Hello Baby

“We probably should get some clothes for Hyunbin too, Kenta’s shirt looks more like a towel on him.”


Taehyun has been barking orders all morning while trying to get his infants to calm their over baby Hyunbin and trying to pull Hyunbin out of Longguo’s arms so that the poor boy could wash his face and brush his teeth which resulted in a wailing Hyunbin who started to hit Taehyun with his tiny hands, all while trying to mind his language and not curse since they now have a minor living with them.


“You’re doing it wrong!” Kenta is trying to accuse of Sanggyun making Hyunbin cry harder.


Said was trying to pull faces while doing aegyo at the kid to stop the boy from crying.


It probably looked like a horror movie to Hyunbin because true to Kenta’s words, the boy started crying harder.


“You should do it like this.” Kenta tried to pitch in, making whale noises at the child while singing the doraemon theme song, something that probably only Takada Kenta is capable of.


But his efforts proved futile when Hyunbin continues to cry while burying a face is Taehyun’s chest, yes the same man that made him cry in the first place wrestling him from his favourite Longguo’s arms.


Donghan watches the mess in amusement from the sofa, his long body laid out on the entire couch with his palm on his cheek and his left arm propping his head up.


Draw me like one of your french girls


Finally deciding that he couldn’t stand watching his hyungs act like they belong to the JBJ circus any further he sighs and lazily drags himself up from the sofa and goes over to take Hyunbin from Taehyun and cuddles the baby in his arms, rocking the child back and forth while making aegyo noises at him.


Hyunbin finally lets out a fit of giggles as slaps both of Donghan’s cheeks excitedly as Donghan bites back his urge to slap the boy back, hard.


“Donghan funny.”




Donghan wanted to roll his eyes, he can’t believe he was allowing himself to look like a clown just to stop Kwon Hyunbin from crying.


Said already cries a hell lot when he was an adult and cries even more now that he’s a baby.


But he had to admit, Hyunbin can unconsciously be hella cute at times. And now he was even cuter, if that was even possible.


“Pacifier, milk, clothes… What else do we need to get?” Taehyun yells as he mentally checks the shopping list once over.


The haven’t even set foot out of the dorms and he already wants to rest forever. Suddenly, returning to HOTSHOT seemed like an amazing idea.


“And where is Yongguk? We are leaving and if he doesn’t appear in 2 seconds we will leave without him.”


“I’m here!” Longguo emerges from the room with a huge backpack. If people didn’t know better they would have thought he was running away from home.


“Hyung we’re going shopping, not camping.” Donghan pipes up as he bounced Hyunbin on his right hip where he was balancing the boy.


“These are for Hyunbin, I brought snacks and some toys and...”


“Yongguk sweetie, Hyunbin is a child. Not a cat. All your toys are cat toys.”


Longguo just shrugs. He could feel a certain distaste at how Hyunbin was so comfortably nestled in Donghan’s hold as he tried to take the child from Donghan. Only to be rejected by Hyunbin as he whined to be held by the maknae.


If he could shoot laser out of his eyes, Longguo would have burned a hole in Donghan’s face.


“Do we need to buy those baby underwear that resembles white oversized sanitary pads?” Sanggyun’s eyebrows flew, suddenly remembering that he had once saw his baby nephew wear those.


Taehyun couldn’t believe the idiot knew what sanitary pads were but not diapers.


“I can pee pee and poo poo all by myself. No diapers!” Hyunbin announced proudly, much to everyone’s relief.


Clearly none of them knew how diapers work.




Hyunbin prances around the supermarket as Longguo tried his best to catch up with the overly energetic child. Said was excitedly running around and exploring the various items that displayed on the shelves in the aisles.


“Yongguk hyung! Yongguk hyung!”


Hyunbin has been yelling for his favourite hyung over and over again whenever he spotted something interesting. From large watermelons to organic shampoo.


“Yongguk hyung! Look sooo big!” The child throws his arms in the air to express how big the watermelons looked.


Longguo chuckled slightly to himself seeing how adorable Hyunbin looked, his animated actions reminded him of an excited puppy.


He walks over and picks the child up, using his palms to wipe the sweat off Hyunbin’s forehead and combing his hair backwards so that it’s away from his face and not irritating his eyes, just as the rest of JBJ strolls towards them with their shopping cart filled with baby items to the brim.


“Guys… I don’t think we need that much items… What if Hyunbin turns back into an adult tomorrow?”


Longguo was shocked at the amount of milk and clothes and even toys that the rest of the boys had gotten for Hyunbin. He also noted that Taehyun looked like he fought a war and roughly guessed that Kenta, Sanggyun and Donghan were the ones piling the rubbish into the cart and made their leader pay for everything.


“Well, what if he doesn’t?” Kenta’s smart mouth snaps back and Longguo knew that the Japanese was trying to imply that this was all his fault.


And the Chinese couldn’t counter that argument because it really was his fault after all. He had to admit, the clothes they picked out were cute though. He even spotted a bunny onesie peeking out of a white shopping bag.


He couldn’t wait to dress Hyunbin in it.



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