Teaser II.

Points With Infinite
"She died," the young girl said as she and her friend walked into their writing class together. The young girl had a toothpick off to the side of . She smiled as she threw her bag onto the ground near her desk and plopped down onto her seat. All the students in the classroom diverted their attention to her and stared at her. The young girl automatically knew they were wondering who died or they were wondering why her jeans were covered in mud. Her classmates weren't going to get an answer to their questions...especially from her-- and they all knew that.
She lazily shuffled through her bag and grabbed her black spiral notebook that was filled with random doodles of the two things she loved the most: food and sports. By this young girl's attire, you would automatically assume she's a sports fan...or that she's a pig who just doesn't care about her appearance-- which was somewhat true. She didn't care about her appearance when she went to school; though when she doesn't have to go to school, the way she dresses is actually like a girl. 
The very same friend (who walked into the classroom with her), smacked her across the head and pulled a chair to sit next to her. He placed his backpack on top of her desk and ped the front pocket.
"Mr. Choi's substitute teacher told me to give this to you," he said as he quickly located a small green envelope with her name in bolded black letters on the front. "She said you forgot this during second hour," her friend handed her the letter and laughed, "that's an ugly color...just saying."
Indeed it was an ugly color; though it didn't really bother her at this moment. The thing that bothered her was during second hour, she didn't receive a note, so there was no possible way for her to forget it. She'd remember...she knew she'd remember since the color was close to a mixture of puke-green and brown. The funniest thing was, she didn't have Mr. Choi's class during second hour-- actually, she didn't even have his class to begin with.
She reached out and grabbed the note from her friend, wondering if the name was actually her's. She wanted to see if there was a slight small difference in her name since her and another student's name is somewhat similar. To her dismay, there wasn't. Each bolded letter across the ugly envelope spelled her name correctly.
"Thank you?" She said-- or more like questioned, to her friend. She slowly opened the letter, not sure why-- but she supposed it was to create that weird tension you find in movies, and unfolded the white piece of paper.
I love you.
That was written in big letters across the middle of the paper. She loudly laughed and wondered if this was a joke...or was someone trying to actually confess their love to her? Just as she was about to crumple up the paper, she noticed a small little word 3/4 of the way down from the top.
Just kidding. By the way, you looked lovely last night in your work attire.
- I .
-02/11/12 ; since a few of you guys said you wouldn't mind having another teaser, so...here it is. it's not too amazing, so my apologies for that. in this teaser, i somewhat mentioned more about the character...more so than my first teaser. maybe the user who wrote that application will know that it's their character? if not, then...ehh! XD in case you guys don't know, this is the second chosen applicants teaser.
oh, also, thank you all for the lovely comments. when the story actually starts, i'll reply to them...and yeah.
oh x2, i wanted to tell you guys that currently i have chosen three characters. ONE MORE TO GO! i'm stuck between two applications, so wish me luck. (: i lied, i looked at my sticky-note, and i have three usernames underlined. apparently i'm stuck between three applications. bleeh, this makes it so much easier. -_-
oh x3, at the beginning, where i said 'she died', you guys will know more about it later when the story starts.
sorry for this note being humongous... i just wanted to let you guys know that there may or may not be a teaser for the remaining two applicants. this is the end, i promise.
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priscilla #1
WELL, it's not the update I was hoping for, but this is good too! (: Yay! And I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your fic.
YippieM #2
Congratulations to all girls got chosen :)
Oh well, I guess it is a start for you to write more about them really....for chosen people :)
I'm bit sorry that I cannot vote it for your friend, because I'm not familiar to Tumblr...I'm sorry.
Anyways, good luck :)
Actually I seriously need to do my work for school, since I've been busy recently because I just became a student leader...got a lot of meetings coming up and also peer mentor for year 9...so, I'm sorry.
Anyways, I would like to say again....GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS. BLESS YOUR SOULS~
congrats! sorry, i'm on mobile and can't really type a lot :D
Creamy-Tofu #4
Congrats on the reveled girls and Congrats to the mystery girls :)
Sorry Cant write a long comment I'm at work lol
foreverparadise #5
OK, EVERYONE. LETS TAKE A MOMENT OF SILENCE TO PRAISE JESUS BECAUSE SOMEONE FINALLY UPDATED. AHEM. COUGH. SHAWMOO. COUGH. :D ALSO, congrats to mintaex ! LOL I would have ignored myungsoo too. He would have given me a headache with all his life stories HAHAHA.

"Don't you wonder who this girl could be too?"


congrats to mintaex~ XD whoa, 99% on Chemistry ? cool, i would probably get,.. dunno, i hate Chemistry.. T__T XD
whoa, L.. what will you do Taeri!?!? will HE go to where you work? gasp... good luck.. kekeke :)

@Author: XD nah.. not your writing ~ i love how you write it and it's enough explanation i guess~ the thing that confused me.. what was it? oh yeah, you are making me confused of which girl was chosen ~ you know the 1st and 2nd girl yeah~ :O
Congrats to mintaex! And now I will have to help foreverparadise help nag and hurry you up as well ;3
mintaex #9
OH OH OH ~ Thanks for choosing me~! ♥
I don't know why, but I don't like it when I get 99% on a test, LOL. It's a good score, yes, but it makes me feel upset because I was /this/ close to a perfect score. HAHAHA! I reacted like this the last time I got a 99% on my math test and my friends yelled at me for overreacting. :X
Oh Myungsoo - pestering me because he beat me, huh? Why /is/ he treating her that way, huh? Because he has a secret too, right? Right? Riiiight? ;D & He's trying to get to me by talking about working at the restaurant, isn't he?
Anyway, I didn't think it was horrible! I swear that this hit so many points in her character; it's amazing! ^o^
There were times where I felt like I wanted to ask you to update, but I felt like it was being pushy, LOL. I guess not, hm?
Okay ~ Can't wait for the revelation of the other two & the start of the story! GOOD LUCK ~! ♥
priscilla #10
awh, congrats to the 4 chosen characters (even if two dont know it yet, although i already have a feeling that i know who it is xD)

sigh, so much effort onto everything. oh well, it's good to see, uh, aggressive people out there LOOOL.