Chapter 3

How it all started

-Gomawo, Jiyong said sincerely as Jieun sat beside him on the couch. - I really appreciate your concern

-It´s nothing Oppa. I was worried but now you look much better. It´s a relief. She smiled widely, and he felt lighten his world

-I often feel uneasy, even sick sometimes, after a hard day of work. People think it's easy to be an idol, they don’t really know how hard it is sometimes. She sighed

-Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I often feel stressed out, but what can we do, that´s our job it´s like. He sighed. -I also feel so lonely, sometimes.

- But you guys are always together, Jieun held. You must have fun all the time

-Yeah, we have, sometimes…He paused. Yet, I find difficult to show my true self and share my struggles with people, that´s why I feel lonely. The guys are great, but at the end of the day, we are all alone by ourselves.

-Wow! You´re so deep Oppa, it seems you feel exactly like I do. Jieun said surprised to discover that side on him.

They chatted for a long time about their careers, the struggles they faced and life in general. Jieun find herself relating with him deeply and Jiyong felt even more drawn to her

After a while, they just stayed in silence engrossed in their own thoughts.

-I think it´s…Jiyong started to say but when he turned to Jieun she was sleeping deeply, her head hanging down to her left side. He chuckled and moved closer to her letting her rest her head in his shoulder. She groaned without waking and cuddled with him. Jiyong let her stay like that, trying not to wake her up, his heart filled with warm

After a while, he also fell asleep without even noticing.

Jieun woke up startled by something. She tried to recognize her surroundings but she couldn´t. She tried to raise her right hand to rub her eyes, but it was trapped. She turned to her side to find Jiyong sleeping soundly hugging her tightly.

Jieun jumped from fear, yelling

-Oppa! – Jiyong woke up startled by her scream. -What!? What happened? He lifted without knowing where he was either. Jieun covered embarrassed about her reaction.

-I´m sorry Oppa. Did I scare you? We got slept…

-Omg Kiddo! you almost gave me a heart attack. Jiyong Stood up adjusting his clothes checking his watch. - It´s almost 4:00 am, C´mon let´s get you home.

-But are you alright? You were feeling so ill. I can call my manager, so…

-Don´t worry I´m feeling well now, let´s go. Jiyong took his jacket offering a hand to her

-But I…she started to say

-Don´t worry I know a way to go directly to the parking lot without going through the party. Jiyong said knowing that Jieun could be uncomfortable if someone sees them together at this hour.

She let him lead the way holding his hand as they walked. They reached the parking lot and got in his car without bumping into anybody. She breathed relieved once they were on the highway. She didn´t need any gossip right now. She needed to be careful around men. Especially, male idols.

Jiyong drove thoughtfully all the way to her place, Jieun just stayed silent thinking about all that had happened that night. She stole a glance at him while he was driving, focused on the road. Damn! This guy was so hot! she thought to herself. From now on, she couldn´t see him in the same way that before. He stirred something deep inside her, but she couldn’t put in words exactly what it was.

They reached their destination quicker than she thought

-So, we´re here, safe and sound, he joked

-Gamsaeo Oppa, Jieun thanked him and unfastened her seatbelt and opened the door

-IYE (kid)…Jieun stopped and turned to face him


-Would you…. suddenly his shyness took the best of him

-What ´s the matter Oppa? Jieun looked at him puzzled. He gathered all his willpower

-Jieun ah…Would you go out with me sometime? Finally, the words came out of his mouth

Jieun remained quiet for a moment, considering his offer.

-Yes Oppa, why not? She finally said with a beautiful smile on her face. Jiyong smiled broadly, his heart bursting with joy.

-Yes? Thank you! I´ll call you then. Take care…

- You too Oppa, Jieun exited the car and walked away. Jiyong couldn´t believe it

-Yassss!!! He shouted once he was alone in his car.




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First of all thank you very much to all of those who are following my story and commented. Here we go with a new chapter


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IUkekeke #1
Chapter 13: expecting an update
kim811 #2
Chapter 13: Wait for your update, the story seems so real to me. Amazing job!
Dhanaletta #3
Chapter 13: Please...please...please.. update this story author-nim.. pretty pleaseee..
Its been so long since your last update and i did re-read this story so many times :D
I really really hope oneday you will update this story, author-nim..:)
arcillasss #4
Chapter 13: waitingggg for your nextt chapterrrrrrrr
iugdlover #5
Chapter 13: waiting for this aaaaaaaaa
inten17eu #6
Chapter 13: hey!! its been a long time. and I'm here to re-read your fanfic. I'm still waiting for the next chaap :)
Latinoona #7
Chapter 13: Hi, first of all, sorry for the wait. I was too busy. Also, I want to thank my wonderful gdiu friend who helped me to edit this chapter.
So, no more words. enjoy!
trinhnguyenn #8
Chapter 12: This story is great! Keep up the good work author-nim <3
Finally i found a new story about them.
Can i be greedy for this two ,i want a long chapter but whatever ,as long as theres a new update ,long or short chap ,id be so happy..iloveyou aauthornim ?