Daydreams and Reality
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Ten minutes later and a thorough explanation to Kwangsoo, I asked him to get his fire arms inside the car to get ready. We need to be sure we have enough fire power in case a shoot out happens. I am not capable of hand to hand combat as of now due to this cast on my leg but who knows, if my adrenaline permits maybe I can. Not the first time anyway.


I commanded him to inform the Chief of Security that we will be coming in a short while. I excused myself and went upstairs to check on Krystal, wanting to say goodbye.


Hahaha… I have to say goodbye at least and tell her where I am going. Or else its another round of nagging and icy, deadly glares from her.


When I entered our room, Krystal was sitting on the mattress looking so dazed. She narrowed her eyes looking at me then spoke in her sleepy voice. “Hey… I woke up and I can’t find you beside me… had a really bad nightmare… and I hate it. I shot Siwon with a hairbrush and his head blew off.” I let out an amused chuckle hearing her weird dream.  


“Then what happened?”


“He was headless, blood all around the room and it was disgusting…” the disgust was visible on her face recalling her weird dream. She always had weird dreams… a lot of it were funny and some are strange. This particular weird dream of hers belongs to that strange category.


Siwon. Blood.


Is it a premonition?


But they say dreams are the opposite of what will happen in reality…


Shot in the head…


As much as possible… I don’t want this operation to be that messy.


“Where were you?…”


“Kwangsoo wanted to see me downstairs.” I sat in front of her fixing her bed hair. “Krys, something happened on Hannam. The Chief of Security inform Kwangsoo a couple of hours ago.”


Her sleepiness instantly faded away, alarm now visible on her face. I took her hand that is resting on my knee and sighed deeply for I don’t know how many this evening. She will eventually know, no need to hide it.


“What is it?” she asked.


I narrated to her what happened, everything Kwangsoo reported to me. Krystal kept quiet while listening but I know deep inside her she’s already boiling in anger. The way her brows furrowed and her face showing disappointment and annoyance says it all.


“What I can’t believe is how that bastard entered that place without anyone noticing it…” she hissed in a low voice so that Halmeoni won’t hear our conversation. The old woman’s room is beside ours we don’t want her to wake up and worry.


“I don’t know what happened but don’t worry we will have the answers and I will not let the management of that place conceal any information. What’s important now is to get Siwon out of your unit.”


She let out an exasperated sigh nodding. “I will not spend another night in that place. We are moving out after this nightmare is over! Ugh! I hate him!” she took her cellphone from the mattress tapping furiously on the device. “Why can’t they just open the door? Bomb it like in the movies or break the glass on the veranda?! You know what I mean?!”


“Its different in the movies and in real life Krys. Not that easy…”


I stood up from the mattress hopping my way to the cabinet to change my shirt and pants. Sweat rolling down on my face feeling guilty when she talked about the glass and door. I kind of… hahaha… changed it to something ‘safe’. “I agree, let’s move. Anyway, just stay here let me and Kwangsoo handle it. The Chief of Security is waiting for us.”


“Oh, no way. I’m coming with you.”


“Krys just stay he--”


“I’m coming or you are staying. Choose one Steve Rogers.”


“I like it more when you call me y Groot.” I replied grinning at her with a mischievous wink.


She answered me with a snort, crinkling her nose as she stood up from the mattress and made her way to the cabinet to help me dress up. The two of us bantering like kids as always.


“I already messaged Luna to inform the Police and to have my suite at J Hotel be ready. We are moving there after this.”


“Can we just move to Gangwon?!” it will be nice to live in Gangwon…


“Am… it will take a couple of hours everyday from Gangwon to Seoul to be in the office. If we stay at J Suites, it will only take 10 to 15 minutes to reach the Headquarters.” she sighed looking apologetic.


“How about I take you to work by using the Helicopter?” hehehe… that’s too dramatic. Helicopter going to work everyday.


“Seriously?! That will be such a waste of fuel Amber Liu. Can you even fly a Helicopter?!~”


“I cross trained in a flight school. Additional skill you know…” I shrugged. Some of us were sent to flight school to learn flying skills that can be use in emergencies. Some, not all. And we mainly depended on the Airborne unit to fly us to locations that’s why.


She stared at me while zipping up my jacket, her expression was a mixture of wonder and interest. “Really?”


“Yep.” I proudly replied.


“You never told me that.”


“I don’t want to boast you know that.”


Krystal placed her hands on both sides of my shoulders then smiled. “Amber, taking me to the office everyday in a Helicopter will be so romantic. But… let’s stick to reality baby. Maybe if we are already retired and enjoying our free time together we can take Helicopter rides around Jeju with you piloting your own Helicopter. But now… its a NO. Sorry honey~…”


“Awww. Okay if you say so. Well it looks so cool in the movies when CEOs arrives in the helipad of their building but anyway let’s stick to driving.”


“Yes, let’s stick to driving and No, we won’t be moving to Gangwon. Well in weekends and Holidays or special occasions we will go home in the province… I miss that place too.”


“When the house is finish, we will.” I reached for a kiss on her forehead the two of us making a pinky swear.


She’s right, it will be tiring for her to travel everyday for hours. It means waking up extra early in the morning so she won’t be late for work. She’s the CEO but never that she was late in reporting for duty because she wants to set a good example on her employees. That’s why I adore her (^__^)
















All the sleepiness I have earlier disappeared after Amber informed me about that bastard Siwon defiling my unit. He is sick, really sick.


How can he do that?!… taking a person’s life like he owns it…


He must be stopped before he hurts another one.


My mind was full of thoughts on how to deal with Siwon when I felt a squeeze on my hand bringing me back to reality.


“Krys, we’re here.”


Luna and Atty. Taeyeon were already there waiting for us, Victoria was still in China having a short vacation. I motioned for them to follow me same as the bodyguards who immediately circled us while Amber and Kwangsoo readied their selves on the raid they planned to execute.


Back at Guri, we were still joking around while I help her change clothes. But the moment we stepped inside the car, Amber the skilled soldier showed up. She gave me the floor plan of my unit that she drew on a piece of paper, marking specific points and Siwon’s location. I thought I was in a spy-slash-war movie when Amber started discussing what she and Kwangsoo will do when they start the ‘operation’.


It made me realize that being a soldier will always be in Amber’s veins. This side of her is something that is hard to forget or buried just because she wants a simple life. It will always come out in times of danger like what is happening now. She was practically brainstorming me on what she will do once she and Kwangsoo takes down the door of my unit. I told her its 3 inches thick metal. She only shrugged. Amber is treating this like a covert Special Forces operation… a Delta Force raid to take down a terrorist.


I don’t even know how she will do it… but I know she can. This is just a piece of cake for her duh.


Maybe even flying a Helicopter is a piece of cake for her. Wow… I should ask Luna to check the prices of private Helicopters…


I was welcomed by the Chief of Security, Mr. Kim and a representative from the Real Estate company who owns the residential complex. Bowing at me so low giving the well prepared apology their company has mandated him to recite in front of me. Before he can even utter a single word, I raised my right hand palm facing shutting him up.


“Tell your bosses I want them here giving that apology and not you. Go.” snapping my fingers, my two bodyguards Hoseok and Namjoon immediately drags the representative away. I don’t want their employee to receive my wrath, I want them the executives of the company who owns this place that is now considered unsafe to live, show their faces in front of me and apologize.


Mister Kim ushered me inside the mobile command center parked near the building where my unit is located. I only want all of this to end. He said the other occupants of the building had been evacuated to safety as requested by Kwangsoo. Police are already on their way, he said.


“Mister Kim I won’t ask anymore how that man managed to kill someone inside my unit. Clearly, the fault is on your agency’s side. I want this to end tonight and after that we will have our things packed up so we can leave this place. This is so disappointing…” I heaved a deep sigh feeling the brewing anger inside my chest again. How incompetent of them letting that bastard enter this complex!


He bowed a meter away from where I am sitting, his dreadful expression so visible. “We are truly sorry for everything Miss Jung…”  


“You really should be sorry, not just for me but for everyone else living in this place! We paid a huge amount to live in this residential complex because your company boasted of ‘tight security’ and ‘exclusivity’. Now look what happened?! Where are the Police!?”


“They are on their way--”


“We already traveled from Guri! Until now the Police aren’t here?! What Police station did you call?! Busan Police Station?!” Tsk tsk… this is so… everyone is so incompetent! “Luna!”


“Calling the Police now Sajangnim!”


“But Miss Ju-jung! You know the policy--”


“Your Policy is something that will bring your Management to doom once my lawyer files a case in the Court. I am suing.” I turned to Atty. Taeyeon who gave me a thumbs up already getting what I want her to do.


“Will prepare the documents Sajangnim!”


I turned to Chief Lim, whose face is now on a state of remorse and pity. I am not a bad person but in times like this that incompetency and stupidity transpired, I will not regret lashing out to each and everyone of them for not doing their job. “Now, I need you to let the Police enter this complex once they arrive! I don’t care what your bosses will say! We just want that bastard out of my unit and inside a jail cell! So tell your men to be ready while we try to get him step out. Understood?”


“Ye-yes Miss Jung…” he bowed low again then turned around holding this cellphone to make a call. I went out of the command center with Luna and Atty. Taeyeon behind me.


Well basically, Siwon is alone inside that unit. He doesn’t have anywhere to go nor people to help him. Hwa Young isn’t here… I don’t know what happened, I don’t know if she is lying to me again or he kept her in the dark about all this stupidity. I asked Luna to contact Hwa Young and inform her about the situation happening now. She said Hwa Young is already on her way to help and persuade SIwon to surrender. I hope it works out or else he will drop dead if he makes another stupid move.


I made my way to the car where Amber and Kwangsoo are busy wearing their bullet proofed vest. Amber helped me wear one, securing it in my body then placed a helmet over my head. “For safety purposes. I don’t want you to bump your head and forget you love me.”


“Tsss… its a miracle I still love you. Knowing I already bumped my head a lot of times in bed--…” I immediately bit my lips to stop another word vomit because Kwangsoo suddenly snickered. Amber’s flushed face stared at me with mouth hanging. She shook her head with a shy smile pinching my burning embarrassed cheeks. Gosh.


“Here, take this.” a small handgun with a silencer was place on my palm it feels like I’m holding a toy. I suddenly remembered that weird dream. Eeew.


She gave me my own gun saying for emergency purposes since I don’t want to be left alone inside the car. Who wants to be left alone inside a car when action is happening outside!? Not me! But the thing is… I’m not like my sisters who are good in using this deadly metal instrument I’d rather hold the bow of my Cello than fire a gun.


I saw how messed up the sliding glass door of my veranda. God… What did they do to my unit?!


“Did they… oh my God! They fired on my unit! Look how messed up it is!”


“I heard from Kwangsoo they tried to smoke him inside but the impact of the tear gas canister failed to crack the glass. They ran out of tear gas, half of the guards needed immediate medical attention for being exposed on it.” she said scratching her nape. Pathetic, stupid.


I rolled my eyes snorting “Duh. Its bullet proofed remember.”


We entered the building and went up to my unit floor using the elevator (there is no way we can reach the floor by using the stairs, Amber will have to drag her leg if we did) my grip on the handgun so tight my hands are trembling not in fear but anticipation. She took my hand and gave it a squeeze like saying everything will be alright. I believe her.


“Are you ready?” she asked. I nodded my head taking a deep breath, releasing it in a loud huffed to make me confident in what we will do.








“Tell me again why you don’t want the Security office be involve in this ‘operation’?! Shouldn’t we call the Police instead of doing this?!” we reached the floor and stopped by the Fire Exit corner. Kwangsoo started cocking his gun then carefully made his way to the hallway holding it in a stance.


“Krys, do you think the Police can do anything? I bet they can if they are actually here but where are they? Plus that joke of a Security Office this Management has doesn’t even have a plan how to get him out. They agreed with Kwangsoo’s bright suggestion that we take care of Siwon before they call the Police. Pathetic. Remind me to sue the owners of this complex…” I replied with a snort pushing Amber’s shoulder with a playful glare.


“That’s my line.”


“Just borrowing it.” she answered with a wink. “Now take a deep breath and stay behind me, okay? Since you are too stubborn to be left alone in safety, might as well be snappy. Remember what I taught you about that gun?”


“Of course!” I nodded holding the fire arm pointing it at her which she quickly held gently by the nozzle of the silencer turning it away from her face. Oopss. “Yah, point it downward not at me. Gun always pointed downward, only raised it upward, point and shoot when in danger. Steady and be careful with the trigger, understand?”


“Ye-yes…” oh gosh… this is why I hate guns…  


“Kwangsoo and I will go inside first, stay behind us and be alert. Remember, if you come face to face with Siwon...”


“Shoot him first before he can shoot me.”


“Good.” she patted my the bullet proof vest I am wearing then made a thumbs up. “Ready?”


“Yep!” I think so…


“Don’t be nervous.”


“I’m not.” I am nervous!


“Don’t shoot me or Kwangsoo…”


“I won’t…” I hope.


“If he is carrying a knife, shoot him to stop him from harming you. This will be over in less than 10 minutes.”


“Understood.” longest 10 minutes of my life…


She stared at me for a second then reached for a pat on my head. “I’m crazy for letting you join us. If anything happens to you, your sisters will kill me.” I bit my lips, taking her hand that is patting my head squeezing it gently. Her eyes showed worry as always.


“Then don’t let anything bad happen to me.”







The three of us are just a meter away from the door of my unit, checking the tablet one last time to know where Siwon is located. Amber frowned while she checks every live feed from the cameras inside.


“Where is he?…”


“Maybe he’s hiding under the camera…”


“Its so dark inside… any other way to open the lights?” I asked.


“If only we have a flash bomb it will be easy to get him…”


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Happy New Year!!! :)) Update soon! Enjoy the celebrations!


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deanda94 #1
Chapter 53: What a lovely story.. i can feel all the love potrayed in each characters… the love is so real. Good job
Chapter 53: Re-reading this because i miss Lt. Liu and Sajangnim....
snackplate #3
Chapter 53: Re-reading in 02/04/2022. Same feelings from the first time. XoXo
Chapter 15: I've been trying my best to avoid re-reading this again bcoz I can't with just how surreal all the words, feelings and emotions you've all put here. Like, I'm having this very tight feels in my heart everytime that wants to scream, "WHAT THE HELL! WHERE CAN I FIND MYSELF A LT. AMBER LIU! I WANT SOMEONE LIKE HER TOO! UGH!". Then reality kicked you hard in your guts shouting "IN YOUR DREAMS!!".WTF. She's too good to be true. Imma gonna cry.
Chapter 27: yooo. this chapter made me tear up once more. ;v;
Chapter 3: rereading this and woah. THE FACT THAT I NEVER LEFT A COMMENT HERE IS DISGUSTING. I'm dumb.
exiguousnobody #7
Chapter 53: what a great story!
Germdh #8 just found this on YouTube lol
Chapter 53: I just finished reading this and I loved every single moment of it! Definitely one of my favorite stories of all time! I’m sure I’ll reread it all over again so many times!
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful story authornim!!!!
Kryber forever!!!