Chapter 2 - You Are The Only One For Me

You Are The Only One For Me

Hyori:Minho oppa!!!! *hug minho. I dont belive this my oppa... I miss him so much...*

Minho:Hyori... Oppa miss you *hug Hyori back*



Dongho:Who is he?

Hyori:He's my brother... My older brother... Choi Minho...

Dongho: oh, i see... Annyeong minho-hyung... Noona i know him... Minho from SHINee right??? But i dont  know you is his sister... And i want to call you now your real name can? Choi HyoRi?

Hyori: of course can, dongho.... I already tell me about that.. Ouh, oppa why you come here???

Minho: omma and appa ask me to send you back to california...

Hyori & Dongho : Bo?!

Dongho:cant, :( i will miss she hyung...

*Hyori start crying*


Minho:Hyori... But dongho she must go back there...

Hyori:why? Why i must go back there?

Minho: only till you finish high school... Only for 3 years right?

Hyori:But, oppa...

Dongho:hyung, i will miss she... I love hyori noona

Minho:I know that... But Hyori, Dongho... We must listen to our parents right?


Dongho:wea? Noona.?

Hyori:I must to go... Only for 3 years... And please, don't tell anyone where I'm.. Can you?

Dongho:Alright... But noona, I can keep that as you allowed me to send you till California... I want stay there for a week... Can? Noona? Minho-hyung...???

Hyori:bo?! Ermm, but... How U-kiss? All your hyung...

Dongho:i can say i want a rest for a week, go to vacation... :D

Hyori: Soohyun or Eli will follow you... Trust me..

Dongho:I can talk to manager-hyung. I want alone--

Minho: okay... I agree... HyoRi, Dongho can follow you. But dongho you must promise your promise, can you?

Dongho:thanks hyung, noona... *hug minho*

Hyori & Minho:welcome dongho.



Dongho meet Hyori at park.



Hyori:dongho-ah, why? Any problem?

Dongho:yup, i cant follow you.


Dongho:cause we have the concert at asian...

Hyori: ouh... :c its okay... I understand you dongseang...

Dongho:Mianhae, noona... But i still sent you to airport... *smile*

Hyori: ouh... Thanks dongho *hug dongho tightly*

Dongho:Welcome noona, i will miss you. 3 year, that so long.. I... I.... *Dongho crying*

Hyori: Dongho. Please, dont be like. You make me sad. I dont want go if you like this.

Dongho:No! You must go, that your parents...

Hyori:I love you dongho, you my brother, i dont want to go if you like this.

Dongho: *smile again* Okay, noona... I love you too.. You my great noona... Don't forget me.. Promise me...

Hyori: thanks dongho-ah... I never forget you. I promise you... Let's go i sent you to your dorm...

Dongho: okay noona... *smile happly and hug his noona tightly*

*Hyori simle and hug Dongho back*


-U-Kiss Dorm-

Dongho:Annyeong hyung... *witha happytone, although HyoRiwantto go*

U-Kiss:Annyeong Dongho!!! Eh, hey, Hyori...!

Hyori:hey alexander, Kibum, Eli, Kevin, Soohyun... *smile*

Eli:You look so happy Hyori why?

Hyori:Saya happy apa, tiap2 hari... Kan Kevin?!

Kevin:Hyori what's wrong with you? look's like you want to cry...

Hyori: Annie...


Hyori: okay, guys... Got to go! Bye... *cry*

Kevin:Hyori! Wait! * Kevin attractive Hyori to his hugs...* Why to you?? Tell me...

Hyori: Serious kevin, nothing...

Kevin:Serious i don't believe it.... Why to you? If you want to cry, just cry...

* Hyori cried, but he was not told that he was going to leave them *

Hyori:Guys... I'm really sorry... Please forgive me... I'm sorry kevin, i didn't hate you...

Xander:Why you say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong...

Hyori:I will do later... Please forgive me... :(

KiBum:But... You didn't do anything Hyori... Don't like this... *Hyori still cry*

Hyori:dongho... Can you follow me... I wanna to talk with you private...

Dongho: okay, hyung i go first... Bye...

Hyori: Bye, guys... I will miss all of you... I will miss you Kevin... :'(

Kevin:me why? Btw, i will miss you to... Dont left me right that! Dont cry hyori! Please! *hug Hyori before Hyori left*

Hyori: okay.. Bye.. Kevin.. Oppa... Bye... :'(


*At Hyori house*

Hyori: dongho, what you want to say to me yesterday at school?

Dongho: nothing...

Haze: seroius nothing?

Dongho: *kevin love you noona!* yup! Nothing... Don't worry... I want you call me twice in a week monday dan wednesday... Can you? Or call me when you free.?

Hyori: i will call you anytime i want, dongho...

Dongho:Thanks noona... I will miss you! I love you noona... Saranghae! *cry*

Hyori:Hey, dont cry my little baby... I love you too... Saranghae.

Dongho:You love me as what?

Hyori: of course as my little dongsaeng... Why you asking?

Dongho: *smile* nothing... And i want to ask you, something...

Hyori:what isn't???

Dongho:Who's you love now? Tell me... Noona noona you look's like don't want to leave a person... who is noona? Tell me... Hyori noona...

Hyori: i don't want to leave all of you... i love all of you... *cry* (I can't leave Kevin, Dongho! I love him so much!)

Dongho: noona please don't lie me! Tell me... i will not allow you to go if your condition like this.... Please noona tell me the true...

Hyori: serious! Noona just don't want to away from you all... :)

Dongho: noona... Ok, I respect Noona, it's okay if you do not want tells me, but I do not want you sad sister, I want to tell you what i must tell you.......

Hyori:what isn't?

Dongho: .... Kevin.. Kevin-hyung, die...

Hyori: why to him?

Dongho:hyung, die... Actually noona, Kevin-hyung love you. He love you so much noona. Soo much! He's will hurt, as he know you left his...


Hyori:Bo?! Jinja? Dongho impossible! Is NOT POSSIBLE!

Dongho: The impossible is the fact Noona ... Kevin-hyung love Noona! He loves Noona ... He was the one talk to me ... Trust me Noona ... I'm not kidding you .. * Hyori crying *

Hyori: but, he is always bullying Noona! nuisance Noona, do Noona angry ... Noona don't believe ...

Dongho: Up to you noona, think about that ... Tomorrow morning don't just go... Wait for me! * cute expression *

Hyori: *laugh* hahahahaha... Okay, okay... I will wait for you, but in morning, i want to go to your dorm... I want meet all your hyung first.

Dongho: okay noona! I back to dorm first... Pai, pai... Love you noona. I want a hug!

Hyori: *Give him hug* love you to! Pai, pai! 


*In morning-Hyori House*

Minho:Hyori, get up, honey... You want meet u-kiss before go right? Get up!

Hyori: ok, give me 5 minutes more oppa...

Minho: now!

Hyori: oriat... Oppa... Love you....


*Ukiss Dorm*


Manager: today all of you will off to go to class, you can go anywhere you want... *smile to dongho*

Xander: really? But why?

Manager: nothing. Just off.. Ok, bye..



*Hyori House*


Hyori: oppa! I want to go to u-kiss dorm....

Minho: Go... you love them... tell me who’s you love?

 Hyori: Who? I didn’t love anyone...  Serious, I love all of U-Kiss member... I don’t want to far away from them... *crying*

Minho: hey, hey... Hyori.. *hug Hyori* hey, why?... Don’t cry sister... Please...

Hyori: I love Kevin, oppa... I love him... but he’s always bully me... then, now Dongho tell me he’s love me... He’s love me oppa... I don’t want to leave him... Why oppa? Why? Why I must feel pain like this? *crying and crying*

Minho:shhh... Hyori... Please don’t crying honey... Now, go to meet him... I know you hurt right now... Give me a smile please...

Hyori: oppa... Hmmm :) thanks oppa... Bye..!!! I will back soon oppa... Saranghae!

Minho: okay.. Saranghaeyo..


*Ukiss dorm*

-Hyori POV-



Kevin:Hyori?! *I go to closer to him, and i hug him tightly...*

Hyori:Thanks Kevin...

Kevin:For what?

Hyori:Anything kevin...

Kevin: *smile* Follow me... Guys, i want to talk with Hyori privately in my room. Dont bother me... Can?

U-kiss: alright...

Kevin: Okay, thanks... Come Hyori...


*Kevin's Room*

-They be quiet for 10 minutes-

Kevin;Hyori: ermm....

Kevin: You first...

Hyori:Annie you first...

Kevin: Okay... Hyori, i'm sorry... I think you will hate me, cause what i'm do to you...

Hyori:NOOOO!! I never hate you Kevin, NEVER! *hug Kevin* I love you Kevin... I love soo much... *cry*

 Kevin: *hug Hyori back* I love you too... Mianhae... I always make you cry... Mianhae... Mianha Choi HyoRi... Dont cry anymore... You hurts me... *wipe Hyori's tears*

Hyori:annie, you didn't do anything...

Kevin: okay, let's go out...


*Living Room*


Alexander sees both of them... Happy...


Xander:What happen guys? *smile*

 Kevin: We are together now... Right? Hyori *Kiss Hyori at cheek*

*Hyori blushing*

U-Kiss:Wahh... Congratulation guys...

Dongho:Great, Noona, Hyung! Love both! *hug Kevin and Hyori*

Hyori: I love you too Dongho... *hug dongho back*

Kevin:Yeah... Love you to saengi...

Hyori: okay guys... Bye, got to go... Kevin, mianhae... Dongho let's go... Kevin, mian again... I love you, remember k... Bye...

Kevin: Where you go?!

Hyori: Home... Mianhae, I love you Kevin...


*Hyori di tarik oleh kevin...*

Kevin: I love you too Hyori... Don’t leave me alone, don’t ignore me again... *Kiss Hyori at lips softly*

Hyori:Mian... Bye Kevin... Bye oppas...


Kevin mianhae... I will hurt you Kevin, i'm sorry...


Dongho: Hyori noona... Dont cry anymore... This your choice... You must acc... Ok.. *hug Hyori*

Hyori:But i will hurt him, dongho... That makes me sad! I dont want to left korea... I dont want to left Kevin!

Dongho:Noona... Please, dont be like this...


*Hyori House*


Dongho: Annyeong minho-hyung...

Minho:Annyeong Dongho- Hyori! Why you crying?

Hyori: Oppa... *crying*

Dongho: noona now are together with Minho-hyung. But she must to left korea... She so sad...

Minho:cause what?

Dongho: YAH! Do you don't understand yet hyung?

Minho: hyung understand ... But another one ... Not only because he had to leave Korea, but, cause Hyori will make kevin sad ... Let's go to airport now ... Go to call Hyori ...

*Hyori room*

Dongho:noona... Let's go...

Hyori: okay... Let's go..




'Last callfor flight toCalifornia'


Minho:you must go now... Annyeong Hyori *hug Hyori*

Hyori:annyeong oppa.*hug minho back*

Dongho:bye noona... I will miss you... *hug Hyori tightly*

Hyori:me to, dongho can you help me?

Dongho: of course can.. What?

Hyori:give this to kevin... Annyeong... *give a letter to dongho*

Dongho: okay noona... Annyeong....


-Hyori pov-


Kevin mianhae... Saranghae kevin... *crying*

???:Hey, gwenchana?

Hyori:hmmm.... Who are you?

???:my nama Sofea, i from malaysia, but live in korea... Now go to california cause must study there till finish high school... You?

Hyori:Sofea... Ouh... Great name. My name Choi Hyori, but you also can call me Hyori... I from this state...

Sofea:Hey, Hyori... I saw you with Minho from SHINee and Dongho from U-Kiss... You know them?

Hyori: Of course... You know NH high School?

Sofea: Yeah, of course i know, artics high school right?

Hyori: That my school... U-Kiss member my best friend, Minho from SHINee my oppa... :)

Sofea:Jinjja? Wahhh.... But why you look so sad? Very sad... Tell me...

Hyori: I and Kevin... We're couple, but he didn't know i will go to California... Then... I hurts right now Sofea....

Sofea: But why you didn't tell him? You hurts him too... You and him will suffering Hyori...

Hyori:I know that... But i give a letter to him... *look outside* Kevin mianhae... I love you *her tears fall down*

Sofea: Okay, Hyori-ah. Please don't cry anymore...

Hyori: Hey sofea! How old are you?

Sofea:17. You?

Hyori: wahh... Great we are same...

Sofea: ouh yeah? Hope at California we study at the same school and class...

Hyori: I wish the same think... Hey! Your Korean very great you know...

Sofea: Hahaha... Not will.. I korea we only can speak korean right... So i must study... 'Ermmm, miss... Prepar our food thanks...'

-English Conversation-

Hyori: Hahaha... That right...

Sofea: I'm happy cause i meet you Hyori... You very kind girl...

Hyori: You too Sofea... Nice to meet you to...

Sofea: i wanna to sleep cause i'm so tired now...

Hyori: Me too, i want to rest. I wish kevin will not hurts...

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Sofea ?? haha
are Sofea and Kiseop being couple in this story ???
my real name is Sofea ! happy if Sofea and Kiseop are couple ! Kiseop is my bias in U-KISS....

*sorry i dont have time to read you fanfic cause i have a big exam in my life*

i hope u will answer my question.. =D