob story won’t make me believe you that easily. I know you more than I know myself. Just tell us the truth why you want us to get married?” Kris loses his cool. He sits straight, looking at his mother so that the woman in front of him will spill the real reason. He knew for a fact that both his parents are not that old. They marry each other at a very young age and had him when they were both nineteen years old. True to his hunch, his mother smile sheepishly before grinning widely, eyes sparkle with so much glee.

Suho stares incredulously at the two of them. Is this even real? He believes the sob story damn it!

Suho realise the stiff atmosphere from early suddenly become light. He looks around him and saw that the fathers are talking quietly with each other. When Suho lean forward to listen to what they were talking about, he kinds of have to stop himself from falling down. His father actually bragging about his grandchildren to Chairman Wu which the latter respond with showing pictures of his only grandchild. That was unexpected. Who knew two successful Chairman can sit together without discussing business matter but instead discussing about their grandkids?

“Mother, can you please answer my question first before you and Madam Kim discuss about your grandchild future?” Suho looks at the other CEO’s direction. The guy trying to gain his mother’s attention who actually busy talking with Suho’s mother. Suho would not be surprise if they show pictures of their respective grandchild to each other.

“Mom, Madam Wu?” Suho try to gain the women attention.

“Okay, listen here both of you. I am not going to repeat. You can say this is an arrange marriage we come up with. We will simply follow other rich people tradition which is ‘marrying’ their child with each other. In other word, makes rich people kids suffered with plan marriage. You know, Chinese had this tradition since forever and it still strong and relevant. Also, we believe that if a couple were married under their parents blessed, the marriage will last forever. I’m not sure about Korean but that can be discuss later. So, you guys are going to be married in July. Any question?” Madam Wu smiles widely at the duo with a hint of teasing in her voice.

“That is even more ridiculous than your sob story. Mother, please. Why do you need to follow those stupid tradition? Let us find our own partner. Will you?”

“Yifan, honey, can you please agree with me for this one? Just marry him okay?” Madam Wu slap his son’s back harshly. She smiles when Kris nods his head.

Suho takes a deep breath because that reasoning was indeed stupid. And he needs to win this by his own seeming that Kris Wu already fall into his mother’s trap. “I’m sorry but what’s in for me?”

“...Another child? Come on Junmyeon, you have always love kids, right?” This time, Madam Kim spoke for the first time throughout the ‘meeting’.

“Mom… I can just adopt one if I want to have another child” Suho speaks carefully to not hurt his mother’s feelings.

“Well, if you marry him you don’t have to face such hassle for adopting a child! You instantly get one. Isn’t that fantastic? And I got another grandchild” Suho’s mother beam when she realise she would get an instant grandchild from this marriage. Suho sigh. He can never refuse his mother.

“Dad… Do you think this is necessary?”

“If you ask me, I only saw more business opportunity. However, this is your life. I only want you to be happy. So, it’s your choice. Though, I would love another instant grandchild.” Suho internally roll his eyes when he saw his dad grin mischievously at him. He knew something like this would happen. His father and mother are so in sync with each other.

“Junmyeon, honey…”

“Yes mom?”

“This is not only benefit on both me and your father. It’s for you too. You need a pillar to lean on. And I believe you and Kris can work perfectly together.” Suho can only nod his head. He seriously needs to think deeply about this.

“I think Kris and I need to discuss further about this between the two of us. Can you give us a couple of weeks for us to think about this more?” Kris eagerly nods his head when Suho look at him for approval.

“Very well. I will give you two a week to discuss.” Mr Wu says giving a pointed look at his son.

“Two weeks, dad”

“No. A week or you can say good bye to your position.”

“Dad! How can you do this to me? I’m straight!” Suho eyes widen when he heard that. He does know for a fact that Kris Wu was straight to begin with but he never thought the guy would burst like that. Kris on the other hand froze when he realise what he just said. Both parents went silent.

“Are you sure you are straight Kris?” Madam Wu asks her son sceptically.

“Mother, what are you talking about?” Kris looks at his mother, disbelief that his mother thinks he’s everything but straight.

“Well, when I ask you to marry a girl I set you up with, you never agree. You always have something to say about their appearance or their way of talking or just simple their existence. Girl always say they don’t want to meet you after the first date. I just assume you don’t like girls.”

“Mother… that’s because either they don’t get along with Tao or Tao plainly doesn’t like them. I’m not going to marry just any girl if they can’t be a good mother for Zitao even if I like them enough.”

“So… if Tao likes them, you would marry them? As simple as that?”

“Yes, dear mother. I would” Kris says confidently.

“Good! Bring Tao to meet Suho. I believe Tao will like him!”

“Th-that’s not fair!”

“What is not fair?! You said it yourself. If Tao likes them, you would marry them”

“B-but, I said a good mother! One father is enough, mother!”

“Aww… Kris honey, you don’t have to worry. Suho here never acts like a father to his children. As expected from a bottom. If you know what I mean.” Suho chocked on his saliva while his mother shamelessly winks at Kris. Kris can only smile but Suho can see that the guy internally screaming for help.

After they finalise the date for them to meet again for the CEOs to make decision, the parents left their sons with each other for them to discuss further. Suho cleared his throat once he feels like the silent is too much for him to handle.

“I’m sorry Mr Wu for this turn out event but I sincerely don’t know about this arrangement” Suho bow his head and smile apologetically at the man in front of him.

“No… This wasn’t your fault but are you okay with this Mr Kim? And please, just call me Kris. We are outside of work after all”

“Very well, Kris. Then please address me as Suho as well. As for your question just now, I actually don’t mind with the whole arrange marriage thing. My mom had been asking me to find someone to settle down with. Although she knows I’ve always been workaholics and don’t care about dating. My last marriage was arranged by my mother too. So, this is actually not a new thing for me.”

“I understand that… My mom did the same thing too but what I mean is, are you okay with marrying a guy?” Kris carefully asks the question as he doesn’t want to hurt Suho’s feelings. The guy looks like he can cry if he ever raises his voice even a little. But that would be ridiculous because the guy is a CEO himself.

“I’m Bi. So…” Suho smiles a little when Kris stares at him.

“Owhhh… Okay, then… umm?” Kris scratches his head to relief his awkwardness. Suho chuckles at the man’s reaction.

“I can help you convince our parents not to continue this whole marriage thing. I can help if you want.”

“You mean like… fake dating a girl?”

“Fake dating? What are you? A High school student?” Suho snorts at the other man’s suggestion.

“Then what do you suggest we should do?” Kris glared at the younger CEO.

“You are straight, right? Just come up with a story about you trying with a guy but failed because you can’t get it up or whatever. We can also tell them that I had my eyes on another guy but the guy was involved in a car crash and die on the spot. Therefore, I can’t marry someone else as I was deeply in love with him” Suho says nonchalantly.

“That was dramatic as hell” Kris deadpanned at Suho’s imagination. He partly amuses that the small guy can came up with that.

“At least it was easier than your idea. We don’t have to waste our money to hire someone to act like our lover” Suho smirk a little when the Wu Corp’s CEO groaned and put his head on the table. Suho just sip his wine casually.

“Maybe that can work but don’t you feel disturb at all? You married a girl before! You should understand my feelings” Suho snorts when the guy unconsciously whining at him.

“Okay listen, my late wife was the only girl I ever had a relationship with. We don’t even do anything related to any of ual activities” Suho huff, blowing his hair out of his view.

“Really? Then, how do you get a twin?” Kris raises his eyebrow before he gasps. “The twin is not yours, isn’t it?” Kris lowers his voice to make sure only the two of them heard their conversation.

Suho’s eyes twitch with annoyance. He glares at the man before him, daggers in his eyes. “They are mine, !” Suho says with venom in his voice.

“How?” The tall CEO challenged, also with the same passion in his eyes.

“In vitro fertilization” Suho simply says but avoiding the CEO’s eyes.

“Huh?” Kris tilts his head and Suho suddenly realize that he had an ability to feel like killing someone other than Baekhyun.

“Google it” With that last sentence, Suho collect his belongings and make his way to leave the man behind.

“Suho, wait!” Kris rush beside him

“What?” Suho look at the guy blocking his way

“What do you mean by ‘What’? Our problem isn’t settled yet. Where are you going?” Kris narrows his eyes

“Kris, let’s do this later okay? I got a twin at home. And it will pass their bedtime by the time I get home. Don’t you have a kid to fend too?”

“Yes, but I’m sure he will be asleep when I got home. I believe his nanny is there to help him fall asleep”

“YOU LEAVE YOUR KID WITH A NANNY?!” Suho shriek horror in his eyes. Kris jumps a little with Suho’s sudden outburst.


“You can’t leave a kid with.a.nanny! You understand me?” Suho jab his fingers at the taller man’s chest.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“EVERYTHING!” Suho groaned exasperatedly.

“That’s it! Bring your kid this Saturday and meet me at the restaurant near my house. Give me your phone. I’ll send you the address.” Suho open his palm for the said phone. Kris can’t do anything. He just passes his phone silently to the smaller man in front of him.

“Make sure you come with your kid. If not, I will hunt you down. And yes, we will discuss this further” Suho nearly growl at the guy. He leaves the man behind without any other word. He’s afraid he might seriously kill the man if he continues listening to the guy.


Suho park his car in his driveway beside Baekhyun’s car. It is already 9 p.m. and long due pass his kids bedtime. Even from outside, he can hear giggles coming from his living room. He smiles a bit knowing that the children would not go to bed if he wasn’t with them.

One time when the kids were barely a year old, he was forced to leave them for a meeting in china. As soon as he lands in China, his mother called saying that the kids would not go to sleep and keep searching for their appa.

His mother put him on video call and let him sing lullaby for them. It’s working, they fall asleep but once they open their eyes the next morning and Suho wasn’t the first person they saw the boys cried so hard until he decides to come home.

Suho did come home as soon as his meeting for the first day ends. He let Baekhyun stays and sends his Head of Marketing Department to deal with the meeting in his place. It was very hard for him to deal with two babies at the same time by his own, but he’s still grateful for whatever happens in his life.

As soon as Suho opens the front door, he was greeted with two cute baby boys. He crouches down to take them in his arm. “Hello my babies… I miss you guys so much!” Suho squeal loudly, squishing them in his chest before raining kisses on both of the babies’ small face.

“Do you miss me too?” Suho ask them which he received a nod from each one of them. It was a habit to ask the kids various question even if the kids can barely answer him. He likes to see what kind of reaction his twins will show every time he asks long questions.

Done questioning the boys which usually will be answered by a nod or a repeated word his using like “Have you eat dinner already?” with a simple reply such as “eat” and a nod. That’s all he will get. He let the kids play around the living room once he done showering them with kisses and proceed to find his best friend.

“Baekhyun? Are you in here?”

“I’m in the kitchen” Suho walks inside and was greeted by a pouty Baekhyun. He just sits on the kitchen stool and playing with what is seems like the kids play dough and drawing tools.

“Why are you pouting? It doesn’t look good on you” Suho made a face when his best friend pout his lips more than necessary.

“The kids hate me!” And he starts to fake crying. Suho can never understand why he friends with a drama queen.

“Sure Baek, whatever you say. Oh yeah, please help me clean the living room while I’m showering. Also, have you eaten yet?”

“Not yet. I’m waiting for you”

“Aww~ what a good housewife you are” Suho ruffles his best friend’s hair before climbing up the stairs to take a shower.

“Housewife?” Baekhyun raise his eyebrow at the term use by his friend. Did he miss his late wife? Baekhyun look at the direction his friend walks in.

Baekhyun shook his head and make a mental note to ask Suho about it. There must be something happen at the meeting just now. Baekhyun knew the meeting with the Wu Corporation would not be a simple business meeting since the Chairman himself ask him to clear Suho’s schedule that evening.

Usually, if there’s a business meeting involving the Chairman, Baekhyun would be ask to come together to take notes and working with the other company’s secretary. Baekhyun isn’t a normal secretary. He is a company secretary. All confidential information will go to him. That’s why he had his own office room and only trusted employee are able to enter the room with his permission.


The four of them eats dinner together. It was kind of late to have dinner but the kids need to eat and the adult are hungry so yeah. Done with dinner, Suho help his kids brushing their teeth and put them in their pajamas. Baekhyun volunteer to wash the dishes.

“Okay boys, lay down on your bed. Whose turn to pick a story today?” Suho ask the boys which they both raise their hand and running towards the book shelf at one corner. “Sehun, you already pick a book yesterday, right? Let Jongin pick today, okay? Tomorrow you can pick another story”

Sehun pouts. Sad that he can’t pick a book. He raises his hand and ask his father to console him. Suho chuckle but still pick his younger son up in his arm. He brings the boy to lay down on the bed. “Jongin, did you find your book already?”

“A-appa… help me pwease?” Jongin walks towards his father and brother. He points his finger at the third row of books. Suho picks Jongin up and walks towards the bookshelf. He let Jongin pick out the book himself. “Bob the builder? I don’t think I bought this book before?”

“Baekkie! He buys bob” Jongin beams at his father.

“Uncle Baekhyun? He bought you this book? Did you choose this book yourself?”

“Yes!” Jongin nod his head cutely. Suho kiss his son’s cheek and praise the boy for picking a good book. Suho put Jongin on the bed opposite his brother. He sits in the middle between the bed and starts reading the book. Not even half the book was read both boys already fall into dreamland. Suho kissed their cheeks, put the book back where it was place before it been pick out and dim the light. He let the door ajar for the kids.

When both Suho and Baekhyun are ready to go to sleep, Baekhyun take this opportunity to ask Suho question that had been playing in his mind. “So… do you want to tell me what the meeting is all about?” Baekhyun says when he sees Suho lying beside him on the latter’s bed.

“Just normal meeting. That’s all. Why?” Suho says avoiding his friend’s eyes.

“You are a terrible liar. Come on tell me what’s going on? Is the company alright? Did your father adopt another son and replace you with him?” Suho throw his pillow at Baekhyun’s face and glared at him. He turns around, switch off his night lamp and pretends to sleep.

Baekhyun laugh and switch back the night lamp. “Okay sorry! I’m just kidding. Junmyeon, come on. Stop this childish nonsense and tell me what’s wrong”

“You are the one who’s being childish!”

“Na-uh! You are!” Baekhyun says and proceed to tickle Suho’s side. Suho is trying to stay made at him but he’s ticklish and bursting in laugh. They had a tickle fight that lasted for at least five minutes before Baekhyun fall down off the bed.

“Hahahaha… Are you okay Baek?” Suho’s trying really hard to stifle his laugh but fall into another pit of laughter when he saw his friend struggle to untangle his legs from comforter.

“Urghhh… I’m okay. Help me get up” Still giggling like little kids, Suho pull his best friend back on the bed. They sigh when both of them calm down from laughing.

“So, still not going to tell me what’s going on?” Baekhyun gave him his best puppy eyes to make his friend succumb to his command.

“Fine! I’ll tell you. Let’s lay down first”

“No, you will surely fall asleep” Baekhyun pull Suho to sit up when he saw his friend laying down on the bed.

“I promise I won’t”

“Fine, let’s cuddle then” Baekhyun give up when Suho stubbornly make his body limp so that it would be hard for Baekhyun to pull him up. Baekhyun lay down close to his friend. Their face is inch away from each other.

“I ask you to lay down, not cuddle me”

“Shhh shut up. I miss my husband and you are just sad because you don’t have a husband or a wife to cuddle with”

“That would not be long though”

Baekhyun immediately sits up and stares wide eyes at him. “Oh my god…”

“Yes, I got arrange in an arrange marriage… Again” Cue another pit of laughter from Baekhyun but this time, Suho can only sigh. He just could not laugh at his own fate. This is the reason why he doesn’t want to tell Baekhyun about the marriage. Baekhyun and his husband had made a bet with him saying he will get another marriage proposal from his mother if he doesn’t find anyone to settle down with. True to both of their words, he did get another proposal. But this time he got match with a straight guy. What a lovely fate he had. Suho rolls his eyes at his own luck.

Baekhyun takes a deep breath once he’s done laughing at his friend’s misery. “So like… Do I know him or her?”

“Him. Yes, you know him”

“Really? Who is it?” Baekhyun ask, squealing a little when he knows it’s a he.

“Yes. Seriously? Are you stupid or what? It should be obvious with who I’m forced to get married with” Suho rolls his eyes. How stupid Baekhyun can be really? He met the Wu this evening. Why can’t his friend see the obvious? Suho sigh when he saw how eager his friend.

“Fine, I will play your dumb riddle. Here’s a hint: Your husband’s best friend” Suho says dejectedly.


“NO! That’s your best friend and my cousin. What the are you talking about? And even if it’s him, Minseok will surely kill me… and my parents and maybe you too” Suho deadpanned at Baekhyun’s stupidity.

“Owh… yeah. Sorry. Then who? Come on, give me more hint” Baekhyun grin widely.

“Baekhyun… Are you serious?” Suho is tired and he wants to badly fall asleep but his best friend is having none of it.

“Come on, more hint”

“He is Chinese”


“NO STUPID!” Suho slap Baekhyun’s bicep for even thinking about that. Lay and Luhan are happily married with each other and also had two kids together.

“Hyung… That hurts you know?” Baekhyun pouts while rubbing his bicep.

“You ask for it.” Suho rolls his eyes.

“Okay fine. Another hint please?”

“Half Canadian, tall, handsome”

“…Give me another hint. I got an idea but I refuse to believe so” Baekhyun shook his head when an image flash in his mind. That can’t be him, right?

“Why? Tell me who it is” Suho raise his eyebrow, challenging his friend to say the name.

“No. Because it’s ridiculous”


“I said, no.”

“Baekhyun, just answer me. Why?” Suho press his friend to answer.

“Urgh! He’s straight, okay?” Baekhyun glared at his friend for making him says that.

“Oh really? Come on, tell me who do you thing I got partnered with”

“No. Chanyeol will have a field day of laughing if this happens”

“Then, let him have a field day laughing at me and his friend”

“Fine, if you insist. You and your father met him and probably his father too this evening. I know I know. Ridiculous isn’t it” Suho stays silent at let his best friend process his own words. Realization finally dawns on his friend because the man suddenly screams his lungs out. Suho actually feels relief because his room is actually sound proof. If it isn’t he’s sure the boys will wake up.

“Nonononono… NO! Oh, my goodness! Junmyeon tell me it’s not true! Please tell me!” Baekhyun shook his best friend shoulder but Suho only groaned and fall on his bed. It’s not long before Baekhyun burst into another round of laughter.

“Oh my god! It is Him! So, like, what’s his reaction?”

“Scared. I think”

“Of course he would be scared. The guy’s straight!” Hint of laughter still apparent when Baekhyun talks.

“I know…”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“Maybe I will help him convince our parents not to get us marry each other”

“You, Kim Junmyeon will convince not only your parents but his parents too? Are you finally disobeying your parents?” Baekhyun ask, awed at the thought of his friend finally saying no to his parents.

“What should I do then? I can’t marry someone who doesn’t want to marry me. Also, I can’t marry a straight dude, okay?” Suho cursed his luck

“Myeonie~ Come on, use your charm and make him turn gay for you” Baekhyun smirk at his own idea.

“Hyunnie~ I’m not you~” Suho mock in the same tone Baekhyun’s use on him.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes at the accusation. “So, tell me. What’s your plan?”

“Well, it’s not official yet but maybe we will use Kris straightness as an excuse” Baekhyun can’t help but chuckle when he imagines Kris Wu’s face. He knows the guy since Chanyeol is Kris’ best friend back in University.

“You know, I think this is seriously a fate. I got married with Chanyeol after the guy accept that he is actually gay for me. And maybe you can help Kris realize that he can be gay for you too. Kris never stays more than a month with his ex-girlfriends back in our college days. I told him so many times already to try date a guy. It won’t make him completely gay if he dates a guy, seriously. But he’s very stubborn. Don’t worry, he’s actually a good guy. He takes care of his younger friend very well.”

“I know he’s a good guy. Though, he’s kind of being an towards me this evening” Suho frown when he remembers what the guy said to him at the meeting.

“Hum? What did he say?”

“He says the twin wasn’t mine” Baekhyun laugh at that.

“Why he accuses you like that? Did you say anything that make him think like that?”

“I said… I n-never touch my late wife” Suho hide his face with his palms. Baekhyun laughing loudly until tears falling from his eye socket.

“Serve you right man… Who the would make an in vitro fertilization when the wife is completely healthy?”

“I just don’t want to touch her without me feeling anything towards her, okay? It would not be fair. And it was her idea because our parents already ask for grandkids after our second anniversary. You know the story already” Suho pout at his friend. His eyes fill with tears.

“I’m sorry Jun… I should know better” Baekhyun gather his friend in his arm. Hugging him close to his body. Suho clutch Baekhyun pajamas and buried his head in his friend’s chest. They stay like that for a few minutes before Suho pull away.

“I’m okay. It just, whenever I was reminded of that it feels like all of it are my fault. I should be a better husband and try my best to love her”

“You can’t force love you know. Hearts knows what it wants. Just follow your heart okay, sweetie?” Baekhyun stares into his friend’s eyes and smile when Suho nod his head.

“Then, I can’t force Kris to fall for me, right?” Suho bite his lips, thinking about the consequence if they did marry each other.

“Of course you can’t. But, you can always try to seduce him you know?” Baekhyun wriggle his brow at his friend suggestively.

“You and your stupid idea” Suho shove his friend away when the guy makes a kissy face at him.

“It works on Chanyeol~”

“Only Chanyeol can fall for your self-proclaim y body”

“I do have a y body. You just don’t know that” Baekhyun defend.

“Of course you do Baek” Suho nod his head just to make stop Baekhyun from describing his own body. Suho doesn’t need to know that. Thank you.

“Do you think it will work? Your idea to pull ‘Kris is straight’ card?”

“I don’t know… His mother doesn’t even believe that her son is straight. Apparently, Kris refuse so many marriage proposals already. His mother eventually gives up to pair him with girls. So, I might be his mother last resort for him to settle down.”

“Even his mother doesn’t believe he is straight?! That was sad” Baekhyun chuckle a bit.

“I know right? I ask him to meet me this Saturday and also to bring his kid along. Did you know he left his kid with a nanny? Unbelievable” Suho shake his head.

“Well, he’s a CEO and a single parent. I believe he doesn’t have much time to take care of his kid”

“I can! Why he can’t? I got a twin. He only got a child.”

“Jun, not everyone is as devoted to their kids as you do” Baekhyun smiles when he saw his friend’s eyes starting to close on its own accord.

“They should. It is their kids after all” Suho says quietly. His eyes can barely open.

“Come on, let’s sleep. You can discuss this matter with Kris later. And you got two meetings tomorrow” Baekhyun turns around to switch off table lamps when he’s sure Suho already falls asleep. “Goodnight Suho Kim. I wish you get your own happiness. You deserve that my dear friend” Baekhyun falls asleep immediately after that. He misses his husband and wish the guy is there with him to hug him in his sleep.


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Hello!! Is there anyone still reading this story? Hahahaha I would love to continue but I'm too busy. I just changed my workplace and I'm still trying to adapt with new environment. I will try to finish this story. Despite things happened, I still want to finish this story. Hope you guys can wait ;)


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Adila02 #1
Chapter 6: I need chapter 7, please!
Chapter 6: Pls update author-san
2439 streak #3

Suho finally meets Zitao!!! the kid is so inhibited that he has to look to his appa for approval for ANYTHING! damn Kris, what did you do to your son! anyway, really hoping that Zitao would open up more! the change of pace when he's with Suho and Jongin and Sehun are so drastic that I'm scared for when he starts this new routine with Kris but i really hope it would help him build confidence for his actions and express himself better...

also, Kris says Zitao is his life but it sure feels like he doesn't even care... the many times Jun had to glare at him, pinch him... ughhh Kris, i really wanna punch him in the face once! HAHAHAHAHAHA

looking forward to more Suho-Zitao interactions and also more of the babies' interactions!
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update, i thought you will not give a update in this time. Hope a good news will come :")
2439 streak #5
Chapter 5: AHHHH i just can't wait for Jun to meet Zitao!!!
MADAM WU REALLY IS SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this was all her doing but Suho and Kris surely played their parts well! HAHA

and that lady who had to nerve to call Jun mediocre??? GIRL KRIS WASN'T EVEN YOUR EX!!! YOU WISH!!!

Anna was nice but she did all the talking LMAO! she just sped into the two like some fast runner, just there and then out in a jiffy as well! HAHAHA
Chapter 5: Cant wat for junmyeon to meet zitao. Hope everything went well.
Chapter 4: I really enjoy this story. Good job authornim. XD
linajina #8
Chapter 4: Still reading this story.
Keep it up 👍👍👍
Myeonni2020 #9
Finally.. yayyyyyy..... Please continue.. muahhh
2439 streak #10

i am usually dumb to just jump on the latest update even if a fic hasn't been updated in so long which makes me lost lol but i was smart enough to read everything again before the latest update! so I'M NOT LOST! HAHAHAHAHA

anyway, with how affected Jun was of Kris's confession abt how he treats his son, I'm kinda surprised he still hasn't met Tao personally... specially since Kris already met Jongin and Sehun... but with so much happening, i guess it's understandable! and their parents OMFG! HAHAHA Madam Wu, specially, is such a drama queen! LMAO well no one outsude the family has to know that it was an arranged marriage right? HAHAHAHAHA

but now they have to be a convincing loving couple for the engagement party! HAHA good luck!

and Jun already informed his kids! i love how Jongin is so attached to the idea already! he likes Yifan lol... but Sehun!!! awwwww baby boy was so scared it's cute! he was scared of uncle Kris and scared that Jongin didn't want him anymore... awww i think the 3 kids together will be very interesting! when Jun said Sehun didn't have to call Kris baba or Uncle Kris and he kept shaking his head only nodding when it was said that he didn't have to call him anything! HAHAHAHAHAHA lol


don't worry authornim! take your time in updating! we can surely wait for it! :)

ps. if Jun is already paying for his mom's lifetime spa visits, he should've maximized his meeting with Kris then! that was so short! HAHAHA