New Student? Who?

Cafe War

Yoona's School

"YOONA!" Taecyeon called, waving his hands in the air. Embarrassed, Yoona quickly rushed to Taecyeon, forcing his hands to come down.

"Taecyeon-ah! Don't do that!" Yoona hissed. Taecyeon just gave her a friendly smile.

"I missed you so much!" he said, hugging her. Yoona felt embarrassed once more, forcing herself out of Taecyeon's hug.

"Ok Taecyeon! You're making me feel embarrassed!" Yoona snapped. Taecyeon sighed.

"What's so embarrassing by saying hi and giving you a hug?" Taecyeon mumbled. Yoona ignored him, heading into the school. Taecyeon quickly caught up with Yoona, hoping that she wasn't mad at him. Taecyeon walked along with Yoona, looking forward. Each five seconds, he would glance at Yoona. She's so beautiful, Taecyeon thought. 

"Mwoh? Do I have something in my face?" Yoona asked. Shocked, Taecyeon jumped back into reality. 

"N-Nothing! You're as beautiful as ever, Yoong," he smiled. Yoona blushed lightly. They walked up to their homeroom class, taking their seats. Both of them chatted for a while, updating each other and talking about anything that was new or coming up. They were interrupted by a student named Tiffany. 

"Did you hear?" Tiffany asked. Taecyeon and Yoona looked at her strangely.

"Here what?" Yoona asked. Tiffany sighed and leaned against a desk.

"The new student!" Tiffany exclaimed. The two were still confused.

"We have a new student today... a boy named Donghae Lee," Tiffany explained.

"And how do you know?" Taecyeon asked.

"The bad boy Woo something guy was at the office and looked at Donghae's file and stuff," Tiffany explained again.

"Wooyoung?" Taecyeon asked.

"Yeah, yeah, that guy's name," Tiffany said, rolling her eyes.

"But why would anyone believe him?" Yoona asked. Tiffanny sighed.

"You guys ask too many questions," Tiffany said, turning around. The door opened, but it wasn't the teacher. A very, very cute boy entered the room. No one ever seen him, so they found out that he was the new student. The boy took a random seat and sat there, tired and bored. Yoona admired the boy. He's so cute! she squealed in her head. Taecyeon, seeing this, made himself jealous and angry. The two approached the boy.

"Hi, I'm Yoona," Yoona greeted, extending a hand. The boy did not move. He sat there, eyes close.

"Hey man. I'm Taecyeon," Taecyeon greeted next. Donghae opened one of his eyes. Then, he sat properly, and looked at the two of them. 

"I'm Donghae," Donghae greeted, shaking Taecyeon's hand. Yoona bit her lower lips. Why didn't he shake my hand? I greeted him first, no? If he shook Taecyeon's hand, shouldn't he shake mine? Taecyeon noticed this, and automatically built hate on Donghae.

"I'm sure we'll be 'great' friends," Taecyeon said, gritting his teeth.

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Hey guys!

Sorry that this is a short chapter!

I was so busy with school homework and stuff,

I'd rather post at least something on this story than nothing...

Mianhae! For making this such a short chapter!

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@HanuelJung: Haha, thank you! ^_^
this was cute!
@YoonHae38: Unfortunately, I don't write like this anymore. My writing style has, in a way, matured a bit compared to the past. :P
I really loved this story (one of my ultimate faves hehe) and you're one of the best writers i've ever seen ^^ hope you continue to write like this in the future :D
@ILufIU: Oh my gosh really? :O I'm so honored to be the reason for you to join asianfanfics! ^^ I also love you as a supporter of this story! Even though it's not my best writing piece, I'm thrilled to know that someone gave this story a chance and caused them to join this site. :D Thanks!
This was the second fanfic I've ever read, and it was the reason why I joined asianfanfics. So at that time I was a Yoona and Heechul shipper and I was searching for videos of them. Until I saw a link of asianfanfics, I clicked and I thought it was going to be an article of the couple, but instead it was a story, as I finished chapter 1 I was so amazed with your writing, I thought this website is interesting. Now it's been 2 years since I've read this the first time. Love you author nim! As a reader!~~
@shikana: Thank you! :D LOLZ XD 5th time? Wow, that's a lot! XD Mm... I'll be thinking about that request. :) There's a good chance that I'll do it, but I'll have to think about it. >_<
This is actually 5th time reading this and I'm not feeling tired of reading this over and over again! You're officially my favorite author!

Can I request? When you finished one of your stories, can you write a fanfic with YoonHae and WooU in it? I really love all your YoonHae and WooU fanfics!
@iknowright: Thank you! ^_^