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Favorite Girl
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Kang Seulgi was a complete innocent girl who freshly graduate from university. On the verge of getting the first job referred from her closed friend, Wendy, she's excited yet also very nervous. Wendy used to take internship at that certain company, and recommended to Seulgi that it could be her cup of tea. 

"Wendy, I'm going to final interview tomorrow." Seulgi mumbled quietly during their video call at night. 

"Already? Wow! I'm sure you're going to get it!"

"Hmm...but I'm very nervous!" 

"It's normal to be nervous, but hey! at least you get the meet Miss Irene! I swear she's the most beautiful person I've ever met!"

"...I don't apply for the job because of that!" Seulgi rolled her eyes almost immediately upon her friend's fangirling attitude.

"During my internship there back then, she's always glowing in the office! Some people say she got the job because her father is the chairman of the company, but I think she's a very competent person! although..." 


"Miss Irene's the scariest person in the office...I've never seen someone scold at somebody so loud before...but hey! again, look at the bright side, she's very very beautiful!" Wendy justified upon seeing horror look on Seulgi's face. 

Seulgi couldn't even calm her nerve, knowing that Irene (who potentially could be her manager) is a scary person...this might be Seulgi's first job, and she certainly hates being scolded at. While Wendy used to take internship there, she was always talking and admiring about Irene, and at some points, Seulgi thought that Wendy was just exaggerating. 


The final interview that Seulgi's been nervous about had finally come. With a big sigh, Seulgi still pushed herself to walk into the building, and waited for the interview.

Not wanting to make a bad impression, Seulgi made sure to arrive about 30 minutes before the interview started. Mostly to just calm herself down too. She sat and waited outside the interview room.

10 minutes before the interview schedule, she heard a sound of someone walking toward her direction. When she looked up, she saw a very elegant young lady with a guy walking behind - seemingly assistant? but the lady herself looked pretty young to be a manager . . . is it Miss Irene? 

"Have you done the report I asked for?" the lady spoke almost coldly to the guy while walking pass Seulgi

"N-No . . . I-I" the guy stuttered, and looked down on the floor.

"So you didn't do any while I was away at all. Do it now, and make it ready by the time I finished this interview!" the lady reached the room, and closed the door at the guy - not waiting for his response. 

Seulgi could hear a loud sigh, and she pretended as if she didn't hear or see anything - not wanting to involve in anyone's business. 

"Excuse me? Are you Miss Kang Seulgi?" the guy walked back, and greeted Seulgi with a smile - almost a forced one.

"Yes, it's me."

"You can go inside the interview room there; Miss Irene is in there." he directed the room to her. 

So...that scary lady was none other than Miss Seulgi expected. 

During interview, Seulgi was nervous as she definitely feel the intimidating aura from Irene. Irene looked very cold, and very observant during the interview. But really . . . Seulgi could notice all the beautuiful feature on the person infront of her. How could a person look this beautiful, and very capable at the same time? the world is so unfair. 

Irene had a very rough morning as she was back from her business trip, and her assistant didn't finish the task she asked for. Things like that could really ruin her mood. She knew herself very well that she doesn't feel good - her surrounding's mood would also go sour. She also awared that she's quite a moody person, and could really affect other. 

Trying her best not to affect the interviewee infront of her, she tried smiling...but seem like it still didn't work because . . . the girl infront of her didn't look comfortable at all during this past 10 minutes of interview. The girl seemed kind, and nice - Irene didn't want to scare her off like that.

Attempting to break the ice, Irene put down the CV on the table, and looked directly into the other person's eyes. 

"Are you nervous?" Irene could sense the girl was surprised by the question itself.

"Umm. Actually, yes." 

"Why? What's wrong?" 

"Maybe this is the first time I am applying for job. . . so it's pretty nerve-wrecking."

"Really?" Irene sipped her coffee, "But I heard you were pretty energetic in the 1st round interview with HR team. Am I scary?" 

Seulgi could barely find words to reply back . . . I am so done for . . .  that's it 

"Don't worry. For me, just focus on getting done on the job, and I won't bite you." Irene smiled sternly. From her observation, Seulgi seemed naive, and hardworking - so it's definitely a yes for her already. Plus that her personal assistant had resigned, and she really needed someone to fill in. 

Ever since Irene came in, her personal assistant had changed 2 times already - rumour said they were pressured and couldn't handle her. It must be urgent that they were looking for replacement. And yes, Seulgi was pretty awared about this matter from Wendy. 


"Seulgi? I would like to let you know that you are selected for the job!" the HR person called to Seulgi in the evening, like 4 hours after the interview ended. She then explained the job description to Seulgi with more details, and other neccessary informations. "For more details, actually Miss Irene will make a call to you directly as she's the one managing you." 

"ahh..Thanks!" Seulgi was excited...but again, nervousness came in. 

Later that night, Seulgi received a call from stranger. She's pretty sure it must be Irene. When she picked up, Irene talked about work to her directly. Her expectation on Seulgi, and the process on how their work look likes. Seulgi then learned Irene was not always staying in office as she would always go out on business trip. To be honest, she was quite grateful about that. Meaning that there's less chance of her getting scolded at directly. She extremely hated being scolded at. 

"So during your first week in office, it will be mostly handover from my current PA. Make sure he train you everything based on the list." Irene added, "Since I am abroad now and if anything happen, just drop me a text here."

"Yes, I'll take note of that...Miss Irene." Upon hearing that last part, Irene was silent for a while. 

Irene quite looked forward to the other week back to work, and especially to properly meet her new PA.


A week of training went very fast, and Seulgi got to learn alot from the current PA guy (who literally got scolded the other day). Also, she learned some gossip too...other really liked to talk about Irene, sometimes appreciating her beauty - sometimes badmouthing about her attitude. It also didn't take long for Seulgi to learn that everyone in Irene's department were scared of her coldness and directness.

Furthermore, she also learned that other head of department didn't like Irene...literally, they thought Irene was young, and very bold for her age. Well, they had history going on with her - she always challenged them (as much as they challenged her, but never won her). Plus, the fact that Irene was the daughter of company's chairman, they disliked her about it - thinking that she got the role because of her family only.

"I bet the new PA can't even stay for more than 3 months."

"Nah, I bet one month. Who could ever handle that stubborn miss." 

Seulgi overheard a conversation in the toilet - yes, her colleagues were betting about her. She felt very bad, and set a promise to herself that she would stay longer than 3 mon

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Chapter 1: Aw the ending was a total parkour of the flow of the story. Please give us a sequel authornim 😢
franch_fries #2
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: mmmm that was sad. I think it was right for Seulgi to leave before things get more complicated. Irene would never dare deviate from what her parents put her up to be or at least, it would be very difficult for her to try to and it might only hurt them both. Although, I also think that Seulgi should've said her reason for leaving. They should have at least tried so they won't hang onto what ifs in the future. Thanls authornim. Good read.
Rose-gg #3
Chapter 1: author-nim...sequel please!!!
Chapter 1: ugh T.T
and like others... i hope there will be a sequel
Chapter 1: omg, this is so good!!
ynylsc30518 #6
Chapter 1: Sequel pleaseeeeeee.
Outtie11 #7
Chapter 1: Irene and Seulgi will be together right?
Seulgi_kang_baechu #8
Chapter 1: Author is this really the ending?? Wahhhhh I want some Sequel to it but yeah it's up to you author-nim. Good job btw