A Wicked Fairytale (1/2)

A Wicked Fairytale

Summary: If his story was a fairytale, Luhan would be the king, Chanyeol would be the prince and he would be the witch. Heirs!AU





Even before fairytales have been dramatized and turned into movies, even if they were only a product of eloquence imagination and wishful thinking, fairytales do still hold some truth. They spoke and retell the basic human nature. That life is an unending cycle of love, hate, betrayal and revenge. Even Kim Minseok knew this as a fact.

Prince and princesses do exist. They may not be dressed in long silk gowns or perfectly tailored suits, they may not ride horses and carriages anymore, but they do exist. Even in the world he lives in.


"Minseok hyung, what do you want to have for lunch?"


He looked up from his phone and stared at the smiling man in front of him waiting for his response. He loosened the noose of his tie before answering.

"Anything you would like, Baek." He smiled back while roaming his eyes on his delicate features.

This is not the first time Minseok openly admired his classmate. Byun Baekhyun is the perfect definition of a modern prince. He may not come from a very rich family – he in fact aced all the scholarship qualifications that has Minseok admiring him even more – nor he has a fairy godmother ready to help him in difficult times. He may not be dressed in his magnificent robes but Baekhyun looked regal in his simple university uniform and was a prince in every sense of the word. Even his frown looks cute.

"Are you still worried about our grade in Physics? I'm sure we'll get a high score. You did good in presentation."

The prince flashed him his trademark smile and Minseok wanted to look away. A witch like him is undeserving of this kind of treatment. He pulled at the collar of his uniform and gnawed on his lips. True, he envied his soft features, the constant smile on his lips, even the fluffy way his brown locks sway in the air. He should be hating on him yet he can’t help himself but admire him. Like a moth drawn to a fire.

His gaze went past him and he noticed his reflection on the glass window of the hallway. Pale skin, black hair, short stature. He tried smiling but stop himself in the midway.

Witch will always be a witch no matter what he wears and such.

"You don't need to patronize me." He mumbled.

"Ah,” Baekhyun waved his hand gracefully, “anyway since you were kind of feeling down, I'll treat you lunch. Come on!" He grabbed his hand and dragged him to the direction of the cafeteria. Along the way, Minseok can’t help but recoil from the looks he's getting from the other students.

Ah, yes of course, only a true prince at heart will look at the witch with such kindness.




The cafeteria at twelve is like a battlefield. Catering for thousands of hungry students is not an easy feat. But somehow a royalty is always treated with respect.

"Thank you for saving us a table, Taeyong ssi." Baekhyun bowed gracefully. Lee Taeyong the university’s resident delinquent, even him can’t help but be nice to the prince. Who could fault him though? Byun Baekhyun was loved by everybody, from his outgoing nature to his accommodating self and warm smile, even his faults seemed dull and unnoticeable.

“It would be easy to save you a seat with us if not for the dog tailing you around.” Taeyong sent a glare at his way and Minseok can’t help but flinch.

“Taeyong.” Baekhyun admonished.

“Sorry Byun but I can’t help it.” He gave one last glare at him before going back to his group of friends.

His classmate turned at him, apologetic smile on his lips. “Sorry about that Minseok. I swear Taeyong isn’t like that.”

He just tugs at the collar of his uniform before giving Baekhyun a tight lipped smile. “I’m okay.”

Because who could accept a witch at times like this? Only a prince.

It’s not even minutes after they settled in their seat and Baekhyun’s name was called again.

“Baek! Thank God you saved us a table. You know how the cafeteria is during lunch time, it’s a total chaos I tell you– oh, hi Minseok hyung!”

Enter the crown prince.

He gulped before meeting Chanyeol’s eyes, wishing his blush is not visible enough for the oblivious man to notice. “Hi Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun tidied himself, Minseok catched him flattening his sleeve at the corner of his eyes before facing the crown prince. “Of course. I knew you would whine non-stop about not having a proper meal and that would be disrespectful since according to you lunch time is sacred, blah blah. And really, that’s the last thing I wanted to hear, especially if I’m hungry.”

Chanyeol laughed zealously, calling the attention of half of the students inside the cafeteria. But instead of irritated looks, most of them only shook their heads and chuckled. Minseok wonders how would they react if he does the same thing?

“Aw, don’t be like that Baek, this is the only time we could be together.”

“Are you not embarrassed saying that? Minseok hyung is here.”

Minseok blushed bright red when both the princes’ attention was shifted to him.

“N-no..go on, please don’t mind me.” He tugs at the collar of his uniform again before picking up his lunch box, anything to distract himself from bolting out of his seat.

Ah, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol really make a good picture. Then of course, only a true prince will look good with the crown prince beside him.

“See. Minseok hyung doesn’t mind. I don’t know how you manage to befriend him but you could take a few notes from his courtesy, Baek.” Chanyeol casually slung an arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder and Minseok tried all his best not to grit his teeth. Tried to suppress his inner witch.

“What that supposed to mean–”

“You two are noisy. Shut it up.” A cold voice answered from behind Minseok. His body instantly went rigid upon recognizing the voice. He straightened up while waiting for the person to occupy the only remaining vacant seat beside him.

“Yo, Luhan. What took you so long?”

Enter the king.

Minseok tugs at his collar once again before raising his head slightly. “Ah, good morning Mr. President.” He greeted nervously.

Luhan’s cold and unforgiving eyes slowly shifted to him and Minseok wanted nothing but to get away from the scene. Anything to fled away from the king’s grasp.

Luhan was always regal in his university uniform, the student council president badge clipped on his left arm telling everyone the power he holds over the student body. Everyone respected and admired him. Who would not? He was the most handsome and most attractive human being Minseok ever laid his eyes on.

But instead of attraction, Minseok felt more fear. While the princes may be oblivious that their kingdom is actually nurturing a witch, the king is different. Luhan exactly knew what he is. How vile his nature is, how cunning he can be. And Minseok knew facing the king head on without any back up plans would only result to his demise.

“Kim.” The single greeting the king could give. Of course, while the princes could extend kindness even to his kind, the king is different. An enemy is an enemy. No more, no less.

Minseok suddenly had the urge to close his lunch box and maybe spew some lies about an upset stomach or an errand he forgot to do, anything to get away but Baekhyun was already up on his seat, asking him what would his beloved Minseok hyung want and that everything would be his treat.

“Ah, no r-really, I’m–

“Oh right!” Baekhyun clasped his hands together as if he suddenly remembered something. “Your favorite was that dumpling Ms. Oh sells right? And since I’m also craving for dumplings right now, let’s have that for lunch.”

Before he could fully finish his sentence, Baekhyun, accompanied by Chanyeol, was already heading towards Ms. Oh’s stall. It was when Baekhyun was finally out of his sight, lost among the crowds of SM University’s students that he finally realized he was alone with Luhan, the king of all people.


A full minute has passed – even the tick-tock-ticking of his wristwatch can’t escape his now fully alert senses – before Luhan decided to speak.

“So why is a Kim suddenly friends with Byun?” his cold voice goes right through Minseok’s soul.

He tugs at the collar of his uniform before meeting Luhan’s eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said emotionlessly, hoping Luhan could not see right through his lie.

Luhan sneered, lips tilting upward beautifully and if not for the situation they are in, Minseok almost find it attractive, fitting for a king like him. Almost. He had to remember they are enemies.

The king faced him fully. “Don’t tell me, you’re doing it at your own will?” A hand supported his head in an act of authority as he raised his brow at him. “Why do I have a hard time believing that? A Kim befriending someone from the lower ranks.”

Minseok gritted his teeth. But he was a Kim, they were raised on how to control their emotions well. He gripped his chopsticks tighter. “I don’t really get what you’re talking about.”

Luhan’s eyes narrowed before closing that small amount of space between them. Minseok goes even more rigid when his bare arm – he had shrugged his coat earlier before leaving for the cafeteria – came in contact with Luhan’s toned chest. And despite the clothes, Minseok could feel the king’s heartbeat. Minseok internally recoiled at the intimate closeness but stopped himself.

He was a Kim and a Kim never backs out from any challenge.

“How about we put it this way, Byun coming from an unknown family, entered an elite school for chaebol heirs, wanting to achieve his dreams and help his little family. Coincidentally, a Kim, one of the richest family in Seoul decided to befriend him not ignoring the fact that Byun excels well in Biology and how fate works since the Kim Conglomerate is expanding in Genetics it would be an advantage to tame the kid as early as possible.”

Minseok paled automatically. He could feel Luhan’s lips moved as he speaks right on his ear. But none of that matter, only the words that the king had spoken. His eyes immediately catch on the disgusted and angry looks the rest of the students were giving him. A witch of all people is having an intimate conversation with the king – a very lovely and romantic picture you could say but Minseok only felt danger. The sirens ringing loud inside his head.

He can’t lose.

He picked up his coffee and sipped it with ease at the same time bottling all his emotions and sealing it with a tight lid.

You’ve done worst things Minseok.

“I hear that the Zhang kid you currently take in at the student council is good at anatomical sciences.”

He felt Luhan paused for a while before drawing away from him with narrowed eyes. Minseok can’t help but smirk, the first tell-tale sign of him being the kingdom’s trademark witch.

Two could play this game.

He may not be the ideal Kim, unlike his cousins Kim Jongin, Kim Junmyeon and Kim Jongdae who were anything but ruthless in this kind of game. He may be the timid, shy and introvert version of a Kim but Minseok is the Kim heir nonetheless and he will always be.

“Not Byun. Find someone else. I will not let you have Byun, not under my watch. Especially not with Chanyeol around. He will hate you.”

Minseok stands up, closing his lunch box. “Didn’t everyone already hate me? I’m the witch after all.” Carrying the tray that he used for lunch towards the cleaning area, he wonders if how much he can put up with all of these.

But oh well, someone had to play the witch and no one else fits it perfectly more than him.






Minseok irritatedly removed the red heart shaped hat on top of his head before pulling out his ringing cellphone. He was at the entrance of the university’s green house after having escaped his way from other students who are currently busy hunting whoever they wanted to be their date in next week’s Valentine’s Ball by hoping they could exchange the red heart shaped hat they had with their special someone.


“Minseok it’s your father.”

He took a deep breath. Normally his father would wait for Minseok to arrive home before he would ask for the daily report but him calling at a times like this, something must have happened.

“Yes, father?”

“Byun Baekhyun backed out from taking the examination, what happened Minseok? I thought this was already a close deal?!”

“What?” He was speechless for a while. “It was! Byun confirmed to me that he would be taking the exam. Father, I swear.” Minseok willed himself not to sound too panicky.

. He did not need to guess who was behind this. Minseok already had identified the culprit.

“You better fixed this mess Minseok. We’ve invested so much.”

He took a deep breath.

Don’t panic.

He knew facing the king would be this tough and a Kim always has a back-up plan.  “Don’t worry I already have that Huang Zitao up for the examination.”

He heard his father paused for a while. The Huang’s were already considered ‘has-beens’ by the new generation chaebols, they were on par with them few years back before they suddenly announced bankruptcy but Minseok knew how talented the Huang heir is, after all he was his tutee.

His father must have approved his choice because he put down the line after asking Minseok to submit a report about the Huang’s status the moment he got home later.

He pocketed his phone, his father’s rage has already simmered but it doesn’t mean Minseok has. He doesn’t know who to direct his anger at. To Luhan who dared sabotaged his plan or to himself for thinking he could go against a Lu.

He clenched his fist that was holding the red heart shaped hat. He only had a year left before he could finally graduate university, if he has to play the witch part, he should toughen up. He should have the courage to even faced Luhan personally.

He walked back to the direction of the library where he spent most of his time undisturbed from the prying eyes of other people, from the curious and mocking eyes wanting to see how ugly their kingdom’s witch is but fate must be playing some cruel game because he saw Luhan’s back sitting comfortably on one of the bench as if daring everyone to approach a royalty – the king nonetheless. His own red heart shaped hat with his name tag attached on the back part is sitting comfortably on his lap as if it’s an attempt of mockery for Minseok at the obvious gap on their status.

The frustrations he had earlier came bubbling up the surface once again and his inner witch had done something Minseok’s outer facade would never dreamed of doing.

With gait of a witch closing in on his new target, Minseok crossed their distance in few strides. But it seems like the king already anticipated his next move, not even flinching when Minseok hoist him up by the collar of his regal uniform.

“What do you want from me?” he hissed not bothering with the stares he’s receiving from the other students.

It’s an uncommon sight. Usually it’s the prince’s task of slaying the witch to save his loved one but Minseok is no ordinary witch. He does not take any interest in frivolous things such as preventing a happy ending story of a princess. He wanted to see a kingdom fall not just a prince getting his heart broken from not being able to save his loved one.

“I did not know Kim’s also interested in being my date for the ball.” His mocking tone betrayed the poker faced expression Luhan has. He knew exactly why Minseok is acting like this.

“What did you say to Baekhyun?”

“I did nothing of the sort. I don’t even know what you’re accusing me.”

“Damn it Luhan. This has nothing to do with you!” he tightened the hold on his collar, wanting to see a change in Luhan’s expression but failed. The king remained emotionless.

They stared at each other down, wanting to intimidate but alas, it only fueled the growing tension between them. The kingdom would cry if they ever learn the witch is fighting head on with the king baring all his emotions and himself.

The two of them belatedly realized that they were already surrounded and if not for Baekhyun’s shout of concern, Minseok is not sure what would happen next. He instantly released Luhan’s collar and pulled at his own.

Facing up front, he immediately recoiled at the glares everyone is sending at him. The witch has finally been exposed and Minseok has nowhere to hide. He took a deep breath before tugging at his collar once again.

Before he could finally cower in their glares, he felt a tug at the hat he’s holding and only belatedly realized that Luhan had exchanged their hats when his sight was forcefully blocked by Luhan’s oversized one.

“Go back to your classroom if you’ve already finished exchanging hats with someone. If you’re planning on taking mine, it’s obvious that I’m already going with Kim here so find someone else.” He barked some orders befitting for a king. Afterwards Luhan had dragged him to the nearest building, the gym.

The moment they were inside, Minseok immediately yanked his arm back. “Why did you do that?”

“If I didn’t exchange our hats and drag you away from there, more and more people will gather and I don’t want to call all my officers just to send them away.”

“That’s not what I meant. Baekhyun, why did you do that to Baekhyun?”

Luhan’s eyes narrowed. “I did nothing. It was you who were using him.”

“No. I told you last time and I’ll told you again, this has nothing to do with you!” He was sure his face was red in anger but Minseok overestimated the king. In regards with dirty works, it’s always the witch who knew a thing or two.

“Say, Lu, how do you think Byun even manage to enter this university? He came from an unknown family and suddenly he’s here. If you’re intelligent enough, you would know how it became possible.” He hissed.

A flicker of doubt flashed the king’s eyes. Minseok would have rejoiced that he managed to inflict that kind of emotion to the king but that was the last of his concern right now. What happened with Baekhyun obviously shows that Luhan is ready to meddle with everything even if it’s out of his control and Minseok won’t allow that to happen.

“The Kim funded his studies.” Luhan said in realization.

“Yes. We, especially my father funded his studies and him suddenly backing out would only mean betrayal. Luhan this is not only about petty friendships and what not. You of all people should know we don’t indulge in that kind of things. We. Don’t. Have. That. Luxury.”

“What will happen to Baekhyun?”

Minseok turned away. “What you should be asking me right now is what will happen with Byun’s family?” He clenched the edge of his uniform before walking away.

Ugliness is a part of human nature; the witch finds it funny that the king is only realizing it fully this time. Minseok could have shown him a thing or two.





The king and the witch was never an option.

Minseok thought Luhan knew about this as well. That is why it’s beyond his comprehension how the king failed to understand it.

Luhan was standing regally in his all black suit in front of his apartment – an irony because Minseok is wearing all-white and he’s supposed to play the witch’s part.

“Why are you here?” He asked disbelievingly. Sure, they had exchanged their hats as a sign of being each other’s dates in the upcoming Valentines Ball but Minseok thought it was only to finally put an end to the scene they caused last week. He did not know Luhan would honor his word.

Of course, he’s a king, he would honor his words, nothing more, nothing less. What was he expecting?

“I need to attend the ball as the Student Council President and I already said you were my date.”

It may be out of sheer curiosity – the last time they talk Minseok had yelled at him for sticking his nose at someone’s business yet now he was back to being the calm and collected king Minseok was so used – that got him to agree to come to the ball as Luhan’s date. He wondered, if by chance, he’d already seen the real Luhan or he’s still knocking on his many walls.

But he’s the witch and his only business is to watch the fall on his very own kingdom.




“That was the seventh time tonight. Do we really need to stay here until the program ends?” Minseok asked as he eyed yet another beautiful maiden get turned down by Luhan, not to mention the number of people glaring or giving Minseok the roll of the eyes.

They were seated a foot apart, on the bar of the ballroom as they watched SM University’s whole student body dance. If Minseok was no witch, he could have been the king’s other half as they watch the whole kingdom rejoiced in festivities. But Minseok isn’t and his only wish was the downfall of the Lu’s.

Luhan did not reply and Minseok did not expect him too. Few minutes later, Chanyeol’s face appeared in front of them, Minseok had to flinched back.

A witch does not deserve happy ending nor comrades for that matter and Minseok is quite content with that.

“Oh, why are the two of you not dancing?” He grabbed both of their hands, dragging them to the dance floor.

“No. Chanyeol it’s alright.. we..” he trailed on his words upon seeing Baekhyun standing in front of him.

The air shifted and suddenly tension was high in the air. Baekhyun immediately averted his gaze as if burned just by looking at him. Minseok started avoiding the later after his father had stopped funding Baekhyun’s studies. It’s for the best. He was not surprised to learn that Luhan’s family took in charge. If Baekhyun noticed it, it was not his problem anymore.

“What are you doing Chanyeol, don’t force two people if they don’t want to dance.” Baekhyun mumbled quietly, not meeting his eyes.

It made Minseok want to yell. A prince does not act like that. A prince can’t be intimidated by the witch! Where was his always smiling face, looking down on Minseok ever so gently.

In a way, he knew he already conquered one of the prince and it’s a step forward towards his goal but somehow it unsettled him. The fact that it affected him more than anything, not being able to talk to Baekhyun, listen to his whines and most of all, not to be the receiving end of his kindness anymore.

Before he could walk away, deciding to end the night, Luhan grabbed his hand that was released by Chanyeol and dragged him to the dance floor. It was in the same moment that the music change into something mellow, intimate and Minseok flinched at the simple touch of their fingers.

“For a witch, you sure is too soft hearted.” He heard Luhan whisper Minseok stop the urge to snap back.

He will not let it happen again. This is the second time Minseok almost bared himself to the king. He tried to drew his hand but Luhan only pulled him closer. All Minseok could hear was the fast and loud beating of his heart, or maybe it was Luhan. If it was his heartbeat, he only hoped the music is loud enough so that Luhan won’t notice it.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He whispered after a moment. Luhan and him may know each other since they were young but that does not warrant him saying those things as if he knew what had happened when he was growing. “Don’t talk like you knew me.”

“Our family had gone way back. I knew a thing or two about the cruelest clan in the history of Seoul.” Luhan answered back but not looking at his eyes.

Of course Minseok knew how cruel and powerful their family are. He’s not calling himself a witch for no reason. This had made him isolated from the children during his younger years. He was already labelled as the witch the moment he was born. He was the sole heir of the Kim Conglomerate and his father would not accept defeat from his brothers. No matter how he’s the least capable among the four Kim’s, no matter how he’s the most different one, he was already destined to wreak havoc once he succeeds his father.

Even if he did not really want to do it. Even if painting was his real love, even if he still believes he would have a happy ending despite how ugly he was, despite how cruel he was. Yes, Kim Minseok very much believe in fairytales. How ironic can it get?

“Then you probably knew that you’re not supposed to be close with me.” He answered defiantly. Minseok knew Luhan is not the fairytale he was waiting for and he would not waste his time playing his game.

A hum of indifference was the king’s only response as they continue to sway in tune with the music. Minseok wished he was born under different circumstances and then Luhan could be the prince he was looking for. But not in this lifetime, he guessed.







The dance became the talk of the whole university the following days and Minseok fully realized that no matter how cruel and terrifying the image of the witch is, no one can stop the whole kingdom from hunting him. While during the olden times, witches were scorned and burn into ashes, Minseok was drowned in cold and freezing water.

“That’s what you get for getting close with Luhan, dumb .” A spit was thrown to his sodden university uniform. It was still February and the last wisp of winter is still around the air, Minseok stopped himself from quivering until the students walked away. He would not show weakness to anyone.

He was receiving this kind of treatment since the week started. First it was just some student’s messing his locker or his lab uniform. Then it escalated to vandalizing his table even resorting to dumping spoiled cafeteria food on his bag. Right now, third day of his ongoing torment, he was dumped with water used for cleaning mops when he was walking down towards his next class.

There were no more students in sights as it was already time for the third period, only few club members we roaming around the campus and Minseok was grateful for that. Trembling, he willed himself to walk. But where?

Anywhere! Anywhere away from here!

He stopped himself from crying, biting his lips so hard. He started running, not wanting some students to spot him. To witness how the witch has easily been defeated. Rounding the stairs going down to where his locker is, he bumped hard on someone. He could have slipped due to his wet shoes if not for the strong arm gripping his waist.

“Watch where you are going, you – Kim?”

The voice was so familiar, Minseok snapped his head up, he saw the king from behind his wet hair or so he thought.

“Minseok hyung? What happened to you?” The said student immediately took hold of his arm and dragged him to the direction of the infirmary despite him resisting.

When they reached the infirmary, the school nurse widened her eyes when she saw who the students’ were, especially the one currently trembling in cold.

“Oh my god, young master Kim, who could have done this?” She immediately wrapped him in thick towels before going to her desk. “I should call your parents.”

“No!” he shouted immediately.” Not his parents, anyone but not them.

“But young master–

“It’s okay. I’m alright. But please don’t let my parents knew what happened.”

The school nurse stared at him for a while. He knew why but it’s also the very same he reasons why he did not want his parents to know. He will not give his father anymore disappointment, anymore reason for his cousins and relatives to doubt his competency as the next heir. He did not want to know how low he had fallen. Beside he knew what will happen to the students once his parent knew he was being bullied. And even if they did something terrible to him, it does not justify the things that his father might do their family.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him. Just get him extra clothes before he got sick.” His companion ordered her and the she scurried away immediately.

“Yes, of course, young master Lu.”

A whole one minute of silence stretched between them before he walked towards the vacant seat. “You didn’t have to that Sehun. You’re not supposed to help me.” He offered a weak smile before Sehun walked towards him.

“I’m not the ideal Lu, and you know I hate following protocols.” Was his only response before toweling his hair.

This has Minseok smiling. Lu Sehun, Lu Han’s exact replica and younger twin has always fascinated Minseok. While Luhan was cold and calculating, Sehun was carefree and wild. He has to admit that he once envied Sehun’s sense of freedom. He may not be as obligated as his older twin – Luhan was the proclaimed Lu heir – but the words that Sehun had said when they were still young made an impact on him.

“I will not let anyone dictate what I will do in my life.”

Minseok wished he had some of Sehun’s courage, that he has lesser responsibility as a Kim but it’s too late to wished for that.

“Don’t you have any classes to attend?”

Sehun snorted. “I’m more intelligent than Luhan hyung, I don’t even need to attend those. All my family wanted is to get that diploma – which is just a piece of paper – what’s so important about it anyway?”

He sighed. Talking to Sehun feels like talking to a four-year-old, really. “Go back to your class after the school nurse came back. That’s an order.”

Minseok scratched his head when Sehun just raised a brow at him. “That’s unfair hyung, you don’t get to use that kind of tone at me just because I was your fiancé.”

“Correction. A secret fiancé.”

Sehun waved his hand dismissively. “Meh, whatever. It’s not like we’re doing it out of love.”

“I’m not expecting you to love me, brat.”

“Cruel, manipulative witch.” He sticked out his tongue on him and Minseok can’t help but chuckle. It’s true that he’s trying to use Sehun’s carefree attitude to his advantage. But he’d learn to enjoy the company the latter was providing. It wasn’t fake or anything. And besides, Sehun knew his real personality. He did not have to act when he was with him.

He’s trying find the perfect time to release the news. Besides that, it’s the last card Minseok has if his plans on defeating Luhan all fails. Sehun holds almost the same shares as Luhan in the Lu Inc. and the kid doesn’t even care at those.

When he told Sehun his plan once in the secluded hallway of one of the many parties their families attended, Sehun immediately agreed, saying it’s his way of getting back at his parents for trying to control his life.

Minseok doesn’t know if it’s only Sehun’s façade or not. The younger did tell him once that if he’s the witch then he would be his dragon. Minseok only laughed at that but he did not know how much loyalty Sehun has with him.

“No one should see us together. We’re coming from rival families, what would your older brother said if he will see you toweling my hair.” Minseok reminded him.

“Of course. I will not let my only shot at freedom go to waste.” Sehun then proceeds to wiped his face. “Say Minseok hyung, if I asked you to forget everything and runaway, would you do it?”

He looked up from where he was sitting. “Runaway with you?”

Sehun just shrugged. “Could be no, could be yes. But just leave everything behind? How about it?”

Honestly he had thought of it a thousand times, the thought of being free, no obligations to his family, no responsibility as the heir, that would be very nice. He would travel around the world and paint everything he saw. But he was a Kim and the fact that he can’t change that anymore, not in this lifetime at least, made him stop dreaming. Witches do not have their own happily ever after ending.

Sehun put down the towel after few minutes the moment the school nurse come back from fetching his dry clothes. But she was with someone else this time.

Minseok immediately moved away from Sehun as his eyes met Luhan’s cold and questioning ones.

“I’m sorry. I bumped at your brother on the way out and had to asked him if he has some spare clothes. Please wear this young master Kim.”

The nurse handed him Luhan’s P.E uniform and Minseok almost refused the item if not for Luhan’s scalding gaze. Almost. He’s sure that the king is probably questioning why he was with his younger twin.

He did not need to explain more when Luhan entered the infirmary room and shutting the door behind his back. The school nurse probably noticed the tense atmosphere, immediately went out.

“If you’d excuse me, young masters.”

Silence enveloped the whole room. He had planned on announcing his engagement with Sehun to the public once they graduated university. Until then, he and Sehun are not supposed to be close, close enough for the younger to towel his hair. It was not part of his plan.

And somehow it was Luhan of all people to ruin every damn thing.

“Sehun why are you with Minseok?”

Even the one who proclaimed himself to be the dragon somehow cowered in the presence of the king.

“That is none of your business, hyung.

Luhan’s eyes narrowed. “It is my business since you were my younger brother and he was of the rival family.”

This has made Sehun stand up from where he was seated. “What’s wrong with being close to a Kim? You were even rubbing elbows with Kim Junmyeon.”

“Because he was the student council vice president. And all of that are purely business.” Luhan was getting annoyed every passing second, Minseok just wanted to get out of the room.

“Jongin is practically my best friend, you didn’t even bat an eye. But now it was Minseok hyung, you suddenly cared.”

Luhan’s expression hardened. “And what is that supposed to mean Lu Sehun?”

“You just–

“Enough.” Minseok stands up from his seat, handed Sehun the towel before facing Luhan. “Sehun-ah you can go back to your class.”

“But hyung–

“Go back. This is not the proper time. I’ll contact you again.”

Please don’t let all my plan go to waste.

Sehun gave him a reluctant look before grabbing his backpack. “Alright. I’ll call you later.”

Luhan grabbed his younger twin’s arm when Sehun passed by him but the latter just shrugged his hand much to Luhan’s shocked expression. Minseok guessed this is the first time Sehun had shown disagreement with his family. A thing Minseok never dared to do.

A loud slam of the door and Luhan is in front of Minseok, grabbing him by his arm.

“What kind of poisonous words are you telling my brother behind my back, Kim Minseok?” Luhan looked livid and Minseok internally recoiled. This is the first time he saw Luhan this angry. He craved and cower in fear at the same time.

He pushed at his chest when he realized their faces are too close. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You do have a habit of accusing me every single time we met.”

But Luhan did not even budge. “First it was Baekhyun, now it was my brother. What do you want from my family?” A sneer. “Ah wait, let me rephrase that. What does your family asked you to do this time?”

Minseok knew those words are the truth but it still hurts him. Even if he was just following his father’s orders, he was still a person himself. He’s not a puppet. He was just a caged bird.

“Shut up.” He said coldly and pushed even more against him but Luhan only tightened his hold. “Don’t talk like you know me.” With all the bravery he had, he looked straight in Luhan’s eyes only to notice him staring at him with the same intensity.

Minseok felt like he was suddenly bare. All his frustrations, all his bitterness and failed dreams, it felt like it was all bare for Luhan to see.

“Stop trying to be a Kim.”

Six words. It only takes six words for Minseok to snap back. For the tight-lid bottle where he stored all his frustrations to break. He yanked his arm sharply, surprising Luhan.

He stared at him stubbornly. “No matter how much everyone sees me as an enemy. I am still a Kim. No matter how much you try to bring me down, I am still above you. ‘Stop trying to be a Kim’ it’s funny how these words are coming from you. A Lu of all people, a family who already experienced bankruptcy and dissolution, trying to climb their way back again, rubbing elbows with the Zhang. Hah! No matter how hard I try, I will always be a Kim, how about you? No matter how much your family tried you will never go back to how you were before. Stop your delusions. Not everything is about you.”

Luhan’s eyes flashed in anger. But it doesn’t matter anymore now, does it? He can’t take his words back anymore. He finally let himself succumb to his inner self. He knew his father was cruel, he experienced his cruelty first hand and promised to himself that he will never be like his him. That he would be a Kim in his own way. It’s funny how much he claimed it back then when he didn’t even hesitate to say those cruel words to Luhan.

He grabbed his sodden jacket. “You’re asking what is my relationship with Sehun right?” He sneered. “Do you really want to know? If you insist.” He walked past him then opened door. “Your younger twin is my fiancé. You should congratulate him from making a Kim say yes to him.” And closed it with a slam.

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qxcqxc #1
Chapter 2: Love this. You did amazing. When luhan learned about the closeness between minseok and sehun, and every time he brought it up, really tugged my heart string and i love that. When luhan called him cute and mess with minseok's personal space, i squealed so hard inside. I love everything in this fic, thank you!!! tbh actually not the first time reading this
19cutieangel90 #2
Chapter 2: Love this one. Please right more XiuHan stories
Chapter 2: This was like a drama lol. I was visualizing everything. I really liked the dynamic of a witch and a king. It's nice. I liked Luhan's character.
This is really a wonderful story! I loved especially Minseoks inner dialogue..... Very, very well done!
Chapter 2: I love how you describe minseok's outer appearance and his inner self.
Thanks for this amazing fic and really hope to read more from you. <3
ynanavarro #6
Chapter 2: This story is so sweet ? thank you for this!