Chapter 6

A Start

Joohyun took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she stood in front of a pair of intimidating ivory doors. It wasn't her first time that she was standing in front of it but it never gets less intimidating. She takes one more deep breath and with determined eyes, she knocks on the door. At first, there was no answer but after a few minutes, someone called her to come inside. 

She walked into the study while keeping her eyes trained on the ground like always. She stopped right in the middle of the room never raising her head and waited until the person who had granted her entrance spoke up. Joohyun was getting more and more nervous with every second ticking down. She was debating whether to sneak a peek to see what was happening in front of her but decided against it when she heard footsteps. Her breath got stuck in when she saw feet in her line of vision and she gripped onto her sweater tightly. 

"Where is your greeting Joohyun? I thought I had taught you differently but it seems that you need more discipline." An intimidating voice said. 

Joohyun's eyes grew wide. She had forgotten her greeting! How was this possible? Did her heat distract her? It couldn't be!

"M-my apologies U-uncle In Tak. I-I d-didn't m-mean to-m" Joohyun stuttered in fear. She was afraid of what her uncle was going to do to her. The last time she suffered his wrath she only had done something minor to offed him but this was a grave mistake. 

She squeezed her eyes shut and awaited her punishment but to her surprise, nothing happened. Instead, she could only hear a frustrated sigh.

"Nevermind, Joohyun. I let this pass for now. I don't have time to spend my time on your faults." 

"T-thank you uncle for your kindness."  She said and sighed in relief. 

"Instead, let us talk about what you have done to your sister Yerim." 

Joohyun stiffened again at the mention of her sister's name. "Y-yeri? What d-did I do to her?" she asked nervously. 

Did something happen to Yeri? That can't be, she saw her yesterday and she was fine. Except maybe the excessive workout she was made to do but that wasn't her it was Taeyeon unnie who had done that. 

All the wild thoughts ran through Joohyun's mind but her uncle's voice snapped her out of it. 

"She has been more rebellious lately. I hope you aren't filling her head with nonsense Joohyun. That better be not the case. Don't forget who took you in after what happened to your parents. You should be grateful that I even allow you two to be together," In Tak said sternly. 

"Y-yes uncle." Joohyun said while sighing in relief. The conversation seemed to stir back into the regular pattern of her uncle mentioning her parents again and then reminding her that she should be grateful. Fate had something else in store for her today. 

In Tak runs a hand through his grey hair in frustration. "It's such an inconvenience for me that you are an Omega. I always thought it to be impossible in this family filled with betas and alphas to even conceive an omega child.  Truly ominous Joohyun." 

Joohyun felt nervous for some reason. It seemed like the lecture was getting longer an longer and with each passing moment, Joohyun could feel nausea in the pit of her stomach rise higher and higher. 

"Though it seems my prayers finally have been answered Joohyun. Since there was nothing I could do about you about being an Omega I choose to embrace it. Rejoice child for once in your lifetime you can be useful. I have arranged a marriage for you after you graduate school." In Tak announced cheerfully smiling brightly at Joohyun.

Joohyun's head shot up as soon as her uncle said those words. Her eyes were wide in disbelief and all the color drained from her already pale face. 
Her uncle wasn't the type to be telling jokes but she couldn't help but look at him to see any sort of indication that he was joking with her. There was none. 

"U-uncle but..," Joohyun's voice was trembling as she tried to voice out her discomfort about the arranged marriage. However, one stern glance from her uncle quickly shut her up. Her uncle stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched but didn't dare to move, fearing what the consequences would be if she did. He put a finger on her chin and lifted it to make her face him.  

"I'm glad that I don't hear any objections from you Joohyun. I have taught you well. The only trait that your type is good for is obedience," he let go of her face and turned away from her. "You meeting with your partner will be next week. You are dismissed." His voice was final and Joohyun left reluctantly. She desperately wanted to say more but she knew there was no room for objection. Her only choice was to meet with her arranged marriage partner and reject them at their meeting. 


Joohyun sighed when she pushed open the door to her dorm. She was beyond exhausted and all kind of different thoughts were running through her head. She was getting a headache from all this and she couldn't wait to just lie down on her bed. The moment she stepped through the entrance a gust of wind went past her followed by a crash. She let out a small yelp and turned to see what it was. A broken chair was on the ground next to her and Joohyun wondered how that had happened. In the midst of her thoughts, she was brought of them as she heard a commotion in front of her. 

Straight ahead of her she saw a troubled Seulgi, a furious Seungwan who held her sister Yeri up by her collar and lastly a smiling tall gorgeous girl. It was a bizarre sight. Joohyun rubbed her eyes with her hand to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. The scene in front of her didn't change and she let out a long sigh.  

What was going on here?

"You! Did you kidnap her? I knew I had a bad feeling about you. You runt!" Seungwan yelled while shaking Yeri. 

"Yah! I wouldn't want to kidnap that even if she was the last person on earth! Also, who are you calling a runt when you are one yourself!"

"What did you say!?" 

"You heard me!" 

Seungwan and Yeri were yelling at each other and if this hadn't been a serious situation it would seem like a rather comical sight as Seungwan who was shorter lifted the other girl by the collar with ease. Joohyun thought of just walking away from this because 1. she was exhausted and she didn't want to deal with the scene in front of her and 2. getting involved seemed like a hassle. She eyed the stairs to the left and the group of girls in front of her. When she saw that they hadn't noticed her presence she wanted to keep it that way. She tiptoed her way to the stairs carefully while occasionally glancing to the group to make sure that she stays undetected. When she was just one step away from the stairs and her awaited freedom was right in front of her nose someone called her. 


Joohyun stopped in her step and groaned in annoyance. She was so close. It was literally one more step and she would have been free. She reluctantly turned around and just for good measure was going to glare at the person who had ruined her escape. 

To her surprise, it had been Seulgi and the girl was smiling sweetly at her. There was a sweet citrus scent in the air which melted Joohyun's irritation and tiredness away when she caught a whiff of it. It was a strangely soothing smell making Joohyun feel safe. How strange. 

"Seulgi," Joohyun whispered. 

Seulgi's smile widened and she happily approached the omega. 

"It really is you! I wasn't mistaken then. Did you just come home?" Seulgi ran up to her, stopping right in front of her. The troubled expression that Joohyun had seen on her was long gone, replaced with a gentle smile. The omega couldn't help but smile back when she was faced with such a happy expression. The fatigue that she had accumulated from the meeting with her uncle had now completely dissipated. 

"Yeah, I just returned." The omega replied back tiredly. It didn't go unnoticed by Seulgi and she was about to ask her when the alpha noticed an eyelash on the girl's cheek. She lifted her hand and was about to remove it when another hand slapped her hand away. Seulgi and Joohyun were both startled at the sudden interruption and both turned to the perpetrator.  

"I knew it! I just knew you couldn't keep your grubby hands off my sister!" 

At one point when Seulgi and Joohyun were talking, Yeri had escaped Seungwan's death grip and much to her dismay she saw Seulgi almost touching her sister. Now after smacking the alphas hand away, she stood protectively in front of Joohyun glaring at a Seulgi who had fixed her eyes on the red stinging spot on her hand. Joohyun was in shock at the sudden aggressive act of her sister. She put both of her hands on Yeri's shoulders and squeezed to calm her down.

"Yeri. She didn't do anything. Please apologize to Seulgi." Joohyun reprimanded her gently. Even though Yeri had slapped Seulgi, Joohyun knew that she only wanted to protect her. She was grateful but this time it had gone too far. 

Yeri turned around to object but refrained when she saw Joohyun's serious expression. She dejectedly stared at the ground and started to squirm uncomfortably. It was hard to bring out an apology, especially toward the alpha that was getting a little bit too close to her sister. One last squeeze from Joohyun finally made her face Seulgi who was still in staring at her hand with an unexplainable expression. 

"I-I'm sor-" Before Yeri could apologize though Seungwan interrupted her. 

"Hey! How dare you run away from me!" Seungwan came running to the trio with Sooyoung in tow. "I"m not done with you yet! Come back here!" Seungwan was about to grab Yeri again when Sooyoung wrapped her arms around her and held her in place. 

"Wan unnie calm down," Sooyoung said while smiling and trying to hold in her laughter. 

"How can I calm down? You are supposed to be in a mansion far away from here and now you are suddenly here! She kidnapped you! That is the only explanation!" Seungwan yelled while she was struggling to break free from the younger girl's hold. 

"I wasn't kidnapped unnie," Sooyoung said while calmly smiling at her, " I ran away from home." 

The moment those words left Sooyoung's mouth Seungwan went limp and immediately ceased her struggling. Her head slowly turned to look at the younger girl with an expression of disbelief and one could almost hear the creaking coming from her neck. 

"W-what? What? What did you just say?" Seungwan asked sounding like a broken record. 

"Hmm? Why do you look like that Wan unnie? Running away from home is no biggie. I'm sure my father won't even notice." Sooyoung said with a carefree tone while Seungwan's seemed to be on the verge of a mental breakdown. 

However, the alpha quickly composed herself and took a deep breath. She slips out of Sooyoung's hold since her grip had slackened and she faced Yeri with a deeply regretful expression. She bowed down in a perfect 90-degree angle. 

"I apologize for my behavior just now. It seems like I have jumped to conclusions." 


After an awkward silence, the five girls found themselves sitting on the lobby couches right after Seungwan bashfully cleaned up the mess she had made. Joohyun and Yeri were next to each other on one couch while the other three were on the other with Sooyoung hugging the arm of a distraught Seunwan and Seulgi still blankly staring at her hand. 

"Again, I deeply apologize for misunderstanding the situation. My emotions got the better of me. I hope you can forgive me." Seungwan apologized with a regretful voice and she bowed down deeply. 

"It's okay. I'm sure you only had the best reasons and it was a misunderstanding so please stop apologizing Seungwan shi." Joohyun tried to make the alpha stop lowering her head. She already excessively apologized before and it was getting kind of out of hand. "I'm sure Yeri already forgave you. Right Yeri?" She looked at Yeri but to her disappointment, it was the opposite. Yeri instead had a big scowl on her face. "HEll NO! She choked me and lifted me up! She should be apologizing more! I won't forg-" Yeri stopped her rant when she saw her sisters glare. She was to open again and try to complain again but the glare intensified and she ultimately gave up in the end.

"Fine! Whatever! Be glad my sister is here or I wouldn't have forgiven you." She huffed in defeat and crossed her arms. 

Joohyun smiled and petted Yeri's head. "Good girl." That only earned her a grunt but that was a good sign that Yeri wasn't really mad. She was just trying to be defiant. 

"So no more hard feeling. Now please lift your head." 

Seungwan lifted her head but still had a regretful expression on her face. 

"Thank you and for the last time. I'm sorry again." Seungwan smiled. 

"Look Unnie that wasn't so bad. You shouldn't have overreacted that bad." Sooyoung said.

"You, shut it. I'm going to have a long talk with you after we are done here. Also if you like you said have run away from home where are you going to stay? You can't stay with us obviously." The alpha asked. 

"About that-" Sooyoung was about to answer but was interrupted by the dorm attendant. 

"I have finished the request for Kang Sooyoung to acquire a room but I'm sorry to say that the dorm is currently full." 

Yeri stood up. "Are you sure? Isn't there anything you could do? My uncle has left her in my care and this would increase my troubles if she wouldn't have a place to stay." Yeri pleaded with the attendant. 

The dorm attendant put her finger on her chin and tilted her head in thought. "Well, there is one thing that you could do."

Yeri's face lit up at those words. "What is it? Please tell me!" 

"She could live with you and your sister." The attendant said straightforwardly which immediately killed the excitement in Yeri's eye. 

"Haha. Very funny. Now tell me the real answer Nayeon unnie please!" 

Nayeon smiled and patted Yeri's shoulder comfortingly. "That is the only answer I can give you Yeri so you better go clean that room of yours because that is where she is going to live from now on." The dorm attendant said with finality in her voice. 

"But but she is an alpha! How is she supposed to live in the omega dorm?!" Yeri tried to argue. 

Nayeon lifted an eyebrow and gave the younger alpha a confused look. "What are you talking about Yeri? She is registered as an omega. She definitely is 100% an omega. So there is no problem with her living with you and Joohyun. Also, you are an alpha yourself so you shouldn't be talking."

"Huh?" Yeri was beyond confused. That girl was an omega? She could have sworn that she would have been an alpha. No way was someone as annoying as that an omega. "You are kidding right Nayeon unnie? Right?" 

The dorm attendant just shook her head and slapped a stack of papers on Yeri's head making the alpha yelp in surprise. 

"I'm not so start filling these papers out okay. Thanks, Yeri. I want them in front of me by tomorrow. See you later." Nayeon plopped the papers on the lobby table and made her way back into her office leaving a stunned Yeri behind. She stared at the papers dejectedly as she was still trying to wrap her head around this situation. Joohyun wasn't faring well either as she was confused about the new roommate she had just gained. Sooyoung, however, was elated and took the papers an immediately started to fill them out excitedly. 

She gave Yeri a bright smile showing off her pearly white teeth. "I'm so excited to start living with you guys. It's going to be great." 

"Yeah... Sure .... Whatever you say," Yeri said as she stared at the floor with empty eyes. Joohyun only managed to pat her shoulder comfortingly as she gave her a wry smile. 

"Wait. Yeri also lives in the Omega dorm? How is that possible? Shouldn't she be living on the alpha side?" Seungwan spoke up. Slight agitation evident in her voice. 

"Oh, I also was wondering about that." Sooyoung looked up from the papers to look at Yeri and Joohyun. 

"Um," Joohyun hesitated to answer and she glanced at Yeri who returned her gaze and nodded before turning away with a huff. "Heats don't affect her so she is an exception to the no alpha rule in the dorm," Joohyun explained while Seungwan still had a doubtful expression on her face. 

"What do you mean heats don't affect her? I have never heard about a condition like that." 

"Just like she said I don't get affected by heats so how about we leave it at that?" Yeri interjected and stood up. "I'm going to up to my room now if you don't mind. See ya" Yeri ran off to the stairs leading to the Omega dorm and disappeared up the stairs. 

"Ah Yeri wait for me." Sooyoung followed after her and just as soon as she left and disappeared upstairs yelling could be heard in the distance. 

Now only Joohyun, Seungwan, and Seulgi were in left in the lobby. 

"Hey Sooyoung!" Seungwan yelled after the omega but she was long gone.  She turned towards Joohyun and lowered her head again "I'm sorry about Sooyoung. Also did I offend Yeri somehow? I wasn't trying to be rude I was just curious about her not being affected by heats."

"No no, it's not you. She just doesn't like people asking about it. It's a bit of a complicated issue but she isn't mad or anything. So stop apologizing now Seungwan shi." 

"Thank you but only if you stop being formal with me. I think we should be close in age so you can drop the honorifics." Seungwan said while she rubbed her nape sheepishly. 

"Ah sure. Please do the same for me as well then." The both of them smiled at each other. "I think it's time for me to run after Yeri and Sooyoung to make sure my sister isn't going to kill her. I see you guys later." Joohyun stood up with Seungwan following after her but Seulgi made no attempt to move. She still was absentmindedly staring at her hand making Joohyun worried about her. 

"Seulgi are you okay?" she asked trying to grab the other girl's attention but she didn't seem to hear her. 

Seungwan looked at Seulgi in silence and sighed deeply. "Joohyun you can go ahead to your dorm. I think Seulgi here is a bit tired so let me handle her." 

Joohyun hesitated to leave and kept looking at Seulgi but with Seungwan's insistence, she caved in and left. She bid both of them goodbye one last time and left to go upstairs but not before she looked one last time at Seulgi. She was disappointed that she couldn't speak more with the girl but she had no other choice but leave.

Seungwan made sure for Joohyun to vanish upstairs first before she turned her attention to the still absentminded Seulgi. Evidently, she was still in the same state as before and the alpha was wondering what she could do to snap her out of it. She tilted her head in thought when something popped into her mind. She briefly glanced over to the dorm attendant Nayeon who was busy fiddling with her phone and when she saw that she was distracted decided to put her plan into action. She closed the distance between herself and Seulgi and without hesitation, she slapped her hand hard making the fellow alpha yelp in pain. 

"OUCH! What the- Wan! That hurt! What did you do that for!?" Seulgi yelled. 

"Finally you notice me. Do you remember where you are or are you still out of it?" She asked and raised her hand again. 

"Wait! I am here! Awake!  Don't hit me again!" Seulgi yelled in a panic as she shielded her hand. 

"Good. Now tell me what was so interesting about your hand that made you miss the whole scene with Sooyoung and even made you ignore your dear friend Joohyun." 

"Huh?" Seulgi was confused and looked around to see that it was the two of them now. "Wait. Where did everybody go?" 

"They all left just a few moments ago and you just missed everything. So pray to tell me why were you so fixated on your hand Seul?" 

Seulgi deflated at the revelation that she had missed everything but raised her hand to stare at it again. "Wan would you remove an eyelash for me if you were to see it on my face?" 

Seungwan was taken aback by the sudden random question by her friend but answered it albeit its weirdness. "Yeah? I guess I would. I mean I would tell you about it and if you couldn't take it off yourself I would help you." 

Seulgi nodded at her answer and kept her gaze on her hand.  

"Why are you asking?" 

"Oh it's nothing Wan," Seulgi stood up and patted her lap off. "Didn't you want to go shopping? We should drop off our books before the supermarket closes on us." Seulgi stood up quickly and picked up the books from the table and ran to the stairs that lead to their side of the dorm before Seungwan could even say anything. 

"H-hey Seulgi wait! Jeez! Why does nobody every wait for me?" Seungwan grumbled as she followed after Seulgi. 

Seulgi kept her steady pace to their apartment when her mind wandered to the moment where she was just a moment away from touching Joohyun's face. They were friends so her helping Joohyun to remove the eyelash was normal. Friends do that. However, what she also wanted to do was to feel her skin beneath her fingers. Her skin looked so soft and she smelled so nice. She wondered what she had done if Yeri hadn't slapped her hand away. 


"Hey! Don't enter my room! I told you that you are going to sleep with Joohyun unnie!" Yeri stood in front of her room and barred the entrance from Sooyoung so the Omega wouldn't be able to enter. 

"I want to sleep with you though. It's not like you are affected by heats so it's no problem if I sleep with you." Sooyoung pouted at the stubborn alpha. 

"Just because I don't get affected by heats doesn't mean that I can't smell." 

At those words, Sooyoung face lit up and she smiled at Yeri who was taken aback by the sudden face change. "Does it mean that my smell makes you nervous?" She closed the distance between Yeri and her so their faces were just an inch apart. Her lips curved into a slight smirk which irked Yeri deeply. The alpha gritted her teeth and fell back into the room and slammed the door shut right into Sooyoung's face. Right after the door lock clicked shut effectively making it impossible for Sooyoung to enter. 

"Yeeeeeriiiiiiii I was kidding let me in!" Sooyoung pounded at the door. 

Joohyun meanwhile watched the spectacle on the side. She didn't think Sooyoung was a bad person per se. She was just ... a bit energetic. A little too much for her liking but not a bad person at all. 

"Alright, Sooyoung I think that this is enough. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. How about you got to bed now and see Yeri in the morning?" Joohyun said and tried to appease the yelling Sooyoung. 

Hearing the older girl the younger girl stopped her pounding on the door and pouted cutely. "Fine." 

Joohyun patted the girls head due to her cuteness and obedience even though there was a bit of a struggle because of their height difference. Sooyoung went to their shared bedroom and Joohyun was about to follow her when her phone beeped indicating that she had received a message. She wondered who would send her a message at this time of the night as she took a peek at the sender. Joohyun froze in place as she saw who it was. 

Taeyeon unnie: So when is my promised date going to be?

Joohyun palmed her face. This had completely slipped her mind.

"Ahhh This is going to bad." 


Wow I haven't updated this story for a long time but here it is it has arrived and I'm tired and late! but but I made it!

Sorry for the wait guys but I have been a potatoe and I was being suppppper lazy and I just played games and slept (sleep is good)

Anyways here is the update and I hope you guys enjoyed it. 

Like cribe and comment cause I like comments ;P Potatoe out

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I want to say my thanks to the people who have upvoted this fanfic and have subscribed to it. Makes me happy to know that you guys like it :P.


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Aesthrea_ssi #1
Chapter 6: Please update :<
Chapter 6: aaah, please don't abandoned this story :((
Chapter 6: Cool interested in what gonna come next
Chapter 6: Oh, ! I sure hope that arranged marriage isn’t with Taeyeon....
Chapter 6: update soon
Chapter 6: update soon
Chapter 5: Oof I’m staring to read all ur stories one by one lol
Chapter 5: interesting begining, I wonder what comes next
dumpling5 #9
I'm enjoy this story! I wonder how it'll build up to seulrene. Man will it be wenjoy or joyri? Either one is good. Keep up the good work!