Chapter 4: A New Meaning for Hydrangea

Bouquet of Hearts (COMPLETED)

Namjoon immediately stopped spewing apologies and in turn just stands with his mouth agape.  He was not at all expecting this to go as well as it had, not expecting Seokjin to share the feelings.  He was under the impression that there was no way that some beautiful, intelligent, caring person could ever love someone like him, someone so disorganized and clumsy. 


Seokjin reached out and grabbed Namjoon’s hand and quietly led him into the shop.  Upon reaching the counter, Seokjin releases the others hand and retreats to behind the island, “Give me two seconds, don’t say anything and please don’t go anywhere.” All Namjoon, in his stupor, could do was nod making Seokjin chuckle and before he disappeared to the back room, he reaches over the counter and closes Namjoon’s mouth with a “Careful. Flies aren’t tasty.” 


As Seokjin walks into the back room, Namjoon sits on the stool, his hand gently placed on his chin, a cheesy smile on his face.  He must have been lost in thought because he hadn’t even realized that Seokjin came out of the room, a smile adorning his face after seeing that his simple gesture had effected the man so much. 


“Namjoon.  NAMJOONIE!” The nickname immediately caught his attention and his gaze focused on the slowly reddening older.


“Namjoonie? That’s cute Jinnie, that’s cute.  You should call me that more often, makes me feel all squishy inside.” Jin’s face becoming redder by the second and all Namjoon could do was coo at his reaction and stand.  Walking around the counter, Namjoon  takes Jin’s hand in his own and pulls the blushing older into a hug.  The embrace seemed to last forever, both of them just breathing in the others scents, their presence. 

Shortly after the hug began, the bell above the door chimed, signaling the arrival of a customer. Jin reluctantly let go of Namjoon, directing his attention to the arrival to his shop.

“Welcome to A Small Piece of Heaven, How can I help you today?”


With this question, Seokjin walks over towards the customer and begins rounding up the requested flowers and greenery to fill in the gaps for a beautiful bouquet.  Namjoon couldn’t help but stare in wonder at the boy in the pink hoodie as he recounts on the events of the last few minutes.  He is beside himself with happiness at the fact that not only had he been brave enough to confess to the beautiful boy, but said beautiful boy had the same feelings, at least the same start to the feelings. 


The whole time Seokjin was arranging a bouquet of lilac and orchid, for a baby shower gift, he couldn’t help but notice the brown stare directed at his back, his mind slowly drifting elsewhere.  His mind tended to do this anytime he was arranging flowers for a customer, adding to his list of reasons he really enjoyed his job, his passion, his first love.  The same way some people lose themselves in art or writing or acting, Jin lost himself in the vibrant colors and different scents that each flower had, losing himself in the individual “origin stories” of the plants. 


After ringing up the bouquet for the customer, Seokjin was taken by surprise when Namjoon looped his arms around his body, laying his face on Jin’s shoulder, slowly breathing in the floral scent and the older’s cologne.  At this moment, Jin realized that the meaning behind the hydrangea had changed for him forever.  They would always remind him of the clumsy boy who only made his way into the shop for an apology gift for his mother, unknowingly walking out with more than a bouquet. 

That first day, Namjoon walked out of A Small Piece of Heaven, with a rather large piece of Seokjin’s heart. 

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