His Elf-Like Lips

Mr Angry
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It was perfectly understandable that Kyungsoo insisted they move the draws in front of the ensuite door, despite the fact the door had a lock. But what wasn’t understandable in Jennie’s eyes, was how he pulled her into the walk-in closet, locked it from the inside, then demanded they leave the light off.       As they sat in the dark, crouched in the corner, a crystal shelf hanging over them, he began to speak. His words slurred by drunken breathing and the panic of worrying somebody would burst through those thin wooden doors any moment.       Jennie kicked off her heels and stretched her legs in front of her along the fluffy carpet.       “Kyungsoo,” she repeated for what felt like the millionth time, “You’re not speaking clearly. Can you just start over?”       He took another alarming breath, then leaned into her.       “I told you that I was born to be a dwarf? Right?” he said.       Jennie nodded, slightly pulling away since he was so close.       “Well that’s only the beginning,” he said.       He leaned back into the corner, whispering more clearly.   “I was born from an affair," began Kyungsoo. "What the heck?" muttered Jennie. "My father checked me into a hospital, found out I had dwarf syndrome, then simply sold me to a hospital so they could use me as a study object for the syndrome.”       Jennie nodded slowly. Her heart sinking as she imagined a crooked, disgusting man simply selling off his newborn to a hospital.       “With the money from me, my real father began a buisness.” he said, his eyes turning about the darkness of the room.       “Okay?”     “The hospital never let anybody see my face. BUt then when I kept growing they realized I had tackled my dwarf syndrome.”   He huffed sadly, “It was as though they were dissapoiinted that I wasn’t a dwarf anymore, so I ran away when I was a kid, but they didn’t file any missing reports. They just let me go.”       “Oh my god,” whispered Jennie.       “Eventually,” said Kyungsoo, “I made friends with this boy and his dad let me live with him.”       Jennie could see the whole thing in her mind.       Kyungsoo’s voice was calm but Jennie could feel the restraint within him.   “I wondered who my parents were,” he said, “Every single day. And so I sought to find them. Tried to beg the hospital to give me details, but they wouldn’t.” he said.       “Because I was an illegal product. Something they were never meant to buy. The hospital ended up trying to threaten me..”       He paused, and his whisper became hoarse.       “I-It’s okay!” said Jennie. “Keep going!”       “I lived a rough life and ended up leaving the hospital and living with some bad kids..”   He chuckled, a miserable chuckle.     “It turned out that after eight years, my real father had been trying to find me.” said Kyungsoo slowly.       Jennie chest tightened. What could that possibly mean? Why was he telling her this?       “But he mistook me for another boy,” said Kyungsoo. “A  top student with a  promsing future. You see, he had also hooked up withthat boys mother before. Therefore, when he saw the other boy, he automatically chose to believe that the other boy was his real son.” said Kyungsoo coldly.       “And so he helped him. Supported him. But took a long time to realize the real son was me, and that that he also gave me a sister.” explained Kyungsoo.       “Wow, so you real dad hooked up with your mother several times?” said Jennie, “which means that you got a sister as well?”    
“Yes.” said Kyungsoo. “But our mother passed away, and so she was given to her grandparents.” he said. "She doesn’t know that I am her brother. And she doesn’t know that her real father's adopted daughter is adopted. She thinks that her fathers adopted daughter is actually her sister, it's confusing..”       “Wow,” sighed Jennie, her stomach heavy with all the information.       “I was so jealous of my real fathers adopted daughter,” said Kyungsoo, his breathing quickened, which brought a slight twitch in Jennie’s stomach.       “I hated her so much,” said Kyungsoo, "but she didn't even realize why. Man, I wanted to tell her the truth. That she was adopted and that her dad was actually my dad."       “o-okay?” said Jennie.       “And the other boy whom my father was his son.” said Kyungsoo. “He just played along with my fathers illusion because he was really enjoying spending time with my real fathers adopted daughter. I think he was falling in love with her without knowing it.”       Jennie rubbed Kyungsoo’s shoulder, wishing she could comfort him more deeply. Give some type of counsel. But she didn’t know what to say.       “And so my real father,” continued Kyungsoo, his words much slower than before. “Once he finally realized I was actual son, he got scared of the boy who he thought was his son and sent him out of the country. It was me who confronted my father..”       Jennie couldn’t pinpoint why this tale felt so familiar, yet so foreign.   "So," said Jennie, "Your father dumped you at a hospital when you were a baby, then came back trying to find you but didn't know how to, so he went to the son of another woman whom he had an affair with and helped him instead?" KYUngsoo grunted. "And then he eventually realized you were his real son?" Kyungsoo grunted again. "To make himself feel better, he adopted a little girl," said Kyungsoo. "She was his distraction because his actual wife who he had been cheating on couldn't have kids."     And that’s when it became clear to Jennie. Who this man was. Who Kyungsoo’s real sister was. Who the “mistaken son” was. How all of it connected. And lastly, with a goggling stomach ache, as though her own body were assaulting her, torchuring her...it became clear…who she was.       “Oh my god...” she squeaked, the words bubbling inside . "This is all very confusing." "Let me clarify it then," said Kyungsoo coldly. "Your dad is not your dad. He's actually mine and Taeyeons dad. I don't know where your real parents are. Your mother is also not your mother. Your dad thought Baekhyun was his son for years, and that's why he supported him so much. Do you get it now?"         Jennie eyes became heavy and suddenly, she couldn’t breathe. Gasping and trying hard not to give in to the urge to cry. Kyungsoo quickly wrapped his arm her waist and pulled her in.       “Please monkey!” he breathed, “You have to keep your promise! You can’t tell anybody!”       “T-Taeyeon thinks I-I’m her sister...Why doesn’t she know the truth yet?” squeaked Jennie.       “She got an illegal DNA test done. That’s why she was so persistent in coming to your house to study you. She needed to get a hold of your father's hair. She learned he was your dad but she didn’t learn the truth about me or you.”       Jennie shook in kyungsoo’s hold.       “A-And Baekhyun?” she squeaked, “Is he the mistaken son?”       There was a long moments silence. Just the sounds of partying echoing metres below them.   “Yes,” came Kyungsoo’s whisper.       Jennie gasped and then covered , as though she was going to be sick.       “And why didn’t b-baekhyun te-tell me?” whispered Jennie. “How long has he known?”       “For about six years,” said Kyungsoo. "He knew he wasn't related since the begginging."   Jennie gasped again, her stomach wobbling more. Tears bursting from her sockets
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Sorry that I took so long to post the next chapter I had lost my laptop with the story on it, but I have recovered it now and will complete the story.


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nasime #1
Chapter 30: You will not continue this story?
Hi ms author..I hope you could still finished the story
eemmbb #3
hope u can update soon author-nim :( we miss ur story <3
eemmbb #4
Chapter 29: wait,,, so who’s related to who????
kristeeen #5
Chapter 15: I'm definitely here because of Jennie x Kyungsoo but oddly enough, Jennie x Baek sounds good too! I'm so confused right now omygoshhh ><
eemmbb #6
Chapter 1: yayyy this story’s back!!! kyungsoo x jennie is so underrated :(
if you have time, pls check out my wattpad, i write kyungsoo x jennie fics too -> https://my.w.tt/v0fWWovvhP thank you!
Chapter 7: I am getting rid of all cringe-worthy moments because there are alot. Such as shipping moments we don't want to see, and so forth,
Mistycal #9
Chapter 61: Omgomgomgomg what is thiis sweetness! I vannot even!!!! I Love This!!!