A Wicked Fairytale (2/2)

A Wicked Fairytale



“Hey Luhan, can I ask you a question?”

It was Friday afternoon, Luhan and the other officers of student council are busy preparing for the upcoming school festival and approving request of the booths that each clubs and departments wanted to make. He made a non-committal sound without looking up from where he was scanning the list of candidates for president. He need to finish this as soon as possible since he was going to attend an investor’s party tomorrow evening.

“It was about Kim Minseok, actually.” Baekhyun mumbled softly.

Both his and Chanyeol’s head snapped up upon the mention of the name.

“What about him?” He asked sternly.

Baekhyun flinched at the scrutiny. “Err, I’m just wondering if you ever feel that Minseok hyung is being isolated by everyone. I know I’m not the only one feeling like that.” He scratched his neck. “It’s just that I’m trying to talk to him this morning but my classmates prevented me from doing so and I don’t understand why. He’s nice and –

He cut him off before he could say more. “What part of staying away from the witch did you not understand?”

“Hey Lu, easy, mate.” Chanyeol was easily at the latter’s side. “Baek, we’re busy at the moment, you should come back again later.”

But Luhan had enough of this kind of conversation, Sehun has yet to talk to him again after the fiasco that happened in the infirmary room. “Look, if you did not learn your lesson about the last time, I don’t care about that anymore but just leave Kim alone.”

Baekhyun clenched his fist. “It’s not Minseok’s fault that the Kim stopped funding my studies! I’ve signed a contract and I refused to come at the examination. That is why!”

Luhan furrowed is brows. “What?”

“I don’t get it. Have you ever for once tried to get to know who the real Minseok is? Everyone is too fast to label him a witch but did not even exert an inch of effort to be close to him. Why does he have to suffer your insensitivity and stupidity when he doesn’t even do anything wrong!”

“Hey, hey Baek, I know you cared about Minseok hyung but you do understand who are we talking about right, He’s a Kim.” Chanyeol tried to pacify the elder.

“So what? What about him being a Kim? Everyone is faulting him because of something he did not have any control? What do you want him to do then? To satisfy your sulking and smarting pride?”

No one said for a full minute and Baekhyun wondered if he’d said too much. Realizing his situation and the status of the people who he had shouted at – a Lu and Park of all people! – he bowed deeply.

“I’m sorry. I’ve said too much.” He then raised his head. “But... but if it’s going to be like this, I’d rather be with a witch than with a King.”

Immediately after Baekhyun was out of the room, Chanyeol made a dash to his bag and run after him. Luhan was left contemplating Baekhyun’s words.

“Have you ever for once tried to get to know who the real Minseok is? Everyone is too fast to label him a witch but did not even exert an inch of effort to be close to him.”

He did know Minseok since he was five years old. The boy with the indifferent facial expression. While Kim Junmyeon was civil, Kim Jongdae was friendly, and Kim Jongin intimidating, Minseok tried too much not to stand out despite his beautiful features. But since he was the heir, everyone has their attention to him, not to mention he was a genius in every sense of the word.

They never talked when they were children except for that one winter night where Minseok had lend him his gloves and spoken the words ‘Your hands looked really cold,” softly.

He slid the papers he was studying earlier in the drawer. He need to clear his mind.




Library had always been Luhan’s escape haven since their current librarian changed into a strict one but looking at the amount of students currently studying, Luhan thinks the place could probably not give him the piece pf mind he needs. After all, it’s approaching finals week and it’s a given fact that library would be full with students right now.

He moved to fourth floor where Fiction -  Children’s Book Section is located. And just what he expected, it was deserted save for one library staff currently organizing some books and one janitor mopping the floor.

He seldom frequents this section since he’s always at the third floor – where general information section was located – so he took his time walking along the carefully organize book shelves filled with books children fancied.

On the third to the last row of shelves, right in front of the open window where the curtain was freely swaying with the wind, he noticed a pair of indoor shoes and what looked like a strap of a backpack protruding. Instincts of being the Student Council President kick in. He had to applaud the student’s guts to sleep in the library during finals week. He may have chosen a good spot – in front of the window and all – too bad he’s caught him.

Rounding the last five set of shelves, Luhan was surprised to see the familiar bag where the strap belonged to, now that he’d taken a good look on it. He’d seen it too many times in the past few weeks and Luhan may or may not have been searching for it too. Anticipation rising in his throat, he doubled his steps until he reached the designated bookshelf.

And he was not wrong.

Sleeping peacefully, with a book – a fairytale at that one – clutched to his chest, head lolling delicately to his right, lips parted slightly and hair dancing softly to the wind was a person Luhan least expected to be here – in the Children’s Book Section of all floor – his nemesis and the sole heir to Kim Conglomerate, Kim Minseok.

He was beautiful before, he’s ethereal now.

He approached him softly, not wanting to wake him up and that’s when he noticed the littered fairytale books on the floor, three books were even stacked beside his bag. Who would have thought that the self-proclaimed Kim witch likes reading fairytales?

He suddenly remembered Baekhyun’s words from before.

“Have you ever for once tried to get to know who the real Minseok is? Everyone is too fast to label him a witch but did not even exert an inch of effort to be close to him.”

And with a very late realization that he may have said something cruel to him back in the infirmary room.

“Stop trying to be a Kim.”

Because he realized, while staring at the serene Minseok, the latter never did act as the ideal Kim, never did once tried to the be perfect Kim, he was a person of his own but people never realized it since cruelty has always been the reputation of his family. And those words that he’d uttered in the midst of his anger and frustration with his twin might have slapped him the reality that no matter what he’d do, no matter how much kindness he’d show to the others, the prejudice, the reputation of being a Kim would never leave him for the rest of his life.

He crouched down in front of him and lightly touched the tip of his nose. What Sehun and Baekhyun saw in him, he failed to see it. And it irked him now. He once prided himself to be the only person who managed to get close to the infamous Kim heir but he’s slowly slipping away from his grasp.

The King belatedly realized that someone may have already stolen his kingdom’s witch. And he did not like it one bit.

He was snapped out from his musings when he noticed Minseok stirring. He watched in amusement as the latter slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the soft afternoon sunlight before widening as it settled on him.

He clambered up instantly, forgetting that he was leaning back at a bookshelf and knock down several books in the process, all falling down at him.

“Wha – Ouch!”

Luhan can’t help but chuckle.







When Minseok wakes up, he already expected the littered fairytale books he’d grabbed when he came at the library, the curtain swaying at the wind, and his back pack beside him. What he did not expect is to see Luhan staring right back at him, eyes swimming with emotions Minseok did not want to comprehend.

“Wha – Ouch!” He momentarily forgot that he was leaning at a bookshelf, he’s only reminded about it when several books fall down on him. And then he heard Luhan chuckled. The king of all people! How much more embarrassment can he get?

“W-what are you doing here? If this is about what happened in the infirmary–

“Fairytales, eh Kim Minseok?”

He blushed bright red.

“That – uh..”

He could deny the books littered on the floor – he could have reasoned out that he was only helping the library staff – but he can’t deny that he was hugging a fairytale book while sleeping. He’s sure Luhan had noticed it as well.

“So fairytales, huh?” Luhan repeated and Minseok willed his blush to disappear. Like how he was raised as a Kim, he replied civilly, raised his chin and did not hide the book.

“I like reading fairytales.” He picked up the scattered books that had fallen and arranged them back to where they belong.

“Why?” Luhan was at his side helping him yet he refused to look at him.

Why? Because it makes him happy. Everyone gets happy at the end of the story and even if Minseok knew he was not going to have his own happy ending, he’s happy that everyone is happy.

“You can’t have your own happy ending?”

He whipped his head back to Luhan and belatedly realized that he said that out loud.

“.” He covered his lips with his palms in an instant and the bastard openly showed himself enjoying at his dilemma.

Why is this kind of situation happening between them? The last time he talked with Luhan, Minseok remembered he clearly shouted at the younger.

“We all know we don’t have that kind of luxury. I’ve already told you about this the last time we talk.”

“Oh that’s funny considering my twin was your fiancé.”

He glared at him. “You of all people knew that happy ending was the last thing convenience marriage would give to both parties.”

Why are they having this kind of conversation anyway. He picked up the littered fairytale books he borrowed although Luhan beat him for the Little Red Riding Hood book since it was nearer him.

“Give that back or else I’ll make you accountable if that get lost.” He opened his palm expecting Luhan to give it but the latter just acted as if he did not hear him and proceed to scan the book.

“So the witch also desires happy endings, eh?”

His nonchalant attitude was starting to irked him so he just grabbed his bag and stuffed all the books he was holding.

“Witched like me don’t deserve a happy ending.” He said coldly while zipping up his bag but Luhan grabbed it before he could. He reopened them and slid the Little Red Riding Hood book.

“Really? Even if they’re kind?”

What? What is he trying to say? His heart was starting to beat faster than before with the way Luhan stared at him.

“That kindness was fake.” He replied stubbornly.

“Hmm, even if they cried when they lost a friend?”

“This isn’t about Baekhyun.”

“Who said this is about him?”

His eyes widened at the realization. He grabbed his bag but Luhan only stepped back.

“Don’t you think they deserve their own happy ending too?”

Minseok was stunned at the words. It was the same thing Sehun said to him before.

You tend to belittle yourself Minseok hyung. Why are you punishing yourself for the things you don’t have any control? You deserve your own happy ending too.

But with the way Luhan stared at him, it affected him more than anything else. When he does not respond, the king move towards him, slipping the strap of his bag around him, adjusting not so tightly. Minseok was lost at words. The only thing he could hear was the loud beating of his heart.

He clenched his fist as if it would also stop the stubborn feeling of hope Luhan was igniting in him. Happy ending, could he?

“No they don’t. They’re just witches.” He spat out coldly not meeting his eyes.

“Too bad, the king wouldn’t mind one as his queen.” Luhan tucked in a stray bang behind his ear before walking away. Minseok was stunned, unable to comprehend anything except for the words the latter just uttered. The skin which Luhan had touched is still tingling.

Sure witches always have something evil up their sleeves, it’s a must if fighting with a king. But no matter how hard he tried to think, he doesn’t know how to respond to this kind of game.

And he’s afraid Luhan might be able to tear down the walls he carefully built around him. He can’t afford for it to happen. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

“Hyung. You called? Is there any problem?”

“No.” He took a deep breath. “Sehun ah, I’ve decided. On the last night of our school festival, my father would be making a speech and.. and I would like to announce our engagement on that night as well.”

He did not wait for the younger to reply and closed his phone. Whatever game Luhan was playing, he would play it with his own rules.





The succeeding weeks went past like a blur. Minseok had absorbed himself with studying. This is his fourth year; the last time he could prove to his father his worth. He holed up himself in his room and not even his cousin Jongdae’s persuasiveness could make him come out. His hard work was rewarded when the results came out and he aced all subjects even the one with Luhan as top 1 before.

Now, he was idly lounging at one of the private reading room Sehun requested. Chaebol privileges. The games and booths each clubs prepared are filled with both students and civilians but the school festival does not interest any of them. After all the main event was tonight. The Closing Ball. Minseok’s father was invited at the guest speaker but he’s the one who’s going to have a grand speech.

To say that his father was angry when he told him that he planned on announcing his engagement with Sehun was an understatement. After the fiasco that happened between the Kim and Lu family 15 years ago resulting to the demise and fall of the Lu’s, his father openly expressed his distaste in associating with them. But one could not deny that his engagement with Sehun was more beneficial to them than the latter. Since he was the heir and Sehun wasn’t. He knew his father already had plans on what will happen after their marriage but he doesn’t care for that now. What he was waiting was the anguish, frustration, hatred that would show on the king’s expression once he knew the witch already claimed his brother.

“Are you really sure this is the right time, Minseok hyung?” Sehun was looking at him worriedly and something clenched in his gut. Sehun knew he was just using him yet he does not understand why he still agreed to this.

“Sehun. Please be honest with me.” He stared back at him. “Why are you doing this? I’m sure you knew I was just using you since from the start.”

The younger did not move an inch from lying down on the small couch staring into the ceiling. “Even if I told you my reasons, you still would not understand.”

“That is why I’m asking you.”

“If I say I’m doing this because I love you. Would you believe me?”


“Exactly.” He huffed and turned to his one side, his back facing him. “We’ve known each other since we were young hyung. Since the time our families are still partners. You never looked back, not even once, at me or at anybody else. Your gaze was always forward, at your father. The first time you did look back, it was for Luhan hyung. That was the first time I saw the robotic Kim heir show an expression aside from indifference.”

Minseok was stunned hearing this. “Why are you telling me this?”

There was a moment of silence before Sehun resumed talking, this time softer.

“I don’t want you to end like Luhan hyung. We are not puppets. I’ve told you this how many times and until you fully realized that you are a man of your own, I would be here forever reminding you that you are Kim Minseok, not the Kim heir, not the witch but simply Kim Minseok.”


“I c-can’t understand. Then if I’m like your brother why are you here with me?”

Before Sehun could answer, his phone rang from his pocket. A few seconds passed where they only listen to the sound of his phone ringing before Minseok decided to answer the call.

It was from his father.

“Hello. Yes, this is Minseok? Ah, you’ve already arrived. Alright, I’m coming down now. Wait for me.”

He pocketed his phone and stands up. “My father was here. I’m going to meet him up. I’ll be back.”

He proceeds to open the door when he heard Sehun speak again.

“You know, aside from the family business, Luhan hyung doesn’t care for anything else. Except you. I don’t know if it’s because he sees you as his rival or if there is something more but I’d hope that if Luhan hyung saw you changing, he would too.”

Sehun’s voice was soft and filled with vulnerability when he spoke the last words and as Minseok closed the door behind him, he realized that Sehun is nothing like a dragon he claimed he was. He was just someone who loved his brother so much. And that he was hurting as much as everyone else.




He met up with his father shortly, escorted him to the Office of the University Head and dismissed himself. Right now, he just wanted to be alone. The revelation Sehun talked at him earlier made him doubt a little.

You’ve done worse things Minseok, why are you hesitating, right now?

Deciding to come back to where Sehun was, he was surprised to see Luhan emerging from the room. It seemed like they just finished a rather heated argument.

“Where is Sehun?”

But Luhan just walked past him. “I've heard everything that would happened tonight. So this is how you want our game to end, huh?”

He whipped back, instantly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If this is about games, you’re the one who started it in the library. I don’t know what kind of games are you playing with me but I’ll play it my rules.”

Luhan glared at him and grabbed him closer by his arm. “Playing by your own rules would mean destroying my twin’s life?” he snarled at his face.

“I.. uh..” He doesn’t know what to respond after all it’s a given fact that Sehun will surely be scorned by the Lu’s if they will learn about the engagement.

“Listen Minseok and listen very well. I will make sure you will not succeed in this. I will make sure I will be the one destroying you.”

He let go of his arm and Minseok stumbled back in force. Luhan’s eyes were blazing in anger and he would lie if he said that it wasn’t the most attractive almond eyes he’d ever seen.




The Closing Ball arrived and since their confrontation earlier, Minseok had not seen Luhan at all. All the chaebol heirs had already been present inside the auditorium. He was seated at a table together with his cousins and he had seen Sehun entered the room but not Luhan.

He was not also given a chance to talk to his fiance, and he was very worried of what had transpired between the twins while he was away. Sehun may have not betrayed him yet but he doubts he would choose him over his own brother, not after he heard the real reason why Sehun agreed to the engagement.

Minseok watched the program in trepidation. Their school’s festival highlights the skills of every club members and investors and businessmen are invited so that they could scout potential employees. He should also be watching since one or two students could be an asset to their company yet he only focused on Zitao and after being satisfied with his performance, his mind began to wonder to the Lu heir, which as of the current is still absent from the event.

He doesn't know why but he felt like his time is running out.

His attention was shifted to the main stage when the emcee started introducing his father. Everyone stands up when his father come up the stage. Even if Minseok always see him at home, his father's aura never fails to intimidate him.

When his father started his speech it was Minseok's cue to left the table as well. No matter what happens, he was going to announce his engagement with Sehun at all cost. He met up with the younger at the backstage but the first thing Sehun asked him was the last thing Minseok wanted to hear.

“Where was Luhan hyung? I don't know what happened but he somehow knew what our plan was.”

“What? How?”

Sehun paced back and forth. “I don't know. And I'm afraid of what he is going to do.”

A loud applause was heard from the stage and it seemed like his father was done with his speech. He faced the younger sharply. “We’ll proceed with what was planned. Whatever happened, I'm going to take full responsibility.”

The younger probably did not expect him to say those things because he gave him a smile of relief. It's the least thing he could do for dragging Sehun here.

“Thank you hyung.”

Minseok grinned at him and held his palm open up.

“A shot for freedom?”

Sehun smirked in return. “A shot for happy ending.” and grasped his open palm.

He could hear the emcee introducing the top student of the batch for his ending speech and Minseok readied himself. There's no room for doubt. He was already in the point of no return.

He climbed up the stage, Sehun in tow. The whole student body clapped for him but Minseok could see the disbelief and animosity painted in their faces. Of course, the witch had finally conquered the kingdom and he will be delivering the speech neither of them expect.

“Aside from our batch's topnotch, our current school council president will also be delivering his speech. A joint inspirational message will be given to us by heirs of the clans that paved way for the medicine industry in our country. Please give them a round of applause.”

What? Just what?

Minseok can't believe what he just heard. From his peripheral view, Luhan was climbing up the stage with an unreadable expression in his face.

He whipped back and saw Zhang Yixing holding the emcee script while Baekhyun and Chanyeol tried to hold off Sehun who was struggling to get to him.

Only one thing was in his mind at that moment. He won't let his plan get ruined by Luhan of all people! He turned back and started to walk where Sehun was but he was stopped by a hand clamped on his arm.


He wanted to punch him so much but his father is still watching. The latter knew this because he just gave him a lopsided grin. He adjusted his tie before grabbing the mic that Luhan was offering him.

He wished for this kind of game with the king, he must stand by his decision. He walked forward, meeting the gaze of the whole student body. Just like in fairytales, the day has finally come when the witch was finally bared to the kingdom. The only difference is that Minseok’s the one who will get his happy ever after.

“To the students of…”

He trailed on his words as he checked on his mic. It was off. The murmurs were getting louder and his palms were starting to get sweaty.

“Ah, forgive us for the malfunction. Since it has come to this, let me deliver my speech first.” Luhan interjected, very uncomfortably close to him.

His eyes then widened upon the realization that Luhan has given him a malfunctioning mic.

Oh god.

The murmurs were getting louder and Minseok does not want to look at the direction of his father and cousins. He does not realize that he had tuned out Luhan until a hand was clamped around his arm again.

He looked up alarmingly.

“… this would be our last year as SM Science University’s students and we would finally be joining the corporate war as both heir of Lu Incorporated and Kim Conglomerate. College was a fun and enjoyable journey and as we closed a chapter of our life before entering the future we have to experience yet; we will take this opportunity to announce the union of the Kim and Lu heir is to be expected as well.”

As the whole auditorium went silent, Minseok can feel his body go numb.

What? What in the world is happening? He could hear Sehun’s shouts amidst the thick curtain separating the backstage. He could imagine the shocked expression painted on his father’s face and he could hear the rapid flashes of journalist present in the event.

Above all that, Minseok felt like he was splashed by an ice cold water and the realization that he could never win against a king.

“Young master Lu, about the expected union of the Kim and Lu, is this really a final decision or this was only done due to publicity purposes now that Lu Incorporated has been regaining all what they had lost 15 years ago? Any thoughts from this young master Kim?”

The front of the stage was immediately filled with journalist and photographers and despite the guards holding them off and the curtains finally brought down, the whole auditorium was still in a buzz. He could hear Sehun’s cursing from the distance, Yixing and Baekhyun arguing but none of it bothered Minseok anymore.

It was over. What the younger announced was already made public since the event was broadcasted live.

“I’ve told you before right. The one who’s going to destroy your life was me.” Luhan was still standing close to him, too close for comfort. He clenched his fist and suddenly swing at Luhan’s direction but his hand was caught as if the latter had already anticipated his move.

“Too bad, the witch had finally fallen in the arms of the king.” He whispered huskily.

A harsh shove at Luhan then Minseok felt himself being pushed to a warm chest, Sehun’s scent immediately surrounds him. But he was still shocked. Everything that he planned from the start, it all went down the drain.

“Let go of him!”

“Sehun! Stop, damn it!”

He did not even realize that Sehun and Luhan were already fighting if Baekhyun had not shaken him out of his stupor.

“Minseok stop them!”

He stared blankly ahead of them, his eyes meeting the king’s. They locked gazes for what felt like eternity before he did the most cowardly thing he never thought he would, he ran away.

He bolted out of the stage and into the backstage, Luhan’s unreadable expression engraved in his mind. If this is a dream, he really wanted to wake up right now.






“Here I thought you would cowardly avoid me for the rest of your life after the school festival.”

Minseok whipped his head back, sharply at the sound of the voice. Standing regally, in his majestic black suit is Luhan. He absentmindedly took a step back.

“What are you doing here?” He asked accusingly.

After the school festival, Minseok had locked himself up in his room for a day, even his mother who is usually stoic and unfeeling visited him twice. His father does not speak to him yet about the engagement. He knew that he was engaged to a Lu but not to Luhan. He does not want to see the disappointment written on his face. Despite his father’s shortcomings, Minseok still wanted to earn his respect, he still wanted to be the son his father wanted. That is why he wholeheartedly accepted the role of the witch.

Only to be defeated by the king.

Tonight was the first family party he attended after the announcement of his engagement. It’s funny because the news of his engagement to the Lu was positively accepted, says it was good for the progress of the medicine business and economic growth etcetera. He did not want to hear any of those at the moment so he had vanished into one of the many balconies shortly after they arrived.

“I should be the one asking you that question? You should be greeting everyone; they were ecstatic at the news of the unattainable Kim heir’s engagement.”

“Shut up. Just shut up.”

He turned away from him. Partly because he was not yet ready meeting Luhan again, the fact that he was going to be his future husband made him feel things and partly because somehow he can’t shake the image of him with ed cuffs and loosened tie. The flash of his pale neck and wrist is even more scandalous than Sehun’s bare chest.

And this is not the first time he finds the king attractive.

“How was Sehun?” he asked trying to ignore the fact the he was in one of the many verandas and it’s funny that Luhan had also chosen the same place where he was.

“Hmm? I thought it was clear that Sehun was closer to you than his own brother. After all he was the one you stubbornly wanted to be your fiancé.” Luhan answered indifferently as he leans on one of the baluster.

Minseok’s expression hardened at the connotation of his words. “The reason I chose Sehun as my fiancé was none of your concern and most especially not on the reason you are thinking.” He gritted his words out.

“Why do I have the hard time believing that? Considering how carefree and wild my twin was. Surely you know a thing or two about his social life.”


He doesn’t know how Luhan can rile him easily with just a few words but he can’t deny he has that effect on him especially when he angrily crossed the few distance they have.

“Just because your twin’s lifestyle is like that, it doesn’t mean he can’t be a perfect gentleman because I’ll let you know that he was!” Every words were punctuated with a jab of his finger on Luhan’s clothed chest. He huffed in annoyance. “Unlike you.”

The king’s eyes darkened at the last words and with a blink of an eye, Minseok found himself trapped in between the baluster of the balcony and Luhan himself. Both of his hands on either side of him.

“G-get away from me.” He stuttered while struggling but it was futile. Minseok could hear his soft chuckle in his left ear and at the same time felt the rumble in his chest given the closeness of their bodies.

“That’s just sad. And here I thought I should give you a proper first impression but it seems like you already had. Might as well live with your low expectations anyway.”

“What? –

He does not have a chance to finish his words when Luhan cupped either side of his face and sealed his lips with his own.

This might not be the first time he kissed someone but this was surely the most passionate one. Luhan tilted his head to the side, gaining full access on his lips. And somehow Minseok couldn’t find it within himself to move or push him away. Not that he was responding also. He was just there, soft and pliant and Luhan seemed to be content with that.

He gasped when he felt him swipe his tongue on his lips. Luhan took advantage of it and deepened the kiss. Minseok head was dizzy with all the emotions he’s currently experiencing. Not only that but with the way Luhan cradled the back of his head with one hand while the other was wrapped around his back, made him respond to him a little.

He was snapped out of his daze when Luhan stopped the kiss, although his lips were still hovering slightly above his own.

“So you were really innocent just as you claimed.” He whispered huskily.

As a rule of a Kim, Minseok did not slap nor punch. “Let go of me.” He said coldly instead. But Luhan only leaned further and placed his chin on the crook of his shoulder, arms firm on the baluster at the either side of him.

“Why should I?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Nothing about our engagement is final!” he hissed.

“So you really wanted to marry my twin.”

“That’s not it.” He tried to move his shoulders away but Luhan only closed the distance between their bodies if that was possible.

“You knew that you and I were never an option.” In what kind of twisted reality do the king end up with the witch, he never knew.

“Ah, is this the ‘I’m-the-witch-you’re-the-king-kind-of-talk’ again? Because I’ll let you know I don’t give a crap about that.”


“Shut up. Stop letting them dictate your whole life Minseok. You were never the perfect ideal Kim. You were never the witch. You were just you. That kind of person who does not want to stand out yet always tried his best. That kind of person who would cry when his favorite fairytale hero gets his own happy ending. Stop trying to be another person.”

He shivered when he felt Luhan place a kiss on his neck. “You deserve your own happy ending.”

He wanted to laugh at the irony that the words he had been waiting to hear all his life, who would have known that they would come from Luhan, his rival of all people. The happy ending he’d chase away from a long time ago.

“I –

For the second time around Luhan silenced him with a kiss, albeit shorter this time, just a peck on his lips. “I’ve finally caught up to you, finally be able to stand beside you. You don’t expect me to let you walk away again. This time, I’m going to make thing right.”

This time he punched him in his right shoulder. “You don’t even like me.”

The king laughed at that. “Yeah, who would fancy a witch like you?”







“So the witch ended up with the King?” A pair of soft almond eyes blinked back at him.

“In what absurd reality would the King chose a witch as his queen?” he answered back.

“I knew it. I’ve always told Papa about every time it’s his turn to read me bed time stories and he always answered ‘his reality’ which is so lame. Yuck. Eww. Princesses are still the best.”

He chuckled at the adorable sight. “Okay. Okay. You can have all your princesses. Go to sleep Minji.”

“Okay. Goodnight Dad.”

“Goodnight honey.”

He closed the fairytale book, stands up and tucked him in. But before he could have closed the door, he hears his son called to him.

“Why honey?”

Minji scratched his head as he pursed his lips in deep thought. “Although I don’t like witches, in the story you told me, I don’t know but I wanted the witch to end up with the King. I’d feel sorry for the witch if he did not get his happy ending.”

“Don’t worry honey, he did.”

Minji’s eyes lit up and he chuckled for the second time around. “Yay!”

He closed the door with a smile on his lips.

Ah, like father, like son indeed. The only person who believe that even a witch like him could have his own happy ending.



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qxcqxc #1
Chapter 2: Love this. You did amazing. When luhan learned about the closeness between minseok and sehun, and every time he brought it up, really tugged my heart string and i love that. When luhan called him cute and mess with minseok's personal space, i squealed so hard inside. I love everything in this fic, thank you!!! tbh actually not the first time reading this
19cutieangel90 #2
Chapter 2: Love this one. Please right more XiuHan stories
Chapter 2: This was like a drama lol. I was visualizing everything. I really liked the dynamic of a witch and a king. It's nice. I liked Luhan's character.
This is really a wonderful story! I loved especially Minseoks inner dialogue..... Very, very well done!
Chapter 2: I love how you describe minseok's outer appearance and his inner self.
Thanks for this amazing fic and really hope to read more from you. <3
ynanavarro #6
Chapter 2: This story is so sweet ? thank you for this!