A visitor

Shattered minds

Two days later Leeteuk received a phone call from the dreaded social worker and doesn’t have the heart to tell the truth to Kibum or Shindong. Siwon knows the truth but he is going to keep it as his secret and he prays to God to not take Yesung away.


The social worker is going to come the day after tomorrow and Leeteuk decided to take Yesung out. After breakfast, he goes to tell him the news and finds him playing Scrabble with Taehyung.


“Yesung, what about a mall trip. We could buy you some new clothes and other things.”


Leeteuk forced himself to smile because he doesn’t want to admit the truth. If they take Yesung away, then Leeteuk wants to at least give him few things. He doesn’t know where could Yesung end up, maybe in some terrible asylum  where no one will have enough time to truly care about him. Yesung doesn’t really care but Taehyung is so happy, he is feeling anxious too but still wants to go to a mall. Kibum goes with them because he also needs to buy few things and they walked inside the big mall with dozens of shops. Leeteuk looked around and spotted a shoe shop. They go there and Kibum looked around.


“Yesung, go and choose some pretty shoes.”


Yesung doesn’t move from Leeteuk and hesitantly looked around. He doesn’t  know what is he supposed to choose but then one pair of shoes caught his eyes. Yesung pointed at the pair of red Converse sneakers and Leeteuk nodded.


“These are pretty. What shoe size do you have?”


Yesung looked down at his feet and shrugged. He wore no shoes and only tattered clothes in the basement so he doesn’t know what size he has. Luckily Kibum is there and he chose the right size and Leeteuk paid for the shoes. They spend few hours in the mall and at the end of their trip Yesung has also new pajama, underwear, few new T-shirts and pants and they can head back. Kibum is watching the scenery outside their car and knows that something is wrong. He peeked behind himself where are sitting Taehyung and Yesung and Taehyung is showing Yesung the new comics he bought in the mall. Kibum looked at Leeteuk and sighed. Something is wrong and he is too scared to ask.


Leeteuk eventually has to tell that Yesung’s social worker is coming. He didn’t tell that he could take Yesung away and hopes that it won’t happen. The social worker arrived after lunch and Leeteuk greeted him and let him in the house. The man is around 40 years old and he is wearing wrinkled grey suit. First he looks around the house, he looks in every room and writes few notes. He is quite satisfied with everything he sees, the house is clean and cozy. Then he wants to speak with Yesung and Leeteuk has to explain that Yesung doesn’t speak, at least not with completely strange people. However the social worker tries it anyway.


“Do you like it here?”


Yesung looked at Leeteuk with panic in his eyes because he doesn’t want to speak with the weird man, he wants to be with Kibum. The social worker gave up after few more tries when the only answer was Yesung nodding. Leeteuk let Yesung run to Kibum and then takes a deep breath because now it is his turn to speak with the social worker. Leeteuk explained what happened and then the worker stares at him and his chin.


“I can see that you are taking good care of him and I understand he isn’t going to get better very quickly after everything what happened. Yet, I need to scold you - you need to secure the house better so this won’t repeat.”


The man stood up and shakes hands with Leeteuk who is shocked. He imagined much worse things but this wasn’t bad. He sighed and then he opened the door of his office. Leeteuk almost has a heart attack when he found Kibum standing there. The man’s angry face is a clear signal that he heard everything and knows the truth about their visitor. Leeteuk quickly got the social worker out of the house and goes to deal with Kibum who is trying to stay calm. However, Leeteuk is dumb to speak with angry Kibum in the kitchen where are many sharp or heavy things. Kibum grabs a frying pan and goes dangerously close to the doctor. He stares directly in Leeteuk’s eyes and then moves the pan to Leeteuk’s chin.


“Don’t dare to hide such things or I will beat you.”


Leeteuk nodded and Kibum calmed down a bit. Kibum feels much better when he knows that Yesung is staying with them but he still wants to do something nice for him. That brings us to today. Kibum was out in the city doing grocery shopping but came back with something special. 


“I have a surprise for you.”


Kibum’s smile is making Leeteuk nervous and then the man pulled out a paper box without lid and they all peek inside. There is a small brown bunny and Taehyung happily squealed while also clapping his hands. Kibum picks the bunny up and slowly hands the animal to Yesung.


“I got you a little friend so you won’t feel lonely ever again.”


Yesung hesitantly takes the bunny and looks in the black big eyes. The bunny is really cute but Leeteuk sees it as another worry. On the other hand animals can help so maybe that Yesung will take care of the bunny and he will feel more responsible. After the long years full of abuse and being locked in a dark basement Yesung needs something normal and stable in his life. Kibum puts a cage for the bunny in Yesung’s room and Taehyung goes to watch Kibum who is speaking about how to take care of the cute little thing. Taehyung and Yesung are the soft brown fur and Yoongi scoffed.


“So he jumped out of a window and you reward him?”


Yoongi thinks that these men are stupid fools and goes in his room. This place is a joke and he can’t believe that his parents locked him here. He should have run away from them when he still had the chance. Yoongi knows that he can’t lock the door so he at least throws a blanket over his head. Their voices are finally muffled and Yoongi sighed. He hates this place, he hates his parents and he hates his life. Jumping out of a window suddenly doesn’t sound so bad.

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402 streak #1
Chapter 18: I'm reading again
Chapter 18: Dear author
this was one of the best written stories i have ever read. Definitely one of my most favourite ever
Please if you are thinking of making a part 2 ... don't you hesitate and keep us updated i would love to see this work continue ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh this one broke my heart
Chapter 15: Yoongi you're doing good
Chapter 14: oh my god ... what's happening this is both sad and disturbing
please update soon ♥
Chapter 13: it's like an emotional support animal that's clever this can actually help
Chapter 12: Heyy
it's been a while I missed you I hope you're doing well
Poor Yesung I hope it will be fine please uldate soon ♡
Chapter 11: Awww I have been waiting for this update
so now it's just Yesung Taehyung and Suga
I hope Suga would realise how vulnerable the two are and help protecting them instead
Chapter 10: The love i have for this story I hope Leeteuk would find a way to deal with Suga soon
Chapter 7: Oh no Yesung where are you