Her and I

Me and Her, Her and I

Yongsun and I were childhood friends. She was beautiful, smart and kind. She was two years older thus she would protect me from bullies. I had always admired her and grew up wanting to be like her. I would copy everything she did and followed behind her like a baby chick. She would always give in to my whims and pampered me so dearly. I was really grateful towards her.

One day I realised my grateful-feeling for her was not as simple as I thought. It was more than admiration and appreciation. It was love.

I knew once I told her how I really feel she would feel disgusted and eventually want to stay apart from me. I knew how it would be like thus I accepted the confession on a whim. I do not know the person who confessed to me well but I found her cute. I just wanted to keep my mind off Yongsun for now.

Once we started to date officially, trouble kept coming. She accused me of cheating on her and did not believe my relationship with Yongsun to be platonic. I was frustrated and decided to lean on Yongsun for comfort. I was rather glad to have an excuse to still be with her, even though it was not a good reason.

Yongsun did not ask for the details but immediately brought me into her arms. Her kindness overwhelmed me and I began to sob. This slowly became a routine. There were good days with my girlfriend, of course, and I would often ask Yongsun to join us so my girlfriend can really see how platonic our friendship is. Yongsun would decline politely, saying she had to do her homework which I knew she had already finished it in school. I wished to hang out with her even though I am with someone else.

I later understood how selfish I had been and decided to fully devote myself to my girlfriend. Things were going smoothly when she suddenly requested for a break. I thought things were going well and could not comprehend her decision. I, once again, went looking for Yongsun.

I was in her room with my tear-stained face. She brought some beer and I began chugging them down. She asked me to slow down but I did not listen to her. As she did her normal routine of consoling me, I grabbed her face and pulled it towards me. I kissed her. I could feel her being shocked by my sudden action. As I was about to let go, I felt her kissing me back. I pulled away immediately after being aware of what I had done.

After years of my girlfriend accused me of cheating on her, I really did it. I backed away from Yongsun while apologising. She did not move an inch from that spot and I sprinted out of her house. I felt guilty about everything and decided not to inform my girlfriend about it. After all, we were on a break.

My girlfriend came back and told me she wanted to continue being together as the time apart was unbearable for her. I quickly accepted and prayed she will never find out about what I did to her and to Yongsun. I did not contact Yongsun after I got back together with my girlfriend.

Months later, I personally sent out letters to my friends and I even gave one to Yongsun’s mother as I am still ashamed of seeing Yongsun. Her mother congratulated me and went into her house. I looked towards Yongsun’s room on the second floor longingly before heading back to where my girlfriend was at.

My action has caused a strain in our friendship but I still wanted Yongsun to come and be my bridesmaid. I had the store doing my dress deliver a pale pink dress to Yongsun. I knew how pretty she would look in it.

On the day of the wedding, Yongsun was standing in front of me, wearing the dress I asked to be delivered. She looked as pretty as how I imagined her to be. She smiled at me and I gave her one back.

The doors opened and my father-in-law and my fiance walked down the aisle. She was indeed gorgeous but I thought Yongsun was much prettier. We said our vows, exchanged the rings and kissed. The priest pronounced us married and everyone in the church cheered.

My wife went ahead to throw the bouquet and it just so happened to land in Yongsun’s hand. I told my wife that I had some catching up to do with Yongsun and made my way over to her. I said hey and complimented on how stunning she looked. She slapped my arm and laughed saying that I am the one that is beautiful.

I decided to apologise to her again regarding that incident and she told me not to worry, that it was just a simple contact between best of friends. I also apologise for not keeping in contact with her. She said she understood and then pushed me to be with my wife. I grabbed her hands and told her to find happiness, like how I did with my wife. She smiled and wished me luck with everything I do in the future.

Truth to be told, I still have regrets with how things were left off and I wished the one lying beside me on the bed was Yongsun. She is now happily pursuing her dream of becoming a singer while I am stuck reminiscing about the past that we both shared.

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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 2: Ooh, now we get to see things from Byul's perspective! I'm really glad that we get to do so because now the feeling of regret can really be felt. While reading only Yongsun's perspective I felt like this feeling is not really brought up to the surface. This chapter complements the previous one and makes this story complete, because here we find out that Byul has feelings for Yongsun too! And we get to see that, like Yongsun, she tried to suppress her feelings. I like that we now know about what happened at the moments which Yongsun referred to as the ups and downs of Byul's relationship. In wanting to stay away from Yongsun, Byul made the decision to try to be faithful to her partner, and in doing so it made her feel worse when she 'finally' cheated on her partner after all the previously false accusations. Again, the scene of the wedding got me feeling all sorts of emotions. Yongsun's still on Byul's mind even on her special day. I cannot at this angst ;-; I really like how the last paragraphs of both chapters are written. Yongsun was somewhat able to get past the regret while Byul's living her regret all her life. I think with both chapters, the feeling of regret really sets in when after reading this chapter, I kept thinking about the 'could have been's. There's also the question of what if somehow both Byul and Yongsun found out that they actually had feelings for each other. While I feel that would be an example of the ultimate regret, this story shows regret in another form which is that of unspoken words and wrong timings. Thank you very much for this story. :))
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 1: Hello there! I've enjoyed reading this chapter. I felt that the flow of the story is really good. The way you wrote is makes the story easy to read and understand, and the simplicity of the narrative amplifies Yongsun's feelings. Reading in through Yongsun's perspective really brings out the angst right from the start. It was painful reading this (among other lines): 'Seeing her and being with her has been my entire life and if I were to just cut her out, I would feel an empty void inside of me. I have begun learning how to deal with these overflowing feelings inside of me.' How could Yongsun not kiss Byul back when she has so much repressed feelings? The scene at Byul's wedding is beautifully described. When Byul was standing in front of Yongsun, wow it hurts so bad because it's funny how Byul's standing there not as her wife. And then at the end when Byul wished Yongsun luck, that must have been so heartbreaking for Yongsun because how could she find a replacement for Byul? After I finished reading this chapter I was thinking, if this chapter shows Yongsun's regret, then the next one would be about Byul's? But why would Byul feel that way? Moving on to the next chapter~
arinarayyan #3
Chapter 2: The truth untold .. the words left unsaid .. look how much regrets it brought to them both ..
Chapter 2: I can feel the pain in this story. ^sobs