Profound Love


" I choose you

And I'll choose you over and over.

Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat,

I'll keep choosing you. "



My name is Song Jaerim. 21 years old, passionate about life and my targeted goals.

I don't have many friends, infact just one close childhood friend back there in my hometown.

If you ask anything about me to people around me they wouldn't be able to answer.

I am socially awkward and find it uncomfortable to disclose things about myself.

But I am going to tell you a little about me today-

I love purple, hot chocolates, reading and snow. I love small talks, little acts of kindness and cherry blossoms.

I hate beans, rain, cold and human's evilness.

I expect nothing big to happen in my life, other than exceling my studies, doing things I love and leading a peaceful life.

Falling in love with HIM was totally out of question. But I did.



My name is Sehun Oh. 23 years old.

I don't find the need to explain about myself cause pretty soon you will know a lot about me.






Greetings dear readers!

After being an avid AFF reader since a long time back I decided to write one of my own.

English isn't my first language, nor the second one in fact so excuse my errors and mistakes if I made any.

If the title of the story or the storyline is similar to any other story out there ( chances are high ) than its out of PURE coincidence.

There are literally millions of stories out here so two storylines being similar might happen but honestly, this story is something thats purely from my mind!

Hope you enjoy!

And do leave comments and suggestions, I would absolutely adore that.



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