In the Moonlight

The Fruit of Love and Death
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When Nayeon came back to Olympus the next morning, she was greeted by the Underworld goddess with a serious look on her face. Before Nayeon could even ask the reason for her sudden visit, Dahyun went straight to the point and confronted her.


“Why did you do it?” she asked. “I know you don’t like me. You’ve made that perfectly clear, and I’m not surprised as most people don’t want anything to do with me. However, how could you do that to your own daughter? I just want to know your reasoning as to why you went so far as to keep us apart.”


The harvest goddess sighed, “Who told you?”


“Does that really matter right now?”


“I suppose not. I know you’re upset, but believe me, I thought I was doing what was right and what was best for Sana. Clearly, I was wrong.” Nayeon gestured to the seat behind Dahyun to offer her the seat. The goddess sat down, and Nayeon continued. “I can’t change the fact that my daughter is infatuated with you, and I’ve made peace with that. Look, I apologize for intervening. I know it was wrong of me, but I hope you can understand the burdens a mother holds for her daughter. I just want her to be in a good place.”


“I just can’t believe that you did such an underhanded tactic instead of confronting us. But it’s all in the past now.” Dahyun shrugged. “To be honest with you, I came here to get mad. However, I didn’t expect you to apologize.”


The Underworld goddess got up from the seat and knelt down on both knees. Nayeon took a slight step back, perplexed by her actions, as Dahyun bowed her head low. “Nayeon, goddess of fertility, if you could find it in your heart, would you let me love your daughter and provide me her hand in marriage?”


“W-where is this coming from?”


Dahyun remained in her position, not saying anything more.


Nayeon looked down at the goddess bowing before her. Not once did she expect such a thing to happen. Dahyun does not merely bow to anybody. In fact, she’s never done so. She always had her pride up in her sleeves and was never known as somebody who would submit herself lower than someone else. Dahyun was the kind of person who thought herself high and mighty, though not to a point where it seemed boastful, but she knew more than anybody that she was to be feared. Therefore, witnessing this being get on her knees in front of someone that was not even on the same wavelength as her powers caused Nayeon unable to respond.


However, she saw that Dahyun seemed to have no intention of getting up. She remained that way for a while, waiting for Nayeon’s response. The older one cleared , “There is no need for such actions. You can get up now. No matter what I do, I can’t prevent Sana from her feelings. As you witnessed, even with the love arrow, I wasn’t able to stop her. It’s a done deal, there’s nothing I can do anymore.”


“That’s not what I’m asking for,” Dahyun finally said, her head remained low as she looked down at the ground. “I know Sana loves me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have yet to accept your approval.”


“And if I never give it?”


Dahyun kept quiet for a moment, pondering on the possibility. “Then tell me what I can do to obtain it.”


“I can’t give you something I don’t want to give. Isn’t it sufficient that I’m not preventing you from loving each other?”


The younger goddess did not move. She remained in that same pose, not even lifting a finger. Nayeon sighed. “Go back to the Underworld. I’ve said my peace already. There’s no reason for you to stay here any longer. If you’ll excuse me...” she made her way back to her room to rest for the day’s work.


She laid down on her bed and thought about the occurence that just took place. Nayeon was indeed surprised that the goddess had the decency to ask. She knew from Jihyo that Dahyun was a somewhat traditional being. She was the kind of ruler that didn’t let her emotions get in the way of her work. Therefore, despite her frightening disposition, Dahyun was someone that was to be respected. She always did her job with pristinity and fair judgement. She never did anybody dirty, and treated her guests in the realm with great hospitality. Thinking about it, Nayeon came to a realization that Dahyun was good being.


Nayeon has never heard anything particularly evil about her. The things she did, she did it as her duty. And not once had she ever heard her mess around with other goddesses before. As far as she knew, Dahyun was a loyal person, and she could sense that when she watched her look over those flowers. Even during the days she prevented Sana from seeing her, the Underworld goddess did not turn to any other woman. Therefore, why was it then that Nayeon found it hard to accept her as her daughter’s significant other? Was it merely the fact that she belongs in the Underworld? Would it have mattered if Sana fell in love with somebody else? Nayeon became clouded with such thoughts that she wasn’t able to rest at all.


Amidst her thoughts, the goddess fell into a deep slumber. When she awoke and stepped out of her room, she spotted Jihyo standing over someone. As she approached her, she saw Dahyun still in the same position she left her.


“Dahyun-ssi, what are you still doing?” Nayeon asked, surprised.


“I got here and she hasn’t moved or spoken. How long has she been like this?” Jihyo asked.


“I don’t know, but it’s been at least 2 hours.”


“Yah, Dahyun-ah, get up.” Jihyo shook her by the shoulder, but Dahyun would not budge.


Nayeon scratched her head in frustration. “Is she always this stubborn?”


“Not usually as stubborn as Jeongyeon, but what is she kneeling down for?”


“She‘s asking me for approval. For her and Sana’s relationship.”




Nayeon shrugged. “I haven’t given it to her. Therefore, she’s been like that ever since.”


“What’s stopping you?”


“I don’t know. I guess if I say yes, I’m afraid that I might never see my daughter again. And that frightens me more than anything.”


Dahyun finally spoke, “I’m not taking you away from her. She won’t be entitled to the Underworld.”


Nayeon narrowed her eyes as she looked down at the goddess. “Are you saying that Sana can stay up here? That you won’t take her to the Underworld with you?”


Dahyun gave a slight nod. “However, if you would let me, I would like to be able to visit her every now and then. That is, if that’s alright with you.”


The oldest couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was this goddess so desperate that she was willing to go through such lengths to obtain the mother’s approval? Nayeon couldn’t help but feel touched. Her actions were beyond her expectations and she couldn’t tell whether Dahyun was this kind of being to begin with or did Sana have that much of an effect on her?


Nayeon let out a chuckle that caused Dahyun to look up at her. The older goddess let out a deep sigh and nodded. “You’ve certainly outdone yourself, I must admit. I’m still wary of you, don’t get me wrong. And if you ever make my daughter cry, I swear to you, I will not stand by. But, if we must, we have to make a proper ceremony of your marriage. Of course, I get to plan it.”


“A-are you saying… Did I just get your approval?”


“Yes, now get up before I change my mind.”


Dahyun beamed a smile and got up, her knees wobbling as she did so. She gave her bow one more time, “Thank you so much. I promise you, I will take care of her to the best of my abilities.”


“You better.”


Jihyo sighed, “Now that we’ve settled this. Finally. Can you both leave? I would like to do rule this kingdom in peace.”


The Underworld goddess nodded, her smile not disappearing from her expression. She left Olympus in the happiest of moods.


Nayeon turned to Jihyo as soon as she left. “You told her, didn’t you?”


“What are you talking about?”


“About the love arrow. You were the one that mentioned it to her, right?”


Jihyo shook her head and smirked. “Believe it or not, it wasn’t. Ask Jeongyeon.”


Nayeon furrowed her eyebrows and gave her a look of confusion. “Jeongyeon told her…? But I was with her the whole night.”


“Ah hah!” Jihyo snapped her fingers. “So you we’re together after all! How sly of you both, pretending you don’t like each other and end up together anyways. You two gave me such a headache. If you were going to end up like this either way, you should’ve gotten straight to it.”


“Wait, so did she tell her?”


“Of course it was me. I just wanted you to admit that you were with Jeongyeon all night.” The sky goddess stuck out her tongue at her.


“Wow, I cannot believe you rule all gods. You’re like a child.”


Jihyo grinned as she shrugged. “What can I say? I’m good at my job.”


Nayeon rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she waved at her and left Olympus to tend to her duties.



“Your mother wants a ceremony,” Dahyun said.


Sana looked up from her containers of different scents. The spring goddess had taken an interest in the variety of aromas provided by different herbs and flowers. She had extracted some from different flowers including lillies and violets, and placed them into small bottles. She was in the process of mixing the two flowers’ scents together when Dahyun mentioned her mother.


“Ceremony for what?” Sana asked.


“Our marriage.”


“We’re already married though. Why perform another one?”


“I suppose she wants to be a part of it. Either way, she insisted on it and I couldn’t necessarily argue back.”


“She really gave you her blessing?” Sana smiled.


Dubu nodded with a smile. “I knelt down for damn near three hours. My legs were killing me.”


“Aww, poor tofu,” Sana reached over

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 12: W! So ing fluffy, loved the outta this, great work author
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 11: I love this smmm specially dahyun here. She is THE STANDARD. She’s loyal, hardworking, true to her words, honest and more,, WHERE CAN I FIND A DAHYUN BRO
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 8: nayeon honestly
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 7: Poor dahyunnnnn,,
Chapter 12: Wow, love this!! One of the best Saida fics I've read.
A God-tier story fit for the superior Twice ships.
Thank you. :)
Chapter 12: Mitologia grega e SAIDA, duas coisas q amo... Obrigada pela história...
ned_subw9 #7
Chapter 12: I really enjoyed this fic :)
Thank you ♥️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 12: Ty so much, I really loved this fic :)
Chapter 12: this will be added to my fave aus, i love this so much.