Chapter 4 (My morning with him 🌸💕)

I'm not alone , cause he's by my side 🌹
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The doctor woke up around 9:30AM , blinked as he rubbed his eyes off the sleep and noticed soon where he actually slept . 

Yesterday he drove his patient and end up sleeping in his home .  This is quiet obsessed but he did really slept well . He wasn’t the type who sleep anywhere unless he have his pilllow but look how messy he made the couch ?! 

If he moved in his sleepiness a lot that means he slept well knowing himself . He moved the blanket so he could gets up . Pulled his shirt down as it rose up due his movement . 

Looked slightly at the beautiful view outside the balcony , overlooking to the outside neighborhood and far away there he could see the beach . 

The weather seems to be very calm and peaceful . 

He feel so fresh and happy to wake up in such a beautiful warm place and the fact that he have day off made him extra happy . 

But soon he realized that the beauty is no where to be seen ?!

is he still sleeping ?!

seungcheol made his way into the hallway , his step could be heard because the ground is wooden . And as he entered a What he except to be the younger’s room , but it was only the bathroom . 

So the man quickly hurried over to pee , sighed in relief as he moaned feeling good after releasing all of the pissing he was holding . 

“ Will since he’s pregnant I think he need more sleep .” He mattered that to himself as he smiled softly , washing his hand with the beautiful smelling soap and if he did really have clothes to wear then he will take a warm bath . But guess he will return back to his home . 


He went out and searched for the younger’s bedroom , spotted in the end of the hallway .  Thee door was left open a little , and he came closer before peeking to see . 

Heart dropped into his tummy . 

No human being can be this beautiful while they sleep . Jeonghan’s lying on his back , blanket fallen and his shirt half up showing his pregnant two months tummy . His hair beautifully landing on the pillow . 

The man’s upper cheek become pink as his eyes sparkling while looking at the younger . 

He never saw best , absolute perfect human being like Jeonghan . 

And by mistake he leaned too much on the door and almost fell on his face but he managed somehow to balance himself. Went slowly towards the younger with a flush. 

Admired him from close distance and his heart beating abnormally. 

He didn't know the day when he fell in love will come this soon, it’s not like he didn’t fall in love before but this is the first time he feels this extra feeling. Like if he drifts his sight away then jeonghan won’t be there. 

He was sure that he didn’t fell in love with only jeonghan’s beauty, after seeing his adorable pure innocent personality , the man wants to protect him from the world. 

He’s already so precious to his heart from the moment he stepped inside his hospital room to have his checkup. 


He blinked, eyes met with the beauty’s hazel own, stayed there staring at each other for more then five seconds. 

That’s when jeonghan screamed and hide himself inside his blanket, cheek burned as he remembered how the man was looking at him, kind of lovingly. 

” W-what are you doing?!” He asked from under the blanket, voice hardly heard. 

” I-I’m sorry, I just saw the door open a little so I just checked up on you .” 

The doctor rubbed his upper cheek with his finger, looked aside with burning cheek . Jeonghan gets up , throw the blanket away and run inside the bathroom , and Seungcheol stood there looking at the adorable chubby booty bouncing as the younger run while wearing his short red pajama pants . 

He went out the room and sat like he did nothing . 



Jeonghan looked at himself in the mirror , touched his cheek feeling it burning to know that someone’s looking at him in his sleepiness . That’s embarrassing and somehow new to him . 

Joonheon used to sleep on the couch , most of them he sleep alone and he noticed that joonheon never once did such a thing . And whenever he wake up the man wasn’t next to him . 

He looked sadly there and bite his lips . 

Thinking about the past right now won’t bring him to anything new , so he shook his head to stop thinking about the man , gripped his toothbrush and start to brush his teeth , washed hi

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Chapter 13: uwahhhhh they have a baby already
Chapter 12: wow the last line/
Chapter 12: ya!!
cheollie let him rest!!
Chapter 11: mr choi do accept our hannie
BabyM00n #5
Chapter 11: Finnaly
CheollieFans #6
Chapter 10: Aahhh cnt wait to see seungcheol parents reaction.but authornim story is always cute ...hanie is so cute
Chattygirl102 #7
Chapter 9: Plz update soon I’m loving this
CheollieFans #8
Chapter 9: Still waiting for update..uwu..
update please
_-_-_2004 #10
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I’m reading this while listening to ioi knock knock knock lol ? I miss them