The Numerics of Fantasy


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac ex a erat ultricies pellentesque vel et libero. Sed placerat ligula tincidunt hendrerit lobortis. Integer id finibus purus. Mauris laoreet tincidunt nisl, sit amet semper nibh hendrerit ac.
Aenean mi erat, tristique ac sodales at, feugiat lobortis neque. Maecenas at feugiat nulla, vitae placerat leo. Phasellus ligula ipsum, ornare id arcu in, semper volutpat sem. Pellentesque pulvinar lorem magna, eu fermentum nunc ultrices in.
Mauris faucibus nunc in augue egestas faucibus ac ac lacus. Nam nibh lorem, rutrum condimentum enim sit amet, auctor mollis sapien. Cras enim ligula, dapibus et elit non, sagittis mollis risus.
Sed id metus vel eros feugiat aliquet. Sed nec metus nec nulla mattis viverra nec tempus ante. Etiam venenatis tincidunt est, sed congue justo commodo ac.
Come in dear:
They say the night is a cover for nefarious things. But is that always the case? You stumbled into a world you knew nothing about, finding two men who represented two very different things but remained the same on the outside. Which is which?
The Numerics of Fantasy
You seeped so only I could see.


That night, something was different. It did not make you uneasy so much as curious. It was as though the answer was on the very tip of your tongue but you could not grasp it. The air felt different. There was a chill in the air that was not unusual for the season except unlike the other nights, it made the little hairs on the back of your neck stand on end in some freakish anticipation.


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Chapter 2: so weird yet so addictive, the plot!.. not sure if u will continue this series but if u do, u have a fan herevwaiting to see u uncover the mystery!
Chapter 1: ?
Chapter 1: Wow, that's actually very dark... and a little creepy. The dream at the end gave me chills. Seriously though, Taekwoon's rendition of Moonlight Sonata you included in one of the paragraphs is actually very fitting. It sets the mood down really well. Dark and mysterious. Amazing. I love it.