Well...this is awkward

Sweet Coincidence

Louie’s POV

“Mummy, I just checked on everyone, they are all sleeping,” I told her as I put away some of the dishes.

“That’s good, so who won the game?”

“Hoon did, it was hilarious seeing their faces” I laughed at the memory.

“Too bad your sister didn’t see them yet,”

“Alex did....,”

“Not Alex dummy, Ally,”


“Jeez, these boys are really sweet and that sister of yours isn’t even here to greet them properly,” mummy said with tears in her eyes. I was about to run to her and provide a hug to my mom until I heard a familiar voice. A loud OBNOXIOUS familiar voice.


“ALLY!” We both yelled as we stared at my older sister who standing at the doorway with her bags of luggage...most of which isn’t even filled with clothes but instead documents and contracts knowing her.

“WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?” Mummy asked her before engulfing her in a hug.

“Just now. You look great Mummy!” Ally told her before embracing her.

“Why are you wearing that?” I asked her as I walked to my elder sister.

(just the outfit)

“I was at a conference but my boss wanted me in casual attire. Cute right?”

“Yah yah yah, real cute my baby, but cute doesn’t change the fact that you are stinky, go wash up and go to sleep,” mummy lectured her.

“Okei,” she replied before screwing up my hair and kissing mom’s cheek. Ally went up the stairs and disappeared from our sight.

“She grows prettier each day!” Mummy said before hugging me.

“Mummy, did you tell her that Hoon is in her room?”



“It’s not like she’ll end up sleeping in her room if she see’s a guy in her bed. My child isn’t that stupid,”

“Mummy, I don’t know....”

“She might be oblivious but not THAT oblivious,”

------------------------------------- NEXT MORNING----------------------------------------

“Good Morning,” I greeted my mom who was happily making pancakes.

“Good Morn-,” my mom tried to say before being cut off by a loud scream.

“OH MY EFFING GOD!” I heard Ally’s voice scream.

“Oh crap~” I mumbled to myself before peaking at my mom’s horrified face.

“She....Hoon...oh my GOD!” Mummy said before sitting down.....

“Uh...well this is a great way to start the morning,” I told her but she just glared at me.


Your POV

-----------------------------Last Night----------------------------------

Man, I am EXHAUSTED. God damn sangsonim... seriously... pushing back my vacation....extending my work hours...AM I A SLAVE? I wanna sleep.

I chanted the words I wanna sleep in as many languages as I could while I went into the shower. I took a long warm shower to get rid of any tension in my body and slipped on my only clean sleep dress.... the one my old good friend from high school gave me. Damn that Kat.

Half asleep, I dragged myself to the bed and flopped on the side and curled up in a ball facing the window and grabbed my trusty body pillow:


(his name is Mr. Cuddle-bear <----- meant to be kiddish)

-----------------------------This Morning---------------------------------

I woke up from my comfortable sleep. At first the room was cold but now I’m surrounded by warmth...sweet WARMTH! KAMSAHAMNIDA  GOD! I HATE the cold...the problem is my body temperature is ALWAYS lower than that of a normal human... being anemic does wonders to your body doesn’t it (-________-’). I knew I was conscientiously awake..but my eyes were too lazy to wake up. I snuggled closer into Mr. Cuddly-bear and straddled my arms around his waist. I felt the arms of Mr. Cuddly-bear pull me closer and his arms rested at the lower part of my back.

“Mr. Cuddly-bear tell me what time is it?” I whispered half-asleep in some language...learning so much has driven me nuts...I can’t think anymore.

“Mollayo,” his sweet voice answered back.

“Ah, that’s okay....I’ll go check myself,” I answered him back. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the clock over Mr. Cuddly-bear’s reddish brown hair and peaked at the clock. “Ah~ it’s ten already...” I whispered in hangul, “Would going back to sleep really be that bad?”

“Aniya~” Mr. Cuddly-bear said quietly as I stretched up half awake. I took one look and realized something here is not right. I looked to the side and saw Mr. Cuddly-bear tossed near the TV. Realizing  that the THING next to me was not Mr. Cuddly-bear....I screamed.



Hoon’s POV

I don’t know what happened but it did.

----------------------Flashback to earlier that same morning--------------------------

I was cuddling into the pillow next to me and held it close. It was a little cold so I grabbed the pillow and pulled the blanket over us. It was quite comfortable and I was in a nice dream. The girl Kevin bumped into earlier was in it. She was talking to me.

“Mr. Cuddly-bear tell me what time is it?” she said while rubbing her eyes tiredly. I didn’t want her to wake up and leave me.

“Mollayo,” I told her, hoping she would go back to sleep...in my arms.

“Ah, that’s okay....I’ll go check myself,” she answered back. Noooo~ don’t do it. Stay here but I was too tired to scream.

“Aniya~” I protested and then there was silence. I waiting for her to crawl back into my embrace...I didn’t expect what happened next...



I don’t understand....

How did this happen?

When did my dream become real?

These were the thoughts that clouded my head after I saw her... I’m sorry to say this but she is HAWT....

I mean look at HER!


I’m still a man


I didn’t do anything wrong


I just somehow got a HAWT girl to appear in my room out of nowhere


Your POV

“YAH!” I yelled at the Mr. Cuddly-bear imposer for the tenth time. He was just staring at me. Since he talked back to me in hangul, I assumed he was Korean but seriously is he DEAF?!

“BWOH~” I smacked him with one of my bazillion pillows as I got annoyed with him.

“Yah~ what was that for?” he finally answered back from his “daze”

“I was calling for your attention for the last five minutes BABO!” I glared at him but I realized his eyes weren’t on my face. That’s when I remembered what I was wearing. I took the pillow again and hit him in the face.

“Yah, when I’m asking for your attention look at my face not my body!” I yelled at him before hitting him again.

“It’s not my fault your hot...,” he tried whispering but I heard him loud and clear. I threw anything and everything I could at him. This...this...this CHEEKY ERT. BUNHAE. JERK. BABO.

“BWOH....when I get my hands on you  you bunhae!” I threatened but I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

“Well this is awkward,” I heard Louie behind me but that wasn’t what stopped me. Nope, it was the 6 handsome young men that resembled UKiss.

“Ah crap...,” I whispered to myself before carefully turning my attention to the bunhae in front of me. It was none other than Hoon...from UKiss.

“...Umm, this IS awkward,” Kevin said before I took the covers and threw it over my head.

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This was daebak!

Hoon hugging the girl and cat fight! :3

gosh! That was too cute for words!! :D

Update soon, ok? :3
wow :3
Soooo adorable!

Cute story!
Update soon!
Their new house seems nice and the people in it seem pretty cool. I understand how Louie feels... i was always refered as my brother's little sister.
Kevin and Eli are so adorable ^^
:DDDD I like it so far >.< please update soon :D
whos that lucky girl!! :3

gosh!! i liked this!! :D