Missing You [CB]

Random Stories From Yee: ChanBaek & KaiSoo Edition

Word Count: 1165 

“Hyung, stop crying like a new-born-“

“Easy for you to say,” The short brunette wailed at the tall, lanky figure standing near him, only to have his face smashed against the armrest of the couch to muffle his sobs, “You don’t have a lover who’s kilometres away from you and didn’t tell you they needed to go there,” He continued to sob, causing the short, doe-eyed man to groan over the chaos happening right in front of his eyes.

“For God’s sake, Baek, you’re acting like Chanyeol’s all the way in the States, which he isn’t,” The same man rolled his eyes at the other’s silly antics, watching as the lanky figure from before walked towards the brunette, who took over the whole couch, and gave him gentle pats on the back. Unfortunately, that only urged Baekhyun to shed even more tears. Sehun was quick to realise that his method of consoling the other wasn’t helping at all, so he retracted his hand and quietly sat down at the other end of the couch on the armrest.

“How far is Jeju Island from here, anyway-“

Kyungsoo instantly turned to the youngest in the apartment with a look that clearly says, “Go on any further and I will make sure you’ll regret it, son”. One glance at the shorter male made the other look away, whistling to a little tune he made up on the spot while drumming his fingers on his lap. Due to this, none of them had noticed a newcomer emerging from one of the rooms.

“454 kilometres! Wow, that is so far away! I doubt even an Olympic gold medallist swimmer could reach Jeju Island – and without getting their limbs all cramped up,” A man with amazing body proportions appeared with his phone in his hand, eyes slightly widened as he tapped on the map on the screen, which immediately led him to the Googles Maps application, only to get a shock when he heard awfully loud wails coming from the couch troll.

“Here we go again,” With a defeated sign, Kyungsoo slumped his shoulders, shaking his head with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. If an outsider were to witness the chaos happening in their very own living room, they would either be clutching their stomachs with tears in their eyes or be holding their heads in their hands as they rub their temples.

Jongin was kneeling right before the brunette by the armrest, his phone long forgotten as he continued to apologize as if he had committed the biggest crime ever. Sehun was a little more unaffected, for he had been there to watch the older man shed tears since before, though he continued to try to console the crying Baekhyun. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, strayed away from the mess to dial a very familiar number on his phone.

‘Why didn’t I think of that before?’, As he brought the phone up to his face, he thought to himself before letting out a huff when someone appeared on the screen.


“Baekie, hyung, Beak, please stop crying! I-I didn’t mean to make things worse, I was simply answering Hun’s question. I mean,” Jongin trailed off when he looked up to see Sehun glaring over at him, making him clear his throat. “I’m sorry, hyung. Please forgive me,” He continued, grabbing the other’s face and squishing his tear-stained cheeks gently.

Baekhyun sobbed once more. “Was it so hard to text me after leaving that he’s headed towards Jeju Island? He could have woken me up or something,” He sniffled, bringing his arm up and wiping his  tears away using one of his shirt sleeves, “Did you know how shocked and surprised I was to find him gone in the morning?” The two youngest in their close circle simply kept quiet as they listened to their hyung telling them whatever was on his mind.

“Oh, Baek, I’m sure if he had the time to, he would have texted you, but he has a schedule to follow strictly over there. He’s not there for a vacation, remember? You know how flexible he has to be, especially since he’s a CEO, things always happen along the way, it’s his job to settle it,” Jongin tried to reason with the brunette, who was slowly calming down from his mini breakdown just then. It took a while for Sehun to in and give his own input.

“Yeah, he’s right,” The lanky man nodded his head, smiling sheepishly at Jongin, who gave him a “What the hell” look, only to nonchalantly shrug his shoulders. The pink-haired man snorted before bringing his attention back to Baekhyun, whose eyes were puffy and red.

“He’s been gone since early in the morning and since it’s Saturday, I doubt he’ll be away for long. Also, didn’t he promise to spend the weekend with you?” The figure across Jongin emitted a hum, turning to look at Kyungsoo, who was slowly walking back into the living room with his phone in hand. As soon as he spoke, the other two immediately looked his way.

“You should have seen his face, he was crying like a child who lost his favourite toy and then, found it shredded into pieces on the floor,” A familiar, deep laughter came from the phone, one that made Baekhyun’s heart beat fast, toes wriggle with joy and mind jumble up. Jongin stared wide-eyed at the shorter male, mouthing an “Is that him?” to Kyungsoo, in which he responded with a nod.

“Yeolie?” Baekhyun mumbled when the doe-eyed man handed the phone over to him, his face instantly lighting up as soon as he saw his favourite person in the world on the screen. Every bit of anger, hurt and sadness disappeared; it was as if whatever happened before hadn’t happen at all. A wide smile graced the brunette’s features as he wiggled happily in his seat.

“I’m sorry for leaving you without any notice, baby smol, but it was a very urgent trip that I had to make and I’m absolutely thankful it was still nearby Seoul. Like you, I can’t help being apart from my one and only,” Upon hearing these, Baekhyun melted into a puddle of goo. For hours, the lovebirds continued to video-call, from the time Kyungsoo passed the phone to him to the time the main door opened, revealing the one man Baekhyun had been crying, wailing and waiting for.


“I missed you,” Baekhyun uttered as soon as he jumped right into Chanyeol’s waiting arms and buried his face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne lingering on his clothes. The tall man in the black suit let out a chuckle and held the shorter male tightly in his arms.

“I missed you more, my little pup,” He leaned down to nuzzle their noses together, leaving the three in the room to stare at their display of affection. One in cringe, the other in nonchalant and another in jealousy and longing.

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