

Joshua Hong is a student that has transferred from Los Angeles to Seoul to pursue his dream to become a teacher. He doesn't transfer by choice, but by his parents insistent nag to get him out and into the world made him go straight to career. No matter how bad the idea is, he goes through with it. Once at his university in Seoul, he meets his roommates, Seungkwan and Wonwoo, who both have different reactions to him. He quickly makes friends in his classes, which are teaching as a major and music as a minor, and gets introduced to what he thinks are a normal group of friends. What he doesn't know is that each them can easily kill him or change in a second. They are nothing like him; they even keep blood bags, which are their main source of food. When Joshua finds out, it will change his life. Through the love, hate, and emotions that ensue, will Joshua manage to stay as mundane as possible?



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