Teaser I .

Points With Infinite
You have a job.
- I .
As simple as that, nothing else, but four simple words caused this young girl to scan the area of where her locker was located at. It made her feel uneasy, especially knowing the fact that this student...perhaps even a teacher, knows her so-called 'secret' that can cause her to easily get expelled from school. She wasn't an amazing student who got perfect grades or wasn't known as the 'teacher's pet', but she cared a lot about her education; she tries her best to get good scores.
"Damn it", she quietly cursed to herself as she crumpled up the paper and stuck it somewhere in her bag. This bothered her-- probably way more than it should, but there was nothing she could do about it. She doesn't know who this 'I' could be or where she could locate him or her, so all she could currently do was to push that thought aside and rush to her job.
The sun had already set by the time she got off work; thankfully she didn't have much homework tonight. If she did, she would once again have to buy two cups of coffee and have to stay up all night like the previous nights. It honestly shocked her, knowing that tonight, she might actually be able to get more than two hours with her best friend; sleep.
She took her last two steps and slung her bag onto the ground; kneeling down, she shuffled through all her papers and books for her key. This was the time where she wished she was a little more organized and knew where to put things so she could find them easier. After shuffling through her bag for five minutes, she finally located her black lanyard-- which had about four different keys, and pulled it out. At the end of her lanyard, a piece of crumpled up paper was loosely hanging from the strap. She grabbed both her keys and that piece of paper in her right hand, and opened the door.
Her living room was entirely dark, so she automatically knew both her parents were once again working late. This didn't bother her-- it never did. She got used to staying home alone or coming back home with no one there; she was immuned to it.
As she entered her room, she casually flung her bag down on the ground, threw her keys onto her desk and carefully opened that crumpled piece of paper.
You have a job.
- I .
She cocked her head slightly to the left, and finally remembered that this note was in her locker this afternoon. She was too busy at work that this little thing didn't cross her mind...until now. She walked over to her twin-size bed and sat down, trying to figure out who this I could be. She kept thinking...and thinking, until the only possible name that started with an I-- that she knew, appeared.
-02/02/12 ; finally had the chance to write a teaser for you guys. i'm sorry if it was horrible, i was actually rushing through it because i wanted to give you guys a teaser as soon as possible (and i was also tired)...so yeah. (: well, i would like to thank all of you guys for subscribing and applying. also, i chose my first character! this is actually her teaser. you guys wont be able to find out who it is until i pick all four characters.
by the way, on rule number six, at first, i said i'd be choosing 'this number minus three' (three characters), but i forgot to change it, so it's six minus two (four) characters now. sorry if that caused you guys to think i was going to be in this. (thanks to mintaex for catching this.)
also (sorry for this being a longass note), i decided that application deadlines shall be february 10, 2012
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priscilla #1
WELL, it's not the update I was hoping for, but this is good too! (: Yay! And I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your fic.
YippieM #2
Congratulations to all girls got chosen :)
Oh well, I guess it is a start for you to write more about them really....for chosen people :)
I'm bit sorry that I cannot vote it for your friend, because I'm not familiar to Tumblr...I'm sorry.
Anyways, good luck :)
Actually I seriously need to do my work for school, since I've been busy recently because I just became a student leader...got a lot of meetings coming up and also peer mentor for year 9...so, I'm sorry.
Anyways, I would like to say again....GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS. BLESS YOUR SOULS~
congrats! sorry, i'm on mobile and can't really type a lot :D
Creamy-Tofu #4
Congrats on the reveled girls and Congrats to the mystery girls :)
Sorry Cant write a long comment I'm at work lol
foreverparadise #5
OK, EVERYONE. LETS TAKE A MOMENT OF SILENCE TO PRAISE JESUS BECAUSE SOMEONE FINALLY UPDATED. AHEM. COUGH. SHAWMOO. COUGH. :D ALSO, congrats to mintaex ! LOL I would have ignored myungsoo too. He would have given me a headache with all his life stories HAHAHA.

"Don't you wonder who this girl could be too?"


congrats to mintaex~ XD whoa, 99% on Chemistry ? cool, i would probably get,.. dunno, i hate Chemistry.. T__T XD
whoa, L.. what will you do Taeri!?!? will HE go to where you work? gasp... good luck.. kekeke :)

@Author: XD nah.. not your writing ~ i love how you write it and it's enough explanation i guess~ the thing that confused me.. what was it? oh yeah, you are making me confused of which girl was chosen ~ you know the 1st and 2nd girl yeah~ :O
Congrats to mintaex! And now I will have to help foreverparadise help nag and hurry you up as well ;3
mintaex #9
OH OH OH ~ Thanks for choosing me~! ♥
I don't know why, but I don't like it when I get 99% on a test, LOL. It's a good score, yes, but it makes me feel upset because I was /this/ close to a perfect score. HAHAHA! I reacted like this the last time I got a 99% on my math test and my friends yelled at me for overreacting. :X
Oh Myungsoo - pestering me because he beat me, huh? Why /is/ he treating her that way, huh? Because he has a secret too, right? Right? Riiiight? ;D & He's trying to get to me by talking about working at the restaurant, isn't he?
Anyway, I didn't think it was horrible! I swear that this hit so many points in her character; it's amazing! ^o^
There were times where I felt like I wanted to ask you to update, but I felt like it was being pushy, LOL. I guess not, hm?
Okay ~ Can't wait for the revelation of the other two & the start of the story! GOOD LUCK ~! ♥
priscilla #10
awh, congrats to the 4 chosen characters (even if two dont know it yet, although i already have a feeling that i know who it is xD)

sigh, so much effort onto everything. oh well, it's good to see, uh, aggressive people out there LOOOL.