Day Three

30 Day Challenge

What are your top three pet peeves?


  • People eating with THEIR MOUTH OPEN!! Why must someone do that? Were they raised in a cave?? UGH!! It's really annoying when someone eats with their mouth open especially when they crunch into chips, carrots, cucumber, AND GUM!! Its sounds gross and annoying... My mom does that with and my sister and I have to reminder to stop. My aunt, (My mom's sister) she does that ALL THE TIME and I have to reminder to stop! She gives me this look like she doesn't but she DOES!! Its gross... I mean who doesn't get bothered by that?? I'll admit it, I do it sometimes but itws because when I had braces 5 years ago, I would do it so I would break a bracket or something. But others don't need to do that.. 


  • Talking on the phone LOUDLY at the RESTAURAUNT.... is that necessary?? Ok, so my dad is "DEAF" well he says he isn't but he has a hard time hearing us around him.. When he phone rings and we are out eating, he starts talking really loud and laughing and its EMBARRASSING!! My mom and I tell him to talk low because others hear him and then he gets mad at us that he can't talk like he wants because we are telling him to be quiet. It's not that... he just doesn't have an inside voice like some of us. But its not just him, I've seen others too. One time, I was in the public library and a girl was sitting across from me and she was video chatting with someone really loud and laughing. It was annoying and bothersome because I was trying to do some homework. She then asked if she was being loud and I told her no.. because I didn't want to be mean.... but thankfully, someone else SHHHUSSHED HER and she had to end her call.. HAHA!! 


  • There are two reasons why I don't like going to the movies with friends... ONE... I alway seat somewhere and a KID has to KICK MY CHAIR!! LIKE REALLY?? YOU SEE SOMEONE IN FRONT OF YOU HOW CAN YOU KICK ME!!! UGH!! and the second is.... PEOPLE TALK IN THE MOVIES!!! YOU WANNA TALK WHILE I'M TRYING TO WATCH THE MOVIE GO OUTSIDE!!! THE MOVIES IS PLACE FOR YOU TO SIT AND LISTEN NOT TALK!!! I went to the movies with my Mom, sister and her boyfriend to see A Wrinkle in Time and there was three young teens behind us on my left and they were WHISPERING THE WHOLE DAMN TIME!!! I couldn't enjoy the movie because of them!! I had to SHUUSH THEM ONCE and then at the end my mom turned around and TOLD THEM TO BE QUIET!! and then they stopped... UGH IT'S ANNOYING... I DON'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE DO THAT!! 

A/N: Day three... oh my gosh... my pet peeves are bad hahaha... I think I have more but those are the ones that annoy me most lol. I had to think of this yesterday before typing this out lol 

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Chapter 15: Thanks for giving us(your readers)a closer look at who you are.
You are a very interesting young person with so much ahead of you. Stay humble and enjoy life to the fullest.
Your stories with Bobby and Jeongyeon are of course my favourite....looking forward to Junhoe and Myungeun.
Lucky you! I was planning to go to the Monsta X concert up there near Chicago but others things got in the way and I had to cancel. I had my money saved and ready to see one of K pops most under rated group.
I guess I have to see Hyungwon, Shownu, Kihyun and Jooheon another time....T.T

I loved that you said Jinho is small and cute....I agree. I notice him when he was with SM company. He was going to be a part of EXO but SM had other things in mind for him. Well as you can see SM let him go and he went to Cube. I have a personnel group of guys that are small and I call them my tea cup boys. They are Jinho(Pentagon), Kihyun(MonstaX), Jinhwan(Ikon) and Jinwoo(Winner). They are the smallest of their group and they are so cute.
Keep your head up, be true to yourself, never give up and stay sweet and friendly. Everyone is here on earth for a reason and let's make the most of it.
C-ya later friend.