
The Fruit of Love and Death
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From the moment Sana stepped foot into the Underworld, her moans and cries could be heard all the way to the other side of the underground realm. The souls ferried across the river Styx cowered in fear upon hearing the wailing from a distance. Surely enough crying in the realm of the dead was not a peculiar occurrence, however Sana weeped in such an angelic way that differed from that of the dead. Her voice could be differentiated from the rest. 

 As her wife, Dahyun wanted Sana to get used to the process of the Underworld, there she taught her what to do and how to do them. But Sana wouldn’t have it. All she did was sit on her side of the throne and mope about how much she missed her world above ground.

“The flowers are crying at my absence!” Sana exclaimed. “What good am I down here when there’s a land out there in need of spring?”

Dahyun rolled her eyes. Everyday was the same, from the moment she left to do her duties to when she got back on her throne to rest, Dahyun could only hear complaints coming from her wife’s mouth. She has yet to find something in her world to make her beloved happy. 

“Things will be fine up there,” Dahyun said. “There are many who can tend to plants, but in here there is no one beside me to rule this world. I need you here.”

Sana pouted and muttered, “But I don’t want to be here with a demon like you.”

Dahyun felt a pang of pain in her heart. To hear such words didn’t usually affect her, but somehow coming from this woman made it ache beyond her expectations. However, due to her persona, Dahyun didn’t show a sign of sadness on her expression, but instead slammed her fists on the arm of her seat and stomped out of the room. 

The action startled Sana and gazed at the back of the goddess as she walked away. Maybe I went too far, she thought. Although there was no denying that Sana really preferred to be anywhere else but the Underworld. The only times that Sana did anything other than mope around was when Tzuyu came to guide the souls of the dead. She was the only connection she had of the outside world.

“Still looking miserable I see,” Tzuyu joked. She had just finished delivering the souls and was then killing time to entertain the young goddess who looked bored out of her mind.

 “How’s it going up there? Is my mother searching for me? She must be worried sick,” the angel shook her head. “I shouldn’t be down here. I’m practically useless as there is nothing for me to do here.”

“Didn’t Dahyun give you a task to do?”

“Nothing she couldn’t do herself. She is so self-conceited, thinking that she can just force anybody to be with her!” Sana got up and started pacing back and forth, bearing her complaints once again to the goddess of trade. “One time she asked me to judge the dead, to decide whether they should be transported to Elysium or Tartarus. Can you believe that? How does she expect me to make such an important decision? I can’t decide who gets to suffer and who doesn’t.”

Elysium was the paradise for those that lived a good life on earth, while Tartarus was a land of punishment for those that didn’t. Sana’s knowledge about the system in the Underworld was quite slim as she rarely left Dahyun’s House, therefore it wasn’t much of a revelation that she couldn’t grasp how Dahyun could get to decide the future of these souls.

“Well, you can kind of do. You are her wife after all.”

Sana groaned in disgust, “Not by choice, mind you. I didn’t ask for this. She is such a pain to deal with! And she rarely smiles. As much jokes as I made, nothing can move that woman’s ice cold heart.”

Tzuyu laughed in amusement to everything Sana said. She found it quite entertaining that even when Sana complained about her time with Dahyun, she noticed that not once did she speak ill about her line of work. Deep known she surmised that Sana respected what Dahyun did, especially as it was certainly not easy being the ruler of such a huge relm.

The messenger floated about the House of Dahyun and fiddled with the walls of gloomy decoration. “Have you ever tried talking to her? Like an actual conversation? Dahyun didn’t have it easy, you know. She’s had some difficulties with her life that might’ve resulted in her unreactive persona. Maybe you should consider actually conversing with your wife, rather than yelling at her to let you go. Who knows,” the goddess smiled. “Maybe you’ll see a different side of her. Anyways, I gotta go. Duty awaits!” With that, the goddess of messenger flew out the House and left Sana to ponder on the advice given to her.



There was a time during the day when Dahyun would rest at her House after a long day’s work, and during these times Sana usually went off somewhere to wander the grounds as she didn’t feel that being in the same room as her wife was a good idea. But after giving Tzuyu’s advice a second thought, Sana decided to stay. 

Dahyun didn’t seem particularly interested in this sudden change of attitude when Sana didn’t run off the moment she entered the room. The goddess was far too tired to analyze her wife’s actions that she uttered not a single word and merely sat on her throne with her eyes closed.

Sana slightly leaned in and looked at the goddess’ peaceful demeanor. The only sort of interaction they’ve been having were fits of anger and frustration that she was never able to properly gaze at the woman’s face. Now that she paid close attention, Dahyun was extremely pale in comparison to everything in the Underworld. Her skin looked soft under the dim lighting of the room.

“Tofu,” Sana muttered.

The queen of the Underworld snapped open her eyes and looked at her. “What?”

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 12: W! So ing fluffy, loved the outta this, great work author
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 11: I love this smmm specially dahyun here. She is THE STANDARD. She’s loyal, hardworking, true to her words, honest and more,, WHERE CAN I FIND A DAHYUN BRO
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 8: nayeon honestly
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 7: Poor dahyunnnnn,,
Chapter 12: Wow, love this!! One of the best Saida fics I've read.
A God-tier story fit for the superior Twice ships.
Thank you. :)
Chapter 12: Mitologia grega e SAIDA, duas coisas q amo... Obrigada pela história...
ned_subw9 #7
Chapter 12: I really enjoyed this fic :)
Thank you ♥️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 12: Ty so much, I really loved this fic :)
Chapter 12: this will be added to my fave aus, i love this so much.