Waking Up With Wendy


The stillness of the morning air is all she feels when she wakes up from another sleepless night. She wipes her eyes of any sleep and glances around the near silent room.


The quiet of 5am being the only thing that fills her ears, the melodic sound of birdsong, the ripple of the breeze outside their open window. Joohyun watches the curtains move, as if they’re breathing, as the wind pushes them gently. In, out, in, out.


She soon becomes aware of a soft weight across her middle. Looking down from where she’s laying, Joohyun sees a small arm draped over her waist, loosely holding her in place. A soft smile forms on her lips at the sight of the milky white arm resting on her. She tries to sit up, ever so gently, slowly lifting herself into a sitting position in the bed. As Joohyun slides her body upwards, she feels the grip around her stomach tighten, as if the sleeping girl next to her is afraid she’ll disappear if she doesn’t hold on tight enough.


She gives a soft laugh as the girl next to her continues to try and pull her closer. Joohyun lets herself shuffle a few centimetres closer, but not getting so close that she might wake the small girl. She feels the tightness around her waist lessen and watches the sleeping girl’s face soften once more, seemingly satisfied with the new closeness between them.


Joohyun studies the features of Seungwan as she sleeps next to her.


Her precious Seungwan.


The morning light softly falls on her delicate features as the breeze moves the curtains back again. As the streams of dim daylight hit her skin, Joohyun swears she sees it faintly shimmer under the rays of light. Most people would close the curtain, prevent the daylight from waking the person next to them, but Joohyun can’t seem to will herself to move and perform such an action. She can’t help but just sit and stare. Stare at the way the light falls on Seungwan’s face, the way that, even though she’s simply sleeping, Seungwan can’t help but glow.


She looks like an angel.


Joohyun can’t tear her eyes away. The soft rise and fall of the girl’s chest tells her she’s still sleeping soundly. She finds herself wondering what Seungwan could possibly be dreaming about that would cause the girl to sleep so peacefully. She hopes it’s something good, Seungwan deserves nothing more than the sweetest and most beautiful dreams. She hopes she’s in the dream, that she’s the source for such a tranquility in Seungwan’s dream world.


The breeze blows a little harder than before, puffing the curtains open once more with a bit more force. A cold air enters their room and Joohyun watches the smaller girl shiver at the slight temperature change. She lets her hand glide delicately over the arm that still lies around her waist, feeling small goosebumps from the cold rise under her touch.


Noticing the chill, Joohyun gently pulls at the covers that had fallen to around Seungwan’s waist. She pulls the blanket to under her arms, not willing to create a barrier between Seungwan’s arm and Joohyun’s gentle touches with the thin fabric. She resumes drawing small intricate patterns into the girl’s forearm as she continues to rest.


As the girl lays still under her touch, Joohyun allows her fingers to ghost Seungwan’s skin as her eyes wander over the sleeping girl once more. She takes it all in, as she has done many times before. She doesn’t need to study Seungwan’s face as hard as she does, she could recall her features blindfolded if someone asked her, but it that won’t stop her. Not now, not all the times before, not ever, she promises to continue to commit every part of Seungwan to memory as long as she is able to. She doesn’t want to forget a single thing about the girl laying next to her, she wants to learn this girl by heart.


She lets her eyes fall over Seungwan’s face, eyes tracing the outline of her perfect lips, slightly parted as she rests, her head on her other hand while the other remains secured around Joohyun. Hey eyes glance over the girl’s jawline, how it’s soft shape frames her face so perfectly. Her gaze then travels up the line of her small nose and then rests on her closed eyes.


Joohyun watches as Seungwan’s eyelids gently crease and her eyebrows knit together and come undone, the girl is clearly dreaming and Joohyun finds her soft facial expressions completely entrancing. The girl’s face soon completely relaxes, and Joohyun suddenly hears that ever so soft angelic voice that she craves so much.


“Go back to sleep.”


Her voice is light and soft but still thick with sleep. Joohyun stops Seungwan’s arm and he eyes widen slightly at her words, surprised she was caught. As Seungwan goes to speak again, her eyelids flutter open and Joohyun is left breathless as small brown eyes stare back at her. They glisten in the morning light and Joohyun finds herself staring deeply into the small orbs as if they contain some unknown secret of the universe. She can’t tear her eyes away from the glittering eyes of the girl and almost misses how Seungwan’s mouth gently twists into a small smile as she looks back at her.


“‘Hyun-ah,” her voice rings through the still air once more, despite its softness, Joohyun hears her loud and clear, “you’re staring.”


Joohyun finally lets her gaze drop to the sheets in front of her, a light dusting of crimson falling on her own cheeks in slight embarrassment at being caught.


She feels the mattress next to her sink and the arm around her waist snake further around her. Seungwan has rolled over and is now trying to pull her back down into the covers and into her arms. Joohyun, being nothing but weak to Seungwan’s demands allows her body to go limp and be pulled into her embrace.


As Seungwan readjusts her position to make room for Joohyun next to her, she hums into the back of her shoulder, holding her close in a backhug,


“Go back to bed, Joohyun.”


That’s the last sentence she hears from the smaller girl as Joohyun feels Seungwan snuggle into her back and bury her face between the covers and herself. She smiles to herself as Seungwan holds her tight and close, feeling herself relax into the girl’s arms, she finally lets herself rest. Her body finally lets the tiredness it’s been holding onto be washed away by Seungwan’s sweet embrace and finds herself lost in dreams of Seungwan and mornings like this one.


It’s worth it,she thinks. The sleepless nights, the tiredness, it’s all worth it if it means waking up next to Seungwan. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

She relishes in the dreams that are graced by Seungwan’s presence, but nothing, nothing, will beat waking up to the real thing.



Woo! I talked about it and talked about it and I finally made a place for my oneshots, hope you guys liked the first installment, hopefully I'll be back soon with another!

Gee c:

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Also don't worry, there is a multi chap in the works I just was feeling inspired


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Is it wrong I expect this to be updated?
16 streak #2
Chapter 1: aaahh this fic i'm melting sweet and tender wenrene early in the morning and the way you described irene's appreciating every features and everything about seungwan she got it bad she's so in love :'((((
Chapter 1: My morning is never been so good, until I found this :')
Chapter 1: Ahh my heart flutter <33
Chapter 1: I like reading stories like this~ So simple yet makes my heart flutter.

Thank you for this author ssi (:
Eririn #6
Chapter 1: Despite the entire chapter being about Wenrene lazing in bed, I still found the chapter amazing. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling and brought a smile to my face imagining this scene taking place. Just one question though. Why does Joohyun have sleepless nights? Especially when Seungwan is sleeping next to her.
Chapter 1: ahhh, what a nice morning to wake up beside seungwan and stare at her face ~ uwu
Chapter 1: They’re so sweet ~ I can wait to read more of your oneshots. Thank you so much!