Where are you?

Shattered minds

Everyone in the house is panicking and search in every room and in the garden. There is a forest around the house and a small city is few kilometers away so Shindong goes to look for him in the city while Leeteuk and Kibum stay at home with the patients. Siwon knows that it is useless to look for him in the forest, Yesung is scared of the dark so he would have never gone there. Siwon got in the car and started to drive. He doesn’t know where he is heading, he just needs to find Yesung. Maybe that he is walking on side of the road and Siwon will find him right behind the next curve. Unfortunately, he has been driving for more than twenty minutes and Yesung is nowhere to be seen. They don’t know how long is Yesung gone, they didn’t want to force him so they left him alone. How is it possible that no one saw Yesung leaving the house? Why did he leave? He has nowhere to go, no family, no home. Siwon hit the brakes so abruptly that the airbags are almost activated. He knows where is Yesung!


Siwon is driving as fast as he can on the narrow road leading on a side of mountains. After a while, he finally sees walls made from grey stone. Siwon stopped the car and opened the metal gate. This small graveyard is really pretty if you don’t mind saying it about a place full of dead bodies. Around are green trees and the whole graveyard is silent, only from time to time a bird chirps. Siwon can see from afar that someone is sitting next to Ryeowook’s grave. Small stones which are creating a path make crunching noises under Siwon’s shoes and the man stopped a few meters away from the grave. He is surprised that Yesung managed to find the way here, they took him here a few times before but it is impressive that he managed to get here on his own. 


Yesung is sitting in the wet grass and his knees are pressed to his chest. Yesung is hugging his legs and his chin rests on top of his bony knees. Siwon spotted that Yesung didn’t put on shoes and his bare feet are covered with scratches. He is silently standing there and then sat down next to him. He took off his jacket and throws the warm fabric over his back. He sent a quick message to Leeteuk that he found him and then stares on the grey headstone. Ryeowook didn’t deserve to die like that. Yesung didn’t deserve to suffer. Siwon wrapped his arm around Yesung’s small shoulders and feels that he is shaking. 


“Don’t do this ever again, okay?”


Siwon really believed that something bad happened to him. What if a car hit him? He could get lost and no one would find him. Or he could fall down somewhere and hurt himself. Siwon is trying to calm down and brings Yesung close to his chest to give him a bit of his warmth. 


“I don’t want to go with Chung-Cha.”


Siwon still isn’t used that Yesung is speaking and the voice is husky and sad. It reflects all the pain in his soul. 


“She just wanted to see you, she won’t take you.”


Yesung’s big eyes turned to him and Siwon smiles a bit.


“We should go home, everyone is so worried.”


Yesung doesn’t want to leave Ryeowook alone but then he the cold headstone and Siwon picked him up. Yesung’s feet are bleeding so Siwon decided to carry him bridal style toward the car and laid him down on the backseat. He wrapped him in his jacket and then the heater. Yesung fell asleep because he is exhausted. Chung-Cha, a panic attack, escape from the house and running to the graveyard really took every tiny bit of energy in his frail body so when they arrived, Siwon has to pick him up because he doesn’t have the heart to wake him up. He carried Yesung inside and everyone sighed in relief. Kibum gently kissed Yesung’s forehead and Siwon carried Yesung in his bedroom. Leeteuk came to treat the wounds on his feet and then pulled warm socks on the bandaged feet to keep Yesung warm.


“He thought that we want to give him back to Chung-Cha.”


Leeteuk sighed and rubs his face. There is a part of the story which he didn’t say to them.


“She has brain cancer.”


Siwon bulged his eyes and doesn’t want to say that she deserves it. He is still a good Christian but yes, he wants her to suffer.


“She wanted to see him for the last time.”


Leeteuk sighed and fixed the blanket which is covering Yesung. They left the room and go into the kitchen. Kibum is giving death glare to the doctor who is silently eating his dinner and doesn’t know that everything happened only because of Leeteuk’s soft heart which wasn’t able to say no to a dying person.

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401 streak #1
Chapter 18: I'm reading again
Chapter 18: Dear author
this was one of the best written stories i have ever read. Definitely one of my most favourite ever
Please if you are thinking of making a part 2 ... don't you hesitate and keep us updated i would love to see this work continue ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh this one broke my heart
Chapter 15: Yoongi you're doing good
Chapter 14: oh my god ... what's happening this is both sad and disturbing
please update soon ♥
Chapter 13: it's like an emotional support animal that's clever this can actually help
Chapter 12: Heyy
it's been a while I missed you I hope you're doing well
Poor Yesung I hope it will be fine please uldate soon ♡
Chapter 11: Awww I have been waiting for this update
so now it's just Yesung Taehyung and Suga
I hope Suga would realise how vulnerable the two are and help protecting them instead
Chapter 10: The love i have for this story I hope Leeteuk would find a way to deal with Suga soon
Chapter 7: Oh no Yesung where are you