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Jin naturally put his hands around Namjoon’s waist as Namjoon’s arms welcomed him. The younger ran one hand across Jin’s back while the other one rested on Jin’s lower back.


Jin blinked a few times trying to register what they were doing. “Sorry,” mumbled Jin as he tried to release himself from Namjoon’s embrace. “Can we stay like this for one more minute, please?” Namjoon asked Jin. He was not ready yet to let the warmth from Jin’s body go. He missed hugging Jin like a long time ago. And all this time, the memory and dream about hugging Jin was enough for Namjoon. But at that moment, Jin was in his arms and he refused to let him go.


Jin silently agreed to Namjoon’s request. Well, he asked it politely, didn’t he? There is no way that Jin would turn down the polite request. ‘Lie all you want, Jin!’ his brained mocked him.



Jin lie down on his bed once he got home. He took Namjoon back to his apartment - that fact surprised Jin because he thougt he would be staying in a hotel - before driving back to his own apartment complex. He was so tired but his eyes refused to close and his brain refused him to rest. So, he just stared at the ceiling. Alone. At 2.30 am.


“God, I’m so tired.”



Jin showed up at the bakery at 10 the next day. He greeted a customer who walked out with a box of fresh baked cakes in his hands. He saw Jongdae taking the role as the cashier that day while Baekhyun and Jungkook were helping the customers.


“Hi, Hyung. Have you eaten?”


“Not yet, Dae-a.”


“Here,” Jongdae gave him his lunch box, “my sister cooked for a football team yesterday when it was just me and her. It’s good, I can guarantee.”


“What about your lunch then?”


“I told you she cooked for a football team. I still have two more of this in my locker.” Jongdae assured Jin and left him for a minute to receive a customer’s payment. “Thank you. Enjoy the cake.”


Jimin came out of the door that connected the store and the kitchen. He was wearing a white chef outfit with an apron on top of it. Jimin and Kyungsoo were studying to be pastry chefs and they were very happy when Jin gave them a chance to work in his bakery.


Jimin spotted Jin. “Why are not resting, Hyung?”


“My bed is so sick of me,” Jin joked although they knew the truth. “You look like a real chef this morning.” Jimin grinned. “What are you making?”


“Two birthday cakes for the samples today. Kyungsoo Hyung is preparing the dough for our special bread of the day.”


“Can’t wait to taste it,” Jin smiled. They heard the bell and quickly turned to greet the customer with their sincere smiles.


I watched the guy laughing and talking to his staff. I really wanted to erase the smile on his face. He was the reason I lost my beloved one. He and his husband who was already burned into ashes. Just wait, Kim Seokjin, your turn is coming.


Jin was at the police office once again. Officer Min had been asking him about his relation with Namjoon and he had told that man everything but Jin’s answers still could not satisfy him.


“So, how long were you together?”


“About a year.”


“Was it before or after you met your husband in college?”


“Before. I met Ken a few months after we broke up but I didn’t know they are brothers.”


“How did you find out they are brothers?”


“Ken introduced his brother to me on my graduation.”


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teteixofanai #1
Chapter 14: Yes namjin is back, the story is so good
Namnam13 #2
Chapter 13: Author-nim,I love your story! ^___^
swagminsuga #3
Chapter 10: Stupid jinnie... ?
Anyway authornim... thank you for updating ?
teteixofanai #4
Chapter 7: I wonder whats inside the box.... And who the mystery man is ....
teteixofanai #5
Chapter 6: As of now i dont knowwho to suspect regarding kens death... But i believe it was murder and not overdose on drugs
teteixofanai #6
Chapter 4: Yaayyy. The fun begins
Chapter 4: of course namjin starts know
teteixofanai #8
Chapter 3: Drum roll....... Next chapter jinnie and joonie finally meet again ... Cant wait
teteixofanai #9
Chapter 2: Interesting..... Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 2: well im waiting for the next chapter i just love this