Daydreams and Reality
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Peace Yow~!






It was awkward as hell but I did not let her see how I am panicking inside. I hope I’m not obvious…


Don’t smile at me like that!!!


I cleared my throat and gave her a slight bow with a smile on my face but deep inside I’m shaking. Krystal… calm down…


That smirk doesn’t mean anything… maybe its her usual… smirk. Like that morning when you absentmindedly told her to have a hand spa. Ugh… I want to facepalm myself now.


“Hey… Lt. Liu its nice to see y-you again…” the memory came back again that I have to shake my head to forget it. My brows in a strike seeing the apron she’s wearing. And why are you wearing an apron!? That’s my apron here in the store when I help them back then! “Hey… why are you wearing that apron?!”


She stared at me amusedly then answered with a smile that made my knees weak. Her brown eyes showing that glint of mischief… or am I just too much of an observant? Please don’t tell me you remembered that night… because if you do… I don’t know what to do.


We stood there facing each other, an arms length away but it feels like we were just inches apart. There aren't that many customers tonight a few tables are occupied but some are leaving. Is she helping them here… if she does then that is good.


But not good for me!!!


She was just in my imagination earlier!


“Are you here for dinner, Krystal-ssi? Do you want the usual?” my mouth hang open trying to answer her in a manner that I won’t stutter but failed especially when she started to lessen the space between us.


Why am I having a mental breakdown?! I can’t even feel my knees! Wake up Krystal! This is not the time to look stupid!


She smells like…


Goat’s milk soap… wait… she smells like our product!


Is she using our product!?


I didn’t even notice I was staring at her with widen eyes, my feet stuck on that spot. She leaned forward and I was struck by a sudden force again when her scent filled my senses making me high. Our product smells good I know that but why does it smell so good on her even if she is inside this restaurant?… she’s supposed to smell like grilled food!


“I know your secret.”




What… secret… Oh My God.


She took a step back and smiled like she’s one innocent lamb. When did she even learn how to speak Hangul like this!? It may be a bit slow but understandable… did Sungjae taught her?


Nah. She’s just… bluffing. I think… so…


“I-I don’t know what you are saying Lt. Liu … and yes I’m here to eat! You? What are you doing here!?~ Congratulations on learning the honorifics by the way...” great Krystal. Great. (-__-’) I found my strength back and managed to go pass her to greet Halmeoni at the counter. “Halmeoni! Sorry if I haven’t been here for a couple of weeks… work is really demanding.”


“Yah… its okay. I know you are busy Krystal… your usual?” she patted my head as I answered her like a kid nodding with a cute pout. “Amber-ssi, you can take your break now. We don’t have that much customer this hour.”


“Yes, Halmeoni…” I turn around and saw her standing near me taking off the apron she was wearing. Her toned biceps that I admired that night flexing a little when she raised her arms, my throat going dry. She did everything while staring at me, like she was undressing herself teasing me. All I can do is clear my throat and look away or else I’ll do it for her. Say what!!? 


I really have to cleanse my mind…




She suddenly dumped the apron in my arms and gave me one last look, smirking while brushing pass me, the hairs all over my body rising in an instant when I felt the roughness of her fingers gliding on my arm discreetly. She went inside the kitchen leaving me soooo bothered and triggered. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!??




Nooooo…. don’t be… lead by that gesture Krystal…. (T___T)


Halmeoni lead me inside the counter pointing on the stool where she usually sits. She gave me a box of Peppero while she was preparing tea for both of us. She always does this whenever I come over after I came back from London. Saying she misses me that’s why.






“When did she start working here?” I’m just really curious that’s why. Halmeoni gave me a cup of hot tea urging me to drink. I took a sip of the tea and immediately recognized the taste of Bakha-cha (mint tea), Halmeoni’s favorite.


“A week ago? At first she regularly goes here to eat… there were times it was busy that she started to help Sungjae even if she has very limited knowledge in our language. But she’s a fast learner… Sungjae said she has been reading and practicing that is why she can carry a conversation now.” Fast learner huh…


“So she’s a part-timer now…”


“Yes! She only works at night, by day she goes around the place and explore. She’s a good person Krystal, I can see it in her. That’s why I did not hesitate when Sungjae told me Amber-ssi wants to help us without payment. As good will, I let her stay upstairs in the vacant room and give her free meals. She has been a good help here and I am glad about it. Sungjae told me she is a soldier on vacation…” I nodded tentatively while taking a sip again of the tea. So she already told them about her profession…


I feel guilty. She came clean to Halmeoni but here I am still hiding my true identity to her. Maybe its time to tell her so I will not feel guilty like this… Halmeoni probably have an idea now. “Halmeoni…”




“I haven’t been honest with you all these years...” I sighed looking down on the tea I am holding. I don’t want to lie forever… sooner or later she will know it.


She patted my back getting my attention, I raised my head with a guilty expression on my face and was welcomed by Halmeoni’s kind smile. “Krystal, if you meant that you haven’t been honest about your status in life then I don’t mind it. From the start that I met you, I know who you are.” eh?


“R-really? How? I never said anything…” I said in a pout.


“Silly girl. I saw you in the news before…” oh.


The news.


I bit my lips looking back down on my cup of tea, feeling that familiar pang of pain whenever the topic of that day many years ago will suddenly be brought up. Its a tragedy I want to forget but always reminded.


Maybe Halmeoni noticed the dark cloud hanging over my head that’s why she tilted my chin to make me look at her. I don’t want her to see the tears threatening to fall from my eyes but she did and brushed it away with her thumb. “Your Father doesn’t like seeing you sad, Krystal. Don’t cry… its not your fault.” my brows furrowed in wonder about what Halmeoni said. She knows Dad?!


“You know Dad?!”


“Yes, I know him. He came here one morning when you were still in High School and introduced himself as your Father. Of course I know who he is because its all over the news before… he was very thankful that I have been treating you kindly and teaches you a thing or two in life. He was very worried about you Krystal…” he was always worried because I always cut classes back then… even if I cut classes my grades were good. “Months before his death he asked me a favor to take care of you whatever happens, that you are a good daughter and he loves you so much same as your siblings. I promised him that until the day of my death I will.” I gave her a tight hug circling my arms on her waist, thankful for the day my feet lead me to this restaurant and met this wonderful old woman beside me. “I know everything that’s why you don’t have to say it. Don’t feel guilty because there is nothing to be guilty of.”


“Thank you, Halmeoni.”


“Whenever you feel tired or you need to clear your mind with all the responsibilities you are holding now, always remember that the door of my restaurant is open for you. We are always here for you, remember that.” she patted my head gently, giving me the maternal love I always crave for that started when my Mother left us in this world.


She may not be part of our family but for me…


Halmeoni is part of my existence.









I sat on my regular table inside the small private room of the restaurant sighing in relief. This room is reserve for small groups who wants privacy and that is what I love. A sliding door separates it to the main dining area and has floor seating tables and floorchairs with a back rest. It keeps me separated from the chaos outside and gives me the silence I want.   


Resting my back on the wall, I closed my eyes trying to calm myself and absorb the quietness of the room while massaging my tired feet. Its sound proof by the way, Sungjae made it sound proof as requested by those businessmen who frequents here. I personally like it because a lot of times I feel annoyed when customers outside gets drunk and starts to cheer their fellow drunkards.


Dad… you sneaky old man! You really are good in keeping secrets… what more will I find out Dad? Don’t tell me you have a love child?! Or you left a girlfriend? Hmmm… well, you are devilishly handsome Dad.


Lt. Liu’s face suddenly entered my mind while thinking about Dad. She is handsome too just like Dad… the only difference is she’s also pretty and of course she’s a woman. She brushed her fingers at the back of my hand earlier… I felt it again. Something stirred inside me… tsk tsk tsk.


Damn that Lt. Liu… she may have touched me before but that doesn’t give her the right to do it again!


Silly Krystal… you let me touch you!


“It was an accident… what the hell are you doing inside my mind?!” I mumbled in a low voice trying to fight with the imaginary stranger inside my mind. She was smiling at me… no, smirking at me! Like that smirk earlier when she welcomed me!


An accident that can be avoided or halted. You didn’t even stop me when I started kissing you!


“I.. am just… a human… with… needs.”


Eh. Not a smart response Krystal. Not a smart response… try it again…


“Just let me forget about it… please… I’m going crazy!”


Why forget something… good? *winkw

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deanda94 #1
Chapter 53: What a lovely story.. i can feel all the love potrayed in each characters… the love is so real. Good job
Chapter 53: Re-reading this because i miss Lt. Liu and Sajangnim....
snackplate #3
Chapter 53: Re-reading in 02/04/2022. Same feelings from the first time. XoXo
Chapter 15: I've been trying my best to avoid re-reading this again bcoz I can't with just how surreal all the words, feelings and emotions you've all put here. Like, I'm having this very tight feels in my heart everytime that wants to scream, "WHAT THE HELL! WHERE CAN I FIND MYSELF A LT. AMBER LIU! I WANT SOMEONE LIKE HER TOO! UGH!". Then reality kicked you hard in your guts shouting "IN YOUR DREAMS!!".WTF. She's too good to be true. Imma gonna cry.
Chapter 27: yooo. this chapter made me tear up once more. ;v;
Chapter 3: rereading this and woah. THE FACT THAT I NEVER LEFT A COMMENT HERE IS DISGUSTING. I'm dumb.
exiguousnobody #7
Chapter 53: what a great story!
Germdh #8 just found this on YouTube lol
Chapter 53: I just finished reading this and I loved every single moment of it! Definitely one of my favorite stories of all time! I’m sure I’ll reread it all over again so many times!
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful story authornim!!!!
Kryber forever!!!