Dreaming of You



Wasted. That is what I felt after the 8 minute drive from SM Entertainment to the guesthouse. I don't know what to feel because everything that happened felt surreal and it was all too good to be true. Kuya Eunki was quiet the whole drive. I thought he'll ask me some questions like how I get there but he didn't.


I was at the dining hall with the three other guests obviously because we are going to eat dinner. They seemed to know each other already.


One of them talked to me a while ago and she said that they're from Vietnam and their flight going back to Vietnam will be 2 days from now. They seemed to be good people based on the way they speak and the way they act. They always try to talk to me but it's either I'll reply with a yes or no or just a nod. I'm not comfortable when strangers are talking to me. This is the first time we met how am I supposed to act in front of them?


Mark Lee.


His name is too perfect I can smile just by thinking about his name. I saw him. I talked to him. We stared at each other eye to eye. If I'm just an ordinary fangirl, I would've collapsed but sorry I'm not. I am someone who's really good at controlling her feels. I just don't know how I should react if I saw all of them face to face.


I finished my food and excused myself from my co-guests and headed my way upstairs to my room. I should take a nice bath after this very exhausting day.


I entered the shower and carefully removed Jisung's oversized than oversized jacket. It can be mistaken as a dress because it's too long and just too large for me.


I folded it and placed on the bed before I get back inside the shower again. I twisted the knob and hot water rushed down through my tired body. The hot water coming from the shower head is more than just relaxing. It's enough to trigger my sleepiness.


I need to think of a plan for tomorrow but my head just wont cooperate. It's not functioning and I can't think of any good ideas.


I soaped my body and shampooed my hair before leaving the shower. I smelled like a flower because of the body wash and fresh strawberry because of the shampoo. I love the smell. It's soothing on my nose and it's helping me find my sleep.


I went to the vanity mirror and searched for my blower. I need to dry my hair first before sleeping.


I changed into my sleepwear after drying my hair. It's snoopy print is just too cute that's the reason why I bought this pjs. Yes I'm still that girly girl who wants to sleep with her pjs on instead of night gowns.


In my 18 years of existence I got used to sleeping with pjs. I never turn off the lights when I sleep for I can't see anything. It's like when I turn off the lights, my whole system turns off too. My vision will totally turn to black even if there's a faint light coming from the window. I told you, I cannot see too well with artificial lights what more if there's no lights at all?


My dad said I was born with this disease called night blindness. It's actually curable but many ophthalmologist gave up on my case. My night blindness isn't caused by nearsightedness, cataracts or lack of vitamin A. Ophthalmologist said that my night blindness was develop from a degenerative disease involving my retina, and that usually can't be treated. They said that since I have it, I need to be extra careful in areas with low light.


That's why my parents never let me sleep with the lights off. I never watched movies in movie theatres. Never experienced entering a horror house. There are so many things I haven't experienced yet because of this disease and it's not fun at all. I feel like I'm not normal.


We even have generators installed inside our house incase of blackouts. We never participated in earth hours because of my eye condition. Silly as it may be but the doctors said that this is rare and my case is serious.


The bed felt so soft under my tired body. All those walks and jet lag is finally entering my whole system. My body felt so heavy and so as my eyelids. I feel like dozing off anytime.





Mornings felt so different in Seoul. Usually in the Philippines, 7AM sun rays is enough to make you sweat in the morning. But here is different, sun rays here isn't that extreme I cant even feel the heat coming from it.


I left the guesthouse early to have some morning stroll. Is it obvious that I love mornings more than nights? It's obvious, isn't it?


I was wearing a black mid waist skinny jeans, white crop top long sleeve turtle neck that I bought from a thrift shop in Manila. On top of it was a navy green coat that I also got from a thrift shop.


Yes. I love buying clothes from a thrift shop and I don't find anything wrong with it. Clothes from thrift shops are way less expensive than the actual price. Besides clothes there are also branded and if you're lucky enough you can also find unused clothes there.


Mind you, I brought my camera with me because I need to capture every memories. And since I left the guesthouse at 6:30, I take it as an advantage and went to Dosan Park. It's a bit far from the guesthouse but it's worth the walk. Besides the weather is not hot it's actually relaxing.


The park fee is free and I found out that the park is closed every Sunday. Good thing it was Thursday. I am actually excited because rarely visit parks and other recreational facilities when I was in the Philippines.


Its an early Thursday morning and it's not that crowded in the park. I can only see bunch of people in front of me and the rest was nothing. It's just too peaceful here.


I breathed fresh air and decided to enjoy the view and walk. I took photographs of the statue in any angle. Photographs of the trees and flowers that are starting to bloom. Yes, It's spring here today but it's near the end of the month of May.


The next month will be summer but undoubtedly rainy. But I think that's still okay. What matters the most is that I'm here and I'm enjoying my whole stay.


I reached the other side of the park but I stayed standing for a bit. This is the beat place to meditate and to relax.


So where is that place? I asked to myself as I look for the exercising place of the park. I actually want to sweat ever just for a bit.


It wouldn't hurt to ask right? I looked back at the bunch of people I saw earlier. They're behind me and one of them is taking pictures just like what I was doing earlier.


I decided to approach the one who was taking pictures. I hope he won't snop me.


"Chogiyo..." I said to get his attention. He looked at me a bit surprised. I cleared my throat. "Do you know where the exercise equipments are?" I asked as I tried to brush away my shyness because I saw someone walking towards us.


"Dongmin-sshi, nugunde?" (Jihosshi, who's that?) Someone asked from my back. He's a guy from what I heard. "Nugunkaga dangsinege seonmureul jugo innayo?" (Is someone giving you gifts again?)


And I stood here clueless about what they are talking about. All I know is that this guy's name is Dongmin and the guy behind me is asking who I am. Other than that is beyond my understanding.


Dongmin-sshi just smiled and shook his head. "Aniyo," He said as he look at the guy behind me.


I looked at the guy behind me and realised that he was the guy wearing a black hoodie a while ago. Now he's just wearing a plain black v-neck shirt and his hoodie is tied on his waist.


His hair's dark blue and I wonder if it's really normal for people here to colour their hair like that. I mean it's okay if you're an idol... Wait is he an idol though? Am I talking with an idol and I'm not aware?


But they're not familiar... What boy group could they be? What entertainment?


"Mwo?" The blue haired guy asked and I took a step back because he is really good looking and he just lowered his head closer to me. No they're not idols, ...not yet.


You cant act like this if you're an idol. You cannot be this close to a girl if you're an idol.


"Ya Hwanjin, ije keuman geopjugo isseo." (Hwanjin, stop you're scaring her.) Dongmin said.


Yeah right. I shouldn't have approached this guy. I should've find what I'm looking for by myself. Because this Hwanjin here is acting like a jealous girlfriend of Dongmin. But still, who were they anyway. Is there any rookie group who recently debuted has Dongmin and Hwanjin members?


Dongmin looked at me and he smiled again. Heol. His visual isn't joking too. I think they are trainees. But is it okay for trainees to have hair colour other than black and dark brown? Look at this Hwanjin-sshi his hair is dark blue.


"It's over there." He pointed the other side of the park and I saw it immediately.


"Thank you very much, Dongmin-sshi?" I thanked him even though I don't feel like exercising anymore.


He nodded his head and I looked at Hwanjin, I just bowed at him and I immediately dismissed myself. There's no need for me to stay there.


I pretended that I'm going to exercise that's why I walked toward the direction that Dongmin pointed. Little did they know is I left the park as soon as I saw what I was looking for.


I exited at the Eonju-ro 160-gil and walked passed the whole street only to find out that it leads to a major road. I looked at my watch 7:30 AM is still early.


I looked for a pedestrian and walked to the Coffee Bean cafe that I saw. It's never too late for a coffee.


The doorbell rang and the cashier greeted me. There's just few people having their breakfast and there's an empty table near the window. Yes, I should seat there.


"One iced caramel macchiato please." I asked. The girl smiled and nodded.


She punched my order and I payed ₩4,500 as it was the price showed at the cash register.


I waited for my order to be served and I walked to sit at the table that I saw. I sipped my coffee as I look outside the window.


My eyes automatically widened as I saw the guys I saw earlier. There were four of them walking together until two of them turned to another direction where I think Jellyfish entertainment was located. Dongmin and Hwanjin continued walking straight and they put their face mask on. To my shock they entered coffee bean and they ordered their drinks. Oh please just buy don't stay here.


I think they're Jellyfish's trainee. And I think they're part of the rumoured Jellyfish new boy group that will be debuting soon. Maybe late this year or early next year. Heol.


I pretended that I'm scanning my camera as I saw them looking for an empty table to seat at. I almost cursed when I saw them walking towards me and I looked up when I heard someone cleared his throat.


It was Dongmin. "Can we sit with you?" He nicely asked and my eyes automatically diverted to Hwanjin.


He looks like he's against the idea of sitting on the same table with me. Well sorry but so do I. I don't want rumours or scandal, for sure these guys have fans already.


I looked around the cafe and tried to find them an empty table but there's none. How did that happened? A while ago this cafe was half empty how come every table is occupied now?


I motioned them to seat. After all how am I gonna turn Dongmin down if he's being nice to me. It's just this Hwanjin who's being a jerk.


"You can sit there, I'll leave after an hour after all." I said and they seated across me. Hwanjin in front of me and Dongmin sitting beside him.


A minute had passed and no one dared to talk. I just kept on scanning my camera until Dongmin spoke.


"So, you're not a Korean?" He asked. I swear I heard this question too yesterday.


"I'm not." I simply answered.


"Where are you from then?" He kept on interrogating me and I cant help but to notice that he is good in English.


Maybe he grew up in an English speaking country? Or maybe he just like studying English that's why he is good at speaking it.


"I came from the Philippines." Might as well answer all his questions to kill time.


I'll leave this coffee shop at 8:30 AM so that I have 30 minutes to walk to SM and wait for them there. It's just 7:58 AM.


"Oh! How is it, living in the Philippines?" So he's curious? Or maybe he's just really entertaining me because I let them sit with me.


"I grew up just fine so I think its fine living there." I placed my camera at tge table and took my caramel macchiato to sip.


"Is it dangerous there how about everyone's safety?" Hwangjin asked, his question is kinda offending but who am I to tell him? Just answer his question ayt? But mind you, his English pronunciation is good too. But still Mark's is better.


I felt the corner of my lips lifted as I look at Hwanjin. "Oh honey, there is no such thing as safe place here in the world. Even here, you are not guaranteed safe, right? But yes, it is safe to live there." I smiled at him for the first time. I should look convincing at least.


"Yeah you're right." He commented.


I smiled at them thinking if I can ask them about something that's really bothering me.


"Don't you have anything to ask us?" Hwanjin asked like he just read my mind.


I was about to say I don't have but I changed my mind. It wouldn't hurt to ask. "You're Jellyfish trainees right?"


I saw how Dongmin's expression changed in amusement. Hwanjin just looked at me saying nothing.


"Okay, don't answer that. I'm just a very observant person. I saw your friends walked to Jellyfis—"


"Ne." Hwanjin cut me off by just saying yes.


"So, you guys are rumoured to debut do you know the exact date?" I curiously asked. Might fire all my questions until they're still answering.


"Don't believe the rumours, we are not debuting yet. But we are scheduled to debut as members of the next boy group." Dongmin answered nicely. Why is this boy so nice? Ugh. I think he'll be my bias when they debuted.


"Oh." Is all I can managed to say. So they aren't debuting yet? Well, VIXX is still active and they just debuted gugudan last 2016 maybe that's why.


I didn't ask them again. But Dongmin's one curious kid.


"What's your name? You seemed to know our name already we should know yours." I looked up at Dongmin and I also glanced at Hwanjin. They're waiting for my answer.


"I'm Eury." I took another sip. It's okay to give my name right? Besides they don't look harmful.


"Are you here to study? Or just vacation?" Hwanjin then asked.


"The latter." I smiled at them again as I pick my camera up and hung it on my neck. "I'm so sorry but I have to go now. It's nice meeting you two." I raised my arm in the air. "Fighting!" I bowed at them as I excused myself.


Woooh! I sighed as I exited Coffee Bean. So where am I going now? Ah right! SUM cafe. I really hope to see them there.


I walked as I sip my coffee. Thirty minutes had passed and I'm still walking. Heol. I didn't know that it was this far. I mean, I didn't got bored walking earlier.


The street is getting busy as cars and buses are already taking the road probably to attend work. The sun's getting higher but it wasn't that hot against my skin.


I smiled defeatedly when I saw JYP Ent that only means I'm already near my destination. I should've taken the cab but I guess walking is okay since I want exercise and I'm budgeting my money. I don't know how taxis are paid in here, maybe it's expensive because I'm in Gangnam?


For another 10 minutes all I did was walking and I admit I got really exhausted. The ice on my coffee is starting to melt and I cannot taste the macchiato anymore. Wow. My watch says it's already 9:14 AM it's still early.


I was about to cross the road from where I was standing when someone grabbed my arm. I immediately looked at who it was. I covered my mouth as soon as I recognised him afraid that I might squeal because Mark Lee is holding my arm. Heol. How did he find me here?


Did he know I was coming? He pulled me to the most secluded part of the place and I tried to calm myself because Mark Lee is right in front of me and he looks so good. And damn Eury he also smell so good. I didn't know that he could be this manly. I mean he's still a baby.


I don't know how I look, maybe I look like a spartan because I walked kilometres just to be here. And who knows that maybe I'm already blushing because we are so freaking close to each other.


Mark can you move away? I cant breathe. My heart is racing. Eottoke?


"Who picked you up last night?" He asked and I blinked two times before I recovered.


What did he just said?


Who picked me up last night?


Picked me?


Last night?




"Who picked you up last night?" He repeated and I cleared my throat.


I don't want to assume but why is he asking?


"I-i umhm... Si kuya Eunki." I stuttered but that doesn't matter anymore damn why did I answered him in Tagalog?


"What?" His forehead creased as he asked.


"Sorry, that was Eunki oppa." I stood up straight and tucked my hair behind my right ear.


"Did you just called me oppa?" He smirked as he crisscrossed his arms.


"What? Hell no! I'm one month and two weeks older than you, why would I call you oppa?" I defended myself. I cant call him oppa but Lucas and the other older members, I can call them oppa.


"Oh. Is that so?" He said as if he was disappointed.


"But I want you to call me oppa." I looked at him, looking straight in to his eyes, inspecting him if he really mean it.


"Mark oppa, sounds good." He added.




Mark ing Lee is that really you?


Are you really Mark Lee?


What is happening?






Mel's Note;


Markeu oppa~~ Saranghaeyo~~ hearteu hearteu~~ buing buing~~ (cringe)

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