A Goddess Cries

The Fruit of Love and Death
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JIhyo slammed her staff down that caused the entirety of Olympus to shake with great force. “What have you done?!” she bellowed with her almighty voice. The subject of her furiousness was none other than Nayeon. “Tzuyu just came to me asking for Sana’s hand in marriage. The goddess that had no intention for romance suddenly taking a standing in my presence for the hand of our daughter is something that doesn’t occur overnight. I know you had something to do with it.”

“Really? She came and asked you? Just like that?” Nayeon, for a second, couldn’t contain her disbelief that Momo’s arrow actually worked. Furthermore, she was surprised to know that the messenger had done such a bold move, as if a sudden surge of courage came upon her the moment the arrow hit her. 

“Woman,” the queen of gods sighed in frustration. “How long will you keep this up? You cannot disrupt the course of events without consequences, and believe me, the outcome of this will not be something that anybody with the right mind would desire.”

“What other outcome is there but the ensured safety of Sana?”

“Her happiness will be in jeopardy!”

“She will be happy. With the suitor that I have picked for her.”

“You forced it, I know. Don’t try to play tricks with me, it doesn't work. I know everything that goes on in this world and you of all beings know that.”

Nayeon bit her bottom lip, fully aware of the fact that what she did could cause a series of unwanted events to occur. For one thing, the goddess of the Underworld would surely get wind of it and there was no telling how she would react. The goddess got up and left Olympus to avoid further discussion of the topic.




As time passed, the messenger goddess made various attempts to convince Jihyo to be wed with Sana. Even after countless rejections, Tzuyu could not be fazed as she kept coming with mountless gifts to be presented to Sana. The goddess of the skies could not help but be amazed at her dedication and the traditional way she went about asking the parent for her daughter’s hand in marriage. However, Jihyo knew that Sana’s heart was not in that place, and neither was Tzuyu’s. She could only assume that the change was the cause of some love potion. 

As Nayeon was getting some rest in her room, a commotion outside caused her to leave her luxurious time. A few gods were spouting their complaints on the lack of vegetation and vibrancy in the world. 

“What’s going on?” Nayeon asked. 

“Your daughter has stopped performing her duties,” Jihyo turned to her. “She has completely abandoned all of which she is required to do for spring and the minor responsibilities she bears for the cultivation of crops. Do you have any idea what it is she’s up to?”

The harvest goddess shook her head. “I haven’t seen her for a few days.”

“It would be quite beneficial for us if you do check up on her, and possibly convince her to get back to her tasks.”

Wanting to bark back at her but knowing full well that Jihyo’s sharp attitude was to be expected as she witnessed the hall being crowded by angry, frustrated gods and goddesses for what her daughter may have failed to do. Nayeon nodded and left Olympus to bring some sense into Sana.

It wasn’t particularly hard to find Sana who only really had a few spots she frequented. However, Nayeon had to go through all of them before finding her at not one of her spots but Tzuyu’s. The goddess found the two at a clearing known to be the messenger’s hangout spot. Dogs would often flock the place as the goddess was greatly fond of them. There was a tiny pond on the side where ducks and fishes enjoy the fresh water and the peaceful atmosphere of the forest. 

Nayeon found the two sitting underneath a tree on a well-kept green grass, as they surround themselves with three dogs, all with different sizes. These dogs weren’t usually strays, most of them owned by the humans in the nearby town and would make their way to that particular clearing only when Tzuyu made an appearance. However, in this case, two of the dogs they were with seemed to be without an owner as it was missing a collar and looked somewhat abandoned. 

“Sana,” Nayeon called out.

The young goddesses turned their attention to her. “What are you doing here?” Sana asked in a soft voice.

Nayeon advanced towards them. “The question is, what are you doing here? You haven’t been taking care of your share of the work. The gods are angry that you have abandoned your responsibilities, and for what? To isolate yourself with a bunch of mongrels?” She placed her hands on her hips and made her voice a bit more stern, something she wasn’t accustomed to, specifically because Sana rarely did anything worth Nayeon’s parental discipline. “And what’s more, Tzuyu,” she turned to the messenger who was still petting a shepherd. “You should know better than to keep her here. You know fully well what it means for the rest of us when Sana isn’t performing her duties. Winter is a misery because of that.”

“I didn’t force her into anything, Unnie,” the younger one said. “She came in her own accord and I simply accompanied her.”

“There is no reason to get upset, mother. I merely wanted to spend this spectacular weather with the one I love.”

“Sana, you haven’t tended to anything for the past few days,” Nayeon said. “Go back to your duties, please.”

Sana looked away with annoyance. “No.”

“Excuse me?” Nayeon was taken aback by her daughter’s disobedience. Of all the times Sana was asked to do something she didn’t want to do, despite her objection, she did what her mother asked of her. Therefore, to show this stubborn side of her, as if she was a little child asked to do her chores, was an occurrence Nayeon never expected from her. The mother was at a lost for words. 

“I don’t want to,” Sana stated her refusal once more.

A few more dogs made their way to their space and huddled around the two young goddesses seated on the grass. Nayeon backed away, unsure of how to take of the situation at hand. As Sana and Tzuyu continued to share their affection for the animals and towards each other, Nayeon, who was unable to grasp her daughter’s responses, made her way back to find Momo.




“Momo-yah!” Nayeon came charging to Momo with clenched fists. The romance goddess was peacefully taking a nap on top of an oak tree, only to be awakened by the angry goddess’ thundering voice. 

Momo groaned as she opened her eyes and looked down at the fuming Nayeon. The sleepy goddess rolled over, her back facing Nayeon. “Leave me be. I am trying to rest,” she said.

“Give me some sort of explanation to Sana’s change of attitude. What is wrong with her?”

“What do you mean?” Momo grumbled, still not turning around.

“Have you been sleeping all day or do you not see the lack of life from this place? Look around you!” Nayeon gestured to the dying grass around her, to the flowers still as buds, to the lack of blossom in the fields. “It’s like she’s forgotten that she’s the goddess of spring and the seasons don’t just happen on their own. Furthermore, she spoke back to me. She, who has never had the courage to disobey her mother, refused to do something she didn’t want to do even at my request. She, my kind and understanding daughter, would rather play with Tzuyu and the dogs than to ensure the people and gods of the world are happy with the environment. She, who loves nature more than anyone I know, would rather let the people see sorrow instead of greens. She-”

Momo gave a shout of annoyance as she shot up from her lying position. “Stop already!” she bellowed. “I get it, you’re frustrated and upset, but you asked for this.”

“I did no such thing. What makes you think this is exactly what I desired for?”

“The woman is in love by my arrow, which means that it is the only thing she will feel. The desire to be with the subject of my other arrow is all that is in her heart and mind.” Momo got down from the branch and patted the leaves away from her clothes and her

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 12: W! So ing fluffy, loved the outta this, great work author
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 11: I love this smmm specially dahyun here. She is THE STANDARD. She’s loyal, hardworking, true to her words, honest and more,, WHERE CAN I FIND A DAHYUN BRO
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 8: nayeon honestly
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 7: Poor dahyunnnnn,,
Chapter 12: Wow, love this!! One of the best Saida fics I've read.
A God-tier story fit for the superior Twice ships.
Thank you. :)
Chapter 12: Mitologia grega e SAIDA, duas coisas q amo... Obrigada pela história...
ned_subw9 #7
Chapter 12: I really enjoyed this fic :)
Thank you ♥️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 12: Ty so much, I really loved this fic :)
Chapter 12: this will be added to my fave aus, i love this so much.