One fine day

One fine day

“Remember you never alone, you have us, you have me. Forever your”

Today is cold, I have my red scarf wrap around my neck, my heavy black coat keeps me warm as I stand outside of my old high school. How long has it been? Instead of answering my question, you probably told me this.

“Waa~ this building changes a lot, let’s just go explore” I could hear that silly giggle laugh of your right now.

As I open the entrance door, the long hallway used to full of student now empty. my feet lead me to one classroom, my old classroom. Open the old slide door, the row of desk remains the same. I walk down to my old sit, the brown desk that now have many pen mark and place next to the window take me back to my younger day. I remember it like vividly how we met.

“Nice to meet you?” you said cheerfully. The boy my age smile at me silly, we exchange each other name, and he became my first friend. Even though there many of us live together, me and him became closer than another. The day we put on our uniform and walk to school together for the first time, I feel nervous, but you slap my back and reassure me it will be okay.

When I found out we not in the same class. This make me worry because I’m too shy to make friends, but you end up coming to my class and play up me. I always look forward to the break time, because that’s the only time I could spend time with you.

You have been the only one stand by my side. The tired day after our training, you never show how sadness, your positive and encourage word always make me feel better and reassure that I’m doing well.

As I walk out of the class room, I continue to take a tour around the school. The white snow covers the playground make it difficult for me to reach the place where we used to sit. The old carve letter still there faintly, make me smile as I trace my finger over it. JM/TH forever

“Aish, I didn’t know you have this side of you” I . “Do you think we’ll get in trouble?” I start to get worry.

He smiles and look up at me “There a lot of thing you don’t know about me.”

I laugh at him, this guy seems like an obedient son, the one his mom proudly brag about to her friend. I never except him to be rebellious. I don’t think his mom would do that, because I meet her and she too nice.

As years pass, your bright smile seems to soften little by little. Your face become more mature, you no longer silly noise that make me laugh and you no longer have that innocent bright eyes, that see the world in the good way.

You have been strong, holding yourself up, but the more you hold it in the quiet you become. I want you to shout and scream, let it out the bundle feeling that you have. When did it start?

The day, I see your breakdown in the bathroom floor, I’m right beside you, cry with you because I know how much she mean to you. From that day on I will never leave you alone, I will be the one protects and taking care of you. I want to blame fate for being cruel to you. As soon you start to stand up it keeps coming back, beating you down repeatedly.

Everyone have their breaking point, not one time but multiple time. It like you standing between the split road, and you can’t see the end of the road. One road could lead you to happiness with the smooth path that lead you to paradise. The other will be a road that have dead end, before you know it you are standing at the edge of the cliff, your mind and boy are too exhausted to turn back. You used to tell me, maybe the drop is the paradise you have been looking for.

Whichever road you choose, I will be there right beside you. If you stand close to that cliff, I will be the one to pull you back. My hand will hold you tight, that you can’t break free from me, I will be the one turns us around until you reach the happiness, until we both reach that happiness.

There many hardships we both go through, we have each other back. We are each other special person. No one can understand us, because they don’t have that bond like we do. The day we hope to overcome everything together, didn’t happen and only one of us make it.

In the end you choose to leave. How long has it been? Ah- two years, three months, and four days. The day, I discover that letter, my heart breaks in to million pieces as I read those words. Our team no longer the same without you, we try to be happy, we try to move on, and you will forever in our heart. Where you are right now, I hope you are happy, and I will always here be waiting until the day we meet again.

“Aren’t you cold sitting there?” I hear a deep voice right behind me. The chill on my back not because it was cold, but because the owner of that voice is someone I been waiting for. As I turn and see the tall figure walk up to me, the tear starts to cloud my vision. I try my best the wipe my eyes, and curse at him the same time.

“Bastard, where have you been?” I sob and sniff at the same time, I don’t care if he sees me like this.

“Aish, look at you, still crying at this age” He remove my hand away and hold out the handkerchief to me. I took his offer and make sure I used it well.

“You know that’s Gucci right” he pointed out to me.

“I don’t give a ” I still try to calm myself. He’s here, he came back. I want to jump and scream out of joy. Instead I take a long moment to look him, he looks healthy, his eyes brighter, his fashion still the same, and that smirk childish smile make me laugh and cry at the same time.

“Jimin-ah, did I become more handsome? You can’t stop looking at me haha” He smiles sarcastically, I burst out a good laugh, this is the Taehyung that I love dearly, he came back to me.

“Taehyungie, you are handsome, always have been” I reach up and pat his head softly.

“Sorry for making you wait too long,” He smile softly “I’m happy now.” Right now, no need for questions, we still have time to talk and catch up. I want our happy reunion uninterrupted by our past. I smile up at him brightly, my glove hand cup his face “I miss you, Welcome back”   

Today is cold but I’m warm. My heart warm.    


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