
Hello Baby

Jin Longguo stares at the sleeping Hyunbin who had somehow managed to fall sleep with Tolbi lazily his paws on the younger’s back. His gaze moves from the boy to the neatly packed luggages and boxes that in the corner of their room and a sickening feeling rises from his gut upwards, leaving a bitter aftertaste at the tip of his tongue.


If only he could stop Hyunbin from leaving…


He knew the other wanted to stay but YG Kplus had arranged several schedules for the poor boy which meant not only he wouldn’t be able to get a break but he would have to move out of the JBJ dorms as well while the other members had permission to stay in for another month.


Longguo pouted at the thought, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he his chin with his index finger and thumb wondering if there was any way he could convince Hyunbin to stay.




The older ran to his drawers and started rummaging through his underwear, whining softly when he couldn’t find what he was looking for. A pile of his yellow and red undies were starting to form on the floor, resembling a mustard and ketchup mountain that people pile on their fries.


Ah ha!


Found it.


Leaving his underwear mountain lying on the floor, he flips the thick black hard cover book quickly. The pupils in his fox eyes moved quickly as he scanned the chinese words printed on the yellowed pages.


《魔法101》- Magic 101


The title screams.


He had bought this spell book several years ago, from a shady looking bookshop next to his school back in China. It’s been awhile since he last read chinese characters but heck he’s still chinese afterall. Chinese was his nature.


But he forgot just one tiny detail.


That chinese was a mothering insane language and if you cannot read a word you’re literally illiterate, pronounce a word wrongly and your mother would become a horse.


《时光倒流魔咒》 - The curse of going back in time


魔咒 mó zhòu

A curse or a magical spell


Longguo shrugs, it was a spell book so it must be a spell. A spell to go back in time, that would be perfect! They could return to the first day they gathered as JBJ!


This spell would do the trick.


Longguo closes his eyes as he concentrates on Hyunbin’s sleeping figure, chanting the chinese spell out loud as Tolbi meowed in response to his owner’s weird antics.


The boy yawned when he was done, feeling sleepy all of a sudden. All that spell casting made him extra tired. As though he wasn’t usually tired on a daily basis.


He flings the book carelessly on his pile on clean underwear before climbing into bed beside the giant baby. Slipping his right hand into Hyunbin’s left one, Longguo closes his eyes and drifted off to dreamland where JBJ would stay together, forever.




Longguo groaned when he feels someone shaking him and tugging on his shirt like it was the end of the world.


“Hyung… Yongguk hyung… Something’s not right...”


He didn’t recognize the voice…


It sounded like… a child…




“What the do you want!” He finally snaps, throwing off the blanket he had covering his body when he noticed a toddler staring back at him, wide eyed.


The child’s lower lip was trembling like he was going to cry.


“ hey don’t cry...” The chinese boy awkwardly tried to calm the kid down by patting the boy on his head.


Who on earth was this child and what was he doing in their room.


He had no time to think about it as the child abruptly bursts into tears and Longguo had no choice but to lift him into his arms and pull him into a hug even though he really hated skinship (unless it was with Hyunbin).


“Erm… Hey… Don’t cry...” He tried to calm the child down but to no avail and he ends up singing a chinese lullaby that his mother sang to him when he was a baby in a weak attempt.


Longguo should probably thank the heavens and the Buddha and probably even Satan that he had the most melodious voice as the child finally seems to stop sobbing, although soft sniffles could still be heard.


“What the … Who did you around with this time Kim Yongguk?! You’re a father now?!”


Longguo really wanted to stuff his entire mountain of underwear (that was still in a heap on the floor mind you) into Sanggyun’s mouth.


“And where’s Hyunbin? His manager called to say he’s going to come over in 10 to pick him up.” Sanggyun didn’t even seem fazed by his own deduction of how the child is probably the offspring of someone whom he had a one night stand with.


“Here!” The child throws his hands up in glee much to Longguo’s horror.


A memory of him chanting the chinese spell flashes across his mind as he visibly paled.


“But Binnie doesn’t want to leave Yongguk hyung...” Hyunbin clings onto Longguo tightly, his four limbs wrapped around the older’s body like a koala.




“Taehyun should probably stop whacking my head, I’m going bonkers. Why is the child referring to himself as Hyunbin…?”


Sanggyun thought all the whacking he had gotten from Taehyun had finally took a toll on his mental state (like he wasn’t already bonkers before).


“Err… So the thing is...”


Longguo was screwed.



“Let me get this straight, you’re saying that you turned Hyunbin into a 3 year old?”


The entire JBJ was settled in the living area, with Hyunbin fast asleep in Longguo’s arms, dressed in Kenta’s smallest T-shirt that was still way too big or the child (since the one Hyunbin originally wore to sleep literally slipped off his body), and Kenta cooing at the baby while Sanggyun is trying to stop the Japanese from waking the child with his whale noises.


Longguo sheepishly smiles, trying to explain that all he wanted was for the 6 of them to stay together for a longer time.


“It’s been a long time since I came to Korea, might need to brush up on my chinese a little… Maybe you could find a counter spell for it in the spell book hyung.”


“The entire book is in ing chinese Yongguk.” Taehyun deadpanned.


The doorbell rang.


They had completely forgotten that Hyunbin’s manager would be here to pick him up today.


They were so screwed.


“Hyung...” Donghan finally pipes up in the midst of the chaos as Kenta tries to distract Hyunbin’s manager and turn him away with as many excuses as he could come up with.


“Hyunbin’s having a bad case of diarrhea because he ate Rcy’s poop thinking it was chocolate.”


Donghan chose to ignore Kenta’s ridiculous explanation.


“Now that Hyunbin is… well.. like this...” The maknae gestures to the sleeping child who now had his thumb in his mouth and was on it like a pacifier (Taehyun made a mental note to buy the child an actual pacifier before the boy’s thumb started rotting from all the .)


“Do I still need to call Hyunbin hyung, hyung?”



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