Time to loosen up!


Maee walked into her homeroom before setting her bags down by her desk.


Tina rushed in.


“They're arriving!”


She sighed and walked over to the window with her friend.


“Maee, this is so cool! Our biases get to come to our school!”


“Yeah, but they're regular people Tina. They just have to deal with the press, their crazy schedules, and deal with your average teenage hormones.”


Tina looked at her friend.


“Ouch! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”


“Sorry, I'm just tired from my trip to Lotte World with Kwangmin.”


“Oooooo~ You went on a date with Kwangmin!”


Maee twitched.


“It wasn't a date! We were just hanging out as friends. Then we ran into Henry which was kind of weird.”


Tina froze!


“Henry?! As in Henry Lau from Super Junior M?!”




“Ugh! Why do you get to meet all the idols while I'm stuck at home doing nothing?! Maee, you need to tell me these things on the day it happens!”


“I didn't have my phone on me that day.”


Tina fake cried.


“Unnie is so mean to me!”


Maee jumped back a little.


“H-hey now Tina. It's not my fault my phone died over night. Someone wouldn't go to bed last night.”


Tina grinned impishly and looked back out the window.


“Oooo! There they are looking wonderful as ever.”


Maee looked out the window seeing both the twins and Minwoo.


Girls were already swarming together at the windows and down below around the maknae line of Boyfriend.


“Rest their little souls. They're not going to even make it to class with that crowd.”


“You're right, but we'd be lucky to even get to our seats!”




Class went on pretty normally since Boyfriend arrived.


Luckily, none of the boys ended up in any of her classes, but they did have the same classes as her. They were just at different hours.


Lunch came instantly and Tina pulled Maee along.


“T-tina! Where are we going!?”


“To the roof of course!”


“The roof?!”


The two girls made it to the top and Tina turned to the left with a smile.


“I brought unnie!”


Maee looked over and saw the twins and Minwoo.


Youngmin and Minwoo instantly ran over to give her a hug.


They hugged her lovingly as Kwangmin rubbed the back of his neck; unsure of what to do.


They all sat together.


Tina opened five lunch boxes with a smile.


“I made this myself! One for each of us to have.”


Maee took one and smiled.


“Thank you Tina.”


Minwoo smiled.


“Thank you noona!”


Youngmin smiled in thanks.


Kwangmin nodded.


Maee giggled.


“You two are too cute.”


Youngmin grinned as his twin brother blushed.


Kwangmin felt so awkward just having lunch with Maee; even if Youngmin, Minwoo, and Tina were there!


Tina looked up at the sky.


“Hey! How about we go on a picnic tomorrow? Classes are let out early for a staff meeting. The other members can come along.”


Maee smirked.


“Hey, this could be your chance to cook for Daee.”


Tina blushed and glared at Maee.


Minwoo chuckled.


“I'm sure hyung wouldn't mind that one bit.”


Tina blushed more.


Youngmin began to think.


“We could even play games and take pictures together! After all, we're pretty much a family already.”


A family.


Maee took that word in deeply.


When was the last time she spent time with her family as a whole? Her parents were always working when she was younger, so it was just her and Daee. A family was a pretty difficult word for her to comprehend.


Tina looked at Maee.


“Hey. Take this opportunity as a way to learn what it's like to have a family together. There's no need to be uptight about being a kid. We're just teens.”


Her friend was right.


For who knows how long, Maee had grown up to take things seriously.


There was never time for play.


She fell back and looked up at the sky.


Kwangmin, who was sitting next to her, looked over at her.


“Just be yourself like you were at Lotte World.”


Her cheeks turned a small hint of red.


She did act like a kid there and had so much fun.


No one was aware of what they did that day.




Their voices were low, so only they could hear each other.


“Hey! Stop muttering sweet nothings to each other. We're here you know!”


Maee shot up and glared at Tina who was snickering.


“Tina...be quiet and eat your food.”


“Oh my! I made her angry!”


The group laughed and Maee smiled.


If every day was like this, then Maee would surely enjoy life more.




“A picnic huh? Sure! I'm sure the boys are informing the others too. Maybe Jeongmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo will confess to you~”


Maee chucked a book at him.


“First off, enough with the romance! Secondly, Minwoo is just a baby and he sees me as his noona and only his noona.”


“Ah, but Minwoo likes noonas.”


Maee twitched.


She got up.


“I'm finishing my homework up in my room.”


Daee chuckled and began to plot for what would happen at the picnic tomorrow.




Maee sat in her room after finishing her homework.


So many things have happened in less than a week!


Boyfriend arrived in her house after Youngmin walked her home, Donghyun telling that he was Daee's high school friend, Boyfriend becoming her neighbor, Tina learning about Boyfriend, the enrollment of the twins and Minwoo at her school, and now they were going on a picnic tomorrow.


She pulled out a small book and a pen.


You told me to write in this book when I feel like it's important. Even though you two are busy, I've found myself to be too much...uptight. Daee introduced me to Boyfriend not too long ago. Donghyun, the leader of Boyfriend, is Daee's best friend from high school and it was just too much for me to handle. Tina learned about them after the boys became our neighbors during the Boyfriend concert. She got backstage passes, so things had to be explained. Then, the maknae line of Boyfriend enrolled into my school! Ah, but before that happened, I should probably mention that Jeongmin (the mirror prince) gave me flowers. In Daee's mind, I agreed to go on a date with him, but in truth, I agreed to hang out with him! Then I hung out with Kwangmin, one of the twins of Boyfriend, at Lotte World. We met Henry Lau from Super Junior M there who was with Zhou Mi. It was pretty weird, but the whole day we were there was fun! Tomorrow, our classes are cut short due to staff meetings, so we're having a picnic: me, Tina, Daee, and Boyfriend. It was Tina's idea. This could be my chance to lighten up a bit more since I grew up too fast by taking the responsibility of taking care of the house and Daee. Hope you two are taking care of yourselves. Well, when you get home and read this, please don't overreact by all this. I'm not even sure if this is going to last long, but....I'd like for it to.


She closed the book and tucked it under the mattress.


Maee got up and changed into her pj's before getting back into bed.


Her life had taken such a turn.


How long would this even last?


Maee held her hands together.


“If anyone is listening, then please...please don't let this end soon.”




Daee backed away from the door and smiled.


He headed into his room.


His sister never really did stuff like that. It was kind of cute.


Daee changed and plopped himself on his bed.


Tomorrow had to be amazing!


If anything, nothing could go wrong.



Yah! I forgot to update, so here's two chapters for you guys :) This is the chapter that changes from here on out~

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I'm back! Going to do my best to upload as fast as I can and I can upload more tomorrow, but not on Sunday since it's laundry mat day and finish up homework. :)


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pikachu16 #1
WAAAA!!!!!!! an update ! >,<
pikachu16 #2
pikachu16 #3
So far.. I'm lovin' it !
Update Soon!